2022 Day 7 Complete!

This commit is contained in:
Brian Buller 2022-12-07 07:51:21 -06:00
parent 235801201f
commit e7892906d6
4 changed files with 1477 additions and 0 deletions

2022/day07/input Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

2022/day07/main.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
package main
import (
h "git.bullercodeworks.com/brian/adventofcode/helpers"
func main() {
inp := h.StdinToStringSlice()
func buildFileSystem(inp []string) *dir {
root := NewDir(nil, []string{}, "/")
cwd := root
for i := range inp {
if i == 0 {
// We've already done this
pts := strings.Fields(inp[i])
switch pts[0] {
case "$":
if pts[1] == "cd" {
if pts[2] == ".." {
cwd = cwd.Parent()
} else {
ch, err := cwd.ChangeDir(pts[2])
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to change directories: %s/%s, %s", strings.Join(cwd.Path(), "/"), pts[2], err.Error())
cwd = ch
case "dir":
cwd.AddFile(pts[1], h.Atoi(pts[0]))
return root
func part1(inp []string) {
fmt.Println("# Part 1")
root := buildFileSystem(inp)
smallDirs := root.FindDirectoriesMaxSize(100000)
var sum int
for i := range smallDirs {
sum += smallDirs[i].Size()
fmt.Printf("Naive Size of Small Dirs: %d\n", sum)
func part2(inp []string) {
fmt.Println("# Part 2")
root := buildFileSystem(inp)
total := 70000000
required := 30000000
used := root.Size()
needed := required - (total - used)
dir := root.FindSmallestDirectoryAtLeast(needed)
if dir == nil {
log.Fatal("No suitable directories found")
fmt.Printf("Disk Space %d / %d. Need %d more for update.\n", (total - used), total, needed)
fmt.Println("Auto-deleting smallest directory that will permit update... Don't panic.")
fmt.Printf("Freed space by deleting %s: %d\n", dir.FullPath(), dir.Size())
const (
TpFile = iota
type node interface {
Parent() *dir
Path() []string
Name() string
Type() int
Size() int
FullPath() []string
Print(depth int)
type file struct {
parent *dir
path []string
name string
size int
func NewFile(parent *dir, path []string, nm string, size int) *file {
return &file{
parent: parent,
path: path,
name: nm,
size: size,
func (f file) Parent() *dir { return f.parent }
func (f file) Path() []string { return f.path }
func (f file) Name() string { return f.name }
func (f file) Type() int { return TpFile }
func (f file) Size() int { return f.size }
func (f file) FullPath() []string { return append(f.path, f.name) }
func (f file) Print(depth int) {
fmt.Printf("%s- %s (file, size=%d)\n", strings.Repeat(" ", depth), f.Name(), f.Size())
type dir struct {
parent *dir
path []string
name string
contents map[string]node
contentsList []string
func NewDir(parent *dir, path []string, name string) *dir {
return &dir{
parent: parent,
path: path,
name: name,
contents: make(map[string]node),
func (d dir) Parent() *dir { return d.parent }
func (d dir) Path() []string { return d.path }
func (d dir) Name() string { return d.name }
func (d dir) Type() int { return TpDir }
func (d dir) Size() int {
var size int
for i := range d.contents {
size += d.contents[i].Size()
return size
func (d dir) FullPath() []string { return append(d.path, d.name) }
func (d *dir) ChangeDir(to string) (*dir, error) {
if v, ok := d.contents[to]; !ok {
return nil, errors.New("Directory not found")
} else {
switch d := v.(type) {
case *dir:
return d, nil
return nil, errors.New("Not a directory")
func (d *dir) AddFile(nm string, size int) {
d.contents[nm] = NewFile(d, d.FullPath(), nm, size)
d.contentsList = append(d.contentsList, nm)
func (d *dir) AddDir(nm string) {
d.contents[nm] = NewDir(d, d.FullPath(), nm)
d.contentsList = append(d.contentsList, nm)
func (d dir) Print(depth int) {
fmt.Printf("%s- %s (dir)\n", strings.Repeat(" ", depth), d.Name())
for _, nm := range d.contentsList {
n, ok := d.contents[nm]
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("Error printing directory %s: %s not found.", d.FullPath(), nm)
n.Print(depth + 1)
func (d *dir) FreeSpace(driveSize int) int { return driveSize - d.Size() }
func (d *dir) FindDirectoriesMaxSize(size int) []*dir {
var ret []*dir
for _, node := range d.contents {
switch child := node.(type) {
case *dir:
if child.Size() <= size {
ret = append(ret, child)
ret = append(ret, child.FindDirectoriesMaxSize(size)...)
return ret
func (d *dir) FindSmallestDirectoryAtLeast(needed int) *dir {
var ret *dir
retSize := d.Size()
for _, node := range d.contents {
switch child := node.(type) {
case *dir:
sz := child.Size()
if sz >= needed && sz < retSize {
ret = child
retSize = sz
rec := child.FindSmallestDirectoryAtLeast(needed)
if rec != nil {
ret = rec
retSize = rec.Size()
return ret

2022/day07/problem Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
Advent of Code
br0xen (AoC++) 14*
--- Day 7: No Space Left On Device ---
You can hear birds chirping and raindrops hitting leaves as the expedition proceeds. Occasionally, you can even hear
much louder sounds in the distance; how big do the animals get out here, anyway?
The device the Elves gave you has problems with more than just its communication system. You try to run a system update:
$ system-update --please --pretty-please-with-sugar-on-top
Error: No space left on device
Perhaps you can delete some files to make space for the update?
You browse around the filesystem to assess the situation and save the resulting terminal output (your puzzle input). For
$ cd /
$ ls
dir a
14848514 b.txt
8504156 c.dat
dir d
$ cd a
$ ls
dir e
29116 f
2557 g
62596 h.lst
$ cd e
$ ls
584 i
$ cd ..
$ cd ..
$ cd d
$ ls
4060174 j
8033020 d.log
5626152 d.ext
7214296 k
The filesystem consists of a tree of files (plain data) and directories (which can contain other directories or files).
The outermost directory is called /. You can navigate around the filesystem, moving into or out of directories and
listing the contents of the directory you're currently in.
Within the terminal output, lines that begin with $ are commands you executed, very much like some modern computers:
 cd means change directory. This changes which directory is the current directory, but the specific result depends on
the argument:
 cd x moves in one level: it looks in the current directory for the directory named x and makes it the current
 cd .. moves out one level: it finds the directory that contains the current directory, then makes that
directory the current directory.
 cd / switches the current directory to the outermost directory, /.
 ls means list. It prints out all of the files and directories immediately contained by the current directory:
 123 abc means that the current directory contains a file named abc with size 123.
 dir xyz means that the current directory contains a directory named xyz.
Given the commands and output in the example above, you can determine that the filesystem looks visually like this:
- / (dir)
- a (dir)
- e (dir)
- i (file, size=584)
- f (file, size=29116)
- g (file, size=2557)
- h.lst (file, size=62596)
- b.txt (file, size=14848514)
- c.dat (file, size=8504156)
- d (dir)
- j (file, size=4060174)
- d.log (file, size=8033020)
- d.ext (file, size=5626152)
- k (file, size=7214296)
Here, there are four directories: / (the outermost directory), a and d (which are in /), and e (which is in a). These
directories also contain files of various sizes.
Since the disk is full, your first step should probably be to find directories that are good candidates for deletion. To
do this, you need to determine the total size of each directory. The total size of a directory is the sum of the sizes
of the files it contains, directly or indirectly. (Directories themselves do not count as having any intrinsic size.)
The total sizes of the directories above can be found as follows:
 The total size of directory e is 584 because it contains a single file i of size 584 and no other directories.
 The directory a has total size 94853 because it contains files f (size 29116), g (size 2557), and h.lst (size
62596), plus file i indirectly (a contains e which contains i).
 Directory d has total size 24933642.
 As the outermost directory, / contains every file. Its total size is 48381165, the sum of the size of every file.
To begin, find all of the directories with a total size of at most 100000, then calculate the sum of their total sizes.
In the example above, these directories are a and e; the sum of their total sizes is 95437 (94853 + 584). (As in this
example, this process can count files more than once!)
Find all of the directories with a total size of at most 100000. What is the sum of the total sizes of those
Your puzzle answer was 1642503.
--- Part Two ---
Now, you're ready to choose a directory to delete.
The total disk space available to the filesystem is 70000000. To run the update, you need unused space of at least
30000000. You need to find a directory you can delete that will free up enough space to run the update.
In the example above, the total size of the outermost directory (and thus the total amount of used space) is 48381165;
this means that the size of the unused space must currently be 21618835, which isn't quite the 30000000 required by the
update. Therefore, the update still requires a directory with total size of at least 8381165 to be deleted before it can
To achieve this, you have the following options:
 Delete directory e, which would increase unused space by 584.
 Delete directory a, which would increase unused space by 94853.
 Delete directory d, which would increase unused space by 24933642.
 Delete directory /, which would increase unused space by 48381165.
Directories e and a are both too small; deleting them would not free up enough space. However, directories d and / are
both big enough! Between these, choose the smallest: d, increasing unused space by 24933642.
Find the smallest directory that, if deleted, would free up enough space on the filesystem to run the update. What is
the total size of that directory?
Your puzzle answer was 6999588.
Both parts of this puzzle are complete! They provide two gold stars: **
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. https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/7/input

2022/day07/testinput Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
$ cd /
$ ls
dir a
14848514 b.txt
8504156 c.dat
dir d
$ cd a
$ ls
dir e
29116 f
2557 g
62596 h.lst
$ cd e
$ ls
584 i
$ cd ..
$ cd ..
$ cd d
$ ls
4060174 j
8033020 d.log
5626152 d.ext
7214296 k