Syncing Up

This commit is contained in:
Brian Buller 2015-05-01 22:17:31 -05:00
parent 4082154523
commit 97aa2ce9d0
5 changed files with 352 additions and 117 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package main
import (
@ -266,11 +267,10 @@ func deleteKey(path []string) error {
return errors.New("deleteKey: Invalid Path")
return err
func refreshDatabase() {
func refreshDatabase() *BoltDB {
// Reload the database into memBolt
memBolt = new(BoltDB)
db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ func refreshDatabase() {
return err
return memBolt
func readBucket(b *bolt.Bucket) (*BoltBucket, error) {
@ -320,3 +321,83 @@ func updatePaths(b *BoltBucket) {
b.pairs[i].path = append(b.path, b.pairs[i].key)
func renameBucket(path []string, name string) error {
err := db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// len(b.path)-1 is the key we need to delete, the rest are buckets leading to that key
b := tx.Bucket([]byte(path[0]))
if b != nil {
if len(path) > 1 {
for i := range path[1 : len(path)-1] {
b = b.Bucket([]byte(path[i+1]))
if b == nil {
return errors.New("updatePairValue: Invalid Path")
// Now update the last key in the path
err := b.Put([]byte(path[len(path)-1]), []byte(v))
return err
} else {
return errors.New("renameBucket: Invalid Path")
return err
func updatePairValue(path []string, v string) error {
err := db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// len(b.path)-1 is the key we need to delete, the rest are buckets leading to that key
b := tx.Bucket([]byte(path[0]))
if b != nil {
if len(path) > 1 {
for i := range path[1 : len(path)-1] {
b = b.Bucket([]byte(path[i+1]))
if b == nil {
return errors.New("updatePairValue: Invalid Path")
// Now update the last key in the path
err := b.Put([]byte(path[len(path)-1]), []byte(v))
return err
} else {
return errors.New("updatePairValue: Invalid Path")
return err
func insertBucket(path []string, n string) error {
// Inserts a new bucket named 'n' at 'path[len(path)-2]
err := db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
if len(path) == 1 {
// insert at root
_, err := tx.CreateBucket([]byte(n))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("insertBucket: %s", err)
} else if len(path) > 1 {
var err error
b := tx.Bucket([]byte(path[0]))
if b != nil {
if len(path) > 2 {
for i := range path[1 : len(path)-2] {
b = b.Bucket([]byte(path[i+1]))
if b == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("insertBucket: %s", err)
_, err := b.CreateBucket([]byte(n))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("insertBucket: %s", err)
return nil
return err

View File

@ -64,13 +64,15 @@ func (screen *AboutScreen) drawScreen(style Style) {
commands1 := [...]Command{
{"h", "close parent"},
{"j", "down"},
{"k", "up"},
{"l", "open item"},
{"h,←", "close parent"},
{"j,↓", "down"},
{"k,↑", "up"},
{"l,→", "open item"},
{"g", "goto top"},
{"G", "goto bottom"},
{"ctrl+f", "jump half-screen down"},
{"ctrl+b", "jump half-screen up"},
commands2 := [...]Command{

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package main
import (
@ -20,6 +21,27 @@ type BrowserScreen struct {
current_path []string
current_type int
message string
mode BrowserMode
input_modal *InputModal
type BrowserMode int
const (
type InputModal struct {
x int
y int
width int
height int
text string
curr_val string
current_cursor int
type BoltType int
@ -30,89 +52,82 @@ const (
func (screen *BrowserScreen) handleKeyEvent(event termbox.Event) int {
if screen.mode == MODE_BROWSE {
return screen.handleBrowseKeyEvent(event)
} else if screen.mode == MODE_CHANGE_VAL {
return screen.handleInputKeyEvent(event)
} else if screen.mode == MODE_INSERT_BUCKET {
return screen.handleInsertBucketKeyEvent(event)
func (screen *BrowserScreen) handleBrowseKeyEvent(event termbox.Event) int {
if event.Ch == '?' {
// About
} else if event.Ch == 'q' || event.Key == termbox.KeyEsc || event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlC {
// Quit
} else if event.Ch == 'g' {
// Jump to Beginning
screen.current_path = screen.db.getNextVisiblePath(nil)
} else if event.Ch == 'G' {
// Jump to End
screen.current_path = screen.db.getPrevVisiblePath(nil)
} else if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlF {
// Jump forward half a screen
_, h := termbox.Size()
half := h / 2
vis_paths, err := screen.db.buildVisiblePathSlice(nil)
if err == nil {
find_path := strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/")
start_jump := false
for i := range vis_paths {
if vis_paths[i] == find_path {
start_jump = true
if start_jump {
half -= 1
if half == 0 {
screen.current_path = strings.Split(vis_paths[i], "/")
if strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/") == find_path {
screen.current_path = screen.db.getPrevVisiblePath(nil)
} else if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlB {
// Jump back half a screen
_, h := termbox.Size()
half := h / 2
vis_paths, err := screen.db.buildVisiblePathSlice(nil)
if err == nil {
find_path := strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/")
start_jump := false
for i := range vis_paths {
if vis_paths[len(vis_paths)-1-i] == find_path {
start_jump = true
if start_jump {
half -= 1
if half == 0 {
screen.current_path = strings.Split(vis_paths[len(vis_paths)-1-i], "/")
if strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/") == find_path {
screen.current_path = screen.db.getNextVisiblePath(nil)
} else if event.Ch == 'j' || event.Key == termbox.KeyArrowDown {
} else if event.Ch == 'k' || event.Key == termbox.KeyArrowUp {
} else if event.Ch == 'p' {
} else if event.Ch == 'b' {
} else if event.Ch == 'e' {
screen.queued_command = "edit"
_, p, _ := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
if p != nil {
screen.message = "Cannot edit a bucket yet"
} else if event.Key == termbox.KeyEnter {
b, p, _ := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
if b != nil {
} else if p != nil {
} else {
screen.message = "Not sure what to do here..."
} else if event.Ch == 'l' || event.Key == termbox.KeyArrowRight {
b, p, _ := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
// Select the current item
if b != nil {
} else if p != nil {
} else {
screen.message = "Not sure what to do here..."
} else if event.Ch == 'h' || event.Key == termbox.KeyArrowLeft {
// If we are _on_ a bucket that's open, close it
b, _, e := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
@ -130,12 +145,121 @@ func (screen *BrowserScreen) handleKeyEvent(event termbox.Event) int {
} else if event.Ch == 'D' {
screen.current_path = screen.current_path[:len(screen.current_path)-1]
func (screen *BrowserScreen) handleInputKeyEvent(event termbox.Event) int {
if event.Key == termbox.KeyEsc {
screen.mode = MODE_BROWSE
} else if event.Key == termbox.KeyEnter {
b, p, e := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
if e == nil {
if b != nil {
screen.message = "Cannot edit bucket"
} else if p != nil {
if err := updatePairValue(screen.current_path, screen.input_modal.curr_val); err != nil {
screen.message = fmt.Sprint(err)
} else {
p.val = screen.input_modal.curr_val
screen.mode = MODE_BROWSE
} else if event.Key == termbox.KeyBackspace || event.Key == termbox.KeyBackspace2 || event.Key == termbox.KeyDelete {
screen.input_modal.curr_val = screen.input_modal.curr_val[:len(screen.input_modal.curr_val)-1]
} else {
screen.input_modal.curr_val += string(event.Ch)
func (screen *BrowserScreen) handleInsertBucketKeyEvent(event termbox.Event) int {
if event.Key == termbox.KeyEsc {
screen.mode = MODE_BROWSE
} else if event.Key == termbox.KeyEnter {
b, p, e := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
if e == nil {
if b != nil {
if err := insertBucket(screen.current_path, screen.input_modal.curr_val); err != nil {
screen.message = fmt.Sprint(err)
} else {
if b.parent != nil {
//b.parent.buckets = append(b.parent.buckets, BoltBucket{name: screen.input_modal.curr_val
} else {
//screen.db.buckets = append(screen.db.buckets, BoltBucket{
screen.mode = MODE_BROWSE
} else if p != nil {
if err := updatePairValue(screen.current_path, screen.input_modal.curr_val); err != nil {
screen.message = fmt.Sprint(err)
} else {
p.val = screen.input_modal.curr_val
screen.mode = MODE_BROWSE
} else if event.Key == termbox.KeyBackspace || event.Key == termbox.KeyBackspace2 || event.Key == termbox.KeyDelete {
screen.input_modal.curr_val = screen.input_modal.curr_val[:len(screen.input_modal.curr_val)-1]
} else {
screen.input_modal.curr_val += string(event.Ch)
func (screen *BrowserScreen) jumpCursorUp(distance int) bool {
// Jump up 'distance' lines
vis_paths, err := screen.db.buildVisiblePathSlice(nil)
if err == nil {
find_path := strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/")
start_jump := false
for i := range vis_paths {
if vis_paths[len(vis_paths)-1-i] == find_path {
start_jump = true
if start_jump {
distance -= 1
if distance == 0 {
screen.current_path = strings.Split(vis_paths[len(vis_paths)-1-i], "/")
if strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/") == find_path {
screen.current_path = screen.db.getNextVisiblePath(nil)
return true
func (screen *BrowserScreen) jumpCursorDown(distance int) bool {
vis_paths, err := screen.db.buildVisiblePathSlice(nil)
if err == nil {
find_path := strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/")
start_jump := false
for i := range vis_paths {
if vis_paths[i] == find_path {
start_jump = true
if start_jump {
distance -= 1
if distance == 0 {
screen.current_path = strings.Split(vis_paths[i], "/")
if strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/") == find_path {
screen.current_path = screen.db.getPrevVisiblePath(nil)
return true
func (screen *BrowserScreen) moveCursorUp() bool {
new_path := screen.db.getPrevVisiblePath(screen.current_path)
if new_path != nil {
@ -160,16 +284,41 @@ func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawScreen(style Style) {
if screen.mode == MODE_CHANGE_VAL {
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawInput(style Style) {
box_x := screen.input_modal.x
box_y := screen.input_modal.y
box_width := screen.input_modal.width
box_height := screen.input_modal.height
termbox_util.FillWithChar(' ', box_x, box_y, box_x+box_width,
box_y+box_height, style.default_fg, style.default_bg,
termbox_util.DrawBorder(box_x, box_y, box_x+box_width, box_y+box_height, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(screen.input_modal.text, box_x+1,
box_y+1, style.default_fg|termbox.AttrBold, style.default_bg|termbox.AttrBold,
termbox_util.DrawBorder(box_x+2, box_y+2, box_x+box_width-2, box_y+4, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(screen.input_modal.curr_val, box_x+2, box_y+3, style.title_fg, style.title_bg)
termbox.SetCell(box_x+1+len(screen.input_modal.curr_val)+1, box_y+1, ' ', style.title_bg, style.title_fg)
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(termbox_util.AlignText("'Enter' to Accept, 'ESC' to cancel", box_width-2, ALIGN_CENTER), box_x+2, box_y+5, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawHeader(style Style) {
width, _ := termbox.Size()
spaces := strings.Repeat(" ", (width / 2))
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", spaces, PROGRAM_NAME, spaces), 0, 0, style.title_fg, style.title_bg)
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", spaces, PROGRAM_NAME, spaces), 0, 0, style.title_fg, style.title_bg)
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawFooter(style Style) {
_, height := termbox.Size()
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d) - %s", screen.current_path, screen.current_type, screen.message), 0, height-1, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d) - %s", screen.current_path, screen.current_type, screen.message), 0, height-1, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawLeftPane(style Style) {
@ -178,7 +327,9 @@ func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawLeftPane(style Style) {
w = w / 2
screen.view_port.number_of_rows = h - 2
_, y := 1, 2
termbox_util.FillWithChar('=', 0, 1, w, 1, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
y := 2
screen.view_port.first_row = y
if len(screen.current_path) == 0 {
screen.current_path = screen.db.getNextVisiblePath(nil)
@ -197,12 +348,11 @@ func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawLeftPane(style Style) {
tree_offset := 0
half_screen := screen.view_port.number_of_rows / 2
if cur_path_spot > half_screen {
tree_offset = cur_path_spot - half_screen
max_cursor := screen.view_port.number_of_rows * 2 / 3
if cur_path_spot > max_cursor {
tree_offset = cur_path_spot - max_cursor
screen.message = fmt.Sprintf("Offset: %d", tree_offset)
for i := range screen.db.buckets {
// The drawBucket function returns how many lines it took up
bkt_h := screen.drawBucket(&screen.db.buckets[i], style, (y - tree_offset))
@ -211,47 +361,27 @@ func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawLeftPane(style Style) {
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawRightPane(style Style) {
w, _ := termbox.Size()
vis_slice, err := screen.db.buildVisiblePathSlice(nil)
if err == nil {
for i := range vis_slice {
if strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/") == vis_slice[i] {
drawStringAtPoint(vis_slice[i], (w/2)+2, i+1, style.title_fg, style.title_bg)
} else {
drawStringAtPoint(vis_slice[i], (w/2)+2, i+1, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
w, h := termbox.Size()
if w >= 80 {
// Screen is wide enough, split it
termbox_util.FillWithChar('=', 0, 1, w, 1, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
termbox_util.FillWithChar('|', (w / 2), screen.view_port.first_row-1, (w / 2), h, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
b, p, err := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
if err == nil {
start_x := (w / 2) + 2
start_y := 2
if b != nil {
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Path: %s", strings.Join(b.path, "/")), start_x, start_y, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Buckets: %d", len(b.buckets)), start_x, start_y+1, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Pairs: %d", len(b.pairs)), start_x, start_y+2, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
} else if p != nil {
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Path: %s", strings.Join(p.path, "/")), start_x, start_y, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Key: %s", p.key), start_x, start_y+1, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Value: %s", p.val), start_x, start_y+2, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
w, h := termbox.Size()
if w >= 80 {
// Screen is wide enough, split it
fillWithChar('|', (w / 2), screen.view_port.first_row-1, (w / 2), h, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
b, p, err := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
if err == nil {
start_x := (w / 2) + 1
parent_str := "/"
if b != nil {
if b.parent != nil {
parent_str =
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Parent: %s", parent_str), start_x, 1, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Buckets: %d", len(b.buckets)), start_x, 2, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Pairs: %d", len(b.pairs)), start_x, 3, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Path: %s", strings.Join(b.path, "/")), start_x, 4, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
} else if p != nil {
if p.parent != nil {
parent_str =
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Parent: %s", parent_str), start_x, 1, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Key: %s", p.key), start_x, 2, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Value: %s", p.val), start_x, 3, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Path: %s", strings.Join(p.path, "/")), start_x, 4, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
/* drawBucket
@ -279,7 +409,7 @@ func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawBucket(bkt *BoltBucket, style Style, y int) int
bkt_string = bkt_string + "- " + + " "
bkt_string = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", bkt_string, strings.Repeat(" ", (w-len(bkt_string))))
drawStringAtPoint(bkt_string, 0, (y + used_lines), bucket_fg, bucket_bg)
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(bkt_string, 0, (y + used_lines), bucket_fg, bucket_bg)
used_lines += 1
for i := range bkt.buckets {
@ -291,7 +421,7 @@ func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawBucket(bkt *BoltBucket, style Style, y int) int
} else {
bkt_string = bkt_string + "+ " +
bkt_string = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", bkt_string, strings.Repeat(" ", (w-len(bkt_string))))
drawStringAtPoint(bkt_string, 0, (y + used_lines), bucket_fg, bucket_bg)
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(bkt_string, 0, (y + used_lines), bucket_fg, bucket_bg)
used_lines += 1
return used_lines
@ -312,10 +442,51 @@ func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawPair(bp *BoltPair, style Style, y int) int {
pair_string := strings.Repeat(" ", screen.db.getDepthFromPath(bp.path)*2)
pair_string = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s: %s", pair_string, bp.key, bp.val)
pair_string = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", pair_string, strings.Repeat(" ", (w-len(pair_string))))
drawStringAtPoint(pair_string, 0, y, bucket_fg, bucket_bg)
termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(pair_string, 0, y, bucket_fg, bucket_bg)
return 1
func (screen *BrowserScreen) createEditModal() bool {
b, p, e := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
if e == nil {
w, h := termbox.Size()
inp_w, inp_h := (w / 2), 6
inp_x, inp_y := ((w / 2) - (inp_w / 2)), ((h / 2) - inp_h)
mod := InputModal{x: inp_x, y: inp_y, width: inp_w, height: inp_h}
if b != nil {
mod.text = termbox_util.AlignText(fmt.Sprintf("Rename Bucket '%s' to:",, inp_w, ALIGN_CENTER)
mod.curr_val =
} else if p != nil {
mod.text = termbox_util.AlignText(fmt.Sprintf("Input new value for '%s':", p.key), inp_w, ALIGN_CENTER)
mod.curr_val = p.val
screen.input_modal = &mod
screen.mode = MODE_CHANGE_VAL
return true
return false
func (screen *BrowserScreen) insertBucket() bool {
//b, _, e := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
//if e == nil {
w, h := termbox.Size()
inp_w, inp_h := (w / 2), 6
inp_x, inp_y := ((w / 2) - (inp_w / 2)), ((h / 2) - inp_h)
mod := InputModal{x: inp_x, y: inp_y, width: inp_w, height: inp_h}
mod.text = termbox_util.AlignText("New Bucket Name:", inp_w, ALIGN_CENTER)
mod.curr_val = ""
screen.input_modal = &mod
screen.mode = MODE_INSERT_BUCKET
return true
return false
func (screen *BrowserScreen) insertPair() bool {
return false
func comparePaths(p1, p2 []string) bool {
return strings.Join(p1, "/") == strings.Join(p2, "/")


Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,20 +1 @@
package main
import ""
func drawStringAtPoint(str string, x int, y int, fg termbox.Attribute, bg termbox.Attribute) int {
x_pos := x
for _, runeValue := range str {
termbox.SetCell(x_pos, y, runeValue, fg, bg)
return x_pos - x
func fillWithChar(r rune, x1, y1, x2, y2 int, fg termbox.Attribute, bg termbox.Attribute) {
for xx := x1; xx <= x2; xx++ {
for yx := y1; yx <= y2; yx++ {
termbox.SetCell(xx, yx, r, fg, bg)