Functional Browsing

Next step is editing
This commit is contained in:
Brian Buller 2015-04-30 11:22:37 -05:00
parent c683fc190c
commit 4082154523
6 changed files with 601 additions and 114 deletions

bolt_model.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
package main
import (
// A Database, basically a collection of buckets
type BoltDB struct {
buckets []BoltBucket
func (bd *BoltDB) getDepthFromPath(path []string) int {
depth := 0
b, p, err := bd.getGenericFromPath(path)
if err != nil {
return -1
if p != nil {
b = p.parent
depth += 1
for b != nil {
b = b.parent
depth += 1
return depth
func (bd *BoltDB) getGenericFromPath(path []string) (*BoltBucket, *BoltPair, error) {
// Check if 'path' leads to a pair
p, err := bd.getPairFromPath(path)
if err == nil {
return nil, p, nil
// Nope, check if it leads to a bucket
b, err := bd.getBucketFromPath(path)
if err == nil {
return b, nil, nil
// Nope, error
return nil, nil, errors.New("Invalid Path")
func (bd *BoltDB) getBucketFromPath(path []string) (*BoltBucket, error) {
if len(path) > 0 {
// Find the BoltBucket with a path == path
var b *BoltBucket
var err error
// Find the root bucket
b, err = memBolt.getBucket(path[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(path) > 1 {
for p := 1; p < len(path); p++ {
return b.getBucket(path[p])
return b, nil
return nil, errors.New("Invalid Path")
func (bd *BoltDB) getPairFromPath(path []string) (*BoltPair, error) {
b, err := memBolt.getBucketFromPath(path[:len(path)-1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Found the bucket, pull out the pair
p, err := b.getPair(path[len(path)-1])
return p, err
func (bd *BoltDB) getVisibleItemCount(path []string) (int, error) {
vis := 0
var ret_err error
if len(path) == 0 {
for i := range bd.buckets {
n, err := bd.getVisibleItemCount(bd.buckets[i].path)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
vis += n
} else {
b, err := bd.getBucketFromPath(path)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// 1 for the bucket
vis += 1
if b.expanded {
// This bucket is expanded, add up it's children
// * 1 for each pair
vis += len(b.pairs)
// * recurse for buckets
for i := range b.buckets {
n, err := bd.getVisibleItemCount(b.buckets[i].path)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
vis += n
return vis, ret_err
func (bd *BoltDB) buildVisiblePathSlice(path []string) ([]string, error) {
var ret_slice []string
var ret_err error
if len(path) == 0 {
for i := range bd.buckets {
n, err := bd.buildVisiblePathSlice(bd.buckets[i].path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret_slice = append(ret_slice, n...)
} else {
b, err := bd.getBucketFromPath(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add the bucket's path
ret_slice = append(ret_slice, strings.Join(b.path, "/"))
if b.expanded {
// This bucket is expanded, add up it's children
// * recurse for buckets
for i := range b.buckets {
n, err := bd.buildVisiblePathSlice(b.buckets[i].path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret_slice = append(ret_slice, n...)
// * one path for each pair
for i := range b.pairs {
ret_slice = append(ret_slice, strings.Join(b.pairs[i].path, "/"))
return ret_slice, ret_err
func (bd *BoltDB) getPrevVisiblePath(path []string) []string {
vis_paths, err := bd.buildVisiblePathSlice(nil)
if path == nil {
return strings.Split(vis_paths[len(vis_paths)-1], "/")
if err == nil {
find_path := strings.Join(path, "/")
for i := range vis_paths {
if vis_paths[i] == find_path && i > 0 {
return strings.Split(vis_paths[i-1], "/")
return nil
func (bd *BoltDB) getNextVisiblePath(path []string) []string {
vis_paths, err := bd.buildVisiblePathSlice(nil)
if path == nil {
return strings.Split(vis_paths[0], "/")
if err == nil {
find_path := strings.Join(path, "/")
for i := range vis_paths {
if vis_paths[i] == find_path && i < len(vis_paths)-1 {
return strings.Split(vis_paths[i+1], "/")
return nil
func (bd *BoltDB) getBucket(k string) (*BoltBucket, error) {
for i := range bd.buckets {
if bd.buckets[i].name == k {
return &bd.buckets[i], nil
return nil, errors.New("Bucket Not Found")
type BoltBucket struct {
name string
path []string
pairs []BoltPair
buckets []BoltBucket
parent *BoltBucket
expanded bool
func (b *BoltBucket) getBucket(k string) (*BoltBucket, error) {
for i := range b.buckets {
if b.buckets[i].name == k {
return &b.buckets[i], nil
return nil, errors.New("Bucket Not Found")
func (b *BoltBucket) getPair(k string) (*BoltPair, error) {
for i := range b.pairs {
if b.pairs[i].key == k {
return &b.pairs[i], nil
return nil, errors.New("Pair Not Found")
type BoltPair struct {
path []string
parent *BoltBucket
key string
val string
func toggleOpenBucket(path []string) error {
// Find the BoltBucket with a path == path
b, err := memBolt.getBucketFromPath(path)
if err == nil {
b.expanded = !b.expanded
return err
func closeBucket(path []string) error {
// Find the BoltBucket with a path == path
b, err := memBolt.getBucketFromPath(path)
if err == nil {
b.expanded = false
return err
func openBucket(path []string) error {
// Find the BoltBucket with a path == path
b, err := memBolt.getBucketFromPath(path)
if err == nil {
b.expanded = true
return err
func deleteKey(path []string) error {
err := db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
// len(b.path)-1 is the key we need to delete, the rest are buckets leading to that key
b := tx.Bucket([]byte(path[0]))
if b != nil {
if len(path) > 1 {
for i := range path[2 : len(path)-1] {
b = b.Bucket([]byte(path[i+1]))
if b == nil {
return errors.New("deleteKey: Invalid Path")
// Now delete the last key in the path
err := b.Delete([]byte(path[len(path)-1]))
return err
} else {
return errors.New("deleteKey: Invalid Path")
return err
func refreshDatabase() {
// Reload the database into memBolt
memBolt = new(BoltDB)
db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
return tx.ForEach(func(nm []byte, b *bolt.Bucket) error {
bb, err := readBucket(b)
if err == nil { = string(nm)
bb.path = []string{}
bb.expanded = false
memBolt.buckets = append(memBolt.buckets, *bb)
return nil
return err
func readBucket(b *bolt.Bucket) (*BoltBucket, error) {
bb := new(BoltBucket)
b.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
if v == nil {
tb, err := readBucket(b.Bucket(k))
tb.parent = bb
if err == nil { = string(k)
tb.path = append(bb.path,
bb.buckets = append(bb.buckets, *tb)
} else {
tp := BoltPair{key: string(k), val: string(v)}
tp.parent = bb
tp.path = append(bb.path, tp.key)
bb.pairs = append(bb.pairs, tp)
return nil
return bb, nil
func updatePaths(b *BoltBucket) {
for i := range b.buckets {
b.buckets[i].path = append(b.path, b.buckets[i].name)
for i := range b.pairs {
b.pairs[i].path = append(b.path, b.pairs[i].key)

View File

@ -8,23 +8,6 @@ import (
type BoltBucket struct {
name string
pairs []BoltPair
buckets []BoltBucket
expanded bool
type BoltPair struct {
key string
val string
// A Database, basically a collection of buckets
type BoltDB struct {
buckets []BoltBucket
const PROGRAM_NAME = "boltbrowser"
var database_file string
@ -33,7 +16,7 @@ var memBolt *BoltDB
func mainLoop(memBolt *BoltDB, style Style) {
screens := defaultScreensForData(memBolt)
display_screen := screens[ABOUT_SCREEN_INDEX]
display_screen := screens[BROWSER_SCREEN_INDEX]
layoutAndDrawScreen(display_screen, style)
for {
event := termbox.PollEvent()
@ -60,18 +43,18 @@ func mainLoop(memBolt *BoltDB, style Style) {
func main() {
var err error
if len(os.Args) != 2 {
fmt.Printf("Usage: %s <filename>\n", PROGRAM_NAME)
database_file := os.Args[1]
database_file := os.Args[1]
db, err = bolt.Open(database_file, 0600, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error reading file: %q\n", err.Error())
//defer db.Close()
// First things first, load the database into memory
@ -86,35 +69,5 @@ func main() {
mainLoop(memBolt, style)
func refreshDatabase() {
// Reload the database into memBolt
memBolt = new(BoltDB)
db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
tx.ForEach(func(nm []byte, b *bolt.Bucket) error {
bb := readBucket(*b) = string(nm)
bb.expanded = true
memBolt.buckets = append(memBolt.buckets, bb)
return nil
return nil
func readBucket(b bolt.Bucket) BoltBucket {
var bb *BoltBucket
b.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
if v == nil {
tb := readBucket(*b.Bucket(k)) = string(k)
bb.buckets = append(bb.buckets, tb)
} else {
tp := BoltPair{string(k), string(v)}
bb.pairs = append(bb.pairs, tp)
return nil
return *bb
defer db.Close()

View File

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ const (
func defaultScreensForData(memBolt *BoltDB) []Screen {
func defaultScreensForData(db *BoltDB) []Screen {
var view_port ViewPort
var cursor Cursor
browser_screen := BrowserScreen{*memBolt, cursor, view_port, ""}
browser_screen := BrowserScreen{db: db, cursor: cursor, view_port: view_port}
about_screen := AboutScreen(0)
screens := [...]Screen{

View File

@ -71,12 +71,6 @@ func (screen *AboutScreen) drawScreen(style Style) {
{"g", "goto top"},
{"G", "goto bottom"},
{"ctrl-e", "scroll down"},
{"ctrl-y", "scroll up"},
{"ctrl-f", "page down"},
{"ctrl-b", "page up"},
commands2 := [...]Command{
@ -87,7 +81,7 @@ func (screen *AboutScreen) drawScreen(style Style) {
{"?", "this screen"},
{"q", "quit program"},
x_pos = start_x + 3
x_pos = start_x + 20
drawCommandsAtPoint(commands1[:], x_pos, y_pos+1, style)

View File

@ -13,99 +13,309 @@ type ViewPort struct {
type BrowserScreen struct {
memBolt BoltDB
db *BoltDB
cursor Cursor
view_port ViewPort
queued_command string
current_path []string
current_type int
message string
type BoltType int
const (
func (screen *BrowserScreen) handleKeyEvent(event termbox.Event) int {
if event.Ch == '?' { // About
if event.Ch == '?' {
// About
} else if event.Ch == 'q' || event.Key == termbox.KeyEsc || event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlC {
// Quit
} else if event.Ch == 'j' {
// Move the cursor down
if screen.cursor.y < screen.view_port.number_of_rows-1 {
} else if event.Ch == 'g' {
// Jump to Beginning
screen.current_path = screen.db.getNextVisiblePath(nil)
} else if event.Ch == 'G' {
// Jump to End
screen.current_path = screen.db.getPrevVisiblePath(nil)
} else if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlF {
// Jump forward half a screen
_, h := termbox.Size()
half := h / 2
vis_paths, err := screen.db.buildVisiblePathSlice(nil)
if err == nil {
find_path := strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/")
start_jump := false
for i := range vis_paths {
if vis_paths[i] == find_path {
start_jump = true
if start_jump {
half -= 1
if half == 0 {
screen.current_path = strings.Split(vis_paths[i], "/")
if strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/") == find_path {
screen.current_path = screen.db.getPrevVisiblePath(nil)
} else if event.Ch == 'k' {
// Move the cursor up
if screen.cursor.y > screen.view_port.first_row {
} else if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlB {
// Jump back half a screen
_, h := termbox.Size()
half := h / 2
vis_paths, err := screen.db.buildVisiblePathSlice(nil)
if err == nil {
find_path := strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/")
start_jump := false
for i := range vis_paths {
if vis_paths[len(vis_paths)-1-i] == find_path {
start_jump = true
if start_jump {
half -= 1
if half == 0 {
screen.current_path = strings.Split(vis_paths[len(vis_paths)-1-i], "/")
if strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/") == find_path {
screen.current_path = screen.db.getNextVisiblePath(nil)
} else if event.Ch == 'j' || event.Key == termbox.KeyArrowDown {
} else if event.Ch == 'k' || event.Key == termbox.KeyArrowUp {
} else if event.Ch == 'e' {
screen.queued_command = "edit"
} else if event.Key == termbox.KeyEnter {
b, p, _ := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
if b != nil {
} else if p != nil {
} else {
screen.message = "Not sure what to do here..."
} else if event.Ch == 'l' || event.Key == termbox.KeyArrowRight {
b, p, _ := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
// Select the current item
screen.queued_command = "select"
if b != nil {
} else if p != nil {
} else {
screen.message = "Not sure what to do here..."
} else if event.Ch == 'h' || event.Key == termbox.KeyArrowLeft {
// If we are _on_ a bucket that's open, close it
b, _, e := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
if e == nil && b != nil && b.expanded {
} else {
if len(screen.current_path) > 1 {
parent_bucket, err := screen.db.getBucketFromPath(screen.current_path[:len(screen.current_path)-1])
if err == nil {
// Figure out how far up we need to move the cursor
screen.current_path = parent_bucket.path
} else {
} else if event.Ch == 'D' {
func (screen *BrowserScreen) moveCursorUp() bool {
new_path := screen.db.getPrevVisiblePath(screen.current_path)
if new_path != nil {
screen.current_path = new_path
return true
return false
func (screen *BrowserScreen) moveCursorDown() bool {
new_path := screen.db.getNextVisiblePath(screen.current_path)
if new_path != nil {
screen.current_path = new_path
return true
return false
func (screen *BrowserScreen) performLayout() {}
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawScreen(style Style) {
width, _ := termbox.Size()
spaces := strings.Repeat(" ", (width/2)-(len(PROGRAM_NAME)-2))
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", spaces, PROGRAM_NAME, spaces), 0, 0, style.title_fg, style.title_bg)
x, y := 2, 2
screen.view_port.first_row = y
if screen.cursor.y == 0 {
screen.cursor.y = y
for _, bkt := range screen.memBolt.buckets {
_, y = screen.drawBucket(&bkt, style, x, y)
screen.view_port.number_of_rows = y
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawBucket(b *BoltBucket, style Style, x, y int) (int, int) {
bkt := b
bucket_fg := style.default_fg
bucket_bg := style.default_bg
if y == screen.cursor.y {
bucket_fg = style.cursor_fg
bucket_bg = style.cursor_bg
if screen.queued_command == "select" {
// Expand/Collapse the bucket
bkt.expanded = !bkt.expanded
screen.queued_command = ""
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawHeader(style Style) {
width, _ := termbox.Size()
spaces := strings.Repeat(" ", (width / 2))
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", spaces, PROGRAM_NAME, spaces), 0, 0, style.title_fg, style.title_bg)
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawFooter(style Style) {
_, height := termbox.Size()
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d) - %s", screen.current_path, screen.current_type, screen.message), 0, height-1, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawLeftPane(style Style) {
w, h := termbox.Size()
if w >= 80 {
w = w / 2
screen.view_port.number_of_rows = h - 2
_, y := 1, 2
screen.view_port.first_row = y
if len(screen.current_path) == 0 {
screen.current_path = screen.db.getNextVisiblePath(nil)
// So we know how much of the tree _wants_ to be visible
// we only have screen.view_port.number_of_rows of space though
cur_path_spot := 0
vis_slice, err := screen.db.buildVisiblePathSlice(nil)
if err == nil {
for i := range vis_slice {
if strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/") == vis_slice[i] {
cur_path_spot = i
bkt_string := " "
start_x := x
tree_offset := 0
half_screen := screen.view_port.number_of_rows / 2
if cur_path_spot > half_screen {
tree_offset = cur_path_spot - half_screen
screen.message = fmt.Sprintf("Offset: %d", tree_offset)
for i := range screen.db.buckets {
// The drawBucket function returns how many lines it took up
bkt_h := screen.drawBucket(&screen.db.buckets[i], style, (y - tree_offset))
y += bkt_h
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawRightPane(style Style) {
w, _ := termbox.Size()
vis_slice, err := screen.db.buildVisiblePathSlice(nil)
if err == nil {
for i := range vis_slice {
if strings.Join(screen.current_path, "/") == vis_slice[i] {
drawStringAtPoint(vis_slice[i], (w/2)+2, i+1, style.title_fg, style.title_bg)
} else {
drawStringAtPoint(vis_slice[i], (w/2)+2, i+1, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
w, h := termbox.Size()
if w >= 80 {
// Screen is wide enough, split it
fillWithChar('|', (w / 2), screen.view_port.first_row-1, (w / 2), h, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
b, p, err := screen.db.getGenericFromPath(screen.current_path)
if err == nil {
start_x := (w / 2) + 1
parent_str := "/"
if b != nil {
if b.parent != nil {
parent_str =
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Parent: %s", parent_str), start_x, 1, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Buckets: %d", len(b.buckets)), start_x, 2, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Pairs: %d", len(b.pairs)), start_x, 3, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Path: %s", strings.Join(b.path, "/")), start_x, 4, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
} else if p != nil {
if p.parent != nil {
parent_str =
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Parent: %s", parent_str), start_x, 1, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Key: %s", p.key), start_x, 2, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Value: %s", p.val), start_x, 3, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
drawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("Path: %s", strings.Join(p.path, "/")), start_x, 4, style.default_fg, style.default_bg)
/* drawBucket
* @bkt *BoltBucket - The bucket to draw
* @style Style - The style to use
* @w int - The Width of the lines
* @y int - The Y position to start drawing
* return - The number of lines used
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawBucket(bkt *BoltBucket, style Style, y int) int {
w, _ := termbox.Size()
if w >= 80 {
w = w / 2
used_lines := 0
bucket_fg := style.default_fg
bucket_bg := style.default_bg
if comparePaths(screen.current_path, bkt.path) {
bucket_fg = style.cursor_fg
bucket_bg = style.cursor_bg
bkt_string := strings.Repeat(" ", screen.db.getDepthFromPath(bkt.path)*2)
if bkt.expanded {
bkt_string = bkt_string + "- " + + " "
x = drawStringAtPoint(bkt_string, x, y, bucket_fg, bucket_bg)
y = y + 1
bkt_string = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", bkt_string, strings.Repeat(" ", (w-len(bkt_string))))
for _, ib := range bkt.buckets {
_, y = screen.drawBucket(&ib, style, start_x+2, y)
drawStringAtPoint(bkt_string, 0, (y + used_lines), bucket_fg, bucket_bg)
used_lines += 1
for i := range bkt.buckets {
used_lines += screen.drawBucket(&bkt.buckets[i], style, y+used_lines)
for _, ip := range bkt.pairs {
_, y = screen.drawPair(ip, style, x, y)
for i := range bkt.pairs {
used_lines += screen.drawPair(&bkt.pairs[i], style, y+used_lines)
} else {
bkt_string = bkt_string + "+ " + + " "
x = drawStringAtPoint(bkt_string, x, y, bucket_fg, bucket_bg)
y = y + 1
bkt_string = bkt_string + "+ " +
bkt_string = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", bkt_string, strings.Repeat(" ", (w-len(bkt_string))))
drawStringAtPoint(bkt_string, 0, (y + used_lines), bucket_fg, bucket_bg)
used_lines += 1
return x, y
return used_lines
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawPair(bp BoltPair, style Style, x, y int) (int, int) {
func (screen *BrowserScreen) drawPair(bp *BoltPair, style Style, y int) int {
w, _ := termbox.Size()
if w >= 80 {
w = w / 2
bucket_fg := style.default_fg
bucket_bg := style.default_bg
if y == screen.cursor.y {
if comparePaths(screen.current_path, bp.path) {
bucket_fg = style.cursor_fg
bucket_bg = style.cursor_bg
pair_string := fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", bp.key, bp.val)
x = drawStringAtPoint(pair_string, x, y, bucket_fg, bucket_bg)
y = y + 1
return x, y
pair_string := strings.Repeat(" ", screen.db.getDepthFromPath(bp.path)*2)
pair_string = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s: %s", pair_string, bp.key, bp.val)
pair_string = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", pair_string, strings.Repeat(" ", (w-len(pair_string))))
drawStringAtPoint(pair_string, 0, y, bucket_fg, bucket_bg)
return 1
func comparePaths(p1, p2 []string) bool {
return strings.Join(p1, "/") == strings.Join(p2, "/")

View File

@ -10,3 +10,11 @@ func drawStringAtPoint(str string, x int, y int, fg termbox.Attribute, bg termbo
return x_pos - x
func fillWithChar(r rune, x1, y1, x2, y2 int, fg termbox.Attribute, bg termbox.Attribute) {
for xx := x1; xx <= x2; xx++ {
for yx := y1; yx <= y2; yx++ {
termbox.SetCell(xx, yx, r, fg, bg)