2018 Day 15 Completed!

This commit is contained in:
Brian Buller 2019-11-07 09:36:24 -06:00
parent bd274c826c
commit f03772c578
7 changed files with 425 additions and 380 deletions

2018/day15/cave.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
package main
import (
type Cave struct {
Units SortableUnits
Map Map
const (
KindSpace = 1 << iota
var KindRunes = map[int]rune{
KindSpace: '.',
KindElf: 'E',
KindGoblin: 'G',
KindWall: '#',
KindHighlight: '@',
var RuneKinds = map[rune]int{
'.': KindSpace,
'E': KindElf,
'G': KindGoblin,
'#': KindWall,
func IsUnit(bit int) bool {
return (KindElf|KindGoblin)&bit != 0
func NewCave(input []string, elfPower int) *Cave {
c := &Cave{}
c.ParseMap(input, elfPower)
return c
func (c *Cave) ParseMap(input []string, elfPower int) {
m := make(Map)
for y, row := range input {
for x, col := range row {
kind, ok := RuneKinds[col]
if !ok {
kind = KindWall
tile := &Tile{Kind: kind}
if IsUnit(kind) {
c.Units = append(c.Units, NewUnit(tile, kind, elfPower))
m.SetTile(tile, x, y)
c.Map = m
func (c Cave) PrintMap(highlight *Tile) {
for y := 0; y < len(c.Map); y++ {
var units []string
for x := 0; x < len(c.Map[y]); x++ {
t := c.Map.Tile(x, y)
if t == highlight {
} else {
if t.Unit != nil {
units = append(units, fmt.Sprintf("%c(%d)", KindRunes[t.Unit.Kind], t.Unit.Hitpoints))
if len(units) > 0 {
fmt.Print(" ", strings.Join(units, ", "))
func (c Cave) PrintDistance(t *Tile) {
distances, _ := c.Map.FindWalkableTiles(t)
for y := 0; y < len(c.Map); y++ {
for x := 0; x < len(c.Map[y]); x++ {
curT := c.Map.Tile(x, y)
if d, ok := distances[curT]; ok && curT != t {
} else {
func (c Cave) Status() (int, bool) {
var elves, goblins bool
var hp int
for _, u := range c.Units {
if u.Hitpoints <= 0 {
if u.Kind == KindElf {
elves = true
} else {
goblins = true
hp = hp + u.Hitpoints
return hp, elves && goblins
func (c *Cave) RemoveTheDead() {
var newUnits SortableUnits
for _, unit := range c.Units {
if unit.Hitpoints > 0 {
newUnits = append(newUnits, unit)
c.Units = newUnits
func (c *Cave) RemoveUnit(u *Unit) {
u.Tile.Kind = KindSpace
u.Tile.Unit = nil
u.Tile = nil
// Tick returns false if combat ended during the round, and whether or not an elf has died this round
func (c *Cave) Tick(stopOnElfDeath bool) (bool, bool) {
for _, unit := range c.Units {
if unit.Hitpoints <= 0 {
if !unit.Targets(c) {
return false, false
if unit.Attack(c) && stopOnElfDeath {
return false, true
return true, false

View File

@ -2,400 +2,60 @@ package main
import (
* 173327 is too low
var input []byte
var width int
var characters map[complex64]*Character
var charSlice []*complex64
var turnCount int
const (
CLEAR_SCREEN = "\033[H\033[2J"
MAX_INT = int(^uint(0) >> 1)
DIR_N = -1i
DIR_E = 1
DIR_S = 1i
DIR_W = -1
func main() {
characters = make(map[complex64]*Character)
inp := StdinToStringSlice()
fmt.Println("# Part 1")
fmt.Println("# Part 2")
func part1() {
for {
// Sort the players on the field
charSlice = charSlice[0:0]
for i := 0; i < len(input); i++ {
pos := getPosFromInt(i)
bt := getByte(pos)
if bt == 'G' || bt == 'E' {
charSlice = append(charSlice, &pos)
func Pt1Combat(input []string) int {
cave := NewCave(input, defaultPower)
for i := 1; true; i++ {
hp, combat := cave.Status()
if !combat {
res := (i - 1) * hp
fmt.Printf("Result: %d\n", res)
return res
if cleanRound, _ := cave.Tick(false); !cleanRound {
return -1
func Pt2Combat(input []string) int {
for power := defaultPower; true; power++ {
cave := NewCave(input, power)
for i := 1; true; i++ {
hp, combat := cave.Status()
if !combat {
res := (i - 1) * hp
fmt.Printf("Result: %d; Attack Power: %d\n", res, power)
return (i - 1) * hp
// Tick every player
for _, v := range charSlice {
if char, ok := characters[*v]; ok {
if !char.tick() {
if true {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 250)
if checkBattleOver() {
var totalHP int
for _, v := range charSlice {
if c, ok := characters[*v]; ok {
totalHP += c.health
fmt.Println(turnCount, totalHP)
fmt.Println("Result:", (totalHP * turnCount))
func checkBattleOver() bool {
var elves, gobs int
for _, v := range characters {
if v.tp == 'E' {
} else if v.tp == 'G' {
return elves == 0 || gobs == 0
type Character struct {
tp byte
health int
power int
pos complex64
kills int
func (c *Character) hasEnemies() bool {
for _, oppPos := range charSlice {
if v, ok := characters[*oppPos]; ok {
if v.tp != c.tp {
return true
if cleanRound, elfDied := cave.Tick(true); elfDied {
} else if !cleanRound {
return false
return -1
func (c *Character) tick() bool {
// Check if this character has any enemies on the field
if !c.hasEnemies() {
fmt.Println(c.string(), "is unopposed")
return false
// Now move/attack
if _, err := c.easiestAdjacentTarget(); err != nil {
// Ok, figure out a move
nxt, tgt := c.findMove()
if nxt != nil {
fmt.Println(c.string(), "is moving to", *nxt, "(", *tgt, ")")
if tPos, err := c.easiestAdjacentTarget(); err == nil {
return c.hasEnemies()
// findMove returns the position this character should move to and the position
// that is it's ultimate target
func (c *Character) findMove() (*complex64, *complex64) {
var opps []*complex64
closestTargetDistance := MAX_INT
dist, path := findAllPaths(&c.pos)
for _, v := range characters {
if v.health <= 0 {
if v.tp != c.tp {
for _, t := range v.getOpenSides() {
if d, ok := dist[t]; ok && d <= closestTargetDistance {
if d < closestTargetDistance {
closestTargetDistance = d
opps = []*complex64{}
opps = append(opps, &t)
if len(opps) > 0 {
t := opps[0]
curr := *t
for {
if pv == c.pos {
return &curr, t
curr = pv
return nil, nil
func (c *Character) string() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s%s:%d]", string(c.tp), getCoordString(c.pos), c.health)
func (c *Character) attack(p complex64) {
fmt.Println(c.string(), "attacks", characters[p].string())
characters[p].health -= c.power
if characters[p].health <= 0 {
delete(characters, p)
setByte(p, '.')
func (c *Character) easiestAdjacentTarget() (complex64, error) {
var wrk *Character
if v, ok := characters[c.pos+DIR_N]; ok && v != nil && v.tp != c.tp {
wrk = v
if v, ok := characters[c.pos+DIR_W]; ok && v != nil && v.tp != c.tp {
if wrk == nil || v.health < wrk.health {
wrk = v
if v, ok := characters[c.pos+DIR_E]; ok && v != nil && v.tp != c.tp {
if wrk == nil || v.health < wrk.health {
wrk = v
if v, ok := characters[c.pos+DIR_S]; ok && v != nil && v.tp != c.tp {
if wrk == nil || v.health < wrk.health {
wrk = v
if wrk != nil {
return wrk.pos, nil
return 0i, errors.New("No adjacent target")
func (c *Character) isAdjacentTo(p complex64) bool {
return c.pos+DIR_N == p || c.pos+DIR_E == p ||
c.pos+DIR_S == p || c.pos+DIR_W == p
func (c *Character) getOpenSides() []complex64 {
var ret []complex64
for _, d := range []complex64{DIR_N, DIR_W, DIR_E, DIR_S} {
if getByte(c.pos+d) == '.' {
ret = append(ret, c.pos+d)
return ret
func (c *Character) hasOpenFlank() bool {
for _, d := range []complex64{DIR_N, DIR_E, DIR_S, DIR_W} {
if getByte(c.pos+d) == '.' {
return true
return false
func (c *Character) moveTo(pos complex64) bool {
if getByte(pos) != '.' {
return false
delete(characters, c.pos)
setByte(c.pos, '.')
c.pos = pos
characters[c.pos] = c
setByte(c.pos, c.tp)
return true
func getOpenSides(c complex64) []complex64 {
var ret []complex64
for _, d := range []complex64{DIR_N, DIR_E, DIR_S, DIR_W} {
if getByte(c+d) == '.' {
ret = append(ret, c+d)
return ret
// findAllPaths returns a map of all distances and a map of all paths
func findAllPaths(start *complex64) (map[complex64]int, map[complex64]complex64) {
all := []complex64{*start}
dist := map[complex64]int{*start: 0}
prev := map[complex64]complex64{*start: 0}
for len(all) > 0 {
c := all[0]
all = all[1:]
for _, n := range getOpenSides(c) {
if _, ok := dist[n]; !ok {
all = append(all, n)
dist[n] = dist[c] + 1
prev[n] = c
return dist, prev
func printBattlefield() {
for i := 0; i < len(input)/width; i++ {
fmt.Println(string(input[i*width : (i+1)*width]))
func setupBattle() {
characters = make(map[complex64]*Character)
for i := 0; i < len(input); i++ {
pos := getPosFromInt(i)
bt := getByte(pos)
if bt == 'G' || bt == 'E' {
characters[pos] = &Character{
tp: bt,
pos: pos,
power: 3,
health: 200,
charSlice = append(charSlice, &pos)
func isInMap(pos complex64) bool {
idx := int(real(pos)) + int(imag(pos))*width
return idx >= 0 && idx < len(input)
// getByte pulls a byte from the given position in the input
func getByte(pos complex64) byte {
return input[int(real(pos))+int(imag(pos))*width]
// setByte sets a byte in the input
func setByte(pos complex64, b byte) {
input[int(real(pos))+int(imag(pos))*width] = b
func getPosFromInt(i int) complex64 {
return complex(float32(i%width), float32(i/width))
func getCoordString(p complex64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%d,%d)", int(real(p)), int(imag(p)))
func stdinToByteSlice() {
func StdinToStringSlice() []string {
var input []string
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
for scanner.Scan() {
data := scanner.Bytes()
if width == 0 {
width = len(data)
input = append(input, data...)
input = append(input, scanner.Text())
// Returns the next move for the shortest path from p1 to p2
type pathPoint struct {
pos complex64
count int
func findMove(p1 complex64, paths []pathPoint) (complex64, int) {
pathCount := len(paths)
// First check if p1 has _any_ possible moves
lowest := pathPoint{
pos: 0 - 1i,
count: MAX_INT,
for _, v := range paths {
for _, d := range []complex64{DIR_N, DIR_E, DIR_S, DIR_W} {
wrkPt := pathPoint{
pos: v.pos + d,
count: v.count + 1,
if !isInMap(wrkPt.pos) {
if wrkPt.pos == p1 {
if wrkPt.count < lowest.count {
lowest.pos = v.pos
lowest.count = v.count
if getByte(wrkPt.pos) != '.' {
var skip bool
for _, v2 := range paths {
if v2.pos == wrkPt.pos && v2.count <= wrkPt.count {
skip = true
if skip {
paths = append(paths, wrkPt)
if len(paths) != pathCount && lowest.count == MAX_INT {
return findMove(p1, paths)
// We hit the end, return the lowest part
return lowest.pos, lowest.count
// (Manhattan Distance, thanks earlier day)
func distance(p1, p2 complex64) int {
x1, y1, x2, y2 := real(p1), imag(p1), real(p2), imag(p2)
return int(math.Abs(float64(x1)-float64(x2)) + math.Abs(float64(y1)-float64(y2)))
type ByPos []*complex64
func (c ByPos) Len() int { return len(c) }
func (c ByPos) Swap(i, j int) { c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i] }
func (c ByPos) Less(i, j int) bool {
return imag(*c[i]) < imag(*c[j]) ||
(imag(*c[i]) == imag(*c[j]) && real(*c[i]) < real(*c[j]))
return input

2018/day15/go.mod Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module git.bullercodeworks.com/brian/adventofcode/2018/day15
go 1.13

2018/day15/map.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package main
type Coordinate struct {
X, Y int
var offsets = []Coordinate{
{0, -1},
{-1, 0},
{1, 0},
{0, 1},
type Map map[int]map[int]*Tile
func (m Map) SetTile(t *Tile, x, y int) {
if m[y] == nil {
m[y] = make(map[int]*Tile)
m[y][x] = t
t.X = x
t.Y = y
t.Map = m
func (m Map) Tile(x, y int) *Tile {
if m[y] == nil {
return nil
return m[y][x]
func (m Map) FindWalkableTiles(t *Tile) (map[*Tile]int, map[*Tile]*Tile) {
frontier := []*Tile{t}
distance := map[*Tile]int{t: 0}
cameFrom := map[*Tile]*Tile{t: nil}
for len(frontier) > 0 {
current := frontier[0]
frontier = frontier[1:]
for _, next := range current.WalkableNeighbors() {
if _, ok := distance[next]; !ok {
frontier = append(frontier, next)
distance[next] = distance[current] + 1
cameFrom[next] = current
return distance, cameFrom

2018/day15/tile.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package main
type Tile struct {
Kind int
X, Y int
Map Map
Unit *Unit
func (t Tile) WalkableNeighbors() []*Tile {
var neighbors []*Tile
for _, offset := range offsets {
if n := t.Map.Tile(t.X+offset.X, t.Y+offset.Y); n != nil && n.Kind == KindSpace {
neighbors = append(neighbors, n)
return neighbors
type SortableTiles []*Tile
func (s SortableTiles) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s SortableTiles) Less(i, j int) bool {
if s[i].Y == s[j].Y {
return s[i].X < s[j].X
return s[i].Y < s[j].Y
func (s SortableTiles) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]

2018/day15/unit.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
package main
import (
type Unit struct {
Kind int
Hitpoints int
Power int
Tile *Tile
const (
defaultHitpoints = 200
defaultPower = 3
type SortableUnits []*Unit
func (s SortableUnits) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s SortableUnits) Less(i, j int) bool {
if s[i].Tile.Y == s[j].Tile.Y {
return s[i].Tile.X < s[j].Tile.X
return s[i].Tile.Y < s[j].Tile.Y
func (s SortableUnits) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
func NewUnit(tile *Tile, kind, elfPower int) *Unit {
unit := &Unit{
Kind: kind,
Hitpoints: defaultHitpoints,
Power: defaultPower,
Tile: tile,
tile.Unit = unit
if unit.Kind == KindElf {
unit.Power = elfPower
return unit
func (u Unit) Targets(c *Cave) bool {
for _, unit := range c.Units {
if unit.Kind != u.Kind && unit.Hitpoints > 0 {
return true
return false
// NextTile returns the next tile to move to and the target tile (or nil if no target found)
func (u *Unit) NextTile(c *Cave) (*Tile, *Tile) {
var targets SortableTiles
closestTargetDistance := math.MaxInt32
distances, path := c.Map.FindWalkableTiles(u.Tile)
enemies := u.Enemies(c)
for _, enemy := range enemies {
for _, target := range enemy.Tile.WalkableNeighbors() {
if distance, ok := distances[target]; ok && distance <= closestTargetDistance {
if distance < closestTargetDistance {
closestTargetDistance = distance
targets = SortableTiles{}
targets = append(targets, target)
if len(targets) > 0 {
target := targets[0]
current := target
for {
if path[current] == u.Tile {
return current, target
current = path[current]
return nil, nil
// Enemies returns enemy units sorted by map position in reading order
func (u *Unit) Enemies(c *Cave) SortableUnits {
var enemies SortableUnits
for _, unit := range c.Units {
if unit.Kind != u.Kind && unit.Hitpoints > 0 {
enemies = append(enemies, unit)
return enemies
func (u *Unit) EnemyNeighbor(c *Cave) *Unit {
var target *Unit
for _, offset := range offsets {
if t := c.Map.Tile(u.Tile.X+offset.X, u.Tile.Y+offset.Y); t != nil && t.Unit != nil && t.Unit.Kind != u.Kind && t.Unit.Hitpoints > 0 {
if target == nil || t.Unit.Hitpoints < target.Hitpoints {
target = t.Unit
return target
func (u *Unit) Move(c *Cave) {
if u.EnemyNeighbor(c) != nil {
next, _ := u.NextTile(c)
if next != nil {
next.Unit = u
next.Kind = u.Kind
u.Tile.Kind = KindSpace
u.Tile.Unit = nil
u.Tile = next
func (u *Unit) Attack(c *Cave) bool {
enemy := u.EnemyNeighbor(c)
if enemy != nil {
killed := enemy.Damage(c, u.Power)
return killed && enemy.Kind == KindElf
return false
func (u *Unit) Damage(c *Cave, damage int) bool {
u.Hitpoints = u.Hitpoints - damage
if u.Hitpoints <= 0 {
return true
return false

View File

@ -34,3 +34,5 @@ require (
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 // indirect
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20180920025451-e3ad64cb4ed3 // indirect
go 1.13