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Starting work on scrollframe
This commit is contained in:
Brian Buller 2016-01-26 15:33:25 -06:00
parent 9cd402ccf0
commit e173cdcce0
8 changed files with 459 additions and 180 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package termboxUtil
import (
@ -21,18 +23,16 @@ func CreateASCIIArt(c []string, x, y int, fg, bg termbox.Attribute) *ASCIIArt {
func (i *ASCIIArt) GetX() int { return i.x }
// SetX set the x position of the modal to x
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetX(x int) *ASCIIArt {
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetX(x int) {
i.x = x
return i
// GetY Return the y position of the modal
func (i *ASCIIArt) GetY() int { return i.y }
// SetY Set the y position of the modal to y
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetY(y int) *ASCIIArt {
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetY(y int) {
i.y = y
return i
// GetHeight Returns the number of strings in the contents slice
@ -40,10 +40,45 @@ func (i *ASCIIArt) GetHeight() int {
return len(i.contents)
// SetHeight truncates lines from the bottom of the ascii art
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetHeight(h int) {
if len(i.contents) > h {
i.contents = i.contents[:h]
} else {
for j := len(i.contents); j < h; j++ {
i.contents = append(i.contents, "")
// GetWidth Returns the number of strings in the contents slice
func (i *ASCIIArt) GetWidth() int {
// Find the longest line
var ret int
for j := range i.contents {
if len(i.contents[j]) > ret {
ret = len(i.contents[j])
return ret
// SetWidth Sets all lines in the contents to width w
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetWidth(w int) {
// Find the longest line
for j := range i.contents {
mkUp := w - len(i.contents[j])
if mkUp > 0 {
i.contents[j] = i.contents[j] + strings.Repeat(" ", mkUp)
} else {
i.contents[j] = i.contents[j][:w]
// SetContents Sets the contents of i to c
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetContents(c []string) *ASCIIArt {
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetContents(c []string) {
i.contents = c
return i
// GetContents returns the ascii art
@ -52,33 +87,30 @@ func (i *ASCIIArt) GetContents() []string {
// SetContentLine Sets a specific line of the contents to s
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetContentLine(s string, idx int) *ASCIIArt {
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetContentLine(s string, idx int) {
if idx >= 0 && idx < len(i.contents) {
i.contents[idx] = s
return i
// GetBackground Return the current background color of the modal
func (i *ASCIIArt) GetBackground() termbox.Attribute { return }
// SetBackground Set the current background color to bg
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetBackground(bg termbox.Attribute) *ASCIIArt {
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetBackground(bg termbox.Attribute) { = bg
return i
// GetForeground Return the current foreground color
func (i *ASCIIArt) GetForeground() termbox.Attribute { return i.fg }
// SetForeground Set the foreground color to fg
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetForeground(fg termbox.Attribute) *ASCIIArt {
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetForeground(fg termbox.Attribute) {
i.fg = fg
return i
// Align Align the Ascii art over width width with alignment a
func (i *ASCIIArt) Align(a TextAlignment, width int) *ASCIIArt {
func (i *ASCIIArt) Align(a TextAlignment, width int) {
// First get the width of the longest string in the slice
var newContents []string
incomingLength := 0
@ -91,7 +123,6 @@ func (i *ASCIIArt) Align(a TextAlignment, width int) *ASCIIArt {
newContents = append(newContents, AlignText(AlignText(line, incomingLength, AlignLeft), width, a))
i.contents = newContents
return i
// HandleKeyPress accepts the termbox event and returns whether it was consumed

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@ -32,114 +32,101 @@ func CreateConfirmModal(title string, x, y, width, height int, fg, bg termbox.At
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetTitle() string { return i.title }
// SetTitle sets the current title of the modal to s
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetTitle(s string) *ConfirmModal {
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetTitle(s string) {
i.title = s
return i
// GetText returns the current text of the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetText() string { return i.text }
// SetText sets the text of the modal to s
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetText(s string) *ConfirmModal {
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetText(s string) {
i.text = s
return i
// GetX returns the current x coordinate of the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetX() int { return i.x }
// SetX sets the current x coordinate of the modal to x
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetX(x int) *ConfirmModal {
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetX(x int) {
i.x = x
return i
// GetY returns the current y coordinate of the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetY() int { return i.y }
// SetY sets the current y coordinate of the modal to y
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetY(y int) *ConfirmModal {
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetY(y int) {
i.y = y
return i
// GetWidth returns the current width of the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetWidth() int { return i.width }
// SetWidth sets the current modal width to width
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetWidth(width int) *ConfirmModal {
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetWidth(width int) {
i.width = width
return i
// GetHeight returns the current height of the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetHeight() int { return i.height }
// SetHeight set the height of the modal to height
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetHeight(height int) *ConfirmModal {
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetHeight(height int) {
i.height = height
return i
// HelpIsShown returns true or false if the help is displayed
func (i *ConfirmModal) HelpIsShown() bool { return i.showHelp }
// ShowHelp sets whether or not to display the help text
func (i *ConfirmModal) ShowHelp(b bool) *ConfirmModal {
func (i *ConfirmModal) ShowHelp(b bool) {
i.showHelp = b
return i
// GetBackground returns the current background color
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetBackground() termbox.Attribute { return }
// SetBackground sets the background color to bg
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetBackground(bg termbox.Attribute) *ConfirmModal {
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetBackground(bg termbox.Attribute) { = bg
return i
// GetForeground returns the current foreground color
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetForeground() termbox.Attribute { return i.fg }
// SetForeground sets the current foreground color to fg
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetForeground(fg termbox.Attribute) *ConfirmModal {
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetForeground(fg termbox.Attribute) {
i.fg = fg
return i
// IsDone returns whether the user has answered the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) IsDone() bool { return i.isDone }
// SetDone sets whether the modal has completed it's purpose
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetDone(b bool) *ConfirmModal {
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetDone(b bool) {
i.isDone = b
return i
// Show sets the visibility flag of the modal to true
func (i *ConfirmModal) Show() *ConfirmModal {
func (i *ConfirmModal) Show() {
i.isVisible = true
return i
// Hide sets the visibility flag of the modal to false
func (i *ConfirmModal) Hide() *ConfirmModal {
func (i *ConfirmModal) Hide() {
i.isVisible = false
return i
// IsAccepted returns whether the user accepted the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) IsAccepted() bool { return i.accepted }
// Clear clears all of the non-positional parameters of the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) Clear() *ConfirmModal {
func (i *ConfirmModal) Clear() {
i.title = ""
i.text = ""
i.accepted = false
i.isDone = false
return i
// HandleKeyPress handles the termbox event and returns whether it was consumed

View File

@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
package termboxUtil
import (
import ""
// InputField is a field for inputting text
type InputField struct {
@ -13,6 +9,8 @@ type InputField struct {
cursor int
fg, bg termbox.Attribute
bordered bool
wrap bool
multiline bool
// CreateInputField creates an input field at x, y that is w by h
@ -25,61 +23,69 @@ func CreateInputField(x, y, w, h int, fg, bg termbox.Attribute) *InputField {
func (i *InputField) GetValue() string { return i.value }
// SetValue sets the current text in the InputField to s
func (i *InputField) SetValue(s string) *InputField {
func (i *InputField) SetValue(s string) {
i.value = s
return i
// GetX returns the x position of the input field
func (i *InputField) GetX() int { return i.x }
// SetX sets the x position of the input field
func (i *InputField) SetX(x int) *InputField {
func (i *InputField) SetX(x int) {
i.x = x
return i
// GetY returns the y position of the input field
func (i *InputField) GetY() int { return i.y }
// SetY sets the y position of the input field
func (i *InputField) SetY(y int) *InputField {
func (i *InputField) SetY(y int) {
i.y = y
return i
// GetWidth returns the current width of the input field
func (i *InputField) GetWidth() int { return i.width }
// SetWidth sets the current width of the input field
func (i *InputField) SetWidth(w int) *InputField {
func (i *InputField) SetWidth(w int) {
i.width = w
return i
// GetHeight returns the current height of the input field
func (i *InputField) GetHeight() int { return i.height }
// SetHeight sets the current height of the input field
func (i *InputField) SetHeight(h int) *InputField {
func (i *InputField) SetHeight(h int) {
i.height = h
return i
// IsBordered returns true or false if this input field has a border
func (i *InputField) IsBordered() bool { return i.bordered }
// SetBordered sets whether we render a border around the input field
func (i *InputField) SetBordered(b bool) *InputField {
func (i *InputField) SetBordered(b bool) {
i.bordered = b
return i
// DoesWrap returns true or false if this input field wraps text
func (i *InputField) DoesWrap() bool { return i.wrap }
// SetWrap sets whether we wrap the text at width.
func (i *InputField) SetWrap(b bool) {
i.wrap = b
// IsMultiline returns true or false if this field can have multiple lines
func (i *InputField) IsMultiline() bool { return i.multiline }
// SetMultiline sets whether the field can have multiple lines
func (i *InputField) SetMultiline(b bool) {
i.multiline = b
// HandleKeyPress accepts the termbox event and returns whether it was consumed
func (i *InputField) HandleKeyPress(event termbox.Event) bool {
if event.Key == termbox.KeyEnter {
// Done editing
} else if event.Key == termbox.KeyBackspace || event.Key == termbox.KeyBackspace2 {
if event.Key == termbox.KeyBackspace || event.Key == termbox.KeyBackspace2 {
if len(i.value) > 0 {
i.value = i.value[:len(i.value)-1]
@ -92,8 +98,8 @@ func (i *InputField) HandleKeyPress(event termbox.Event) bool {
} else if event.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlU {
// Ctrl+U Clears the Input
i.value = ""
// Ctrl+U Clears the Input (before the cursor)
i.value = i.value[i.cursor:]
} else {
// Get the rune to add to our value. Space and Tab are special cases where
// we can't use the event's rune directly
@ -103,18 +109,26 @@ func (i *InputField) HandleKeyPress(event termbox.Event) bool {
ch = " "
case termbox.KeyTab:
ch = "\t"
/* Multiline is disabled right now
case termbox.KeyEnter:
if i.multiline {
ch = "\n"
ch = string(event.Ch)
if KeyIsAlphaNumeric(event) || KeyIsSymbol(event) {
ch = string(event.Ch)
if i.cursor+len(i.value) == 0 {
i.value = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", ch, i.value)
i.value = string(ch) + i.value
} else if i.cursor == 0 {
i.value = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", i.value, ch)
i.value = i.value + string(ch)
} else {
strPt1 := i.value[:(len(i.value) + i.cursor)]
strPt2 := i.value[(len(i.value) + i.cursor):]
i.value = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", strPt1, ch, strPt2)
i.value = strPt1 + string(ch) + strPt2
return true
@ -122,8 +136,19 @@ func (i *InputField) HandleKeyPress(event termbox.Event) bool {
// Draw outputs the input field on the screen
func (i *InputField) Draw() {
maxWidth := i.width
maxHeight := i.height
x, y := i.x, i.y
startX := i.x
startY := i.y
if i.bordered {
DrawBorder(i.x, i.y, i.x+i.width, i.y+i.height, i.fg,
var strPt1, strPt2 string
@ -145,7 +170,56 @@ func (i *InputField) Draw() {
} else {
strPt1, strPt2, cursorRune = "", "", ' '
x, y := DrawStringAtPoint(strPt1, i.x+1, i.y+1, i.fg,
termbox.SetCell(x, y, cursorRune,, i.fg)
DrawStringAtPoint(strPt2, x+1, y, i.fg,
// Original:
x, y = DrawStringAtPoint(strPt1, i.x+1, i.y+1, i.fg,
termbox.SetCell(x, y, cursorRune,, i.fg)
DrawStringAtPoint(strPt2, x+1, y, i.fg,
if i.wrap {
// Split the text into maxWidth chunks
for len(strPt1) > maxWidth {
breakAt := maxWidth
DrawStringAtPoint(strPt1[:breakAt], x, y, i.fg,
x = startX
strPt1 = strPt1[breakAt:]
x, y = DrawStringAtPoint(strPt1, x, y, i.fg,
if x >= maxWidth {
x = startX
termbox.SetCell(x, y, cursorRune,, i.fg)
if len(strPt2) > 0 {
lenLeft := maxWidth - len(strPt1) - 1
if lenLeft > 0 && len(strPt2) > lenLeft {
DrawStringAtPoint(strPt2[:lenLeft], x+1, y, i.fg,
strPt2 = strPt2[lenLeft:]
for len(strPt2) > maxWidth {
breakAt := maxWidth
DrawStringAtPoint(strPt2[:breakAt], x, y, i.fg,
x = startX
strPt2 = strPt2[breakAt:]
x, y = DrawStringAtPoint(strPt2, x, y, i.fg,
} else {
for len(strPt1)+len(strPt2)+1 > maxWidth {
if len(strPt1) >= len(strPt2) {
if len(strPt1) == 0 {
strPt1 = strPt1[1:]
} else {
strPt2 = strPt2[:len(strPt2)-1]
x, y = DrawStringAtPoint(strPt1, i.x+1, i.y+1, i.fg,
termbox.SetCell(x, y, cursorRune,, i.fg)
DrawStringAtPoint(strPt2, x+1, y, i.fg,

View File

@ -30,99 +30,87 @@ func CreateInputModal(title string, x, y, width, height int, fg, bg termbox.Attr
func (i *InputModal) GetTitle() string { return i.title }
// SetTitle Sets the title of the modal to s
func (i *InputModal) SetTitle(s string) *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) SetTitle(s string) {
i.title = s
return i
// GetText Return the text of the modal
func (i *InputModal) GetText() string { return i.text }
// SetText Set the text of the modal to s
func (i *InputModal) SetText(s string) *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) SetText(s string) {
i.text = s
return i
// GetX Return the x position of the modal
func (i *InputModal) GetX() int { return i.x }
// SetX set the x position of the modal to x
func (i *InputModal) SetX(x int) *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) SetX(x int) {
i.x = x
return i
// GetY Return the y position of the modal
func (i *InputModal) GetY() int { return i.y }
// SetY Set the y position of the modal to y
func (i *InputModal) SetY(y int) *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) SetY(y int) {
i.y = y
return i
// GetWidth Return the width of the modal
func (i *InputModal) GetWidth() int { return i.width }
// SetWidth Set the width of the modal to width
func (i *InputModal) SetWidth(width int) *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) SetWidth(width int) {
i.width = width
return i
// GetHeight Return the height of the modal
func (i *InputModal) GetHeight() int { return i.height }
// SetHeight Set the height of the modal to height
func (i *InputModal) SetHeight(height int) *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) SetHeight(height int) {
i.height = height
return i
// HelpIsShown Returns whether the modal is showing it's help text or not
func (i *InputModal) HelpIsShown() bool { return i.showHelp }
// ShowHelp Set the "Show Help" flag
func (i *InputModal) ShowHelp(b bool) *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) ShowHelp(b bool) {
i.showHelp = b
return i
// GetBackground Return the current background color of the modal
func (i *InputModal) GetBackground() termbox.Attribute { return }
// SetBackground Set the current background color to bg
func (i *InputModal) SetBackground(bg termbox.Attribute) *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) SetBackground(bg termbox.Attribute) { = bg
return i
// GetForeground Return the current foreground color
func (i *InputModal) GetForeground() termbox.Attribute { return i.fg }
// SetForeground Set the foreground color to fg
func (i *InputModal) SetForeground(fg termbox.Attribute) *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) SetForeground(fg termbox.Attribute) {
i.fg = fg
return i
// Show Sets the visibility flag to true
func (i *InputModal) Show() *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) Show() {
i.isVisible = true
return i
// Hide Sets the visibility flag to false
func (i *InputModal) Hide() *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) Hide() {
i.isVisible = false
return i
// SetDone Sets the flag that tells whether this modal has completed it's purpose
func (i *InputModal) SetDone(b bool) *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) SetDone(b bool) {
i.isDone = b
return i
// IsDone Returns the "isDone" flag
@ -134,19 +122,22 @@ func (i *InputModal) IsDone() bool {
func (i *InputModal) GetValue() string { return i.input.GetValue() }
// SetValue Sets the value of the input to s
func (i *InputModal) SetValue(s string) *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) SetValue(s string) {
return i
// SetInputWrap sets whether the input field will wrap long text or not
func (i *InputModal) SetInputWrap(b bool) {
// Clear Resets all non-positional parameters of the modal
func (i *InputModal) Clear() *InputModal {
func (i *InputModal) Clear() {
i.title = ""
i.text = ""
i.isDone = false
i.isVisible = false
return i
// HandleKeyPress Handle the termbox event, return true if it was consumed

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type Menu struct {
disabledBg, disabledFg termbox.Attribute
isDone bool
bordered bool
vimMode bool
vimMode bool
// CreateMenu Creates a menu with the specified attributes
@ -39,9 +39,8 @@ func CreateMenu(title string, options []string, x, y, width, height int, fg, bg
func (i *Menu) GetTitle() string { return i.title }
// SetTitle sets the current title of the menu to s
func (i *Menu) SetTitle(s string) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SetTitle(s string) {
i.title = s
return i
// GetOptions returns the current options of the menu
@ -50,54 +49,49 @@ func (i *Menu) GetOptions() []MenuOption {
// SetOptions set the menu's options to opts
func (i *Menu) SetOptions(opts []MenuOption) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SetOptions(opts []MenuOption) {
i.options = opts
return i
// SetOptionsFromStrings sets the options of this menu from a slice of strings
func (i *Menu) SetOptionsFromStrings(opts []string) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SetOptionsFromStrings(opts []string) {
var newOpts []MenuOption
for _, v := range opts {
newOpts = append(newOpts, *CreateOptionFromText(v))
return i.SetOptions(newOpts)
// GetX returns the current x coordinate of the menu
func (i *Menu) GetX() int { return i.x }
// SetX sets the current x coordinate of the menu to x
func (i *Menu) SetX(x int) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SetX(x int) {
i.x = x
return i
// GetY returns the current y coordinate of the menu
func (i *Menu) GetY() int { return i.y }
// SetY sets the current y coordinate of the menu to y
func (i *Menu) SetY(y int) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SetY(y int) {
i.y = y
return i
// GetWidth returns the current width of the menu
func (i *Menu) GetWidth() int { return i.width }
// SetWidth sets the current menu width to width
func (i *Menu) SetWidth(width int) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SetWidth(width int) {
i.width = width
return i
// GetHeight returns the current height of the menu
func (i *Menu) GetHeight() int { return i.height }
// SetHeight set the height of the menu to height
func (i *Menu) SetHeight(height int) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SetHeight(height int) {
i.height = height
return i
// GetSelectedOption returns the current selected option
@ -140,7 +134,7 @@ func (i *Menu) GetSelectedIndex() int {
// SetSelectedOption sets the current selected option to v (if it's valid)
func (i *Menu) SetSelectedOption(v *MenuOption) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SetSelectedOption(v *MenuOption) {
for idx := range i.options {
if &i.options[idx] == v {
@ -148,35 +142,30 @@ func (i *Menu) SetSelectedOption(v *MenuOption) *Menu {
return i
// SelectPrevOption Decrements the selected option (if it can)
func (i *Menu) SelectPrevOption() *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SelectPrevOption() {
idx := i.GetSelectedIndex()
for idx >= 0 {
testOption := i.GetOptionFromIndex(idx)
if testOption != nil && !testOption.IsDisabled() {
return i
return i
// SelectNextOption Increments the selected option (if it can)
func (i *Menu) SelectNextOption() *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SelectNextOption() {
idx := i.GetSelectedIndex()
for idx < len(i.options) {
testOption := i.GetOptionFromIndex(idx)
if testOption != nil && !testOption.IsDisabled() {
return i
return i
// SetOptionDisabled Disables the specified option
@ -197,62 +186,55 @@ func (i *Menu) SetOptionEnabled(idx int) {
func (i *Menu) HelpIsShown() bool { return i.showHelp }
// ShowHelp sets whether or not to display the help text
func (i *Menu) ShowHelp(b bool) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) ShowHelp(b bool) {
i.showHelp = b
return i
// GetBackground returns the current background color
func (i *Menu) GetBackground() termbox.Attribute { return }
// SetBackground sets the background color to bg
func (i *Menu) SetBackground(bg termbox.Attribute) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SetBackground(bg termbox.Attribute) { = bg
return i
// GetForeground returns the current foreground color
func (i *Menu) GetForeground() termbox.Attribute { return i.fg }
// SetForeground sets the current foreground color to fg
func (i *Menu) SetForeground(fg termbox.Attribute) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SetForeground(fg termbox.Attribute) {
i.fg = fg
return i
// IsDone returns whether the user has answered the modal
func (i *Menu) IsDone() bool { return i.isDone }
// SetDone sets whether the modal has completed it's purpose
func (i *Menu) SetDone(b bool) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SetDone(b bool) {
i.isDone = b
return i
// IsBordered returns true or false if this menu has a border
func (i *Menu) IsBordered() bool { return i.bordered }
// SetBordered sets whether we render a border around the menu
func (i *Menu) SetBordered(b bool) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SetBordered(b bool) {
i.bordered = b
return i
// EnableVimMode Enables h,j,k,l navigation
func (i *Menu) EnableVimMode() *Menu {
func (i *Menu) EnableVimMode() {
i.vimMode = true
return i
// DisableVimMode Disables h,j,k,l navigation
func (i *Menu) DisableVimMode() *Menu {
func (i *Menu) DisableVimMode() {
i.vimMode = false
return i
// HandleKeyPress handles the termbox event and returns whether it was consumed
func (i *Menu) HandleKeyPress(event termbox.Event) bool {
if event.Key == termbox.KeyEnter {
if event.Key == termbox.KeyEnter || event.Key == termbox.KeySpace {
i.isDone = true
return true
@ -310,6 +292,11 @@ func (i *Menu) Draw() {
// If the currently selected option is disabled, move to the next
if i.GetSelectedOption().IsDisabled() {
// Print the options
if len(i.options) > 0 {
for idx := range i.options {
@ -343,24 +330,21 @@ func CreateOptionFromText(s string) *MenuOption {
// SetText Sets the text for this option
func (i *MenuOption) SetText(s string) *MenuOption {
func (i *MenuOption) SetText(s string) {
i.text = s
return i
// GetText Returns the text for this option
func (i *MenuOption) GetText() string { return i.text }
// Disable Sets this option to disabled
func (i *MenuOption) Disable() *MenuOption {
func (i *MenuOption) Disable() {
i.disabled = true
return i
// Enable Sets this option to enabled
func (i *MenuOption) Enable() *MenuOption {
func (i *MenuOption) Enable() {
i.disabled = false
return i
// IsDisabled returns whether this option is enabled
@ -374,21 +358,18 @@ func (i *MenuOption) IsSelected() bool {
// Select Sets this option to selected
func (i *MenuOption) Select() *MenuOption {
func (i *MenuOption) Select() {
i.selected = true
return i
// Unselect Sets this option to not selected
func (i *MenuOption) Unselect() *MenuOption {
func (i *MenuOption) Unselect() {
i.selected = false
return i
// SetHelpText Sets this option's help text to s
func (i *MenuOption) SetHelpText(s string) *MenuOption {
func (i *MenuOption) SetHelpText(s string) {
i.helpText = s
return i
// GetHelpText Returns the help text for this option

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ type ProgressBar struct {
emptyChar rune
bordered bool
alignment TextAlignment
colorized bool
x, y int
width, height int
@ -35,27 +36,24 @@ func (i *ProgressBar) GetProgress() int {
// SetProgress sets the current progress of the bar
func (i *ProgressBar) SetProgress(p int) *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) SetProgress(p int) {
if (p <= || i.allowOverflow) || (p >= 0 || i.allowUnderflow) {
i.progress = p
return i
// IncrProgress increments the current progress of the bar
func (i *ProgressBar) IncrProgress() *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) IncrProgress() {
if i.progress < || i.allowOverflow {
return i
// DecrProgress decrements the current progress of the bar
func (i *ProgressBar) DecrProgress() *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) DecrProgress() {
if i.progress > 0 || i.allowUnderflow {
return i
// GetPercent returns the percent full of the bar
@ -64,27 +62,23 @@ func (i *ProgressBar) GetPercent() int {
// EnableOverflow Tells the progress bar that it can go over the total
func (i *ProgressBar) EnableOverflow() *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) EnableOverflow() {
i.allowOverflow = true
return i
// DisableOverflow Tells the progress bar that it can NOT go over the total
func (i *ProgressBar) DisableOverflow() *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) DisableOverflow() {
i.allowOverflow = false
return i
// EnableUnderflow Tells the progress bar that it can go below zero
func (i *ProgressBar) EnableUnderflow() *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) EnableUnderflow() {
i.allowUnderflow = true
return i
// DisableUnderflow Tells the progress bar that it can NOT go below zero
func (i *ProgressBar) DisableUnderflow() *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) DisableUnderflow() {
i.allowUnderflow = false
return i
// GetFullChar returns the rune used for 'full'
@ -93,9 +87,8 @@ func (i *ProgressBar) GetFullChar() rune {
// SetFullChar sets the rune used for 'full'
func (i *ProgressBar) SetFullChar(f rune) *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) SetFullChar(f rune) {
i.fullChar = f
return i
// GetEmptyChar gets the rune used for 'empty'
@ -104,27 +97,24 @@ func (i *ProgressBar) GetEmptyChar() rune {
// SetEmptyChar sets the rune used for 'empty'
func (i *ProgressBar) SetEmptyChar(f rune) *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) SetEmptyChar(f rune) {
i.emptyChar = f
return i
// GetX Return the x position of the Progress Bar
func (i *ProgressBar) GetX() int { return i.x }
// SetX set the x position of the ProgressBar to x
func (i *ProgressBar) SetX(x int) *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) SetX(x int) {
i.x = x
return i
// GetY Return the y position of the ProgressBar
func (i *ProgressBar) GetY() int { return i.y }
// SetY Set the y position of the ProgressBar to y
func (i *ProgressBar) SetY(y int) *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) SetY(y int) {
i.y = y
return i
// GetHeight returns the height of the progress bar
@ -134,9 +124,8 @@ func (i *ProgressBar) GetHeight() int {
// SetHeight Sets the height of the progress bar
func (i *ProgressBar) SetHeight(h int) *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) SetHeight(h int) {
i.height = h
return i
// GetWidth returns the width of the progress bar
@ -145,33 +134,38 @@ func (i *ProgressBar) GetWidth() int {
// SetWidth Sets the width of the progress bar
func (i *ProgressBar) SetWidth(w int) *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) SetWidth(w int) {
i.width = w
return i
// GetBackground Return the current background color of the modal
func (i *ProgressBar) GetBackground() termbox.Attribute { return }
// SetBackground Set the current background color to bg
func (i *ProgressBar) SetBackground(bg termbox.Attribute) *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) SetBackground(bg termbox.Attribute) { = bg
return i
// GetForeground Return the current foreground color
func (i *ProgressBar) GetForeground() termbox.Attribute { return i.fg }
// SetForeground Set the foreground color to fg
func (i *ProgressBar) SetForeground(fg termbox.Attribute) *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) SetForeground(fg termbox.Attribute) {
i.fg = fg
return i
// Align Tells which direction the progress bar empties
func (i *ProgressBar) Align(a TextAlignment) *ProgressBar {
func (i *ProgressBar) Align(a TextAlignment) {
i.alignment = a
return i
// SetColorized sets whether the progress bar should be colored
// depending on how full it is:
// 10% - Red
// 50% - Yellow
// 80% - Green
func (i *ProgressBar) SetColorized(c bool) {
i.colorized = c
// HandleKeyPress accepts the termbox event and returns whether it was consumed
@ -183,11 +177,21 @@ func (i *ProgressBar) HandleKeyPress(event termbox.Event) bool {
func (i *ProgressBar) Draw() {
// For now, just draw a [#### ] bar
// TODO: make this more advanced
useFg := i.fg
if i.colorized {
if i.GetPercent() < 10 {
useFg = termbox.ColorRed
} else if i.GetPercent() < 50 {
useFg = termbox.ColorYellow
} else {
useFg = termbox.ColorGreen
drawX, drawY := i.x, i.y
fillWidth, fillHeight := i.width-2, i.height
DrawStringAtPoint("[", drawX, drawY, i.fg,
numFull := int(float64(fillWidth) * float64(i.progress) / float64(
FillWithChar(i.fullChar, drawX+1, drawY, drawX+1+numFull, drawY+(fillHeight-1), i.fg,
FillWithChar(i.fullChar, drawX+1, drawY, drawX+1+numFull, drawY+(fillHeight-1), useFg,
DrawStringAtPoint("]", drawX+i.width-1, drawY, i.fg,

termbox_scrollframe.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
package termboxUtil
import ""
// ScrollFrame is a frame for holding other elements
// It manages it's own x/y, tab index
type ScrollFrame struct {
x, y, width, height int
scrollX, scrollY int
tabIdx int
fg, bg termbox.Attribute
bordered bool
controls []termboxControl
// CreateScrollFrame creates Scrolling Frame at x, y that is w by h
func CreateScrollFrame(x, y, w, h int, fg, bg termbox.Attribute) *ScrollFrame {
s := ScrollFrame{x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, fg: fg, bg: bg}
return &s
// GetX returns the x position of the scroll frame
func (s *ScrollFrame) GetX() int { return s.x }
// SetX sets the x position of the scroll frame
func (s *ScrollFrame) SetX(x int) {
s.x = x
// GetY returns the y position of the scroll frame
func (s *ScrollFrame) GetY() int { return s.y }
// SetY sets the y position of the scroll frame
func (s *ScrollFrame) SetY(y int) {
s.y = y
// GetWidth returns the current width of the scroll frame
func (s *ScrollFrame) GetWidth() int { return s.width }
// SetWidth sets the current width of the scroll frame
func (s *ScrollFrame) SetWidth(w int) {
s.width = w
// GetHeight returns the current height of the scroll frame
func (s *ScrollFrame) GetHeight() int { return s.height }
// SetHeight sets the current height of the scroll frame
func (s *ScrollFrame) SetHeight(h int) {
s.height = h
// IsBordered returns true or false if this scroll frame has a border
func (s *ScrollFrame) IsBordered() bool { return s.bordered }
// SetBordered sets whether we render a border around the scroll frame
func (s *ScrollFrame) SetBordered(b bool) {
s.bordered = b
// GetScrollX returns the x distance scrolled
func (s *ScrollFrame) GetScrollX() int {
return s.scrollX
// GetScrollY returns the y distance scrolled
func (s *ScrollFrame) GetScrollY() int {
return s.scrollY
// ScrollDown scrolls the frame down
func (s *ScrollFrame) ScrollDown() {
// ScrollUp scrolls the frame up
func (s *ScrollFrame) ScrollUp() {
if s.scrollY > 0 {
// ScrollLeft scrolls the frame left
func (s *ScrollFrame) ScrollLeft() {
if s.scrollX > 0 {
// ScrollRight scrolls the frame right
func (s *ScrollFrame) ScrollRight() {
// AddControl adds a control to the frame
func (s *ScrollFrame) AddControl(t termboxControl) {
s.controls = append(s.controls, t)
// DrawControl figures out the relative position of the control,
// sets it, draws it, then resets it.
func (s *ScrollFrame) DrawControl(t termboxControl) {
if s.IsVisible(t) {
ctlX, ctlY := t.GetX(), t.GetY()
t.SetX((s.GetX() + ctlX))
t.SetY((s.GetY() + ctlY))
// IsVisible takes a Termbox Control and returns whether
// that control would be visible in the frame
func (s *ScrollFrame) IsVisible(t termboxControl) bool {
// Check if any part of t should be visible
cX, cY := t.GetX(), t.GetY()
if cX+t.GetWidth() >= s.scrollX && cX <= s.scrollX+s.width {
return cY+t.GetHeight() >= s.scrollY && cY <= s.scrollY+s.height
return false
// HandleKeyPress accepts the termbox event and returns whether it was consumed
func (s *ScrollFrame) HandleKeyPress(event termbox.Event) bool {
return false
// DrawToStrings generates a slice of strings with what should
// be drawn to the screen
func (s *ScrollFrame) DrawToStrings() []string {
return []string{}
// Draw outputs the Scoll Frame on the screen
func (s *ScrollFrame) Draw() {
maxWidth := s.width
maxHeight := s.height
x, y := s.x, s.y
startX := s.x
startY := s.y
if s.bordered {
DrawBorder(s.x, s.y, s.x+s.width, s.y+s.height, s.fg,
for i := range s.controls {

View File

@ -7,6 +7,19 @@ import (
type termboxControl interface {
GetX() int
GetY() int
GetWidth() int
GetHeight() int
HandleKeyPress(termbox.Event) bool
// TextAlignment is an int value for how we're aligning text
type TextAlignment int
@ -19,6 +32,49 @@ const (
/* Basic Input Helpers */
// KeyIsAlphaNumeric Returns whether the termbox event is an
// Alpha-Numeric Key Press
func KeyIsAlphaNumeric(event termbox.Event) bool {
return KeyIsAlpha(event) || KeyIsNumeric(event)
// KeyIsAlpha Returns whether the termbox event is a
// alphabetic Key press
func KeyIsAlpha(event termbox.Event) bool {
k := event.Ch
if (k >= 'a' && k <= 'z') || (k >= 'A' && k <= 'Z') {
return true
return false
// KeyIsNumeric Returns whether the termbox event is a
// numeric Key press
func KeyIsNumeric(event termbox.Event) bool {
k := event.Ch
if k >= '0' && k <= '9' {
return true
return false
// KeyIsSymbol Returns whether the termbox event is a
// symbol Key press
func KeyIsSymbol(event termbox.Event) bool {
symbols := []rune{'!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*',
'(', ')', '-', '_', '=', '+', '[', ']', '{', '}', '|',
';', ':', '"', '\'', ',', '<', '.', '>', '/', '?', '`', '~'}
k := event.Ch
for i := range symbols {
if k == symbols[i] {
return true
return false
/* Basic Output Helpers */
// DrawStringAtPoint Draw a string of text at x, y with foreground color fg, background color bg