Updated a few things

Add a few handy things to asciiart and menu
This commit is contained in:
Brian Buller 2015-10-26 17:38:49 -05:00
parent da19f61603
commit 02537f2b96
3 changed files with 221 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -35,6 +35,30 @@ func (i *ASCIIArt) SetY(y int) *ASCIIArt {
return i
// GetHeight Returns the number of strings in the contents slice
func (i *ASCIIArt) GetHeight() int {
return len(i.contents)
// SetContents Sets the contents of i to c
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetContents(c []string) *ASCIIArt {
i.contents = c
return i
// GetContents returns the ascii art
func (i *ASCIIArt) GetContents() []string {
return i.contents
// SetContentLine Sets a specific line of the contents to s
func (i *ASCIIArt) SetContentLine(s string, idx int) *ASCIIArt {
if idx >= 0 && idx < len(i.contents) {
i.contents[idx] = s
return i
// GetBackground Return the current background color of the modal
func (i *ASCIIArt) GetBackground() termbox.Attribute { return i.bg }

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@ -1,38 +1,36 @@
package termboxUtil
import (
import "github.com/nsf/termbox-go"
// Menu is a menu with a list of options
type Menu struct {
title string
options []string
options []MenuOption
// If height is -1, then it is adaptive to the menu
x, y, width, height int
optionsDisabled []bool
optionsHelp []string
showHelp bool
cursor int
bg, fg termbox.Attribute
selectedBg, selectedFg termbox.Attribute
disabledBg, disabledFg termbox.Attribute
isDone bool
selectedOption int
bordered bool
hasFocus bool
// CreateMenu Creates a menu with the specified attributes
func CreateMenu(title string, options []string, x, y, width, height int, fg, bg termbox.Attribute) *Menu {
i := Menu{title: title, options: options, x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height, fg: fg, bg: bg}
for len(i.optionsDisabled) < len(i.options) {
i.optionsDisabled = append(i.optionsDisabled, false)
i := Menu{
title: title,
x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height,
fg: fg, bg: bg, selectedFg: bg, selectedBg: fg,
disabledFg: bg, disabledBg: bg,
for _, line := range options {
i.options = append(i.options, MenuOption{text: line})
if len(i.options) > 0 {
i.selectedFg = i.bg
i.selectedBg = i.fg
i.disabledFg = i.bg
i.disabledBg = i.bg
return &i
@ -46,30 +44,23 @@ func (i *Menu) SetTitle(s string) *Menu {
// GetOptions returns the current options of the menu
func (i *Menu) GetOptions() []string {
func (i *Menu) GetOptions() []MenuOption {
return i.options
// SetOptions set the menu's options to opts
func (i *Menu) SetOptions(opts []string) *Menu {
func (i *Menu) SetOptions(opts []MenuOption) *Menu {
i.options = opts
return i
// SetOptionDisabled sets an option in the menu to disabled
func (i *Menu) SetOptionDisabled(idx int) *Menu {
if idx > 0 && idx < len(i.options) {
i.optionsDisabled[idx] = true
// SetOptionsFromStrings sets the options of this menu from a slice of strings
func (i *Menu) SetOptionsFromStrings(opts []string) *Menu {
var newOpts []MenuOption
for _, v := range opts {
newOpts = append(newOpts, *CreateOptionFromText(v))
return i
// SetOptionEnabled sets an option to enabled
func (i *Menu) SetOptionEnabled(idx int) *Menu {
if idx >= 0 && idx < len(i.options) {
i.optionsDisabled[idx] = false
return i
return i.SetOptions(newOpts)
// GetX returns the current x coordinate of the menu
@ -108,6 +99,85 @@ func (i *Menu) SetHeight(height int) *Menu {
return i
// GetSelectedOption returns the current selected option
func (i *Menu) GetSelectedOption() *MenuOption {
idx := i.GetSelectedIndex()
if idx != -1 {
return &i.options[idx]
return nil
// GetOptionFromIndex Returns the
func (i *Menu) GetOptionFromIndex(idx int) *MenuOption {
if idx >= 0 && idx < len(i.options) {
return &i.options[idx]
return nil
// GetOptionFromText Returns the first option with the text v
func (i *Menu) GetOptionFromText(v string) *MenuOption {
for idx := range i.options {
testOption := &i.options[idx]
if testOption.GetText() == v {
return testOption
return nil
// GetSelectedIndex returns the index of the selected option
// Returns -1 if nothing is selected
func (i *Menu) GetSelectedIndex() int {
for idx := range i.options {
if i.options[idx].IsSelected() {
return idx
return -1
// SetSelectedOption sets the current selected option to v (if it's valid)
func (i *Menu) SetSelectedOption(v *MenuOption) *Menu {
for idx := range i.options {
if &i.options[idx] == v {
} else {
return i
// SelectPrevOption Decrements the selected option (if it can)
func (i *Menu) SelectPrevOption() *Menu {
idx := i.GetSelectedIndex()
for idx >= 0 {
testOption := i.GetOptionFromIndex(idx)
if testOption != nil && !testOption.IsDisabled() {
return i
return i
// SelectNextOption Increments the selected option (if it can)
func (i *Menu) SelectNextOption() *Menu {
idx := i.GetSelectedIndex()
for idx < len(i.options) {
testOption := i.GetOptionFromIndex(idx)
if testOption != nil && !testOption.IsDisabled() {
return i
return i
// HelpIsShown returns true or false if the help is displayed
func (i *Menu) HelpIsShown() bool { return i.showHelp }
@ -155,23 +225,19 @@ func (i *Menu) SetBordered(b bool) *Menu {
// HandleKeyPress handles the termbox event and returns whether it was consumed
func (i *Menu) HandleKeyPress(event termbox.Event) bool {
if i.hasFocus {
if event.Key == termbox.KeyEnter {
i.isDone = true
return true
switch event.Key {
case termbox.KeyArrowUp:
if i.selectedOption > 0 {
return true
case termbox.KeyArrowDown:
if i.selectedOption < len(i.options) {
return true
if event.Key == termbox.KeyEnter {
i.isDone = true
return true
currentIdx := i.GetSelectedIndex()
switch event.Key {
case termbox.KeyArrowUp:
case termbox.KeyArrowDown:
if i.GetSelectedIndex() != currentIdx {
return true
return false
@ -196,7 +262,7 @@ func (i *Menu) Draw() {
optionStartX = i.x + 1
optionStartY = i.y + 1
optionWidth = i.width - 2
optionWidth = i.width - 1
// The title
@ -210,13 +276,85 @@ func (i *Menu) Draw() {
// Print the options
for idx, opt := range i.options {
if i.optionsDisabled[idx] {
DrawStringAtPoint(opt, optionStartX, optionStartY, i.disabledFg, i.disabledBg)
} else if i.selectedOption == idx {
DrawStringAtPoint(opt, optionStartX, optionStartY, i.selectedFg, i.selectedBg)
} else {
DrawStringAtPoint(opt, optionStartX, optionStartY, i.fg, i.bg)
if len(i.options) > 0 {
for idx := range i.options {
currOpt := &i.options[idx]
if currOpt.IsDisabled() {
DrawStringAtPoint(currOpt.GetText(), optionStartX, optionStartY, i.disabledFg, i.disabledBg)
} else if i.GetSelectedOption() == currOpt {
DrawStringAtPoint(AlignText(currOpt.GetText(), optionWidth, AlignLeft), optionStartX, optionStartY, i.selectedFg, i.selectedBg)
} else {
DrawStringAtPoint(currOpt.GetText(), optionStartX, optionStartY, i.fg, i.bg)
/* MenuOption Struct & methods */
// MenuOption An option in the menu
type MenuOption struct {
text string
selected bool
disabled bool
helpText string
// CreateOptionFromText just returns a MenuOption object
// That only has it's text value set.
func CreateOptionFromText(s string) *MenuOption {
return &MenuOption{text: s}
// SetText Sets the text for this option
func (i *MenuOption) SetText(s string) *MenuOption {
i.text = s
return i
// GetText Returns the text for this option
func (i *MenuOption) GetText() string { return i.text }
// Disable Sets this option to disabled
func (i *MenuOption) Disable() *MenuOption {
i.disabled = true
return i
// Enable Sets this option to enabled
func (i *MenuOption) Enable() *MenuOption {
i.disabled = false
return i
// IsDisabled returns whether this option is enabled
func (i *MenuOption) IsDisabled() bool {
return i.disabled
// IsSelected Returns whether this option is selected
func (i *MenuOption) IsSelected() bool {
return i.selected
// Select Sets this option to selected
func (i *MenuOption) Select() *MenuOption {
i.selected = true
return i
// Unselect Sets this option to not selected
func (i *MenuOption) Unselect() *MenuOption {
i.selected = false
return i
// SetHelpText Sets this option's help text to s
func (i *MenuOption) SetHelpText(s string) *MenuOption {
i.helpText = s
return i
// GetHelpText Returns the help text for this option
func (i *MenuOption) GetHelpText() string { return i.helpText }

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@ -69,7 +69,10 @@ func AlignText(txt string, width int, align TextAlignment) string {
case AlignRight:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", strings.Repeat(" ", numSpaces), txt)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", txt, strings.Repeat(" ", numSpaces))
if numSpaces >= 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", txt, strings.Repeat(" ", numSpaces))
return txt