
29 lines
764 B

# RNA Transcription
Given a DNA strand, return its RNA complement (per RNA transcription).
Both DNA and RNA strands are a sequence of nucleotides.
The four nucleotides found in DNA are adenine (**A**), cytosine (**C**),
guanine (**G**) and thymine (**T**).
The four nucleotides found in RNA are adenine (**A**), cytosine (**C**),
guanine (**G**) and uracil (**U**).
Given a DNA strand, its transcribed RNA strand is formed by replacing
each nucleotide with its complement:
* `G` -> `C`
* `C` -> `G`
* `T` -> `A`
* `A` -> `U`
## Source
Rosalind [http://rosalind.info/problems/rna](http://rosalind.info/problems/rna)
## Submitting Incomplete Solutions
It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.