- Addresses
  - Create Wallets
  - Verify addresses
  - Require addresses for transactions
This commit is contained in:
Brian Buller 2017-09-25 15:58:17 -05:00
parent 3d8e28a725
commit 08369bae29
10 changed files with 561 additions and 89 deletions

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ var (
maxNonce = math.MaxInt64
// Block repressents a block in the blockchain
type Block struct {
Timestamp int64
Transactions []*Transaction

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
package main
import (
@ -108,7 +111,7 @@ func NewGenesisBlock(coinbase *Transaction) *Block {
// FindUnspentTransactions returns a list of transactions containing unspent outputs
func (bc *Blockchain) FindUnspentTransactions(address string) []Transaction {
func (bc *Blockchain) FindUnspentTransactions(pubKeyHash []byte) []Transaction {
var unspentTXs []Transaction
spentTXOs := make(map[string][]int)
bci := bc.Iterator()
@ -129,14 +132,14 @@ func (bc *Blockchain) FindUnspentTransactions(address string) []Transaction {
if out.CanBeUnlockedWith(address) {
if out.IsLockedWithKey(pubKeyHash) {
unspentTXs = append(unspentTXs, *tx)
if tx.IsCoinbase() == false {
for _, in := range tx.Vin {
if in.CanUnlockOutputWith(address) {
if in.UsesKey(pubKeyHash) {
inTxID := hex.EncodeToString(in.Txid)
spentTXOs[inTxID] = append(spentTXOs[inTxID], in.Vout)
@ -153,12 +156,12 @@ func (bc *Blockchain) FindUnspentTransactions(address string) []Transaction {
// FindUTXO finds and returns all unspent transaction outputs
func (bc *Blockchain) FindUTXO(address string) []TXOutput {
func (bc *Blockchain) FindUTXO(pubKeyHash []byte) []TXOutput {
var UTXOs []TXOutput
unspentTransactions := bc.FindUnspentTransactions(address)
unspentTransactions := bc.FindUnspentTransactions(pubKeyHash)
for _, tx := range unspentTransactions {
for _, out := range tx.Vout {
if out.CanBeUnlockedWith(address) {
if out.IsLockedWithKey(pubKeyHash) {
UTXOs = append(UTXOs, out)
@ -167,16 +170,16 @@ func (bc *Blockchain) FindUTXO(address string) []TXOutput {
// FindSpendableOutputs finds and returns unspent outputs to reference in inputs
func (bc *Blockchain) FindSpendableOutputs(address string, amount int) (int, map[string][]int) {
func (bc *Blockchain) FindSpendableOutputs(pubKeyHash []byte, amount int) (int, map[string][]int) {
unspentOutputs := make(map[string][]int)
unspentTXs := bc.FindUnspentTransactions(address)
unspentTXs := bc.FindUnspentTransactions(pubKeyHash)
accumulated := 0
for _, tx := range unspentTXs {
txID := hex.EncodeToString(tx.ID)
for outIdx, out := range tx.Vout {
if out.CanBeUnlockedWith(address) && accumulated < amount {
if out.IsLockedWithKey(pubKeyHash) && accumulated < amount {
accumulated += out.Value
unspentOutputs[txID] = append(unspentOutputs[txID], outIdx)
if accumulated >= amount {
@ -192,6 +195,12 @@ Work:
func (bc *Blockchain) MineBlock(transactions []*Transaction) {
var lastHash []byte
for _, tx := range transactions {
if !bc.VerifyTransaction(tx) {
exitWithError(errors.New("Invalid Transaction"))
err := bc.db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
b := tx.Bucket([]byte(blocksBucket))
lastHash = b.Get([]byte("1"))
@ -223,6 +232,49 @@ func (bc *Blockchain) MineBlock(transactions []*Transaction) {
func (bc *Blockchain) FindTransaction(ID []byte) (Transaction, error) {
bci := bc.Iterator()
for {
block := bci.Next()
for _, tx := range block.Transactions {
if bytes.Compare(tx.ID, ID) == 0 {
return *tx, nil
if len(block.PrevBlockHash) == 0 {
return Transaction{}, errors.New("Transaction not found")
func (bc *Blockchain) SignTransaction(tx *Transaction, privKey ecdsa.PrivateKey) {
prevTXs := make(map[string]Transaction)
for _, vin := range tx.Vin {
prevTX, err := bc.FindTransaction(vin.Txid)
if err != nil {
prevTXs[hex.EncodeToString(prevTX.ID)] = prevTX
tx.Sign(privKey, prevTXs)
func (bc *Blockchain) VerifyTransaction(tx *Transaction) bool {
prevTXs := make(map[string]Transaction)
for _, vin := range tx.Vin {
prevTX, err := bc.FindTransaction(vin.Txid)
if err != nil {
prevTXs[hex.EncodeToString(prevTX.ID)] = prevTX
return tx.Verify(prevTXs)
// Iterating the Blockchain
type BlockchainIterator struct {
currentHash []byte

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package main
import (
@ -8,10 +9,12 @@ import (
const (
flagBalance = "balance"
flagCreate = "create"
flagSend = "send"
flagLedger = "ledger"
flagBalance = "balance"
flagCreate = "create"
flagSend = "send"
flagLedger = "ledger"
flagCreateWallet = "createwallet"
flagListAddresses = "listaddresses"
type CLI struct{}
@ -23,6 +26,8 @@ func (cli *CLI) Run() {
// Valid CLI flags
getBalanceCmd := flag.NewFlagSet(flagBalance, flag.ExitOnError)
createBlockchainCmd := flag.NewFlagSet(flagCreate, flag.ExitOnError)
createWalletCmd := flag.NewFlagSet(flagCreateWallet, flag.ExitOnError)
listAddressesCmd := flag.NewFlagSet(flagListAddresses, flag.ExitOnError)
sendCmd := flag.NewFlagSet(flagSend, flag.ExitOnError)
printChainCmd := flag.NewFlagSet(flagLedger, flag.ExitOnError)
@ -49,6 +54,14 @@ func (cli *CLI) Run() {
if err := sendCmd.Parse(os.Args[2:]); err != nil {
case flagCreateWallet:
if err := createWalletCmd.Parse(os.Args[2:]); err != nil {
case flagListAddresses:
if err := listAddressesCmd.Parse(os.Args[2:]); err != nil {
@ -81,15 +94,67 @@ func (cli *CLI) Run() {
cli.send(*sendFrom, *sendTo, *sendAmount)
if createWalletCmd.Parsed() {
if listAddressesCmd.Parsed() {
// createBlockchain creates a new blockchain with a genesis block
func (cli *CLI) createBlockchain(address string) {
if !ValidateAddress(address) {
exitWithError(errors.New("Address is not valid"))
bc := CreateBlockchain(address)
// createWallet creates a wallet and outputs the new address
func (cli *CLI) createWallet() {
wallets, _ := NewWallets()
address := wallets.CreateWallet()
fmt.Printf("Your new address: %s\n", address)
// getBalance retrieves the transaction balance for an address
func (cli *CLI) getBalance(address string) {
if !ValidateAddress(address) {
exitWithError(errors.New("Invalid Address"))
bc := NewBlockchain()
defer bc.db.Close()
balance := 0
pubKeyHash := Base58Decode([]byte(address))
pubKeyHash = pubKeyHash[1 : len(pubKeyHash)-4]
UTXOs := bc.FindUTXO(pubKeyHash)
for _, out := range UTXOs {
balance += out.Value
fmt.Printf("Balance of '%s': %d\n", address, balance)
// listAddresses outputs all addresses from the wallets file
func (cli *CLI) listAddresses() {
wallets, err := NewWallets()
if err != nil {
addresses := wallets.GetAddresses()
for _, address := range addresses {
// printChain outputs the entire ledger
func (cli *CLI) printChain() {
bc := NewBlockchain()
@ -111,21 +176,6 @@ func (cli *CLI) printChain() {
// getBalance retrieves the transaction balance for an address
func (cli *CLI) getBalance(address string) {
bc := NewBlockchain()
defer bc.db.Close()
balance := 0
UTXOs := bc.FindUTXO(address)
for _, out := range UTXOs {
balance += out.Value
fmt.Printf("Balance of '%s': %d\n", address, balance)
// send Triggers a transaction exchange
func (cli *CLI) send(from, to string, amount int) {
bc := NewBlockchain()
@ -143,6 +193,8 @@ func (cli *CLI) printUsage() {
fmt.Println("\t" + flagCreate + " -address ADDRESS\tCreate a blockchain and send genesis block reward to ADDRESS")
fmt.Println("\t" + flagLedger + "\t\t\tprint all the blocks of the blockchain")
fmt.Println("\t" + flagSend + " -from FROM -to TO -amount AMOUNT\tSend AMOUNT of coins from FROM address to TO address")
fmt.Println("\t" + flagCreateWallet + "\t\t\tGenerates a new key-pair and saves it into the wallet store")
fmt.Println("\t" + flagListAddresses + "\t\t\tList all addresses from the wallet store")
// validateArgs just makes sure that we've got a couple arguments

View File

@ -2,11 +2,16 @@ package main
import (
const subsidy = 10
@ -23,6 +28,131 @@ func (tx Transaction) IsCoinbase() bool {
return len(tx.Vin) == 1 && len(tx.Vin[0].Txid) == 0 && tx.Vin[0].Vout == -1
// Serialize returns a serialized transaction
func (tx *Transaction) Serialize() []byte {
var encoded bytes.Buffer
enc := gob.NewEncoder(&encoded)
err := enc.Encode(tx)
if err != nil {
return encoded.Bytes()
// Hash returns the hash of the transaction
func (tx *Transaction) Hash() []byte {
var hash [32]byte
txCopy := *tx
txCopy.ID = []byte{}
hash = sha256.Sum256(txCopy.Serialize())
return hash[:]
// Sign signs each input of a transaction
func (tx *Transaction) Sign(privKey ecdsa.PrivateKey, prevTXs map[string]Transaction) {
if tx.IsCoinbase() {
for _, vin := range tx.Vin {
if prevTXs[hex.EncodeToString(vin.Txid)].ID == nil {
exitWithError(errors.New("Previous transaction is not correct"))
txCopy := tx.TrimmedCopy()
for inID, vin := range txCopy.Vin {
prevTx := prevTXs[hex.EncodeToString(vin.Txid)]
txCopy.Vin[inID].Signature = nil
txCopy.Vin[inID].PubKey = prevTx.Vout[vin.Vout].PubKeyHash
txCopy.ID = txCopy.Hash()
txCopy.Vin[inID].PubKey = nil
r, s, err := ecdsa.Sign(rand.Reader, &privKey, txCopy.ID)
if err != nil {
signature := append(r.Bytes(), s.Bytes()...)
tx.Vin[inID].Signature = signature
// String returns a human-readable representation of a transaction
func (tx Transaction) String() string {
var lines []string
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("--- Transaction %x:", tx.ID))
for i, input := range tx.Vin {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\tInput %d:", i))
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\t\tTXID:\t%x", input.Txid))
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\t\tOut:\t%d", input.Vout))
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\t\tSignature:\t%x", input.Signature))
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\t\tPubKey:\t%x", input.PubKey))
for i, output := range tx.Vout {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\tOutput %d:", i))
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\t\tValue:\t%d", output.Value))
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("\t\tScript:\t%x", output.PubKeyHash))
return strings.Join(lines, "\n")
// TrimmedCopy creates a trimmed copy of Transaction to be used in signing
func (tx *Transaction) TrimmedCopy() Transaction {
var inputs []TXInput
var outputs []TXOutput
for _, vin := range tx.Vin {
inputs = append(inputs, TXInput{vin.Txid, vin.Vout, nil, nil})
for _, vout := range tx.Vout {
outputs = append(outputs, TXOutput{vout.Value, vout.PubKeyHash})
txCopy := Transaction{tx.ID, inputs, outputs}
return txCopy
// Verify verifies signatures of Transaction inputes
func (tx *Transaction) Verify(prevTXs map[string]Transaction) bool {
txCopy := tx.TrimmedCopy()
curve := elliptic.P256()
for inID, vin := range tx.Vin {
prevTx := prevTXs[hex.EncodeToString(vin.Txid)]
txCopy.Vin[inID].Signature = nil
txCopy.Vin[inID].PubKey = prevTx.Vout[vin.Vout].PubKeyHash
txCopy.ID = txCopy.Hash()
txCopy.Vin[inID].PubKey = nil
r := big.Int{}
s := big.Int{}
sigLen := len(vin.Signature)
r.SetBytes(vin.Signature[:(sigLen / 2)])
s.SetBytes(vin.Signature[(sigLen / 2):])
x := big.Int{}
y := big.Int{}
keyLen := len(vin.PubKey)
x.SetBytes(vin.PubKey[:(keyLen / 2)])
y.SetBytes(vin.PubKey[(keyLen / 2):])
rawPubKey := ecdsa.PublicKey{curve, &x, &y}
if ecdsa.Verify(&rawPubKey, txCopy.ID, &r, &s) == false {
return false
return true
// SetID sets the ID of a transaction
func (tx Transaction) SetID() {
var encoded bytes.Buffer
@ -43,18 +173,11 @@ func NewCoinbaseTX(to, data string) *Transaction {
data = fmt.Sprintf("Reward to '%s'", to)
txin := TXInput{
Txid: []byte{},
Vout: -1,
ScriptSig: data,
txout := TXOutput{
Value: subsidy,
ScriptPubKey: to,
txin := TXInput{[]byte{}, -1, nil, []byte(data)}
txout := NewTXOutput(subsidy, to)
tx := Transaction{nil, []TXInput{txin}, []TXOutput{txout}}
tx := Transaction{nil, []TXInput{txin}, []TXOutput{*txout}}
tx.ID = tx.Hash()
return &tx
@ -64,75 +187,41 @@ func NewUTXOTransaction(from, to string, amount int, bc *Blockchain) *Transactio
var inputs []TXInput
var outputs []TXOutput
acc, validOutputs := bc.FindSpendableOutputs(from, amount)
wallets, err := NewWallets()
if err != nil {
wallet := wallets.GetWallet(from)
pubKeyHash := HashPubKey(wallet.PublicKey)
acc, validOutputs := bc.FindSpendableOutputs(pubKeyHash, amount)
if acc < amount {
fmt.Println("ERROR: Not enough funds")
exitWithError(errors.New("Not enough funds"))
// Build a list of inputs
for txid, outs := range validOutputs {
txID, err := hex.DecodeString(txid)
if err != nil {
for _, out := range outs {
input := TXInput{
Txid: txID,
Vout: out,
ScriptSig: from,
input := TXInput{txID, out, nil, wallet.PublicKey}
inputs = append(inputs, input)
// Build a list of outputs
output := TXOutput{
Value: amount,
ScriptPubKey: to,
outputs = append(outputs, output)
outputs = append(outputs, *NewTXOutput(amount, to))
if acc > amount {
// There is some change
chgOutput := TXOutput{
Value: acc - amount,
ScriptPubKey: from,
outputs = append(outputs, chgOutput)
outputs = append(outputs, *NewTXOutput(acc-amount, from))
tx := Transaction{
ID: nil,
Vin: inputs,
Vout: outputs,
tx := Transaction{nil, inputs, outputs}
tx.ID = tx.Hash()
bc.SignTransaction(&tx, wallet.PrivateKey)
return &tx
// TXInput represents a transaction input
type TXInput struct {
Txid []byte
Vout int
ScriptSig string
// CanUnlockOutputWith checks whether the unlockingData (address) initiated the transaction
func (in *TXInput) CanUnlockOutputWith(unlockingData string) bool {
return in.ScriptSig == unlockingData
// TXOutput represents a transaction output
type TXOutput struct {
Value int
ScriptPubKey string
// CanBeUnlockedWith checks if the output can be unlocked with the provided data
func (out *TXOutput) CanBeUnlockedWith(unlockingData string) bool {
return out.ScriptPubKey == unlockingData

transaction_input.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package main
import "bytes"
// TXInput represents a transaction input
type TXInput struct {
Txid []byte
Vout int
Signature []byte
PubKey []byte
// UsesKey checks whether the address initiated the transaction
func (in *TXInput) UsesKey(pubKeyHash []byte) bool {
lockingHash := HashPubKey(in.PubKey)
return bytes.Compare(lockingHash, pubKeyHash) == 0

transaction_output.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package main
import "bytes"
// TXOutput represents a transaction output
type TXOutput struct {
Value int
PubKeyHash []byte
// newTXOutput creates a new output transaction
func NewTXOutput(value int, address string) *TXOutput {
txo := &TXOutput{value, nil}
return txo
// Lock signs the output
func (out *TXOutput) Lock(address []byte) {
pubKeyHash := Base58Decode(address)
pubKeyHash = pubKeyHash[1 : len(pubKeyHash)-4]
out.PubKeyHash = pubKeyHash
// IsLockedWithKey checks if the output can be used by the owner of the pubkey
func (out *TXOutput) IsLockedWithKey(pubKeyHash []byte) bool {
return bytes.Compare(out.PubKeyHash, pubKeyHash) == 0

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package main
import (
// IntToHex converts an int64 to a byte array
@ -14,3 +15,62 @@ func IntToHex(num int64) []byte {
return buf.Bytes()
// ReverseBytes reverses a byte array
func ReverseBytes(data []byte) {
for i, j := 0, len(data)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
data[i], data[j] = data[j], data[i]
// Base58 Encode/Decode Functions
var b58Alphabet = []byte("123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz")
// Base58Encode encodes a byte array to Base58
func Base58Encode(input []byte) []byte {
var result []byte
x := big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(input)
base := big.NewInt(int64(len(b58Alphabet)))
zero := big.NewInt(0)
mod := &big.Int{}
for x.Cmp(zero) != 0 {
x.DivMod(x, base, mod)
result = append(result, b58Alphabet[mod.Int64()])
for b := range input {
if b == 0x00 {
result = append([]byte{b58Alphabet[0]}, result...)
} else {
return result
// Base58Decode decodes Base58-encoded data
func Base58Decode(input []byte) []byte {
result := big.NewInt(0)
zeroBytes := 0
for b := range input {
if b == 0x00 {
payload := input[zeroBytes:]
for _, b := range payload {
charIndex := bytes.IndexByte(b58Alphabet, b)
result.Mul(result, big.NewInt(58))
result.Add(result, big.NewInt(int64(charIndex)))
decoded := result.Bytes()
decoded = append(bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(0x00)}, zeroBytes), decoded...)
return decoded

wallet.dat Normal file

Binary file not shown.

wallet.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
package main
import (
type Wallet struct {
PrivateKey ecdsa.PrivateKey
PublicKey []byte
func NewWallet() *Wallet {
private, public := newKeyPair()
wallet := Wallet{
PrivateKey: private,
PublicKey: public,
return &wallet
func (w Wallet) GetAddress() []byte {
pubKeyHash := HashPubKey(w.PublicKey)
versionedPayload := append([]byte{version}, pubKeyHash...)
checksum := checksum(versionedPayload)
fullPayload := append(versionedPayload, checksum...)
address := Base58Encode(fullPayload)
return address
func HashPubKey(pubKey []byte) []byte {
publicSHA256 := sha256.Sum256(pubKey)
RIPEMD160Hasher := ripemd160.New()
_, err := RIPEMD160Hasher.Write(publicSHA256[:])
if err != nil {
publicRIPEMD160 := RIPEMD160Hasher.Sum(nil)
return publicRIPEMD160
func ValidateAddress(address string) bool {
pubKeyHash := Base58Decode([]byte(address))
actualChecksum := pubKeyHash[len(pubKeyHash)-addressChecksumLen:]
version := pubKeyHash[0]
pubKeyHash = pubKeyHash[1 : len(pubKeyHash)-addressChecksumLen]
targetChecksum := checksum(append([]byte{version}, pubKeyHash...))
return bytes.Compare(actualChecksum, targetChecksum) == 0
func checksum(payload []byte) []byte {
firstSHA := sha256.Sum256(payload)
secondSHA := sha256.Sum256(firstSHA[:])
return secondSHA[:addressChecksumLen]
func newKeyPair() (ecdsa.PrivateKey, []byte) {
curve := elliptic.P256()
private, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(curve, rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
pubKey := append(private.PublicKey.X.Bytes(), private.PublicKey.Y.Bytes()...)
return *private, pubKey

wallets.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
package main
import (
const version = byte(0x00)
const walletFile = "wallet.dat"
const addressChecksumLen = 4
// Wallets is pretty self-explanatory
type Wallets struct {
Wallets map[string]*Wallet
// NewWallets creates Wallets and fills it from a file if it exists
func NewWallets() (*Wallets, error) {
wallets := Wallets{}
wallets.Wallets = make(map[string]*Wallet)
err := wallets.LoadFromFile()
return &wallets, err
// CreateWallet adds a Wallet to Wallets
func (ws *Wallets) CreateWallet() string {
wallet := NewWallet()
address := fmt.Sprintf("%s", wallet.GetAddress())
ws.Wallets[address] = wallet
return address
// GetAddresses returns an array of addresses stored in the wallet file
func (ws *Wallets) GetAddresses() []string {
var addresses []string
for address := range ws.Wallets {
addresses = append(addresses, address)
return addresses
// GetWallet returns a wallet by its address
func (ws Wallets) GetWallet(address string) Wallet {
return *ws.Wallets[address]
// LoadFromFile loads wallets from the file
func (ws *Wallets) LoadFromFile() error {
if _, err := os.Stat(walletFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
fileContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(walletFile)
if err != nil {
var wallets Wallets
decoder := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(fileContent))
err = decoder.Decode(&wallets)
if err != nil {
ws.Wallets = wallets.Wallets
return nil
// SaveToFile saves the wallets to a file
func (ws Wallets) SaveToFile() {
var content bytes.Buffer
encoder := gob.NewEncoder(&content)
err := encoder.Encode(ws)
if err != nil {
err = ioutil.WriteFile(walletFile, content.Bytes(), 0644)
if err != nil {