2018 Day 24 Done

This commit is contained in:
Brian Buller 2019-11-08 12:40:42 -06:00
parent 10af09b200
commit 83313cc77b
8 changed files with 548 additions and 402 deletions

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@ -1,210 +1,44 @@
package main
import (
type Army []*Group
const (
ArmyTypeImmune = 1 << iota
ArmyImmuneSystem = iota + 1
type Army struct {
id int
tp int
units int
hp int
immunities []string
weaknesses []string
damageType string
strength int
init int
target *Army
targettedBy *Army
var StringArmies = map[string]int{
"Immune System": ArmyImmuneSystem,
"Infection": ArmyInfection,
func NewArmy(inp string, tp, id int) *Army {
a := new(Army)
a.tp = tp
a.id = id
// Pull the parenthetical out, if one is there
var prnth, other string
var inPrnth bool
var ptsOfOther int
for _, v := range strings.Fields(inp) {
if len(v) > 0 && v[len(v)-1] == ')' {
prnth = prnth + " " + v
inPrnth = false
} else if len(v) > 0 && v[0] == '(' {
inPrnth = true
prnth = v
if inPrnth {
prnth = prnth + " " + v
} else {
if len(other) > 0 {
other = other + " "
other = other + v
_, err := fmt.Sscanf(other, "%d units each with %d hit points with an attack that does %d %s damage at initiative %d", &a.units, &a.hp, &a.strength, &a.damageType, &a.init)
if err != nil {
// Now parse out immunities and weaknesses
if len(prnth) > 3 {
prnth = prnth[1 : len(prnth)-1]
var inImmune bool
for _, v := range strings.Fields(prnth) {
if v == "immune" {
inImmune = true
} else if v == "weak" {
inImmune = false
if v == "to" {
if v[len(v)-1] == ';' || v[len(v)-1] == ',' {
v = v[:len(v)-1]
if inImmune {
a.immunities = append(a.immunities, v)
} else {
a.weaknesses = append(a.weaknesses, v)
return a
func (a Army) Swap(i, j int) {
a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
func (a *Army) IsImmuneTo(val string) bool {
for _, v := range a.immunities {
if v == val {
func (a Army) Len() int {
return len(a)
func (a Army) Less(i, j int) bool {
if a[i].EffectivePower() > a[j].EffectivePower() {
return true
return a[i].EffectivePower() == a[j].EffectivePower() && a[i].Initiative > a[j].Initiative
func (a Army) Alive() bool {
for _, g := range a {
if g.Units > 0 {
return true
return false
func (a *Army) IsWeakTo(val string) bool {
for _, v := range a.weaknesses {
if v == val {
return true
return false
func (a *Army) Power() int {
return a.units * a.strength
func (a *Army) FindTarget(group []*Army) {
var tgt *Army
var tgtDmg int
for _, v := range group {
if v.targettedBy != nil {
wrkDmg := a.CalculateDamage(v)
if tgt == nil || wrkDmg > tgtDmg {
tgt = v
tgtDmg = wrkDmg
} else if wrkDmg == tgtDmg {
if v.Power() > tgt.Power() {
tgt = v
tgtDmg = wrkDmg
} else if v.Power() == tgt.Power() {
if v.init > tgt.init {
tgt = v
tgtDmg = wrkDmg
if Debug {
var tpTxt string
if a.tp == ArmyTypeImmune {
tpTxt = "Immune System"
} else {
tpTxt = "Infection"
fmt.Printf("%s group %d would deal defending group %d %d damage\n", tpTxt, a.id, tgt.id, tgtDmg)
if tgt != nil {
a.target = tgt
tgt.targettedBy = a
func (a Army) Boost(amount int) {
for _, g := range a {
g.AttackDamage += amount
func (a *Army) CalculateDamage(b *Army) int {
if b.IsWeakTo(a.damageType) {
return a.Power() * 2
} else if b.IsImmuneTo(a.damageType) {
return 0
return a.Power()
func (a *Army) Damage(b *Army) int {
var unitsDefeated int
dmg := a.CalculateDamage(b)
for dmg > 0 {
dmg -= b.hp
if dmg > 0 && b.units > 0 {
b.targettedBy = nil
return unitsDefeated
func (a *Army) Fight() {
if a.target != nil {
var tpTxt string
if a.tp == ArmyTypeImmune {
tpTxt = "Immune System"
} else if a.tp == ArmyTypeInfection {
tpTxt = "Infection"
dmg := a.Damage(a.target)
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("%s group %d attacks defending group %d, killing %d units\n", tpTxt, a.id, a.target.id, dmg)
func (a Army) String() string {
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%d units each with %d hit points ", a.units, a.hp)
if len(a.weaknesses) > 0 {
ret = ret + fmt.Sprintf("(weaknesses: %s) ", a.weaknesses)
if len(a.immunities) > 0 {
ret = ret + fmt.Sprintf("(immunities: %s) ", a.immunities)
ret = ret + fmt.Sprintf("with an attack that does %d %s damage at initiative %d\n",
a.strength, a.damageType, a.init,
return ret
// Army Sorting
type ByPower []*Army
func (b ByPower) Len() int { return len(b) }
func (b ByPower) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] }
func (b ByPower) Less(i, j int) bool {
if b[i].Power() == b[j].Power() {
return b[i].init < b[j].init
return b[i].Power() < b[j].Power()

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@ -2,71 +2,160 @@ package main
import (
helpers2017 "bitbucket.org/thezeez/advent-of-code-2017/helpers"
type Battle struct {
immune []*Army
infect []*Army
type Battlefield map[int]Army
func NewBattle(immune, infect []*Army) *Battle {
return &Battle{
immune: immune,
infect: infect,
var (
armyName = regexp.MustCompile(`^(.*):$`)
groupImmunities = regexp.MustCompile(`immune to (.*?)[;)]`)
groupWeaknesses = regexp.MustCompile(`weak to (.*?)[;)]`)
groupDescription = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+) units each with (\d+) hit points.*with an attack that does (\d+) (\w+) damage at initiative (\d+)$`)
func (b *Battle) PrintStatus() {
fmt.Println("Immune System:")
for _, v := range b.immune {
fmt.Printf("Group %d contains %d units\n", v.id, v.units)
for _, v := range b.infect {
fmt.Printf("Group %d contains %d units\n", v.id, v.units)
const (
descriptionCount = iota + 1
// All Battle Logic is in here
func (b *Battle) Fight() {
allCombatants := append(b.immune, b.infect...)
for k := len(allCombatants) - 1; k >= 0; k-- {
if Debug {
for k := len(allCombatants) - 1; k >= 0; k-- {
i := 0
for _, x := range b.immune {
if x.units > 0 {
b.immune[i] = x
func PrepareForBattle(input []string) (Battlefield, Initiative) {
var initiative Initiative
battle := make(Battlefield)
var currentArmy int
for _, line := range input {
if armyName.MatchString(line) {
if id, ok := StringArmies[armyName.FindStringSubmatch(line)[1]]; ok {
currentArmy = id
} else {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown army: %s", armyName.FindStringSubmatch(line)[1]))
} else {
if currentArmy <= 0 || currentArmy >= ArmyCount {
panic(fmt.Errorf("tried to assign group to invalid army: %d", currentArmy))
description := groupDescription.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(description) == 0 {
group := &Group{
Units: helpers2017.IntOrPanic(description[descriptionCount]),
HitPoints: helpers2017.IntOrPanic(description[descriptionHitPoints]),
AttackDamage: helpers2017.IntOrPanic(description[descriptionDamage]),
AttackType: description[descriptionDamageType],
Initiative: helpers2017.IntOrPanic(description[descriptionInitiative]),
immunities := groupImmunities.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(immunities) > 0 {
group.Immunities = strings.Split(immunities[1], ", ")
weaknesses := groupWeaknesses.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(weaknesses) > 0 {
group.Weaknesses = strings.Split(weaknesses[1], ", ")
battle[currentArmy] = append(battle[currentArmy], group)
initiative = append(initiative, group)
b.immune = b.immune[:i]
i = 0
for _, x := range b.infect {
if x.units > 0 {
b.infect[i] = x
return battle, initiative
func (b Battlefield) FindTargets() {
for army, groups := range b {
for _, group := range groups {
for enemyArmy, enemyGroups := range b {
if army == enemyArmy || group.Units <= 0 {
var mostDamage int
var targetGroup *Group
for _, enemyGroup := range enemyGroups {
if enemyGroup.Units <= 0 || enemyGroup.Attacker != nil || group.DamageDealt(enemyGroup) == 0 || group.DamageDealt(enemyGroup) < mostDamage {
if group.DamageDealt(enemyGroup) == mostDamage && targetGroup != nil {
if enemyGroup.EffectivePower() < targetGroup.EffectivePower() {
if enemyGroup.EffectivePower() == targetGroup.EffectivePower() && enemyGroup.Initiative < targetGroup.Initiative {
mostDamage = group.DamageDealt(enemyGroup)
targetGroup = enemyGroup
if targetGroup != nil {
group.Target = targetGroup
targetGroup.Attacker = group
b.infect = b.infect[:i]
func (b *Battle) FindTargetFor(a *Army) {
if a.tp == ArmyTypeImmune {
} else if a.tp == ArmyTypeInfection {
func (b Battlefield) Clean() {
for army := range b {
c := b[army][:0]
for _, g := range b[army] {
if g.Units > 0 {
c = append(c, g)
b[army] = c
func (b *Battle) IsOver() bool {
return len(b.immune) == 0 || len(b.infect) == 0
func (b Battlefield) Active() bool {
for _, a := range b {
if !a.Alive() {
return false
return true
func (b Battlefield) Result() (int, int) {
var winner, units int
for army, groups := range b {
if groups.Alive() {
winner = army
for _, g := range groups {
if g.Units > 0 {
units += g.Units
return winner, units
func (b Battlefield) TotalUnits() int {
var sum int
for _, groups := range b {
for _, group := range groups {
if group.Units > 0 {
sum += group.Units
return sum

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@ -12,45 +12,57 @@ const (
func main() {
inp := StdinToStringSlice()
immune, infect := ParseInput(inp)
b := NewBattle(immune, infect)
//for !b.IsOver() {
if Debug {
fmt.Println("The battle is over!")
func ParseInput(inp []string) ([]*Army, []*Army) {
var immune, infection []*Army
var tp, id int
for _, v := range inp {
if v == "" {
if v == "Immune System:" {
tp, id = ArmyTypeImmune, 0
} else if v == "Infection:" {
tp, id = ArmyTypeInfection, 0
switch tp {
case ArmyTypeImmune:
immune = append(immune, NewArmy(v, tp, id))
case ArmyTypeInfection:
infection = append(infection, NewArmy(v, tp, id))
func ConditionFight(input []string) int {
battle, initiative := PrepareForBattle(input)
for battle.Active() {
_, units := battle.Result()
return units
func ImmuneSystemBoost(input []string) int {
var boost int
for {
var stalemate bool
battle, initiative := PrepareForBattle(input)
for battle.Active() {
before := battle.TotalUnits()
if battle.TotalUnits() == before {
stalemate = true
if !stalemate {
winner, units := battle.Result()
if winner == ArmyImmuneSystem {
return units
return immune, infection
func StdinToStringSlice() []string {
@ -61,3 +73,12 @@ func StdinToStringSlice() []string {
return input
func ContainsString(l []string, t string) bool {
for _, s := range l {
if s == t {
return true
return false

2018/day24/group.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package main
import (
type Group struct {
Units int
HitPoints int
AttackDamage int
AttackType string
Initiative int
Immunities []string
Weaknesses []string
Attacker *Group
Target *Group
func (g Group) EffectivePower() int {
return g.Units * g.AttackDamage
func (g Group) DamageDealt(e *Group) int {
if ContainsString(e.Immunities, g.AttackType) {
return 0
if ContainsString(e.Weaknesses, g.AttackType) {
return g.EffectivePower() * 2
return g.EffectivePower()
func (g Group) String() string {
out := fmt.Sprintf("%d units each with %d hit points", g.Units, g.HitPoints)
if len(g.Immunities) > 0 || len(g.Weaknesses) > 0 {
out += " ("
if len(g.Immunities) > 0 {
out += "immune to " + strings.Join(g.Immunities, " and ")
if len(g.Weaknesses) > 0 {
out += "; "
if len(g.Weaknesses) > 0 {
out += "weak to " + strings.Join(g.Weaknesses, " and ")
out += ")"
out += fmt.Sprintf(" with an attack that does %d %s damage at initiative %d", g.AttackDamage, g.AttackType, g.Initiative)
return out

2018/day24/initiative.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package main
import (
type Initiative []*Group
func (in Initiative) Len() int {
return len(in)
func (in Initiative) Swap(i, j int) {
in[i], in[j] = in[j], in[i]
func (in Initiative) Less(i, j int) bool {
return in[i].Initiative > in[j].Initiative
func (in Initiative) Attack() {
for _, group := range in {
if group.Units > 0 && group.Target != nil && group.Target.Units > 0 {
group.Target.Units -= group.DamageDealt(group.Target) / group.Target.HitPoints
if group.Target != nil {
group.Target.Attacker = nil
group.Target = nil
func (in *Initiative) Clean() {
c := (*in)[:0]
for _, g := range *in {
if g.Units > 0 {
c = append(c, g)
*in = c

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@ -72,143 +72,242 @@ Advent of Code
For example, consider the following armies:
Immune System:
17 units each with 5390 hit points (weak to radiation, bludgeoning) with
an attack that does 4507 fire damage at initiative 2
989 units each with 1274 hit points (immune to fire; weak to bludgeoning,
slashing) with an attack that does 25 slashing damage at initiative 3
Immune System: 17 units each with 5390 hit points (weak to radiation,
bludgeoning) with an attack that does 4507 fire damage at initiative 2 989
units each with 1274 hit points (immune to fire; weak to bludgeoning,
slashing) with an attack that does 25 slashing damage at initiative 3
801 units each with 4706 hit points (weak to radiation) with an attack
that does 116 bludgeoning damage at initiative 1
4485 units each with 2961 hit points (immune to radiation; weak to fire,
cold) with an attack that does 12 slashing damage at initiative 4
Infection: 801 units each with 4706 hit points (weak to radiation) with an
attack that does 116 bludgeoning damage at initiative 1 4485 units each with
2961 hit points (immune to radiation; weak to fire, cold) with an attack that
does 12 slashing damage at initiative 4
If these armies were to enter combat, the following fights, including details during the target selection and attacking phases, would take place:
If these armies were to enter combat, the following fights, including
details during the target selection and attacking phases, would take place:
Immune System:
Group 1 contains 17 units
Group 2 contains 989 units
Group 1 contains 801 units
Group 2 contains 4485 units
Immune System: Group 1 contains 17 units Group 2 contains 989 units Infection:
Group 1 contains 801 units Group 2 contains 4485 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 1 185832 damage
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 185832 damage
Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 107640 damage
Immune System group 1 would deal defending group 1 76619 damage
Immune System group 1 would deal defending group 2 153238 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 24725 damage
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 1 185832 damage Infection group 1
would deal defending group 2 185832 damage Infection group 2 would deal
defending group 2 107640 damage Immune System group 1 would deal defending
group 1 76619 damage Immune System group 1 would deal defending group 2 153238
damage Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 24725 damage
Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 84 units
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 4 units
Immune System group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 51 units
Infection group 1 attacks defending group 1, killing 17 units
Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 84 units Immune System
group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 4 units Immune System group 1
attacks defending group 2, killing 51 units Infection group 1 attacks
defending group 1, killing 17 units
Immune System:
Group 2 contains 905 units
Group 1 contains 797 units
Immune System: Group 2 contains 905 units Infection: Group 1 contains 797
units Group 2 contains 4434 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 184904 damage Immune System
group 2 would deal defending group 1 22625 damage Immune System group 2 would
deal defending group 2 22625 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 4 units Infection
group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 144 units
Immune System: Group 2 contains 761 units Infection: Group 1 contains 793
units Group 2 contains 4434 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 183976 damage Immune System
group 2 would deal defending group 1 19025 damage Immune System group 2 would
deal defending group 2 19025 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 4 units Infection
group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 143 units
Immune System: Group 2 contains 618 units Infection: Group 1 contains 789
units Group 2 contains 4434 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 183048 damage Immune System
group 2 would deal defending group 1 15450 damage Immune System group 2 would
deal defending group 2 15450 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 3 units Infection
group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 143 units
Immune System: Group 2 contains 475 units Infection: Group 1 contains 786
units Group 2 contains 4434 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 182352 damage Immune System
group 2 would deal defending group 1 11875 damage Immune System group 2 would
deal defending group 2 11875 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 2 units Infection
group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 142 units
Immune System: Group 2 contains 333 units Infection: Group 1 contains 784
units Group 2 contains 4434 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 181888 damage Immune System
group 2 would deal defending group 1 8325 damage Immune System group 2 would
deal defending group 2 8325 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 1 unit Infection
group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 142 units
Immune System: Group 2 contains 191 units Infection: Group 1 contains 783
units Group 2 contains 4434 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 181656 damage Immune System
group 2 would deal defending group 1 4775 damage Immune System group 2 would
deal defending group 2 4775 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 1 unit Infection
group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 142 units
Immune System: Group 2 contains 49 units Infection: Group 1 contains 782 units
Group 2 contains 4434 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 184904 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 22625 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 22625 damage
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 181424 damage Immune System
group 2 would deal defending group 1 1225 damage Immune System group 2 would
deal defending group 2 1225 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 4 units
Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 144 units
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 0 units Infection
group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 49 units
Immune System:
Group 2 contains 761 units
Group 1 contains 793 units
Group 2 contains 4434 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 183976 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 19025 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 19025 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 4 units
Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 143 units
Immune System:
Group 2 contains 618 units
Group 1 contains 789 units
Group 2 contains 4434 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 183048 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 15450 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 15450 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 3 units
Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 143 units
Immune System:
Group 2 contains 475 units
Group 1 contains 786 units
Group 2 contains 4434 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 182352 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 11875 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 11875 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 2 units
Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 142 units
Immune System:
Group 2 contains 333 units
Group 1 contains 784 units
Group 2 contains 4434 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 181888 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 8325 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 8325 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 1 unit
Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 142 units
Immune System:
Group 2 contains 191 units
Group 1 contains 783 units
Group 2 contains 4434 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 181656 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 4775 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 4775 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 1 unit
Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 142 units
Immune System:
Group 2 contains 49 units
Group 1 contains 782 units
Group 2 contains 4434 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 181424 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 1225 damage
Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2 1225 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 0 units
Infection group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 49 units
Immune System:
No groups remain.
Group 1 contains 782 units
Group 2 contains 4434 units
Immune System: No groups remain. Infection: Group 1 contains 782 units Group 2
contains 4434 units
In the example above, the winning army ends up with 782 + 4434 = 5216 units.
You scan the reindeer's condition (your puzzle input); the white-bearded man looks nervous. As it stands now, how many units would the winning army have?
You scan the reindeer's condition (your puzzle input); the white-bearded man
looks nervous. As it stands now, how many units would the winning army have?
To begin, get your puzzle input.
Your puzzle answer was 16747.
Answer: _____________________ [ [Submit] ]
--- Part Two ---
Things aren't looking good for the reindeer. The man asks whether more milk
and cookies would help you think.
If only you could give the reindeer's immune system a boost, you might be
able to change the outcome of the combat.
A boost is an integer increase in immune system units' attack damage. For
example, if you were to boost the above example's immune system's units by
1570, the armies would instead look like this:
Immune System: 17 units each with 5390 hit points (weak to radiation,
bludgeoning) with an attack that does 6077 fire damage at initiative 2 989
units each with 1274 hit points (immune to fire; weak to bludgeoning,
slashing) with an attack that does 1595 slashing damage at initiative 3
Infection: 801 units each with 4706 hit points (weak to radiation) with an
attack that does 116 bludgeoning damage at initiative 1 4485 units each with
2961 hit points (immune to radiation; weak to fire, cold) with an attack that
does 12 slashing damage at initiative 4
With this boost, the combat proceeds differently:
Immune System: Group 2 contains 989 units Group 1 contains 17 units Infection:
Group 1 contains 801 units Group 2 contains 4485 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 185832 damage Infection group 1
would deal defending group 1 185832 damage Infection group 2 would deal
defending group 1 53820 damage Immune System group 2 would deal defending
group 1 1577455 damage Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2
1577455 damage Immune System group 1 would deal defending group 2 206618
Infection group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 9 units Immune System
group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 335 units Immune System group 1
attacks defending group 2, killing 32 units Infection group 1 attacks
defending group 2, killing 84 units
Immune System: Group 2 contains 905 units Group 1 contains 8 units Infection:
Group 1 contains 466 units Group 2 contains 4453 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 108112 damage Infection group 1
would deal defending group 1 108112 damage Infection group 2 would deal
defending group 1 53436 damage Immune System group 2 would deal defending
group 1 1443475 damage Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2
1443475 damage Immune System group 1 would deal defending group 2 97232 damage
Infection group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 8 units Immune System
group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 306 units Infection group 1 attacks
defending group 2, killing 29 units
Immune System: Group 2 contains 876 units Infection: Group 2 contains 4453
units Group 1 contains 160 units
Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 106872 damage Immune System
group 2 would deal defending group 2 1397220 damage Immune System group 2
would deal defending group 1 1397220 damage
Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 83 units Immune System
group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 427 units
After a few fights...
Immune System: Group 2 contains 64 units Infection: Group 2 contains 214 units
Group 1 contains 19 units
Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 5136 damage Immune System group
2 would deal defending group 2 102080 damage Immune System group 2 would deal
defending group 1 102080 damage
Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 4 units Immune System
group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 32 units
Immune System: Group 2 contains 60 units Infection: Group 1 contains 19 units
Group 2 contains 182 units
Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 4408 damage Immune System group
2 would deal defending group 1 95700 damage Immune System group 2 would deal
defending group 2 95700 damage
Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 19 units
Immune System: Group 2 contains 60 units Infection: Group 2 contains 182 units
Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 4368 damage Immune System group
2 would deal defending group 2 95700 damage
Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 3 units Immune System
group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 30 units
After a few more fights...
Immune System: Group 2 contains 51 units Infection: Group 2 contains 40 units
Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 960 damage Immune System group
2 would deal defending group 2 81345 damage
Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 0 units Immune System
group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 27 units
Immune System: Group 2 contains 51 units Infection: Group 2 contains 13 units
Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 312 damage Immune System group
2 would deal defending group 2 81345 damage
Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 0 units Immune System
group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 13 units
Immune System: Group 2 contains 51 units Infection: No groups remain.
This boost would allow the immune system's armies to win! It would be left
with 51 units.
You don't even know how you could boost the reindeer's immune system or what
effect it might have, so you need to be cautious and find the smallest boost
that would allow the immune system to win.
How many units does the immune system have left after getting the smallest
boost it needs to win?
Your puzzle answer was 5923.
Both parts of this puzzle are complete! They provide two gold stars: **
At this point, you should return to your Advent calendar and try another
If you still want to see it, you can get your puzzle input.
@ -228,4 +327,5 @@ References
. https://adventofcode.com/2018/stats
. https://adventofcode.com/2018/sponsors
. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDVjLt_QHL8&t=7
. https://adventofcode.com/2018
. https://adventofcode.com/2018/day/24/input

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ module aoc
require (
9fans.net/go v0.0.0-20181112161441-237454027057 // indirect
bitbucket.org/thezeez/advent-of-code-2017 v0.0.0-20171225063809-1918042ef639
bitbucket.org/thezeez/advent-of-code-2018 v0.0.0-20181225065213-533e12eb8451 // indirect
github.com/alecthomas/gometalinter v2.0.11+incompatible // indirect
github.com/alecthomas/units v0.0.0-20151022065526-2efee857e7cf // indirect
github.com/cosiner/argv v0.0.1 // indirect

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