2019 Day 15 Complete

This commit is contained in:
Brian Buller 2019-12-18 16:44:05 -06:00
parent 14fcb13c3c
commit 068b018cc0
3 changed files with 118 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -12,29 +12,32 @@ import (
var auto bool
var maze *Maze
func main() {
progFileName := "input"
if len(os.Args) > 1 && os.Args[1] == "-auto" {
auto = true
if len(os.Args) > 1 && os.Args[1] == "-manual" {
auto = false
prog := intcode.ReadIntCodeFile(progFileName)
maze = NewMaze()
func play(prog []int) {
var all map[string]*MazeCoord
func part1(prog []int) {
p := intcode.NewProgram(prog)
go func() {
var roadTaken []helpers.Coordinate
for {
for !p.NeedsInput() {
@ -110,40 +113,118 @@ func play(prog []int) {
fmt.Println("Now find shortest path")
done, ret := BFS(maze.bfs[maze.startCoord], maze.bfs[maze.o2Coord])
if done {
fmt.Println("Found Route")
} else {
fmt.Println("No Route Found")
all = make(map[string]*MazeCoord)
for k, v := range maze.maze {
if v == MAZE_EMPTY || v == MAZE_O2SYS {
c := helpers.CoordinateFromString(k)
m := &MazeCoord{coord: c}
m.Distance = helpers.MAX_INT
all[c.String()] = m
fmt.Println("Steps:", len(ret))
for _, v := range all {
n, ok := all[v.coord.GetNorthCoord().String()]
if ok {
v.N = n
e, ok := all[v.coord.GetEastCoord().String()]
if ok {
v.E = e
s, ok := all[v.coord.GetSouthCoord().String()]
if ok {
v.S = s
w, ok := all[v.coord.GetWestCoord().String()]
if ok {
v.W = w
start := all[maze.startCoord.String()]
start.Distance = 0
fmt.Println("Processing. . .")
ProcessNode(start, 0)
fmt.Println("Distance to O2:", all[maze.o2Coord.String()].Distance)
func BFS(start, goal *BFSNode) (bool, []*BFSNode) {
var queue, explored []*BFSNode
queue = append(queue, start)
if start == goal {
return true, queue
func ProcessNode(m *MazeCoord, steps int) {
if m.coord.String() == maze.o2Coord.String() {
explored = append(explored, start)
for len(queue) > 0 {
var current *BFSNode
if len(queue) > 1 {
current, queue = queue[0], queue[1:]
if current == goal {
return true, explored
} else {
children := current.getChildren()
if len(children) != 0 {
queue = append(queue, children...)
} else {
return false, explored
for _, neighbor := range []*MazeCoord{m.N, m.E, m.S, m.W} {
if neighbor == nil {
wrk, ok := all[neighbor.coord.String()]
if ok {
if m.Distance+1 < wrk.Distance {
wrk.Distance = m.Distance + 1
if !wrk.Visited {
ProcessNode(wrk, m.Distance+1)
explored = append(explored, current)
return false, explored
m.Visited = true
func part2() {
// We're going to reuse the visited flag for oxygen
for _, v := range all {
v.Visited = false
fmt.Println("Unfilled", countUnfilledSpaces())
all[maze.o2Coord.String()].Visited = true
var cnt int
for countUnfilledSpaces() > 0 {
fmt.Println("Unfilled", countUnfilledSpaces())
fmt.Println("Minutes:", cnt)
func countUnfilledSpaces() int {
var count int
for _, v := range all {
if !v.Visited {
return count
func tick() bool {
// Start with the o2 coord
var toFill []*MazeCoord
for _, v := range all {
if v.N != nil && v.N.Visited {
toFill = append(toFill, v)
if v.E != nil && v.E.Visited {
toFill = append(toFill, v)
if v.S != nil && v.S.Visited {
toFill = append(toFill, v)
if v.W != nil && v.W.Visited {
toFill = append(toFill, v)
for k := range toFill {
all[toFill[k].coord.String()].Visited = true
fmt.Println("Filled", len(toFill), "spaces")
return len(toFill) > 0
type MazeCoord struct {
coord *helpers.Coordinate
N, S, E, W *MazeCoord
Distance int
Visited bool

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@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ type Maze struct {
dirHistory []int
dnt bool
bfs map[*helpers.Coordinate]*BFSNode
startCoord *helpers.Coordinate
o2Coord *helpers.Coordinate
@ -43,7 +41,6 @@ func NewMaze() *Maze {
maxY: helpers.MIN_INT,
minY: helpers.MAX_INT,
bot: helpers.NewCoordinate(0, 0),
bfs: make(map[*helpers.Coordinate]*BFSNode),
startCoord: helpers.NewCoordinate(0, 0),
m.path = append(m.path, helpers.NewCoordinate(0, 0))
@ -51,29 +48,6 @@ func NewMaze() *Maze {
func (m *Maze) SetCoord(c *helpers.Coordinate, val int) {
var b *BFSNode
var ok bool
if b, ok = m.bfs[c]; !ok {
b = &BFSNode{Value: val}
m.bfs[c] = b
// Create the BFS node for this
if n, ok := m.bfs[c.GetNorthCoord()]; ok {
n.South = b
b.North = n
if e, ok := m.bfs[c.GetEastCoord()]; ok {
e.West = b
b.East = e
if s, ok := m.bfs[c.GetSouthCoord()]; ok {
s.North = b
b.South = s
if w, ok := m.bfs[c.GetWestCoord()]; ok {
w.East = b
b.West = w
if val == 2 {
m.o2Coord = c
@ -170,26 +144,3 @@ func (m *Maze) Print() {
type BFSNode struct {
Value int
North, East *BFSNode
South, West *BFSNode
func (b *BFSNode) getChildren() []*BFSNode {
var ret []*BFSNode
if b.North != nil {
ret = append(ret, b.North)
if b.East != nil {
ret = append(ret, b.East)
if b.South != nil {
ret = append(ret, b.South)
if b.West != nil {
ret = append(ret, b.West)
return ret

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func (c *Coordinate) GetWestCoord() *Coordinate {
func CoordinateFromString(str string) *Coordinate {
c := Coordinate{}
r := strings.NewReader(str)
_, err := fmt.Fscanf(r, "[%d, %d]", c.X, c.Y)
_, err := fmt.Fscanf(r, "[%d, %d]", &c.X, &c.Y)
if err != nil {