
84 lines
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package main
import (
type CliTask struct {
Id string // This tasks full id (alpha-numeric)
ParentId string
Description string
IsDone bool
Depth int
Subtasks []CliTask // The Task's subtasks
dbTask *gask.GaskTask // The DB Backing for this task
func NewCliTask(gt *gask.GaskTask) *CliTask {
ret := new(CliTask)
ret.Description = gt.Description
ret.IsDone = gt.IsDone
ret.Depth = gt.Depth
for i := 0; i < len(gt.Subtasks); i++ {
ret.Subtasks = append(ret.Subtasks, *NewCliTask(&gt.Subtasks[i]))
ret.dbTask = gt
return ret
// GetTask takes the id argument and returns the task for the id
// e.g. 'b10' would return the 11th (0-indexed) task from list 'b'
func (a *App) GetTask(id string) (*gask.GaskTask, error) {
var err error
var lst *gask.GaskList
if lst, err = a.GetList(id); err != nil {
return nil, err
var ret *gask.GaskTask
_ = lst
return ret, errors.New("Couldn't find task")
// AddTask adds a task
func (a *App) AddTask(args []string) error {
return nil
// CompleteTasks marks a task as complete
func (a *App) CompleteTask(args []string) error {
return nil
// PrintTasks lists tasks in the db
func (a *App) PrintTasks(args []string) error {
var err error
if len(args) > 0 {
if err = a.PrintList(args[0]); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Just list everything
for lstId := 0; lstId < a.db.Lists.Length(); lstId++ {
var tskCnt int
lstAlphaId := indexToAlpha(lstId)
fmt.Println("@" + lstAlphaId + " " + a.db.Lists.Get(lstId).Name)
for i := 0; i < a.db.Lists.Get(lstId).Tasks.Length(); i++ {
tskId := "@" + lstAlphaId + strconv.Itoa(tskCnt)
fmt.Println(taskToAppString(tskId, a.db.Lists.Get(lstId).Tasks.Get(i)))
return nil
// printTask prints the tId-th task in list lId with all of it's detail
func (a *App) PrintTask(lId string, tId int) error {
return nil