
103 lines
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package main
import (
type CliList struct {
Id string // The CLI alpha-id of this list
Tasks []CliTask // The lists tasks
dbList *gask.GaskList // The DB Backing for this list
func NewCliList(gl *gask.GaskList) *CliList {
ret := new(CliList)
for i := 0; i < gl.Tasks.Length(); i++ {
ret.Tasks = append(ret.Tasks, *NewCliTask(gl.Tasks.Get(i)))
ret.dbList = gl
return ret
func (cl *CliList) SetId(id string) {
cl.Id = id
// GetList takes the id argument and returns the list for the id
// e.g. 'b10' would return list 'b'
func (a *App) GetList(id string) (*gask.GaskList, error) {
var lId string
for _, r := range id {
if !unicode.IsLetter(r) {
lId = lId + string(r)
// lId should now be the alpha-id of the list
if len(lId) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("Invalid list id given: " + id)
idx := alphaToIndex(id)
if a.db.Lists.Length() < idx {
return nil, errors.New("Invalid list id given: " + id)
return a.db.Lists.Get(idx), nil
// AddList adds a new list
func (a *App) AddList(args []string) error {
return nil
// PrintLists prints all list names with their alpha-ids
func (a *App) PrintLists(args []string) error {
if a.db.Lists.Length() == 0 {
return errors.New("No lists found")
matchedLists := a.db.Lists
if len(args) > 0 {
// Try to match the first argument to a list name
var allLists []string
for i := 0; i < a.db.Lists.Length(); i++ {
allLists = append(allLists, a.db.Lists.Get(i).Name)
mtch := matchStrings(args[0], allLists)
if len(mtch) > 0 {
// We matched a list, report the id and name
} else {
if matchedLists.Length() == 0 {
return errors.New("No lists matched the search criteria")
for i := 0; i < matchedLists.Length(); i++ {
fmt.Println("(" + indexToAlpha(i+1) + ") " + a.db.Lists.Get(i).Name)
return nil
// PrintList prints the lId-th list in the Todos file
func (a *App) PrintList(lId string) error {
listId := 0
for i := range lId {
listId += int(lId[i]) - int('a')
if listId < 0 || listId >= a.db.Lists.Length() {
return errors.New("Invalid list id")
lst := a.db.Lists.Get(listId)
fmt.Println(lId, lst.Name)
for i := 0; i < lst.Tasks.Length(); i++ {
a.PrintTask(lId, i)
return nil