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<h3 id="toc_0.0.1">King's Quest IV</h3>
<h4 id="toc_0.0.1.1">Walkthrough</h4>
At the start, you are at 1,5. I hope you printed out the map, if
you haven't, PRINT OUT THE MAP! To start out, STAY OUT OF THE
FOREST, UNTIL YOU HAVE THE AXE! Also, avoid any place that says
"OGRE" on it. One last thing, SAVE OFTEN! I'M NOT JOKING! Glad
I could be of service.
Lets start us off by getting us a flute. If you haven't noticed
from walking around, Pan has one.
Get the Flute
Go to the Haunted House at 5,3.
Go up to the door and type, OPEN DOOR.
Go through the door to the left. You should be in the library.
Go up to the bookcase, on the right side, and type, "GET BOOK".
(+2 Points)
Go right, and then down to exit the Haunted House.
Go to any area where the minstrel appears (see the map). Once
you find him, go up to him and type, "GIVE BOOK" (+3)
Now, go to on of the two places where Pan appears. Then, type,
"PLAY LUTE", approach him, then type, "GIVE LUTE" (+3)
Get the Crown
Go to the bridge at 3,4. Notice the yellow thing underneath?
Type, "LOOK UNDER BRIDGE" while next to it, and you'll take the
ball. (+2)
Go to the pond at 3,3. Type, "DROP BALL" when next to the pond.
Go up next to the frog, and type, "GET FROG", then type, "KISS
FROG". (+5) The frog will turn into a prince and give you the
Discover Your Quest
Go to 6,5. Then, carefully walk up the cliffs. Remember to save
first. Wait for the gargoyle guys to pick you up. Now, wait out
the cutsceen.
OK! Now we know what to do!
Capture the Unicorn
Lets go to 5,3! Go south to the pool. If you're lucky, cupid
will fly down. If not, go north, then south again. Once you see
cupid, wait for him to fly down, drop his bow, and start
swimming. Once he starts swimming, run into the pool. He will
be startled, and fly away. Go over to his bow, and type, "GET
NEVER NEVER shoot it unless I tell you to. You will end up
shooting the unicorn once, then at the end of the game, shooting
the evil fairy once. I had to restart my game the first time I
played this because of that. Trust me, it wasn't fun.
Anyway, go north. If the unicorn doesn't show up, go south and
then north until it does. If it STILL doesn't, go to 2,5.
That's the other place it shows up. Once it does, type "SHOOT
UNICORN". (+4) Yay! The unicorn's your friend now! C'Mon!
Let's ride it!
What was that? You say you can't lead it anywhere? Well, lets
see... What's the most unlikly place to find a bridle... I
KNOW! A deserted island! Yeah! I know of a place like that!
Anyway, it's time for the "Quest for the worm". Around the land,
you'll notice birds on the ground trying to pull up worms. Well,
you just go up to a bird, it'll fly away, and you'll type "GET
WORM"! (+2) The worm normally shows up at 5,4 and at 5,5. Go
Now, go to the Dwarf's house, at 4,4. Type, "CLEAN" (+5) Feel
free to talk to the dwarfs. Afterwards, type "CLEAN" for fun,
and type, "GET POUCH" (+2).
Being the honest person that you should be, but probably aren't,
go to 5,4, and enter the mine. See the door? Good. Now, go to
the right. Type, "GIVE POUCH TO DWARF". (+3) He'll reward you
with a lantern.
Go to the fisherman's house at 2,1. Go to the end of the pier.
If the fisherman is there, wait for him to go to the right.
Follow him to the right. Go up to the door, and type, "OPEN
DOOR" Once inside, go up to the fisherman, and type, "GIVE POUCH
TO FISHERMAN". (+3) He'll give you the fishing rod. Go outside,
and go to the end of the pier. Type, "BAIT HOOK" (+1), and type,
"FISH". If you don't catch a fish, try again. Sooner or later,
you'll get one. (+3). Now, you need one more thing. Swim to the
castle. To do this, first SAVE YOUR GAME. Now, jump in the
water, and swim to the left until you reach the castle.
Now that you're at the castle, search the outside for the peacock
feather. Once you find it, type, "GET FEATHER". (+2)
Okay, now make sure you have a fish and a feather. Now, save the
game. Go out, and wait in the water. Hopefully, a whale will
pop up, then a whirlpool will suck you in. If not, go back and
try again. You may have to swim back to the other side, and then
swim around.
Eventually, you'll be swallowed. When that happens, wade over to
the bottle, and type, "GET BOTTLE". Now's the tricky part. You
need to climb up the tounge. If you don't do it right, you'll
fall. Eventually, you'll be dissolved in the acid of the whale's
mouth, so you may have to resore your game a few times. When you
get close enough to the whale's thingy that hangs down from the
roof of its mouth, type, "TICKLE WHALE"
Swim north. Go "in" the broken boat, and type, "LOOK AT GROUND"
(+3). You have the bridle! Yeah! Wait a minute... How are you
gonna get back? Hmm... Go up to the bird, and type, "GIVE FISH
TO BIRD". (+4) Now, type, "GET WHISTLE". (+2). Cool! Now,
being the adventurous person you are, type, "BLOW WHISTLE"!(+2)
Oh boy! It's Flipper! No, but it's close enough! Swim up to
it, and type, "RIDE DOLPHIN". (+2) Wait for the dolphin to get
to shore, then get on shore, and type, "OPEN BOTTLE". Type,
"READ NOTE" a few times. Cool, huh?
Anyway, go to wherever you shot the unicorn. Type, "BRIDLE
UNICORN". (+3) Okay! Jump on and ride by typing "RIDE UNICORN"!
(+7) Now, wait out the cutsceen. Now, you need to do another
thing for her. Get the hen that lays golden eggs from the ogre.
Retrieve the hen that lays the golden eggs.
First thing, go to the waterfall at 6,4. Type, "WEAR CROWN".
(+5) Type "LIGHT LANTERN", and then go inside. Type, "GET
BONE"(+2), then leave quickly. Type "GET BOARD" (+2). Great,
now walk into the waterfall. Go to the ogre's house at 4,1. BE
the ogress with a deer. She won't bug you RIGHT NOW if you don't
let her see you. Go up to the door, type, "OPEN DOOR", and then
after going in, type, "THROW BONE". (+4) This tosses the bone at
the dog, and he won't bug you. Walk up the stairs, and get the
axe.(+2) Go downstairs, and, you see that closet? Go up to it
and type, "OPEN DOOR". Wait in there for a while. Eventually
you will hear the ogre in the house. Type, "LOOK IN KEYHOLE".
Then open the door, and go up to the hen, and type "GET HEN"(+4).
Make sure you don't touch anything. Go to the door, and type,
"OPEN DOOR", and make your escape! Now, go to the mountain at
6,5, go up the path, and get captured by the goons! (+7)
Afterwards, the evil fairy tells you what she wants. Oh, crud.
She wants Pandora's Box. That's just great. Oh, well. I guess
you'll have to.
Get the magical fruit.
Yep! Now's the time we're going to get the magical fruit to save
Graham! I'll warn you now, this is probably the hardest non-
puzzle part of the game! Oh, crud. I hate this part, I haven't
ever gotten through this without fying at least three times.
lets go! Go to the waterfall at 6,5. Now, wear your crown. Now
take a breath of air. We're goin' in.
want to get stuck accidently. Go south, then east, then east.
You should see light up ahead. Ok, here's the hard part. See
the crevice? No? You shouldn't. That's the hard part. You
have to inch forward by tapping the right button twice, then if
you can make out the crevice, type, "LAY DOWN BOARD".(+2) Now
walk across. You should pick the board back up. If a message
says that it dropped, you'll have to restore a game, you SHOULD
have saved right before laying the board down. Go north, toward
the light. Then, go east toward the hole and light, and try to
walk through the hole. It should automaticly crawl. Now, if
you've played "Space Quest", you know that you shouldn't go in
the water. Instead, type jump, over and over. You should jump
from piece of ground to piece of ground. Wait! Once the cobra
swings into action and you're on the last piece of land before
the island, type, "LAY DOWN BOARD". (+2) Walk across, type,
"PLAY FLUE", (+4), walk up to the tree, then type, "GET FRUIT".
(+10) It'll play some, "You're a studmuffin hero music", and the
hurry back to the board. Walk across it. Then type, "GET
BOARD". Jump again and again, until you get back to the mountain
side. Same story as before. Remember the crevice. This time
you won't be able to see the crevice, and you'll probably lose
your board. That's fine, just go on without it.
Get Pandora's Box
YEEHAH!! We're out! Anyway, go to the nearest forest at 6,2.
Once you get there, type, "SWING AXE" (+4) Great! Now the trees
won't hurt you! Anyway, go north, to the witches cave.
Gasp! That's scary! Oh, well, go in.
Now, this part is about as much action as you ever get in this
game. Inside, the three witches share one eye. (EEEEEEWWWWWWWW)
It's a glass eye, and it's external. Two of them watch you with
the eye, and the other one chases you. Go up to the one with the
eye, and type, "GET EYE". (+3) Now they're blind. Leave, then
come back right away. Type, "GET SCARAB". (+2) Now you can
reutrn their eye. Type, "Throw eye". (+3) What a nice thing to
do. Now leave before they get you.
Go to the haunted house at 5,3. Once you go back to the forest,
it should turn night. By the way, I think this was the first
game to use the Day/Night cycle. At least that's what they said
on the game box!
Go up to the door and type, "OPEN DOOR".
You'll hear a baby crying. Go up the stairs, in the door on the
left, and then go left. Hmm, the baby's in here. Go out of the
baby's room, south, downstairs, then to the west, in the living
room again. Type, "LOOK AT PICTURE". Type, "LOOK AT WALL". Now
go up to the wall, and type, "PULL LATCH". (+4) GASP! A SECRET
PASSAGWAY! Go in it. Type, "GET SHOVEL". (+2). Make sure you
save it.
OK! This part I'm going to make you do on your own, because it's
simple, and it's so much fun! Go into the graveyards. One is to
the left, one is to the right. Don't worry about the zombies,
you have the scarab. Read the gravestones until you find the
grave that looks like a baby's. Dig in front of it, and you'll
get a rattle. Give the rattle to the baby, and another ghost
will appear. I'll be back when it gets hard again, which won't
be too long.
OK! Here's where it get confusing again: The little boy comes.
Follow him. Climb up after him. Then go back down, and leave
the house. Find his grave, and dig it up. Go back to him and
give him the toy. Type, "LOOK IN CHEST". (+2) You will find
sheet music. Now, go back to where the secret passageway is.
Climb the stairs. (By the way, I used to think that using these
stairs was hard, now I think they're as hard as fresh cow manure
on a hot day. You'll get to the organ. Sit down on the bench,
and type, "PLAY SHEET MUSIC".(+4) Now type, "GET SKELETON
KEY"(+2) Now go back downstairs, outside, and to the east
graveyard. Go up to the crypt door, and type, "UNLCOK DOOR".
Then open the door. Inside, type "GET ROPE". (+2) Climb down
the ladder, then get the box (+4). Now, go back to the evil
fairy.(+7) She's gonna make you her son's wife. Crud! They
steal all your stuff too! You are escorted to green boy's room.
Oh, Crud
Soon, green boy comes and stuffs a flower under your door. Walk
over to it, and you'll pick it up. Look at the rose, then type
"GET KEY". (+2) Great! Now unlock the door! (+2)
Great. More stairs. Anyway, go down, and avoid the gaurd. Into
the dining room. Go in the door on the upper right CAREFULLY.
Open the cabinent, and type, "GET POSSESSIONS"!(+4) Now, exit,
and go to the door in the lower right. Go across the chamber
room, then up the stairs. Go up the stairs again, and then use
the gold key to unlock and open the door with the gold key. (+2)
Now, shoot Lolotte with an arrow! (+8) Oh, crud. Now the gaurds
are gonna be all mad.
Wait a minute... They're happy! It's the wizard of OZ again!
Now we can go back to Kansas!! Oh, wait. Don't forget to get
the talisman. (+5) YEAH!
Ok, now go down, then go to the left. There should be three
gaurds bowing to you, and a door to the north. Open the door.
Get the hen! (+2) get Pandora's box! (+2) Make your way back to
the chamber room, and then go outside. Enter the stable. Now,
open the gate (+4).
Ok, there's still one pretty important detail left. Go down the
mountain, and go back to the crypt. Climb down the ladder, drop
Pandora's box, (+2) (more studmuffin music) go back up, close the
door, then lock it. (+2). Now you can go to the fisherman's
house at 1,2. Go off the pier, then swim to the castle. Go in
the castle door, go to the left, go up the stairs, and give the
talisman to Genesta.(+12)