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<h3 id="toc_0.0.1">King's Quest II Romancing The Throne</h3>
<h5 id="toc_0.">Walkthrough</h5>
The game starts in the land of Kolyma, where Graham begins his quest to find a
queen. The arrow keys control movement in the game, so use the up arrow key to
walk north to the next screen. A group of rocks seem to block the way to the
next area, but there is a small gap hidden between the rocks at the top-right
corner of the area. Walk through the gap and continue north to the next area. A
trident lies on the grass here, but Graham has to be close by to this item to
do anything with it. Stop moving north by pressing up the up arrow key again.
GET TRIDENT on the grass and it will be added to Graham's inventory. Walk north
two screens to see a white shell on the beach. GET SHELL. GET BRACELET that was
hidden under the shell. Walk east one screen and GET STAKE leaning against the
bottom of the tree. Walk south to an area with lots of trees. LOOK SIGN on the
back of one of the trees. Walk east one screen but be careful not to walk too
far into the area as Graham will fall into the poisoned lake.
While standing at the side of the poisoned lake, it is a good idea to save the
game by pressing F5 as Hagatha the witch can appear around this area. If she
does catch Graham and takes him back to her cave, then restore the game by
pressing F7. Walk south two screens to see a log at the bottom-right corner of
the area. LOOK IN LOG to see a necklace made of diamonds and sapphires. GET
NECKLACE to add it to the inventory. By now you should have five items in the
inventory, and these can all be examined more closely by pressing F4.
Walk south two screens from the log and then walk west one screen to arrive in
an area where various flowers are growing. Little Red Riding Hood should enter
the area. If she doesn't appear, exit the area and return to it until she does.
TALK GIRL and she will tearfully explain that her basket of goodies were stolen
while she was picking flowers. She asks Graham to help her find them. Walk east
one screen and OPEN MAILBOX outside the cottage. GET BASKET of goodies from the
mailbox and walk west to return to the wooded area.
Little Red Riding Hood may not be in the area, so again just exit and return to
the area until she appears. GIVE BASKET TO RED RIDING HOOD and she will give
Graham her bouquet of flowers in return. Walk north one screen and then walk
east two screens to an area with a door built into a tree. OPEN DOOR and walk
onto the ladder. Climb down to the bottom of the ladder and walk east to enter
the home of a dwarf. If the dwarf is there, exit and return to the room until
he has gone. All the dwarf will do if he catches Graham is take him outside his
house, so just return to his room if he does this.
GET SOUP from the fireplace. OPEN CHEST. GET EARRINGS from the chest. Walk west
to the previous screen and climb back up the ladder. Exit the tree and walk
south one screen and west one screen to return to the area with the mailbox
outside the cottage. OPEN DOOR and enter the cottage. If there is a wolf in the
room, quickly exit and return to the cottage until there is an old woman in the
bed. GIVE SOUP TO WOMAN and she will tell Graham to look under the bed. LOOK
UNDER BED to find a large ruby ring and a black cloak. Exit the cottage.
Walk east two screen and north two screens. Walk to the top of the rocks and
GET MALLET from the hole in the tree. Walk south two screens and east one
screen to the monastery entrance. OPEN DOOR to enter the monastery where a monk
is praying at an altar. Walk to the altar and PRAY to gain the attention of the
monk. He will stand and ask Graham his name, so answer GRAHAM. The monk says
that he has heard of his quest, and he gives Graham a silver cross to protect
him from evil. WEAR CROSS and then exit the monastery.
Walk south one screen to see a rock with a hole in it. LOOK IN HOLE. GET
BROOCH. Walk north two screens and cross over the bridge. The ropes on the
bridge prevent Graham from falling into the chasm. Walk north one screen to see
a magical door in the middle of the area with an inscription written above the
door. READ DOOR and it will mention that the seeker of the key will make a
splash. Walk south one screen and west one screen. Cross the bridge and go west
five screens and south three screens to see a mermaid on a rock.
Walk into the water and swim over to the mermaid on the rock. GIVE FLOWERS TO
MERMAID and she will summon a seahorse. RIDE SEAHORSE and it will take Graham
down to see King Neptune. GIVE TRIDENT TO KING and he will give a bottle to
Graham. He also uses his trident to open the clam, which shows a gold key. Swim
over to the open clam and GET KEY from it. Move east one screen and the
seahorse will return Graham to the surface. Walk north three screens, east six
screens and north one screen. UNLOCK DOOR using the gold key.
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2.2. The Second Door
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With the first door unlocked, a new blue door is revealed behind it. READ DOOR,
which mentions that the seeker of the key should set their sights high. Walk
south one screen and west five screens to see the cave that Hagatha the witch
lives in. Enter the cave to see Hagatha standing by her cauldron. She cannot
see Graham, but will be able to locate him if he talks or scares the bird in
the cage. GET CLOTH from the bottle given by King Neptune, then PUT CLOTH OVER
CAGE to prevent the nightingale from being scared. GET CAGE. Exit the cave.
Walk east four screens, south two screens, east one screen, south one screen
and then west one screen to see an shop. Be careful of an evil enchanter that
appears in this area, as he will kill Graham if he catches him. Stay close to
the edge of the area so that you can quickly exit if he does appear. OPEN DOOR
to enter the shop. Walk over to the counter and GIVE CAGE TO WOMAN. Grateful to
have her nightingale back, she gives Graham an oil lamp and then closes the
shop. RUB LAMP and a genie will appear to give Graham a magic carpet. RIDE
CARPET to travel through the clouds to a mountain top.
Walk east one screen and RUB LAMP to receive a sword from the genie. Less
points are given if the sword is used so RUB LAMP again to receive a bridle
from the genie. PUT BRIDLE ON SNAKE and it will transform into a horse. TALK
HORSE and he will explain that the evil enchanter transformed him into a snake.
He gives Graham a sugar cube that will protect him against poisonous brambles.
Walk east two screens and GET KEY from the rock in the cave.
Exit the cave to see a small hole at the bottom of a rock. LOOK HOLE to reveal
another easter egg, this one an advertisement for the original Space Quest. It
is a long scene and there is no way of skipping it. After the scene has
finished, RIDE CARPET to return to the antique shop at the bottom of the
mountain. Walk north one screen, east one screen, north one screen, west one
screen, north one screen, east one screen and north one screen to return to the
area with the door. UNLOCK DOOR using the gold key.
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2.3. The Third Door
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With the second door unlocked, a new green door is revealed. READ DOOR to see
that the seeker of the key should have a stout heart. Walk south one screen,
west three screens and north two screens to see a shrouded ghoul on a boat in
the lake. WEAR RING and WEAR CLOAK. ENTER BOAT and the ghoul will mistake
Graham for someone else. If you don't have the ring or the cloak, then for less
points you could give him any of the treasures that have been found so far.
Either way, the ghoul will row over to the island in the middle of the lake.
EXIT BOAT. EAT CUBE given by the horse on the mountain top. Graham will now not
be harmed if he touches the poisonous brambles growing from the ground. If you
killed the snake with the sword before it turned into the horse, then carefully
follow the path while avoiding the brambles. Walk north one screen at the top
of the path to see two ghosts flying around in front of the castle door. They
will fly away once they see that Graham is wearing the cloak and the ring.
OPEN DOOR to enter the castle. Walk west one screen and climb up the spiral
steps to the room at the top. OPEN DRAWER and GET CANDLE. Walk back down the
spiral steps and stop at the torch on the wall to LIGHT CANDLE. Walk down to
the bottom of the steps and walk east two screens to the dining room. GET MEAT
on the table and walk east one screen. The lit candle will illuminate the room,
so walk carefully down the steps to the empty room at the bottom. For a small
shortcut, you can drop off the ledge and avoid the last two sets of steps.
Walk west into the coffin room. Exit and return to the room until the coffin is
closed. OPEN COFFIN and KILL DRACULA using the mallet and the stake. Dracula
crumbles to dust, leaving a shiny silver key in the coffin. GET KEY, GET PILLOW
and GET KEY from the coffin. Walk east one screen, up two screens, north one
screen and up one screen. In the tower at the top of the spiral steps, UNLOCK
CHEST using the silver key. OPEN CHEST and GET TIARA. Walk down one screen,
south one screen, west one screen and south one screen to exit the castle.
Walk south down the path between the brambles. If the effects of the sugar
cube have worn off by this point, the brambles will be deadly so be sure to
save frequently when walking down the path. ENTER BOAT at the bottom of the
path to return to the other side of the poisoned lake. With the final gold key
now in the inventory, walk east one screen, south two screens, east two screens
and north one screen to return to the door. UNLOCK DOOR using the gold key.
This time, unlocking the door leads Graham to a new world.
Walk north one screen and GET NET on the ground. Walk south one screen and
stand near the ocean to FISH. Keep fishing until Graham catches a big golden
fish. GET FISH and THROW FISH back into the water, where it offers Graham a
lift across the ocean in return for his kindness. RIDE FISH across to the small
island. The water surrounding the island is turbulent, so swimming back is not
an option. Walk north two screens and east one screen to GET AMULET on the
ground. Walk south one screen to the tower and OPEN DOOR.
Climb carefully up the spiral steps and GIVE MEAT TO LION at the top. You could
use the sword to kill the lion, but less points are given this way. OPEN DOOR
to see Valanice, the woman that Graham saw in the mirror. Say the word HOME,
and Graham will return with Valanice to the monastery in the land of Kolyma. In
the ending, friends and enemies from Daventry and Kolyma watch as Graham
marries Valanice. Together, they return to Daventry castle.