King's Quest V

.:~:. < Walkthrough > .:~:.


After the introduction, you will find yourself in front of Crispin's house. He isn't in there now, so you might as well follow Cedric's advice and head for the town. Cross the bridge and go south until you reach the buildings, then go in.

Just inside the town is an alley. It is blocked by a man trying to fix his wagon, but if you look inside the barrel, you can find an Old Fish. Take it. Go into any of the shops then step back out. The man will be gone, but a Coin will be glinting nearby. Pick it up and leave town.

Go west and enter the pie shop. Inside, give the man behind the counter your Silver Coin to receive a Custard Pie. Leave the shop and go west two screens. The bear is blocking access to the beehive, so throw him your Old Fish to make him go away. Since you helped him, the bees will allow you to take a Honeycomb, so do so. Also, pick up the Stick lying on the ground. When you've done all of this, go north.

The dog is more interested in digging at the anthill than Graham at the moment, but perhaps if you throw him a stick he'll be a bit more loving. Toss the Stick you picked up in the last screen at the dog and you'll get the promise of a favor from the ants.

We are now going to enter the desert, which is possibly the second most frustrating part of the game (the first being Mordack's Maze later in the game). Save your game and head west.

The Infinite Desert

For reference, check the map for this area later in the guide. In the desert, head for the closest oasis and take a drink. Then head north and west until you reach the hole in the cliffs. Stand behind the pillar of stone on the right side of the screen. When Graham hears thundering hooves, he will hide himself from view and watch the bandits. Afterwards, take a drink from the small pool on the ground and head south and west to the next oasis, and finally on to the bandit encampment.

At the encampment, wait for the drunk guy to pass out, then take a drink. Go into the tent on the right and walk around the bed pad, being careful not to step on it. Take the Staff and leave the encampment. Make your way back towards the gap in the cliffs. Be sure to stop at the skeleton at some point to get the shoe.

When you reach the Temple, use the Staff to tap on the door and open it. Inside, quickly grab the Brass Bottle and the Gold Coin glinging beside it and leave the temple before it can seal you in. Do NOT open the Brass Bottle. Leave the desert.

Serenia Again

Go to the Inn beside the Pie Shop and dig around in the haystack outside. As you do so, the ants will show up and begin digging for you. They will find a Golden Needle, which they will give to you. Walk east one screen to the Pie Shop and try to exit the screen by going to the right. As you do so, a rat and a cat should start running towards you. Throw the shoe you picked up in the desert at the cat, and the rat will promise to help you in exchange for saving her life.

You picked up a Gold Coin in the desert. The gypsies charge one Gold Coin for a fortune telling. Go pay them. You will learn a bit about Mordack's reasons for stealing your family and castle, and the fortune teller will give you an amulet to wear. Put it on and go into the Dark Forest.

The Dark Forest

Go either direction upon entering and wander around until the witch shows up. When she does, give her the Brass Bottle you picked up in the desert to get rid of her, then look for her house. When you find it, go inside.

The witch has three things that you can take. The first is a Pouch of Diamonds, located in a drawer. Open the drawer and pick it up. There is a Key hidden in the lamp that you can take, and if you open the chest, you can find a Spinning Wheel. Once you have all of this, leave the witch's house and walk east.

You should find yourself near a tree with a little door built into it. The door is locked, but you can use the Key you took from the witch's house to open it. Inside is a Golden Heart. Pick it up and go east two screens.

There are small eyes glinting in the darkness of the forest. If you drop an Emerald from the Pouch onto the ground, an elf will dash out to pick it up. Drop another one, then squeeze your Honeycomb onto the ground and drop the third Emerald into the puddle of honey to catch the elf. He will lead you out of the Dark Forest and give you a Pair of Shoes in exchange for the Emeralds.

Serenia Yet Again

Now we're going to put all of this seemingly useless crap we've been carrying around to somebody else's use. Head west from the Dark Forest to find the Weeping Willow tree. Give her the Golden Heart to transform her back into a princess and take the Harp she leaves behind.

Look around until you find a hut with some gnomes in front of it. Give the older one the Spinning Wheel to receive the Marionette, then go back to the town.

In town, go to the clothing store and give the salesman the Golden Needle from the haystack. In return, he'll give you the Cloak. Find the Toy Shop and give the Marionette to the Owner, who will give you a Sled in trade. Next to the Toy Shop is the store of an elderly Shoemaker. Give him the Shoes to get the Cobbler's Hammer.

Leave town and go west two screens to reach the Inn. Go on in and interrupt the conversation. You'll find yourself in the basement. Just when all seems lost, the rat you saved from the cat will show up and chew through the ropes. Pick them up and use the Cobbler's Hammer on the Padlock on the door to escape. You are now in the Inn's kitchen, so open the cupboard. Inside is a Leg of Lamb, which you should take. Unlock the kitchen door and go outside.

Go east once and north twice to find yourself at the now-abandoned gypsy camp. Pick up the Tambourine left on the ground and go east three times and south once. You should be in front of a snake. Use the Tambourine on it to make it go away, then head up to the mountains.

The Mountains

When Graham complains about being cold, use the cloak on him to put it on. Proceed to the next screen. Be careful not to fall off the edge of the cliff. Graham will start whining about being hungry soon, so have him eat the Leg of Lamb. When that's done, toss your rope over the rock sticking out of the cliff (NOT the branch) and climb up. At the top, hop over the rocks until you reach the other side and cross the log, then move on to the next screen.

As you enter, a pack of wolves will appear and kidnap Cedric. Give chase by hopping onto your Sled. At the bottom, walk east and give what's left of your Leg of Lamb to the starving eagle, then go north to find yourself in the palace of the Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen isn't willing to let you go, but if you play your Harp, she'll give you a chance. You must exterminate the Yeti that has taken up residence in her territory. She'll have her wolves lead you out. Go north.

The Yeti will charge at you as soon as you enter, so have your Custard Pie ready. Hit him with it, and he'll fly off the cliff. That was easy, eh? Go into the cave and walk to the back. There is a crystal here that you can break off with your Cobbler's Hammer. Take it and go back to where the wolf is waiting.

The Snow Queen will let you and Cedric go, so walk south when you are escorted out. Continue along your way until you are swept away by a Roc. When you find yourself in its nest, grab the Golden Locket and wait to be rescued. When you are, you will find yourself on the beach.

The Beach & The Ocean

Take the Iron Bar lying on the ground and go north. There is a boat here, but there's a hole in it. Use your Beeswax to plug the hole and push it out to the ocean.

On the open sea, float around until you find Harpy Island. Play your Harp to make them go away, then pick up the fishhook and walk west. Grab Cedric and carry him to the boat to the west. Pick up the Shell lying on the ground before you board your vessel, then return to the Beach by sailing west.

When you reach shore, climb out and ring the bell outside the shack to bring out the hermit. He won't be able to hear you, so give him the shell you picked up on Harpy Island. He will fix up Cedric and call upon a mermaid to lead you to Mordack's Island.

Mordack's Island

Pick up the Dead Fish lying on the ground and go up the stairs. You won't be able to walk any further without being zapped by the large stone guardians. Use the crystal you picked up in the Yeti's cave on the guardians to destroy them, then pass through.

Go west when you reach the castle's entrance to find an old grating. Graham isn't strong enough to lift it as it is, so use the Iron Bar from the beach as a lever and climb in.

You'll find yourself in Mordack's Labyrinth. Refer to the map later in the guide. Note that the direction Graham is facing is always forward. This means that if you were facing north and you turned east, the screen would show east to be where north usually is found. Before you can leave this dungeon, you must find a creature named Dink. When you do find him, play your Tambourine for him. Pick up the Hairclip he'll leave behind and find the door. Use the Hairclip as a key to get out.

Open the cabinet in the pantry and take the Bag of Dried Peas and go north to find yourself in the kitchen. There is a girl working in here, but she doesn't trust you. Give her the Golden Locket you picked up in the Roc's nest, and she'll tell you what she knows. Head right.

Walk in and out of here until a large blue beast appears and let it catch you. It will take you to a cell. Examine the mousehole here to find some Cheese. Use your Fishhook on it to get it out. Soon, Cassima will show up and help you escape. This is the only time she will help you, so you can't get caught again. Follow Cassima out of the dungeon and go back into the organ room.

Keep going in and out until the beast shows up again. When it does, use the Bag of Dried Peas on it to take care of it, then head west to the dining room. Keep wandering around downstairs until you find a black cat. This is Manannan, the evil wizard Gwydion defeated in King's Quest III. Throw the Fish you picked up at the shore to the cat to distract it and catch it in the Empty Bag that held the peas before.

Now that none of Mordack's guards are around, go upstairs and turn left to find his bedroom. Go south into his study and examine the tome on his desk. You will learn four spells, but you can't use them yet. Just wait in the study until you see Mordack appear in his bedroom, then go north and pick up Mordack's Wand from his nightstand.

Go east two screens to find yourself in Mordack's lab. Go up the stairs and head to the right to find some sort of strange machine. Put Mordack's Wand on one tray and Crispin's Wand on the other. Toss the Cheese into the machine to start it. When it's done, pick up Crispin's Wand.

Mordack will soon appear and try to turn Graham into stone. As he does, Cedric will fly in through an open window, and Mordack's spell will hit him instead. The machine sucked all the magic out of Mordack's wand, so he'll be reduced to using simple transformation spells.

Use your Wand on Mordack's new form and choose the Tiger Spell. When he transforms into a dragon, use the Rabbit Spell to jump out of the way of the flames he breathes. When he turns into a cobra, use the Mongoose Spell. Finally, when he turns himself into a ring of fire, use the Rain Spell to extinguish him.

As soon as you finish him off, Crispin will show up. He will use his magic to restore Graham's castle and family to their rightful sizes and to heal Cedric. He will then send Cassima back to the Land of the Green Isles and send Graham's family back to Daventry. The end.