"Jailbreaking" a Mac

/EFI/boot/refind_ia32.efi ?> /EFI/boot/bootia32.efi




That’s all. The USB drive now contains two directories and two files, and should boot. Make sure you used the file and directory names as provided here. For clarity, all that is now on your USB drive is (relative to the root directory of that drive): /efi/boot/boot.iso /efi/boot/boot.efi

In order to install Linux, I booted Kubuntu using the method described above, installed rEFInd from there, which then allowed me to boot from a normal Live USB flash drive. I ended up installing Arch Linux. The details and non-trivialities of the Linux installation will be described in a future post. I didn’t manage to install Linux without installing rEFInd though, so in retrospect I might as well have installed rEFInd on my new disc, mounted as an external disc to my other Linux computer.