Summary of commands

Command Description Op Only MP Only Blocks Entities Players World
--------- ------------- --------- --------- -------- ---------- --------- -------
/achievement Gives a player an achievement. Op Players
/ban Adds player to banlist. Op MP Players
/ban -ip Adds IP address to banlist. Op MP Players
/banlist Displays banlist. Op MP Players
/blockdata Modifies the data tag of a block. Op Blocks
/clear Clears items from player inventory. Op Players
/clone Copies blocks from one place to another. Op Blocks
/debug Starts or stops a debugging session. Op
/defaultgamemode Sets the default game mode. Op World
/deop Revoke operator status from a player. Op MP Players
/difficulty Sets the difficulty level. Op Players
/effect Add or remove status effects. Op Entities Players
/enchant Enchants a player item. Op Players
/entitydata Modifies the data tag of an entity. Op Entities
/execute Executes another command. Op
/fill Fills a region with a specific block. Op Blocks
/gamemode Sets a player's game mode. Op Players
/gamerule Sets or queries a game rule value. Op World
/give Gives an item to a player. Op Players
/help Provides help for commands.
/kick Kicks a player off a server. Op MP Players
/kill Kills entities (players, mobs, items, etc.). Op Entities Players
/list Lists players on the server. Op MP Players
/me Displays a message about yourself. Players
/op Grants operator status to a player. Op MP Players
/pardon Removes entries from the banlist. Op MP Players
/particle Creates particles. Op Players
/playsound Plays a sound. Op Players
/publish Opens single-player world to local network. Op World
/replaceitem Replaces items in inventories. Op Blocks Entities Players
/save -all Saves the server to disk. Op MP World
/save -off Disables automatic server saves. Op MP World
/save -on Enables automatic server saves. Op MP World
/say Displays a message to multiple players. Players
/scoreboard Manages objectives, players, and teams. Op Entities Players
/seed Displays the world seed. Op World
/setblock Changes a block to another block. Op Blocks
/setidletimeout Sets the time before idle players are kicked. Op MP Players
/setworldspawn Sets the world spawn. Op World
/spawnpoint Sets the spawn point for a player. Op Players
/spreadplayers Teleports entities to random locations. Op Entities Players
/stats Update objectives from command results. Op Blocks Entities Players
/stop Stops a server. Op MP World
/summon Summons an entity. Op Entities
/tell Displays a private message to other players. Players
/tellraw Displays a JSON message to players. Op Players
/testfor Counts entities matching specified conditions. Op Entities Players
/testforblock Tests whether a block is in a location. Op Blocks
/testforblocks Tests whether the blocks in two regions match. Op Blocks
/time Changes or queries the world's game time. Op World
/title Manages screen titles. Op Players
/toggledownfall Toggles the weather. Op World
/tp Teleports entities. Op Entities Players
/trigger Sets a trigger to be activated. Op Players
/weather Sets the weather. Op World
/whitelist Manages server whitelist. Op MP Players
/worldborder Manages the world border. Op World
/xp Adds or removes player experience. Op Players