King's Quest VII


King's Quest VII is the first game since King's Quest IV to feature Princess Rosella as a main character, and the first of all King's Quest games to feature two playable characters. One day Rosella sees a castle in a lake. Jumping in to investigate, she finds herself transported to the land of Eldritch. Worried when her daughter doesn't reappear, Queen Valanice jumps in after her. Though both ending up in Eldritch, Valanice finds herself in the middle of a strange desert, while Rosella gets even worse luck by being transformed into a troll. Though the characters lead seperate adventures, often locations can be be revisited by the characters at different times. The game involves Rosella and Valanice's quest to find the way back to their own world.


Chapter 1: Where In Blazes Am I?

The game starts in the desert. Valanice will walk into a thorn bush and will tear her petticoat. Get the ripped petticoat from the bush. North. East. Knock on the rare curiosities door at the right side of the area and talk to the mole, who says that the jackalope has stolen his glasses. West. enter the cave. Use all four of the pots to get the one pot that doesn't break. Get the basket. Exit the cave. Look at the basket in the inventory. Open it by clicking on it, and then hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor left to view the corn kernel in the basket. Get the corn kernel and exit the view of the basket.

Use the corn kernel on the wet sand under the dripping water. Get the ear of corn from the plant. Look at the drawings on the rock at the right side of the cave entrance. While Valanice is looking at the drawings, the gourd at the left side of the corn plant will open. Use the gourd to get a gourd seed. South. West. Get the stick. Use the pot on the pool to fill it with salt water. Get the salt crystals. Look at the symbols at the bottom of the statue. Put the salt water in the statue bowl. Use the comb on Valanice and she will cry. Use the comb on the statue bowl and she will cry into the bowl. Put the ear of corn on the hand of the statue and it will change the salt water to fresh water.

Use the pot on the bowl to get the fresh water. Walk south to the desert. Walk around the desert (keep walking one area east, and then one area west) until the ghost appears. When he does, quickly talk to him and he will walk off. Find the ghost again and talk to him. This time he will wait for Valanice to give him something, so give him the fresh water. He will take Valanice to his skeleton and tells her to choose something from the pouch. Get the rope and then walk north twice to return to the desert path. East. Enter the temple.

When the scorpion appears, quickly combine the stick with the ripped petticoat in the inventory to make a flag. Use the flag on the scorpion and it will stick its tail into the wall. Use the stone block at the right side of the room. Click the big raindrop icon to make a light appear. Get the red crystal and put it on the sun icon. Get the yellow crystal and put it on the statue's right hand. Get the blue crystal and put it on the statue's left hand. Get the turquoise piece that appears. Exit the temple.

West. Use the rope on the cactus tree at the left side of the path and Valanice will trip up the jackalope. Get the glasses that the jackalope dropped. Get the jackalope fur from the cactus. North. East. Knock on the rare curiosities door and give the glasses to the mole. Give the gourd seed to the mole and he will give Valanice a turquoise bead in return. West. West. Use the stick on the bush and get the prickly pear that drops from it. South. Use the head of the statue to change it to the sun head.

Use the necklace of the statue and put the blue beads in the third hole on each ring. Use the hand at the left side of the statue to reveal hidden steps in the pool. Go down the steps. Look at the bowl held by the statue. Look at it again in the zoomed view. Use the turquoise bead in the bowl and the statue will nod. Look at the offering bowl and get the right turquoise piece. Go up the steps. North. Combine the two turquoise pieces in the inventory to make the puzzle. Look at the arrow on the statue and then use the puzzle on the arrow in the zoomed view. Walk through the doorway to complete the chapter.

Chapter 2: A Troll Is As a Troll Does

Exit the bedroom to talk to Matilida. After the conversation, a girl will walk past and drop her toy. Get the toy rat. Get the shield on the wall near the throne. Walk through the north-east exit to enter the kitchen. The chef will tell Rosella to leave. Enter the kitchen again and use the toy rat on the chef to make him leave the kitchen. Get the gold bowl from the shelf and then look at it in the inventory. Rotate the bowl to see the writing on the bottom. If the writing says brass, then put it back on the shelf and get the other gold bowl. Check the writing on the bowl and keep the gold one. Use the machine on the middle of the counter to get the baked beetles. Exit the kitchen.

Walk north-west to the jacuzzi area. Exit the jacuzzi area. West. North. Get the lantern at the back of the cave. Use the gold bowl on the small green pool. Walk to the edge of the cliff on the left and select the pillar to jump to it. Jump to the left edge and get the wet sulphur from the wall. Jump back across the pillar and walk east to exit the cave. Put the wet sulphur in the fire to make the working troll fall asleep. Get the tongs from the rack and use them on the box to pick it up. Use the tongs on the bucket of water to cool the box, which Rosella will then get the spoon from. Put the tongs back on the rack. Use the bellows to increase the fire and then use the lantern with the fire to light it. Walk up the steps to return to the main hall.

Walk through the south-east exit to enter an area with a wagon. Walk over the bridge and a troll will appear to block Rosella's path. Look at the shield in the inventory and get the spike from it. Look at the wagon at the top of the slope and use the shield on the peg. Use the shield spike on the shield to fasten the shield to the wagon. Ride the wagon to push the troll off the side of the bridge. East. East. Talk to the dragon. Give the lantern with spark to the dragon to receive a big gem. West. West. West. West. Talk to the troll with the hammer and then give him the gem to receive the hammer and chisel. Walk up the steps. South-east. East. East to return to the dragon.

Use the hammer and chisel on the tail of the dragon to get a dragon scale. West. West. West. Give the bowl with green water, spoon, baked beetles and dragon scale to Matilida to return to human form. Rosella will be returned to the bedroom. Get the three stools in the room and put them (starting with the largest stool and ending with the smallest stool) below the picture to move it. Rosella climbs through the vent and drops down into the hall. Get the dragon toad near the throne. Walk through the north-west exit and Matilida will return to the hall. Show the dragon toad to Matilda and she will give Rosella an enchanted rope. Try to walk through the south-east exit and Malicia will appear. Use the toy rat on her and she will disappear. South-east. Use the enchanted rope on the basket and then use the basket to complete the chapter.

Chapter 3: The Sky Is Falling

Give the prickly pear to the monster and it will leave the cave. North. West. Talk to Attis the stag twice and he will mention the ancient rock spirit. West. North. Jump across the stones on the river bed to cross to the other side of the area. Use the basket on the spider to save the hummingbird. Free the hummingbird from the web and it will offer to help Valanice in the future. North. Use the small door to enter the town of Falderal. Show the comb to Fifi and he will let Valanice explore the town.

Enter the china shop and talk to Fernando to find out that he has lost his china bird. Exit the china shop. East. Move the cover on the cage at the right side of the stall and then talk to the china bird. Valanice will tell the bird about Fernando, and she will agree to come with Valanice. West. Enter the china shop and give the china bird to Fernando to receive the mask. Exit the china shop to see guests arriving at the town hall. Use the mask on Valanice and then knock on the door to enter the town hall.

Use the carpet at the back of the room to enter a room with many staircases. Walk east and follow the steps all the way to the door at the right side of the room. Use the door twice to enter the mirror room. Use the third mirror from the left to enter the study. Use the drawer and get the magic statuette. Use the door to return to the staircase room. Follow the steps and go east at the junction. Follow the steps to the staircase at the bottom of the room and then go south to return to the entrance hall. Walk east to exit the town hall.

East. The moon falls into the pond and scares the crow away from its nest. Look in the nest to get a wooden nickel. Use the salt crystals on Valanice and then open the purple door to enter the faux shop. Give the nickel to the shop owner to get a book. Give the mask to the shop owner to get a rubber chicken. Exit the shop. West. West to exit the town. East. East. East. Look at the rubber chicken in the inventory and get the tail feather. Use the feather on the nose of the ancient rock spirit and he will tell Valanice to make the river flow.

West. West. South. Jump across the stones and continue south. East. East. Talk to the hummingbirds in the flowers at the top-left corner of the area and then give them the clay pot to fill it with nectar. Use the nectar on the vase held by the statue to make the river flow. East. South. South to return to the desert. East. East. Knock on the rare curiosities door and give the book to the mole to receive a crook. West. West. Walk through the doorway. North to return to the forest. Walk over the rainbow bridge and continue north. West. West. North. Open the small door to return to the town of Falderal. East. Use the crook on the moon in the pond to complete the chapter.

Chapter 4: Will the Real Troll King Please Stand Up

Select the gravedigger's shovel to exit the hole. Talk to the gravedigger three times and he will mention his rat. East. West. East. West to see the kid throw something at the door of the house. East. Use the bucket at the bottom of the rope to enter the pumpkin house. Get the back bone and the foot-in-a-bag. Use the bucket to exit the house. West. Open the gate and then knock on the door of the house to talk to the coroner. Give him the back bone to receive a weird pet. Exit the house. East. Show the weird pet to the kids and they will lower the bucket. Put the weird pet in the bucket to get the gravedigger's rat.

North. Give the rat to the gravedigger to get the horn. East. Use the hammer and chisel on the box to get the extra life from the cat. West. West. South. If the branch at the right side of the tree is pointing up, exit and return the area until the branch is pointing down. Use the horn on Rosella to call the gravedigger, who will move the bones out the way. Go down the hole. Use the padlock and press the skull, bat and spider icons to meet Otar. Show the dragon toad to Otar and then use the hammer and chisel on Otar's bracelet to arrive in the graveyard. Get the black cloak from the gravestone and use it on Rosella.

West. North. East. Knock on the door and then talk to the coroner to get the defoliant. Exit the house. East. North. Get the shovel. East. South. Use the defoliant on the monster. Walk east and the plant will talk to Rosella. Give the foot-in-a-bag to the plant and then get the flower. East. North to the back of the house. Use the roots to reveal a hole. Use the shovel on the hole. If the dog is barking, walk north, east, west and north to return to the back of the house until it is quiet. Use the hole to enter the house.

After Malicia enters the room, go down and the dog will start sniffing Rosella. Use the defoliant on the dog and Malicia will leave. Up. Open the bottom drawer near the door and use it five times to find the mysterious device. Use the clothes to put them back in the drawer. Get the woolen stocking. Use the floorboard to exit the house. Use the black cloak to wear it. North. East. Combine the silver pellet with the woolen stocking in the inventory to make a sling. Walk east and use the sling on the bear to return to the forest. East. East. North. West. West. North. Use the small door to enter Falderal.

Enter the town hall. Use the carpet at the back of the room to enter the staircase room. Walk east and follow the steps to the door at the right side of the room. Use the door twice to enter the mirror room. Look at the plaque on the statue at the left side of the room. Use the woolen stocking on the plaque to reveal the writing. Read the plaque. Use the hammer and chisel on the pillar at the top-right corner of the room to get a golden grape. Use the grape on the statue and the fountain will move. Combine the magic wand with the troll king as scarab in the inventory. He will help Rosella open the statue. Use the fountain to drop down to a tunnel. Walk north to complete the chapter.

Chapter 5: Nightmare In Etheria

East. Give the magic statuette to the stall owner to receive the were-beast salve. West. Use the rubber chicken on the branch at the right side of the area. Use the moon on the rubber chicken to put the moon back in the sky. West. East. East. South. Cross the bridge and walk west. West. Combine the jackalope fur with the were-beast salve and then use the salve on Valanice to run through the forest. West. Open the gate to enter Ooga Booga.

West. East to the pumpkin house. Use the bucket to enter the house. Get the femur bone from the mummy. Use the bucket to exit the house. North. West. Walk west to see a big dog. Give the femur bone to the dog. Talk to him and then get the medal that he offers. South. Give the medal to the woman. East. East. Get the firecracker on the floor. West. West. Use the firecracker on the crypt. Enter the crypt and open the sarcophagus. Use the sarcophagus to get the horseman's head. Exit the crypt. Give the horseman's head to the headless horseman that rides past. The horse will take Valanice to Etheria.

East. East. Up. Climb onto the tree and get the ambrosia. South. South. North. Press the first string, fifth string, sixth string and fourth string of the harp. Use the crystal on top of the harp to arrive in space. Talk to the three Fates twice. South. West. Use the bottom-right rainbow to arrive in the forest. Cross the bridge and use the ambrosia on the statue's vase. Get the pomegranate. Cross the bridge. West. Use the pomegranate on the tree. Use the horseman's fife on Valanice to return to Etheria.

Use the bottom-left rainbow to arrive at the entrance to Ooga Booga. Open the gate. West. Knock on the door to talk to the coroner. Talk to the coroner in his house. Use the coffin. Use the horseman's fife on Valanice to return to Etheria. East. North. Press the first string, fifth string, sixth string and fourth string of the harp. Use the crystal on top of the harp and talk to the three Fates. South. West. Use the bottom-right rainbow to return to the forest. West. Talk to Ceres. Use the horseman's fife on Valanice to return to Etheria. Use the bottom-left rainbow to arrive at the entrance to Ooga Booga.

East. North to the back of the house. If the dog is barking, walk north, east, west and north to return to the back of the house until the dog is quiet. Use the hole to enter the house. Go down to hide when Malicia enters the room. Go up to enter the room. Look at the lamp at the bottom-right corner of the room to get the crystal shaft. Use the floorboard to exit the house. North. Use the horseman's fife on Valanice to return to Etheria. Use the top-left rainbow to arrive in the desert. North. North. East. Enter the temple and use the crystal shaft on the statue to fill the crystal with sunlight. Exit the temple and use the horseman's fife on Valanice to return to Etheria.

East. North. Press the first string, fifth string, sixth string and fourth string of the harp. Use the crystal on top of the harp and talk to the three fates to receive the dream catcher. South. East. Up. Try to enter the cave and then use the dream catcher on the monster that appears. Enter the cave and talk to the dream weaver. Give the dream catcher to the dream weaver to receive the tapestry of dreams. Use the tapestry of dreams on Valanice to enter Dreamland. Use the dream catcher on the nightmare. South. Enter the temple. Use the crystal shaft with sunlight on the ice crystal to receive the magic bridle. Valanice will be returned to Etheria. Up. Walk behind the left side of the cave and then use the magic bridle on the ghost horse to complete the chapter.

Chapter 6: Ready, Set... Boom!

Look at the magic wand in the inventory and rotate it to see the letter on the end. Select the other end of the wand to change the letter to F. Use the magic wand on the troll with the green eyes and he will transform into Edgar. Malicia appears and sends Rosella into a volcano. Use the shovel on the wall to exit the volcano. North. Use the left eye, right eye and nose to open the door. Use the mysterious device on the plug socket at the left side of the room. Use the flower on the troll king. Get the mysterious device from the plug socket and use it on Malicia. Use the extra life on Edgar to complete the game.