King's Quest: Quest for the Crown

FAQ/Walkthrough by bananagirl

Version: Final | Updated: 2002-04-04 | Original File

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~ King's Quest: Quest for the Crown ~ A Mystical Quest To Save A Kingdom for the Personal Computer FAQ/Walkthrough by bananagirl Final Version (v2.0) - 04/04/02
Disclaimer! ```````````

This document is (c)2001-2002 bananagirl. All information contained within is

protected by international copyright law.


.:~:. < Table of Contents > .:~:.


1. Introduction 2. Preliminary FAQ 3. Game Basics o Story o Characters > Sir Graham > King Edward the Benevolent o Getting Started o Basics > Score > Saving/Loading/Restarting > Actions > Speed o Controls 4. Walkthrough o Introduction o Obtaining the Magic Shield o Obtaining the Magic Mirror o Obtaining the Magic Chest o Return to Castle Daventry 5. Other Useful Information o Maps > Daventry > Castle Daventry > Land of the Leprechauns > Well > Land of the Clouds o Point List 6. FAQ 7. Revision History 8. Copyright & Contact Info 9. Credits/Thanks


.:~:. < 1. Introduction > .:~:.


Hiya, and welcome to my KQ1 FAQ/Walkthrough/Guide thing. It's my fourth guide, and I probably shouldn't do it, as I have 3 other guides to finish, but variety is the spice of life or whatever, and I really need a break from the others. So this is the result. And since it's an old game, I probably won't be getting too many emails or anything for it. _

On another note, this is probably the final version of this guide, since I've got mostly everything here.


.:~:. < 2. Preliminary FAQ > .:~:.


Why are the graphics so shoddy? ``````````````````````````````` When this game was first released, in 1984, these were great. Especially the 3D aspect of it. Those of you who weren't big on gaming back then might not realize this, but walking behind a tree was a big deal then. And so what if Graham's a little blocky? At least you can see him. And move him. The graphics underwent a massive improvement with the VGA remake in 1990. It's amazing how much things advanced in 6 years.

Who's this Robert Williams person? `````````````````````````````````` Roberta Williams is the brain behind the King's Quest series, and many other wonderful games, such as Mission: Asteroid (which I've also written a guide for), Mystery House (first hi-res adventure game ever), and the Laura Bow games.

Where can I get this game? `````````````````````````` Your chances of finding an original copy of it are pretty slim, but you might be able to find the remake somewhere if you look really, really hard. You'd probably be better off to just buy the entire series, with both versions of KQ1, in either the Roberta Williams Anthology (dunno if this is even still available) or the King's Quest Collection. Both should be fairly inexpensive, but there are quite a few games in each pack, so expect to fork over at least a few bucks.

Is this appropriate for my kids? ```````````````````````````````` Of course! There's nothing in it that will traumatize them, or even damage their egos. Graham can die, but when he does, it doesn't show anything. There's no other killing involved, and nothing else that can possibly happen in real life is harmful to the little ones. The difficulty level might be a bit high for some children, but it's fun for everyone, so don't hesitate to help out should they ask.

How 'bout for older people? ``````````````````````````` It's a classic. Highly recommended for everyone. Just make sure you keep your saved games easily distinguishable from everybody else's. Few things are more annoying than getting most of the way through a game and having someone else replace your game with their own, which just happens to be near the beginning.


.:~:. < 3. Game Basics > .:~:.



Once upon a time, there lived a mighty king named Edward the Benevolent. He reigned over the kingdom of Daventry with his wife by his side, but he had no heir.

The kingdom's prosperity was maintained by the presence of three great treasures, known as Merlin's Mirror, the Shield of Achille, and the Chest of Gold.

The Magic Mirror foretold the future, and was extremely valuable, as the King used it to view the weather. This knowledge was used to enhance the harvest, and as a result, Daventry was always well fed, and the excess food was sold to neighboring kingdoms.

The Magic Shield, which was made of titanium and set with precious jewels, made the bearer invincible and granted success to his army. The King led his soldiers into battle with this shield, and Daventry easily fought off any attackers.

The Magic Chest was a simple wooden trunk, but contained within was an unlimited supply of gold. Edward used this to pay his soldiers, and buy whatever resources and such that Daventry could not supply. Even when gold was taken out of it, the Chest would magically refill itself, and Daventry's treasury was always full.

One day, while strolling through the castle gardens mourning their lack of heir, the King and Queen stumbled across a sorcerer. The sorcerer, seemingly eager to enhance the prosperity of the kingdom, offered his services in exchange for the Magic Mirror.

The King and Queen, eager for an heir, consulted the Mirror, and, seeing a sturdy youth wearing a gold crown, determined this to be the son they had always wanted. They gave the sorcerer the Mirror, and he hid it away in his underground lair. Many months passed, but still the Queen was not blessed with a child. The sorcerer disappeared, and the kingdom was left heirless and Mirror-less.

The years wore on, and Daventry was weakened by the loss of their crops. They were forced to buy food from neighboring kingdoms, and a Plague was brought into the kingdom. This plague struck down the Queen, and for many days she was bed-ridden.

On the fourth day of her illness, a dwarf arrived at the castle with a root that he claimed would cure the Queen. Touching it to her lips, the Queen's eyes flickered open, and everyone rejoiced. The King, grateful for the dwarf's services, offered him whatever amount of treasure he might desire. The dwarf requested that he be given the Magic Shield in payment, and the King, his wife not yet out of danger, agreed. The dwarf hid the shield in the earth in the fashion of his kind, and the Queen consumed the root.

The supposedly magical cure, despite its miraculous effects when touched to her lips, did nothing more for the Queen. Her condition worsened, and within a few days, she perished. The kingdom mourned her loss, and that of the Shield, and neighboring countries, hearing of the weakened condition of the army, attacked. Without the Magic Shield, many battles were lost, and the kingdom sank deeper into despair.

The King was lonely without a companion, and often took to riding with his men. On one such trip, they came across a pack of wolves surrounding a tree. At the approach of the armed men, the wolves scurried away, and a young woman descended from the branches of the tree and thanked them profusely for the rescue.

The King, infatuated by the young woman's beauty, took her back to his castle, where she stayed for many a day and night. Eventually, realizing that this was to be his partner in life, Edward proposed to Princess Dahlia, as she was called, and the kingdom rejoiced at the thought of a wedding and, later, an heir.

But, on the night before the wedding, Dahlia stole the keys that hung at Edward's belt, and went into the Royal Treasury. The treasurer, noticing the door ajar, peered in, and witnessed in horror the transformation from the beautiful to a wrinkled crone. The witch, cackling madly, stole the Magic Chest and flew off on her broomstick.

The King's heart was broken, and his treasury empty. He could no longer afford to pay his soldiers or buy food for his starving country, and the woman he loved was gone.

The years wore on, and Edward realized that his days were nearing their end. He summoned his closest knight, Sir Graham, and informed him of his troubles. Sending him on a quest to retrieve the three lost treasures, the King promised Graham his throne upon his death. And so Graham set off on a great quest, hoping to return the lost treasures to his country.


Sir Graham `````````` Graham has been sent out on a quest to retrieve the three lost treasures of Daventry. His reward for this noble deed is the crown of Daventry.

King Edward the Benevolent `````````````````````````` Edward has led the kingdom of Daventry through many years of prosperity and famine. As his life nears its end, he must find an heir to his throne.

Getting Started

Since you've obviously booted up your computer, or you wouldn't be reading this, it's time to install your game, if you haven't already.

Insert your game disk or CD into the proper drive. Since you're probably running Windows 95 or better (which doesn't really take much), I'll start with the installation instructions there.

Go to the Taskbar (it's that thing at the bottom of your screen) and hit the Start button. From there, select the Run option (it's near the bottom), and hit the browse button. Go to the directory of your disk or CD drive, and select install or setup or whatever. Follow the on-screen instructions.

If you're running Windows 3.x (and if you are, no offense, but you should probably upgrade), in the Program Manager, left click on the menu choice File and choose Run. Do what they say.

If you're running MS-DOS, type the letter of your disk or CD drive followed by a colon (:), and press enter. You'll see the drive's prompt. At said prompt, type 'dir' to view the drive's directory, and type the file name of the install or setup or whatever program. Voila.

To play in Windows, open the directory in which you installed the game, and double click on the game icon. In DOS, go to the prompt of the drive on which you installed the game and type 'dir' to see the directory, then type the .bat or .exe file matching the name of the game.


Score ````` Throughout the game, various actions and items will earn points for you. There are 158 points in the game, but you don't have to get all of them to finish it. It's just a nice little challenge for you.

Saving/Loading/Restarting ````````````````````````` Saving (found under File) is a way of keeping your progress, even if you exit the game. Save often. Save well. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Restoring (also found under File) recalls your saved games. Do it if you die. You did save, right?

Restarting (guess what? It's also under File!) restarts your game. Big surprise there. Don't do this unless you're unbelievably stuck or you forgot to save or something.

Actions ``````` Swim: Graham can swim if you choose this under action.

Jump: Boingy, boingy, boingy. Pretty self-explanatory.

Duck: Can't recall any actual use for it, but it's your final action.

Speed ````` This drug stimulates your nerves... er... This Menu Bar option determines the Speed at which the game runs.

Normal: If you're using a modern computer, this is the Speed you'll wanna be using throughout the game.

Fast: If you're on an old computer, this might be the Speed for you, but you're just asking for trouble if you use it on anything faster than a 486.

Slow: This Speed is far too sluggish for me, so I never use it. Do so if you want to...


F1............Display the Help screen F2............Toggle sound on and off F3...................Retype last line F5...............................Save F7............................Restore F9............................Restart Tab...............Open your Inventory Esc.......Display Menu Bar/Pause Game Enter...................Enter Command 0................................Jump -................................Duck =................................Swim Ctrl+J...........Set up your Joystick Alt+Z...................Exit the Game Arrow Keys................Move Graham Letter Keys.............Type Commands


.:~:. < 4. Walkthrough > .:~:.



You'll start out on the bright green grass outside Castle Daventry. Nobody tells you this, but the general idea here is to get your bum in there and talk to Edward. So cross the bridge. It might look 3D, but it's only 2D. So just go across. It's easy to do.

Once across the bridge, make your way over to the left, and walk that way until you're in front of the door. Walk up to it, and open it. You'll end up inside the castle.

It's not much of a building, is it? Make your way down the hall and around a corner, and you'll reach the throne room. Walk up to the big guy, bow, and talk to King Edward, who'll give you the following message:

"Sir Graham, I am an old man. I fear my end is near. I have chosen you to prove yourself worthy of the throne. As you know, our kingdom is weak and poor. I have knowledge of three things that would make our kingdom wealthy and strong. Somewhere within our kingdom, there is a magic mirror which tells the future. There is a magic shield that will protect the bearer from mortal harm. Finally, there is a magic chest that is always filled with gold coins. Go, Sir Graham! Go and bring me back those treasures. If you succeed, you will inherit the throne."

Now it's back outside for our coral-clad hero. So go outside, then head to the left. See that rock? Stand behind it and push. If you stand below it, it will fall over you and kill you. So make sure you're behind it. When it's out of the way, look in the hole, and grab the dagger. Yay.

Head north. Climb the tree with the hole in it. Creep along the branches and get the egg, then climb back down. Or jump. Your call. Now go east. You'll end up in a big carrot patch. Grab a carrot. Yummy. You can eat it, but it would be easier not to, 'cause if it's eaten, you'll have to get another one, and that's just too much hassle.

Walk north. If you're lucky, there'll be an elf wandering around. If not, enter and exit until there is one. Then walk up to it and talk to it. Graham's a pretty lovable guy, so the nice li'l elf will give him a ring. So sweet.

Go north again. Grab the giant bowl on the ground. Have fun while doing so. I always enjoy picking up dishes in the middle of nowhere, don't you? Look in the bowl, and say "fill." Ooh. I wouldn't eat that if I were Graham. After all, who knows where it's been? Despite this, the soup is quite safe to eat, but if you like the feeling of a warm bowl of soup in your pants, no matter if you'd rather not do so.

If you go north again (north is quite a popular direction these days, no?), you'll end up by a river. It's kinda hard to tell, but those brown and grey things in the sand are pebbles. Grab 'em. They make great slingshot ammo, and you'll need that later.

Go back south, then head west. You can nab a walnut, but this ain't no ordinary nut. Open it for the point value. Make sure it's not an ordinary nut. If it is (and it shouldn't be), grab another one and open it. Hopefully this one is the valuable one. Now go south.

Ignore that door for now, and go south for two more screens. You should end up back at the boulder under which you found your dagger. Head to the left. You'll end up by a lake. Get in, and swim. Splashy splash splash. Whee. Swim across the lake and get out at the west shore. Walk west for a screen, then look into the stump. Get the pouch, and open it. Not really necessary to finish the game. It's just one of those fun point things you can do.

Now go back east, then south. You should be at the woodcutter's pad. Nothin' you can do outside, so go on in. They look depressed. Or maybe they're just hungry. Say "fill" if you haven't already, then give them the bowl. Yumminess. Now head down into the lower-right corner of their shack (avoid the holes... you're too young to die), and grab the fiddle. Play them a song, then go back outside.

Go south for a few screens, and you'll run into the Gingerbread House. Save your game, then eat the house. If the coast is clear, the house will be yummier than it looks. If not, someone will say the nibble mouse thing. If you get the nibble mouse thing, just leave the screen and return, then try again.

When you get the yummy line, go in, then go to the bedroom and pick up the note on the nightstand. Read it. "Sometimes it is wise to think backwards." It's a hint for a puzzle you'll have to save later.

Now, wait where you are until the witch comes home, and do the cool thing and save your game. When she gets there, she'll walk over to her oven and start jiggling around. Walk up behind her and push her. Ding dong, the witch is dead. With that taken care of, open that cupboard against the back wall and take the cheese from it. I don't like swiss, but somebody must.

If you're a pacifist, you could just stand outside the witch's door and use the ring the elf gave you to do all that stuff, and the witch won't return. But that's a waste of a perfectly good one-time-use ring. Plus it's more fun to set people on fire.

When you're done in the Gingerbread House, go west three times. Ignore the bridge (you can't cross it yet anyway) and go south. Ooooooh...Clovers. Get one. It's got four leaves. Lucky you. My friend Kallie once found one with 5 leaves. The power plant in the town where she found it was shut down for leaking radiation. Coincidence? I think not. I don't think Graham's has anything to do with that, so I'll get on with the walkthrough.

It's time to get the three treasures. In the original version, this can be done in any order. Since I'm playing the original version, and this guide is for it, I'll just do the treasures in whatever order I feel like doing it in, and you can skip around as you like. But I would recommend getting the Shield first, as it will protect you from thieving dwarves and the like.

Obtaining the Magic Shield

It's off to leprechaun land to get the first thing. So head east 2 screens. At this point, you should be outside a small cave. If you hang around for a few seconds, a giant friendly bird will show up. Prepare to jump. As the Condor swoops overhead, jump. Graham will end up clasped tightly in his vicious talons. And they call this thing FRIENDLY?

>LOOK AROUND You see nothing special.

Nothing special? You're flying through the air in the talons of a giant bird with flashing eyes!

After a minute or so of this, the Condor will drop you, and you'll land in an area with lotsa bushes with purple berries and a hole in the ground. You'll want to jump into that hole eventually, but for now, just head west.

Nab the mushroom sitting beside the river, then go back over to the right. Step on over to that hole, and you'll fall in. So now you're in...

LEPRECHAUN LAND!!!!! Whee. Go down, and left from there. Go right up to the edge of the rat's circuit, and give him the cheese. Count your fingers. Now open the door and go in. The leprechauns will be impressed by that clover you picked up earlier and will leave you alone. Go down, and play a pretty song on your fiddle. Everyone will frolic away. Pocket the scepter and the shield. Imagine the glances Graham would get while walking through town with THAT. "Hey, is that a scepter in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

Go left. Walk up to the tiny hole in the wall and eat your mushroom. Graham will turn into a midget. Normally, shrinking an image would decrease the pixel count and the character would look grainy. I see no difference. I don't think Sierra maxed out their graphical capabilities when they made Graham. I feel cheated...

Obtaining the Magic Mirror

If you're doing things my way, you should be near the rock with the glowing hole in it at this point. Go south three screens and west one. You should end up beside a well.

Now that you're there, make sure the bucket is up, then cut the rope. Move around to the right side of the well and lower the rope, then climb in. When you reach the bottom, you'll fall off. Swim. Dive. Swim down and into the hole on the left side. You'll see a dragon.

There are two ways to get rid of the dragon. Either way, move up close to it. Not too close... just to right beforeits breath ends. Once their, it's decision time.

The best method, and the one that earns points for you, is to throw the water at the dragon. When you were swimming around, your bucket was filled up. That will extinguish the flaming breath, and the big scary dragon will scurry off. The other way of doing things is cruel and inhumane. Throw your dagger at it. It dies. Meanie!

Once the dragon's outta the way, pick up the mirror. Look into it, and you'll see yourself as King. That's always good.

Decision time again. Now you have to choose how to get out. It's best to go out the way you came. You get more points. If you don't want to go out that way, you can follow the dragon out. But you probably shouldn't do that.

If you take the first way out, just swim back up to the surface and climb the rope. Get your scurvy bum outta there, and you've finished part 2 of the three quests. That was easy, wasn't it?

Obtaining the Magic Chest

From the well, head left one screen and you'll find the goat pen. Open up the door, go in, close it, and find the goat wandering around in there. Graham has little respect for his fellow citizens, so he'll have no qualms about stealing someone's goat. So show the goat the carrot. Don't give the carrot to the goat, or it will not follow you.

With the goat in tow, reopen the gate and head west for two screens. From there, go north twice, and you'll be in front of a bridge. Walk onto it. Your goat will take care of things from here, then run off.

Go north, and you'll encounter a gnome. When you talk to him, he'll tell you to guess his name. Remember the note at the witch's shack? It said "Sometimes it is wise to think backwards" or something to that effect. Well, this is the hardest puzzle in the game, so listen up. The name "Rumplestiltskin" is the one you've gotta start with. From there, you have to reverse the name, not by making it "Nikstlitselpmur," although that name works in the remake, but by reversing the alphabet. Like this.


So anyone with any logic whatsoever should be able to figure out that the guy's name is "Ifnkovhgroghprm." How you're supposed to pronounce that, I know not. But it might be something like "if-nuh-kov-grog-hip-urm." Ah well. Leave it up to Graham to figure that one out.

If you've guessed it right, Iffy goes away, leaving 5 or so beans for you. Get 'em. If you waste your guesses, you'll get a golden key. Oh well... It gets you to where you need to go, so be happy about it. Or something.

Now that you have your prize, we'll split up the walkthrough for a bit. If you got the key, skip to the section below this one. Otherwise, check out the next part.

Beans ````` Take your new food, if you haven't already. But DO NOT EAT THEM. Unlike the carrots, you can't go out and get new beans whenever you feel the urge to do so.

With beans in hand, head east two screens. You should be at a flower patch. This looks like a good place for gardening. Plant your beans. A beanstalk will sprout. If you know what's good for you, save your game.

This next part is EVIL. It's all about saving every time you move a single pixel and going at the slowest speed. The beanstalk is big, it's tall, and it has lots of little things that you'd think Graham would be able to climb, but he can't. So anyway, make sure both of yer grubby little paws are on the vine at all times, and creep your way up there.

...That was your reward for guessing the name... Snort... some reward.

Key ``` If you guessed the gnome's name wrong, then he'll leave you with a key. Take it, then head over to the door in the mountain. For those of you lacking knowledge as to the exact placement of that location, just go south twice and east 5 times from the gnome's shack.

Use your key in the lock, and you'll be granted access to the stairs within. Save your game, and go on up. Hopefully you already got the shield, 'cause if that gnome steals anything, restore. 'Cause you ain't gettin' it back.

Make your way upstairs, and then it's on to the next section for you.

When you reach the top of the mountain, save your game again, then head over to the right. Go south from there, then east two screens. Move on over to that tree with the hole in its base, and peek in. Grab the sling outta there, then go north.

There are two possible ways to eliminate the giant. The more profitable way, point-wise, is to do it without killing him. So wear your ring, head west, and rub it upon entrance. Wander around, avoiding him, until he falls asleep, then walk up to him and get the chest. Whee. Insta-money! I'd imagine that having the shield in your possession at this point would help somewhat, but I didn't do it in that order, so I don't really know for sure.

The alternate violent, not-as-profitable way, is to shoot him with your sling. So from the cave entrance, go west, and use your sling. You'll kill the giant. You big meaniehead.

Either way you went about getting it, the chest is now yours, so go east. You should see a cave. Save your game, then head in. Edge your way down the stairs, and leave through the bottom. Of course, you could also take the beanstalk if that's how you got there... But I wouldn't recommend it. Why make things harder for yourself?

Return to Castle Daventry

You've got all your treasures, so it's back to the castle for you, young man. Walk north twice then east twice, open the door, and go see Mr. Benevolency. Bow to him, then walk up to him, he'll stand up, have a heart attack, and you'll be King. All done...


.:~:. < 5. Other Useful Information > .:~:.



ASCII maps are hard to make, but I'll try my best. Which, in this case, doesn't seem to be enough, but... um... yea. Good enough for the time being.

Daventry ````````

[ 7 ] |

[ A ]-[ A ]-[ B ]-[ A ]-[ A ]-[ C ]-[ D ]-[ ! ]

      [ 4 ]      
[ E ]-[ F ]-[ A ]-[ G ]-[ G ]-[ H ]-[ @ ]-[ J ]-[ 9 ]
[ K ]-[ E ]-[ L ]-[ A ]-[ M ]-[ N ]-[ $ ]-[ I ]
      [ 5 ]      
[ E ]-[ O ]-[ C ]-[ P ]-[ Q ]-[ R ]-[ # ]-[ I ]
    [ 6 ]        
[ S ]-[ A ]-[ T ]-[ U ]-[ A ]-[ V ]-[ W ]-[ A ]
[ X ]-[ Y ]-[ Y ]-[ Z ]-[ 1 ]-[ 2 ]-[ 3 ]-[ 3 ]

[ 8 ] [ 10 ]

A.....Lake B.....Stump with diamonds C.....Useless screen D.....Castle E.....Troll bridge F.....Old bridge G.....Woodcutter's house H.....Ogre I.....River J.....Condor's dropping point K.....Gnome L.....Flower patch M.....Rock with hole N.....Dwarf O.....Stream P.....Witch's house Q.....Sorcerer R.....Walnut tree S.....Clover patch T.....Outside cave/Condor U.....Witch V.....Door W.....Elf X.....Fairy Godmother Y.....Goat pen Z.....Well 1.....Wolf 2.....Egg tree 3.....Carrot garden 4.....Inside woodcutter's house 5.....Inside witch's house 6.....Inside cave 7.....Inside castle 8.....Inside well 9.....To Leprechaun Land 10....Up tree !.....Starting point @.....Mushroom #.....Bowl $.....Pebbles

All screens, excepting that of the leprechaun land and the troll bridge opposite it, wrap around, meaning if you go west from point X, you'll end up at point 3.

Castle Daventry ```````````````

[ A ]-[ B ]

| [ B ] | [ C ]

A.....Throne room B.....Hall C.....Outside castle

Land of the Leprechauns ```````````````````````

[ A ] | [ B ] | [ D ]-[ C ]-[ B ] |

[ G ]-[ F ]-[ E ]

A.....Condor dropping point B.....Cave C.....Rat D.....Leprechauns E.....Throne room F.....Exit G.....Rock with hole

Well ````

[ A ] | [ B ] |

[ E ]-[ D ]-[ C ]

A.....Outside well B.....Inside well C.....Underwater D.....Dragon's lair E.....To Inside cave

Land of the Clouds ``````````````````

[ A ]-[ B ]-[ C ]-[ D ]-[ E ]-[ F ] | | | | / [ G ] [ B ] [ B ] [ H ][ F ] | / [ G ] [ F ] | / [ G ] [ F ]

/ [ F ]

A.....Top of beanstalk B.....Clouds C.....Trees D.....Giant E.....Cave F.....Stairs G.....Beanstalk H.....Tree with hole

Point List

Introduction ```````````` Enter castle...............1 Bow........................3 Move rock..................2 Get dagger.................5 Get carrot.................2 Climb tree.................2 Get carrot.................2 Get egg....................6 Get bowl...................3 Read bowl..................1 Talk to elf................3 Get pebbles................1 Get walnut.................3 Open walnut................3 Look in stump..............1 Get pouch..................3 Look in pouch..............3 Eat house..................2 Get note...................2 Read note..................1 Push witch.................7 Open cupboard..............2 Take cheese................2 Give bowl..................3 Get fiddle.................3 Pick clover................2


Obtaining the Magic Shield `````````````````````````` Ride Condor.................3 Pick mushroom...............1 Give cheese to rat..........2 Play fiddle.................3 Get shield..................8 Get sceptre.................6 Eat mushroom................2 Leave through hole..........1


Obtaining the Magic Mirror `````````````````````````` Cut rope...................2 Climb down.................1 Dive.......................4 Enter dragon's cave........1 Throw water on dragon......5 Get mirror.................8 Leave by water.............4


Obtaining the Magic Chest ````````````````````````` Show carrot to goat........5 Goat attacks troll.........4


*Get gold key...............3 Unlock door................2


*Guess gnome's name.........5 Get magic beans............4 Plant beans................2


Get sling..................2 ^Kill giant.................2 ^Let giant sleep............5 Get chest..................8

Total......................26 with key and killing

......................29 with key and sleep ......................32 with beans and killing ......................35 with beans and sleep

Return to Castle Daventry ````````````````````````` Open gate...................1 Bow to Edward...............3


Final Total................150 with key and killing

................153 with key and sleep ................155 with beans and killing ................158 with beans and sleep

So if you want to get the most points, you have to guess gnome boy's name and put the giant to sleep. Not hard. Enjoy. _

*,^ = Variable Event (symbol matches variation). All events within the ---

are triggered by the variation marked by the symbol.


.:~:. < 6. FAQ > .:~:.


I keep falling off the bridge in the beginning! Why? ```````````````````````````````````````````````````` I don't care if it looks 3D, it's not. Just walk across it like this:

&& G&&&& |___| ||

<-- /\<--\ <--


Or something. I'm bad at ASCII art. That G represents Graham's starting point, of course.

Why did I lose points? `````````````````````` It's not really a big deal if you don't get every point in the game. But sometimes if you do something wrong (such as bribing the troll or eating a carrot), you lose points.

What do I do if the dwarf stole my Mirror/Chest? ```````````````````````````````````````````````` Restart or restore. There's nothing you can do to get it back. Maybe you should've gotten the Shield first...


.:~:. < 7. Revision History > .:~:.


v1.0 (03/21/01) - Pretty much everything that I intend to put in here is in here. Perhaps the addition of a Quick Walkthrough or some other such silliness will be added at a later date, but that's rather doubtful. I'm pretty lazy. Sittin' at a mean 52K.

v2.0 (04/04/02) - Brand spankin' new format. It's so purdy. And neat. Also, a few sections have been modified and rearranged, a few small errors fixed, most of the crap in the Game Basics section removed. Nothing else major or anything like that. Just small things. Y'know what I'm sayin'? Oh, and bow down to my mad file shrinking skillz. Currently measuring in at about 42K. w00t.


.:~:. < 8. Copyright and Contact Info > .:~:.


This document (c)2001-2002 Bananagirl.

This document was written exclusively for use on the internet. It is not intended to be used in any way that is profitable for anyone other than the author. It is not to be reproduced in any way without express written permission from the author.

The information found within the document is, to the best of the abilities and knowledge of the author, 100% accurate. However, the possibility exists that inaccurate information may be found within. Any errors (human, computer, or otherwise) should be reported to the author.

If you would like to use this document on/in your web site, magazine, or other published work, please contact the author and obtain permission before doing so.

King's Quest, KQ, King Graham, and all events and titles are trademarks of Sierra Online, Inc. The author makes no claim to the creation of these.

More information on copyright laws can be found at the copyright section of the official Library of Congress web site. (

This document can currently only be legally found at

If you have found this document anywhere else or are at some other site that foolishly forgot to remove the copyright information, contact the author.


.:~:. < 9. Credits/Thanks > .:~:.


Author `````` Bananagirl (

Thanks to ````````` Roberta Williams, for creating some of the best games known to civilized man.

The King's Quest Companion, by Peter Spear, for a few points that I forgot to record, and an order of doing things. Without this great book, which you can buy at (that's where I got it, anyway), I wouldn't know where to start. Thanks, Peter!

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Copyright 2001-2002 Bananagirl

King's Quest: Quest for the Crown: FAQ/Walkthrough by bananagirl

Version: Final | Updated: 2002-04-04 | Original File