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<h3 id="toc_0.0.1">Mekanism Ore Processing</h3>
<h4 id="toc_0.0.1.1">Description</h4>
Mekanism adds various tiers of ore processing for better ingot yields from raw ores.
Each tier uses a specific maching to process the raw ore
(for direct ingots, dusts, clumps, shards, or crystals.)
Then the product is processed by the machines of the previous tiers
<h4 id="toc_0.0.1.2">Tier 0</h4>
<h5 id="toc_0.">Single Ingot Yield</h5>
This is the stock minecraft Tier of directly smelting ores into ingots. First energy
is producted for example by Heat Generator in passive mode.
1 Raw Ore -&gt; <em>Energized Smelter</em> -&gt; 1 Ingot
<h4 id="toc_0.0.1.3">Tier 1</h4>
<h5 id="toc_0.">Double Ingot Yield</h5>
New machines on this tier:
<em>Enrichment Chamber</em>
1 Raw Ore -&gt; <em>Enrichment Chamber</em> -&gt; 2 Dusts -&gt; <em>Energized Smelter</em> -&gt; 2 Ingots.
<h4 id="toc_0.0.1.4">Tier 2</h4>
<h5 id="toc_0.">Triple Ingot Yield</h5>
New machines on this tier:
<em>Purification Chamber</em>
1 Raw Ore + Oxygen -&gt; <em>Purification Chamber</em> -&gt; 3 Clumps -&gt;
<em>Crusher</em> -&gt; 3 Dirty Dusts -&gt; <em>Enrichment Chamber</em> -&gt; 3 Dusts -&gt;
<em>Energized Smelter</em> -&gt; 3 Ingots
Oxygen can be obtained by
Water -&gt; <em>Electric Pump</em> -&gt; <em>Electrolytic Separator</em> -&gt; Oxygen
Hint: You can use <em>Gas-Burning Generator</em> to recycle Hydrogen from
<em>Electrolytic Separator</em> back into energy.
<h4 id="toc_0.0.1.5">Tier 3</h4>
<h5 id="toc_0.">Quadruple Ingot Yield</h5>
New machines on this tier:
<em>Chemical Injection Chamber</em>
1 Raw Ore + Hydrogen Chloride -&gt; <em>Chemical Injection Chamber</em> -&gt; 4 Shards -&gt;
4 Shards + Oxygen -&gt; <em>Purification Chamber</em> -&gt; 4 Clumps -&gt; <em>Crusher</em> -&gt;
4 Dirty Dusts -&gt; <em>Enrichment Chamber</em> -&gt; 4 Dusts -&gt; <em>Energized Smelter</em> -&gt;
4 Ingots
The chain to make Hydrogen Chloride is self sustaining but quite involved.
Water -&gt; <em>Electric Pump</em> -&gt; <em>Salination Plant</em> -&gt; Brine -&gt; <em>Electrolytic Separator</em> -&gt;
Hydrogen and Chlorine -&gt; <em>Chemical Infuser</em> -&gt; Hydrogen Chloride
<h4 id="toc_0.0.1.6">Tier 4</h4>
<h5 id="toc_0.">Quintuple Ingot Yield</h5>
New machines on this tier:
<em>Chemical Dissolution Chamber</em>
<em>Chemical Washer</em>
<em>Chemical Crystalizer</em>
1 Raw Ore + Sulfuric Acid -&gt; <em>Chemical Dissolution Chamber</em> -&gt; Ore Slurry -&gt;
Ore Slurry + Water -&gt; <em>Chemical Washer</em> -&gt; Clean Ore Slurry -&gt; <em>Chemical Crystalizer</em> -&gt;
Crystals -&gt; Into Tier 3 Setup for Processing
You need a chain to make Hydrogen Chloride the same as Tier 3. You also need a source of
Gunpowder + Hydrogen Chloride -&gt; <em>Chemical Injection Chamber</em> -&gt; Sulfur
Sulfur -&gt; <em>Chemical Oxidizer</em> -&gt; Sulfur Dioxide
Sulfur Dioxide + Oxygen -&gt; <em>Chemical Infuser</em> -&gt; Sulfur Trioxide
Water -&gt; <em>Rotary Condensentrator</em> -&gt; Water Vapor
Water Vapor + Sulfur Trioxide -&gt; <em>Chemical Infuser</em> -&gt; Sulfuric Acid