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<h3 id="toc_0.0.1">King's Quest VI</h3>
<h4 id="toc_0.0.1.1">Walkthrough</h4>
<h5 id="toc_0.">Part I</h5>
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Crown I</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Pick up the Royal Insignia Ring on the sand near Alexander. [1]
Move the plank to the right of Alexander. [1]
Open the box.
Take the Daventry Coin. [1]
Head north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Crossroads</h6>
Head up north to the castle.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Castle of the Crown (Optional)</h6>
Talk to the Guard Dogs a few times.
Show the Royal Insignia Ring to the Guard Dogs. [3]
Watch the cutscene with Alex and Abdul Alhazred. [2]
Leave the castle.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Crossroads</h6>
Head west to the village.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Go into Ali's Books bookshop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Ali's Books</h6>
Talk to Ali (once or twice) for info about the Ferryman. [1]
Look at the Book of Love Poems on the bookshelf. [1]
Pick up the page missing from the Book of Love Poems. [1]
Try to touch the Spell Book. [2]
Pick up the Boring Book near the door. [1]
Exit the bookshop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Head west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beauty's Village</h6>
After one scene, head west again.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Docks</h6>
Ignore the swimming boy's advice and wait for him to leave.
Knock on the Ferryman's door.
Talk to the Ferryman to be let in. [2]
<h6 id="toc_0.">Ferryman's Cabin</h6>
Talk to the Ferryman a few times until he repeats himself.
Take the Rabbit's Foot near the Ferryman. [1]
Exit the cabin.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Docks</h6>
Head back east.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beauty's Village</h6>
Head east again.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Head back to Ali's Books.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Ali's Books (Optional 1)</h6>
Talk to Jollo a few times.
Show the Royal Insignia Ring to Jollo. [4]
Exit the bookshop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Go into the Pawn Shop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Pawn Shop</h6>
Take the mint from the jar on the counter. [1]
Talk to the Pawn Shop Owner about the map.
Give the Royal Insignia Ring to the Pawn Shop Owner. [5]
After the cutscene, give the Daventry Coin to the Pawn Shop Owner. [2]
Take the wind-up nightingale.
Exit the Pawn Shop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Exit the village.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Crossroads</h6>
Show the wind-up nightingale to Sing-Sing. [4]
Return to the village.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Pick up the mysterious ink bottle in the pot near the Pawn Shop. [1]
Exit the village.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Crossroads</h6>
Head back south.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Use the Magic Map on yourself. [1]
Point to the Isle of the Sacred Mountain.
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Sacred Mountain I</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Pick up the black feather. [1]
Pick up the Flower of Stench. [1]
Use the Magic Map on yourself and point to the Isle of Wonder.
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of Wonder I</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Pick up the sentence as soon as it reaches the shore. [1]
Talk to the Toothache Oyster.
Read the Boring Book to the Toothache Oyster. [2]
Quickly grab the pearl from the oyster as soon as it yawns. [1]
Try to head north.
Show the Flower of Stench to Old Tom Trow, the Nose Gnome. [2]
Show the wind-up nightingale to Hark Grovernor, the Ear Gnome. [2]
Give the mint to Grump-Frump, the Mouth Gnome. [2]
Show the Rabbit's Foot to Trilly-Dilly, the Hand Gnome. [2]
Use the mysterious ink bottle on yourself. [2]
Head east.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Exclamation Point (Optional 1)</h6>
Try to pick up the pile of books.
Head back west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Head north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Swamp</h6>
Take the bottle of milk from the milkweed patch. [1]
Head west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Garden</h6>
Pick up the Rotten Tomato. [1]
Open the north door.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Chessboard Land</h6>
Try to head north.
Pick up the Red Queen's Scarf after a scene. [1]
Head back south.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Garden</h6>
Pick up the Iceberg Lettuce. [1] [UNDER A STRICT TIMER NOW!]
Head back south.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Swamp</h6>
Head back east.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Use the Magic Map on yourself and point to the Isle of the Beast.
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Beast I</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Head north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Boiling Pond</h6>
Pick up the old Hunter's Lamp from the tree branch. [1]
Quickly place the Iceberg Lettuce into the pond. [4]
Cross the boiling pond and head north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Stone Archer's Garden</h6>
Ignore the gardener's advice.
Pick up the brick to the right. [1]
Exit the garden.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Boiling Pond</h6>
Head back south.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Talk to the Dangling Participle.
Show the sentence to the Dangling Participle. [2]
Use the Magic Map on yourself and point to the Isle of the Crown.
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Crown II</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Head up north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Crossroads</h6>
Head west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Read the Wedding Proclamation on the wall.
Go into the Pawn Shop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Pawn Shop</h6>
Give the pearl to the Pawn Shop Owner. [2]
Give the wind-up nightingale to the Pawn Shop Owner.
Take the flute.
Exit the Pawn Shop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Exit the village.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Crossroads</h6>
Give the Royal Insignia Ring to Sing-Sing. [3]
[If you DIDN'T befriend Jollo: [1]]
After one scene, pick up Cassima's ribbon on the ground. [1]
In the Inventory, pick up Cassima's hair from the ribbon. [1]
[Only if you didn't get Beauty's Clothes or her hair from them.]
Head back south.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Use the Magic Map on yourself and point to the Isle of Wonder.
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of Wonder II</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Head back east.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Exclamation Point (Optional 2)</h6>
Try to pick up the book pile again.
Give the Dangling Participle to the Bookworm. [2]
In the Inventory, look at the Rare Book to read it. [1]
Look at the Black Widow's web.
Talk to the Black Widow.
Touch the loose web in the south left corner. [1]
Quickly pick up the paper scrap in the north left corner. [2]
Memorize the paper scrap's word.
Head back west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Head north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Swamp</h6>
Head west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Garden</h6>
Look at the Hole-in-the-Wall.
Try to take the Hole-in-the-Wall.
Play the flute for the Wallflowers. [2]
Pick up the Hole-in-the-Wall while the Wallflowers are dancing. [1]
Head back south.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Swamp</h6>
Head back east.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Use the Magic Map on yourself and point to the Isle of the Crown.
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Crown III</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Head north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Crossroads</h6>
Head west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Head back to Ali's Books.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Ali's Books (Optional 2)</h6>
Speak with Jollo and listen in on Alhazred.
Give the Rare Book to Ali. [1]
Read the Spell Book to memorize all the spells.
Exit the bookshop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Enter the Pawn Shop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Pawn Shop</h6>
After one scene, give the flute to the Pawn Shop Owner.
Take the tinder box.
Exit the Pawn Shop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Exit the village.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Crossroads</h6>
Give the love poem page to Sing-Sing. [1]
After one scene, pick up Cassima's note on the ground. [1]
Head back south.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Use the Magic Map on yourself and point to the Isle of the Sacred Mountain.
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Sacred Mountain II</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Look at the writing on the cliff face.
Press in "R", "I", "S", and "E" from a set of four words. [1]
Carefully climb up the stairs.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Cliffs of Logic 1</h6>
Climb up to the writing and look at it.
Spell out "SOAR" using your Green Isles Guidebook Manual. [1]
Carefully climb up the stairs again.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Cliffs of Logic 2</h6>
Climb up to the writing and look at it.
Press in the fourth, first, and second buttons. [1]
Carefully climb up the stairs again.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Cliffs of Logic 3</h6>
Climb up to the writing and look at it.
Press in Azure, Caterpillar, Tranquility, and Air using your manual. [1]
Carefully climb up the stairs again.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Cliffs of Logic 4</h6>
Climb up to the last writing and look at it.
Press in "A", "S", "C", "E", "N", and "D" from a set of six words. [1]
Carefully climb up the remaining stairs.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Cliffs of Logic Summit</h6>
Ignore the old woman's advice and wait for her to leave.
Avoid the nightshade berries and go into the cave. [1]
<h6 id="toc_0.">Cave (Optional)</h6>
Use the tinder box on yourself. [2]
Head east to the cave mouth and crawl in.
Head east and pick up the peppermint leaves. [1]
Head back west.
Use the tinder box on yourself again.
Exit the cave.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Cliffs of Logic Summit</h6>
Head north to the City Gates.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Catacombs (First Floor)</h6>
After a long cutscene, head north twice.
In the fork, head east twice and then north.
Pick up the skull on the floor. [1]
Head back south once and west twice.
Head north and west.
Step on the tiles in the spike maze in the order shown here [3]:
E | | 4 | 2 | S
Exit the spike maze room.
Go north once to take the shield. [1]
Go north twice to another fork.
Head north once and west twice.
Take the Deadman's Coins from the skeleton. [1]
Head back east twice and then south.
Head east to the ceiling trap room.
Use the brick in the gears to stop the ceiling. [2]
Head east twice, north, and east.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Catacombs (Second Floor)</h6>
Use the tinder box on yourself (i.e., Alex's small eyes). [2]
Head west five times, south twice, and east once.
Place the Hole-in-the-Wall on the east wall. [1]
Look through the Hole-in-the-Wall. [1]
Head west three times to another fork.
Head south twice, east once, south once, and east once to yet another fork.
Head east again, north once, and east once to one more fork.
Head north twice.
Pull the tapestry on the wall. [1]
Enter the Minotaur's lair.
Approach the Minotaur and Lady Celeste.
Bullfight the Minotaur with the Red Queen's scarf. [3]
After some scenes, watch a lengthy cutscene with Alex and the Oracle. [5]
After the conversation, Alex takes the Oracle's Sacred Water. [1]
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
In the Inventory, use the Sacred Water in the Hunter's Lamp. [1]
Use the Magic Map on yourself and point to the Isle of the Mists.
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Mists I</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Head west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Druids' Village</h6>
Pick up the lump of coal. [1]
Pick up the scythe on the tree. [1]
Exit the village.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Use the Magic Map on yourself and point to the Isle of Wonder.
(If you want the Short Path, skip to "Isle of the Beast II".)
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of Wonder III (Optional)</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Head north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Swamp</h6>
Head west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Garden</h6>
Pick up the teacup on the chair. [1]
Pick up the "Drink Me" potion bottle. [1]
Give the milk bottle to one of the Baby's Tears. [2]
Use the Hunter's Lamp on the other Baby's Tears. [1]
Open the north door.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Chessboard Land</h6>
Give the lump of coal to the White Queen. [1]
Head back south.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Garden</h6>
Head back south.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Swamp</h6>
Use the teacup in the swamp.
After the conversation, give the Rotten Tomato to the Bump-on-a-Log. [3]
Collect the swamp ooze with the teacup after a scene. [1]
Head back east.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Use the Magic Map on yourself and point to the Isle of the Beast.
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Beast II</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Head north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Boiling Pond</h6>
Head north again.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Stone Archer's Garden</h6>
Use the shield on the Stone Archer. [3]
Pick up a white rose near the gazebo. [1]
Try to get past the gazebo.
Use the scythe on the gazebo. [3]
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beast's Garden</h6>
Watch the cutscene with the Beast. [1] [YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES!]
Head back south.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Stone Archer's Garden</h6>
Exit the garden.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Boiling Pond</h6>
Head back south.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Use the Magic Map on yourself and point to the Isle of the Crown.
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Crown IV</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Head back north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Crossroads</h6>
Head back west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Return to Ali's Books once more if you still have time.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Ali's Books (Optional 3)</h6>
Speak with Jollo and listen in on Shamir Shamazel.
Exit the bookshop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
With the allotted time left, head west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beauty's Village</h6>
Talk to Beauty.
Give the white rose to Beauty. [2]
Give the Beast's Ring to Beauty. [2]
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Beast III</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beast's Garden</h6>
Watch the lengthy cutscene. [2 (1 point for each item)]
After the cutscene, collect fountain water with Hunter's Lamp. [1]
In the Inventory, pick up Beauty's hair from her clothes. [1]
[Only if you didn't pick up Cassima's ribbon or her hair from it.]
Head back south.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Stone Archer's Garden</h6>
Pick up another white rose near the gazebo.
Exit the garden.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Boiling Pond</h6>
Head back south.
NOTE: At this point, your journey will branch off into two different paths! If you want the Long Path Ending, then please skip ahead to the sub-section entitled "Part II (Long Path)". Otherwise, read on if you want the Short Path Ending.
<h4 id="toc_0.0.1.2">Part II (Short Path)</h4>
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Beast III (cont.)</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Use the Magic Map on yourself and point to the Isle of the Crown.
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Crown V</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Head north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Crossroads</h6>
Head west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Enter the Pawn Shop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Pawn Shop</h6>
Give the tinder box to the Pawn Shop Owner.
Take the wind-up nightingale.
Exit the Pawn Shop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Exit the village.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Crossroads</h6>
Head back north to the castle.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Castle of the Crown</h6>
Dress yourself up in Beauty's Clothes. [4]
<h6 id="toc_0.">Grand Hall</h6>
Look at the Throne Room doors.
Go up the left staircase.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Upstairs Hallway</h6>
Place the wind-up nightingale on the floor while Guard Dogs are away. [4]
Quickly hide behind the pillar in the east alcove after that task. [2]
After a scene, remove the portrait of King Caliphim and Queen Allaria. [3]
Pick up the nail on the wall. [1]
Walk back out of the east alcove.
Open the left door.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Alhazred's Bedroom</h6>
Look at the trunk on the foot of the bed.
Use the nail to unlock the trunk. [1]
Pick up Alhazred's letter and read it. [1]
Exit the bedroom.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Upstairs Hallway</h6>
Look at the northwest door. [1]
Head north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Upstairs Northern Hallway</h6>
Talk to Cassima through her door. [1]
After the conversation, slip the dagger to Cassima through the door. [3]
Show Alhazred's letter to Cassima through the door.
Exit west of the north hallway.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Upstairs Hallway</h6>
Quickly go into the east alcove.
Place the nail and the portrait back on the wall.
Quickly hide behind the pillar again.
After another scene, exit the east alcove.
Head back downstairs.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Grand Hall</h6>
Show Alhazred's letter to Captain Saladin. [3]
<h6 id="toc_0.">Throne Room</h6>
After a scene, approach or talk to Alhazred or Cassima.
After one cutscene, show the Beast's Mirror to Cassima. [3]
Follow Alhazred out of the Throne Room after another cutscene.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Tower</h6>
Quickly follow Alhazred up a few rooms.
After another scene, give the peppermint leaves to Shamir. [3]
Grab the Ceremonial Sword on the wall near you. [1]
Use the Ceremonial Sword on Alhazred. [1]
Use the Ceremonial Sword on Alhazred again after distraction. [5]
NOTE: If you skipped all optional tasks except the cave with the peppermint leaves, the Minimum Points value you're getting is 116 points.
<h4 id="toc_0.0.1.3">Part II (Long Path)</h4>
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Beast III (cont.)</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
In the Inventory, look at the Spell Book.
Turn the pages to the "Make Rain Spell". [3]
Use the Magic Map on yourself and point to the Isle of the Mists.
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Mists II</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Ritual Place</h6>
Watch the lengthy cutscene. [2]
After the cutscene, pick up the embers with the skull. [1]
Head back south.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Use the Magic Map on yourself and point to the Isle of the Sacred Mountain.
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Sacred Mountain III</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
Carefully climb up the stairs on the Cliffs of Logic to the top.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Cliffs of Logic Summit</h6>
In the Inventory, use either hair in the skull. [1]
Use the spoiled egg in the skull. [1]
Look at the Spell Book.
Turn the page to "Charming a Creature of the Night Spell". [3]
Watch the Night Mare cutscene. [2]
<h5 id="toc_0.">Realm of the Dead</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Surface 1</h6>
Talk to King Caliphim and Queen Allaria. [1]
Avoid the zombies and head east.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Surface 2</h6>
Talk to the Mother Ghost. [1]
Head north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Underworld Entrance</h6>
Play the Bone Xylophone. [2]
After the musical sequence, pick up the skeleton key on the floor. [1]
Give the Ghost Ticket to the Doormaster. [3]
<h6 id="toc_0.">Underworld Cavern</h6>
Look at the dead knight.
Pick up the knight's Gauntlet of Challenge. [1]
Head north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">River Styx</h6>
Collect River Styx water with the teacup. [1]
Give the Deadman's Coins to Charon. [3]
<h6 id="toc_0.">Gate</h6>
Try to touch the Gate.
Talk to the Gate.
Press in "L", "O", "V", and "E" on the Alphabet Pad. [3]
Enter the Gate.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Throne Room</h6>
Approach the Lord of the Dead.
Give the Gauntlet of Challenge to the Lord of the Dead. [2]
After a scene, show the Beast's Mirror to the Lord of the Dead. [4]
<h5 id="toc_0.">Isle of the Crown V</h5>
<h6 id="toc_0.">Beach</h6>
After a long cutscene, head north.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Crossroads</h6>
Give the white rose to Sing-Sing. [1]
Head west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Enter the Pawn Shop once more.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Pawn Shop</h6>
Use the "Drink Me" Potion bottle on yourself near the cloaked man. [3]
During the cutscene, pay attention to Shamir's lamp!
After the cutscene, give the tinder box to the Pawn Shop Owner.
Take the Painter's Brush.
Exit the Pawn Shop.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Village</h6>
Talk to the lampseller.
Give the Hunter's Lamp to the lampseller.
Take the tall blue lamp. [1]
Exit the village.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Crossroads</h6>
Head back north to the castle.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Castle of the Crown</h6>
Head west from the entrance.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Castle Wall</h6>
In the Inventory, use the black feather on the teacup. [1]
Use either the Painter's Brush or teacup on the castle wall. [1]
Look at the Spell Book.
Turn the pages to the "Magic Paint Spell". [3]
Enter the newly-formed door. [2]
<h6 id="toc_0.">West Basement Hallway</h6>
Open the middle dungeon door.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Middle Dungeon</h6>
Give the Ghost Handkerchief to the Little Boy Ghost. [3]
Exit the dungeon.
<h6 id="toc_0.">West Basement Hallway</h6>
Head south and east.
<h6 id="toc_0.">East Basement Hallway</h6>
Enter the door on the right.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Jollo's Room</h6>
Give the Replica Lamp to Jollo. [3]
Exit the room after a scene.
<h6 id="toc_0.">East Basement Hallway</h6>
Go north, then west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">North Basement Hallway</h6>
Pull the suit of armor's hand. [2]
Enter the secret passage.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Secret Passage</h6>
Look at the chinks in the east wall. [2]
After a scene, head upstairs.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Upstairs Secret Staircase</h6>
Head west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Upstairs Secret Passageway</h6>
Proceed around the corner down the first hallway.
Look at the spyhole beyond the bend. [1]
After a scene, continue down the passageway.
Look at the crack at the end of the left wall.
Enter the secret doorway.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Alhazred's Bedroom</h6>
Open the ebony box near the fireplace. [1]
Use the skeleton key to unlock the trunk. [1]
Pick up Alhazred's letter and read it. [1]
Go back through the passageway.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Upstairs Secret Passageway</h6>
Head back to the staircase the way you came.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Upstairs Secret Staircase</h6>
Look at the spyhole on the east wall. [1]
After the conversation, give the dagger to Cassima. [3]
Show Alhazred's letter to Cassima.
Go back downstairs after a scene.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Secret Passage</h6>
Open the wall and exit the passage.
<h6 id="toc_0.">North Basement Hallway</h6>
Head back west.
<h6 id="toc_0.">West Basement Hallway</h6>
Try to open the Treasure Room door on the left.
Press in "A", "L", "I", "Z", "E", "B", and "U" on the Alphabet Pad. [2]
<h6 id="toc_0.">Treasure Room</h6>
Look at the drape on the table.
Remove the drape.
Look at all four stolen treasures. [2]
Exit the Treasure Room.
<h6 id="toc_0.">West Basement Hallway</h6>
Head south and east.
<h6 id="toc_0.">East Basement Hallway</h6>
Head up the stairs on the left.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Grand Hall</h6>
Show Alhazred's letter to Captain Saladin. [3]
<h6 id="toc_0.">Throne Room</h6>
After a scene, approach or talk to Alhazred or Cassima.
Watch the lengthy cutscene. [5]
After the cutscene, follow Alhazred out of the Throne Room.
<h6 id="toc_0.">Tower</h6>
Quickly follow Alhazred up a few rooms to the top. [1]
After another scene, use the blue lamp on Shamir. [5]
Grab the Ceremonial Sword on the wall near you. [1]
Use the Ceremonial Sword on Alhazred. [1]
Use the Ceremonial Sword on Alhazred again after distraction. [5]
NOTE: If you followed all optional tasks correctly, you will get the Maximum Points Value (i.e., Perfect Score) of 231 points for 100% Completion, and you'll get the best ending possible! :)
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