
185 lines
4.9 KiB

package termboxUtil
import "github.com/nsf/termbox-go"
// DropMenu is a title that, when active drops a menu down
type DropMenu struct {
id string
title string
x, y, width, height int
bg, fg termbox.Attribute
activeFg, activeBg termbox.Attribute
cursorBg, cursorFg termbox.Attribute
menu *Menu
menuSelected bool
showMenu bool
bordered bool
tabSkip bool
active bool
// CreateDropMenu Creates a menu with the specified attributes
func CreateDropMenu(title string, options []string, x, y, width, height int, fg, bg, cursorFg, cursorBg termbox.Attribute) *DropMenu {
c := DropMenu{
title: title,
x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height,
fg: fg, bg: bg, activeFg: fg, activeBg: bg,
cursorFg: fg, cursorBg: bg,
c.menu = CreateMenu("", options, x, y+2, width, height, fg, bg)
return &c
// GetID returns this control's ID
func (c *DropMenu) GetID() string { return c.id }
// SetID sets this control's ID
func (c *DropMenu) SetID(newID string) {
c.id = newID
func (c *DropMenu) SetActiveFgColor(fg termbox.Attribute) { c.activeFg = fg }
func (c *DropMenu) SetActiveBgColor(bg termbox.Attribute) { c.activeBg = bg }
func (c *DropMenu) SetActive(a bool) { c.active = a }
func (c *DropMenu) IsActive() bool { return c.active }
// GetTitle returns the current title of the menu
func (c *DropMenu) GetTitle() string { return c.title }
// SetTitle sets the current title of the menu to s
func (c *DropMenu) SetTitle(s string) {
c.title = s
// GetMenu returns the menu for this dropmenu
func (c *DropMenu) GetMenu() *Menu {
return c.menu
// GetX returns the current x coordinate of the menu
func (c *DropMenu) GetX() int { return c.x }
// SetX sets the current x coordinate of the menu to x
func (c *DropMenu) SetX(x int) {
c.x = x
// GetY returns the current y coordinate of the menu
func (c *DropMenu) GetY() int { return c.y }
// SetY sets the current y coordinate of the menu to y
func (c *DropMenu) SetY(y int) {
c.y = y
// GetWidth returns the current width of the menu
func (c *DropMenu) GetWidth() int { return c.width }
// SetWidth sets the current menu width to width
func (c *DropMenu) SetWidth(width int) {
c.width = width
// GetHeight returns the current height of the menu
func (c *DropMenu) GetHeight() int { return c.height }
// SetHeight set the height of the menu to height
func (c *DropMenu) SetHeight(height int) {
c.height = height
// GetFgColor returns the foreground color
func (c *DropMenu) GetFgColor() termbox.Attribute { return c.fg }
// SetFgColor sets the foreground color
func (c *DropMenu) SetFgColor(fg termbox.Attribute) {
c.fg = fg
// GetBgColor returns the background color
func (c *DropMenu) GetBgColor() termbox.Attribute { return c.bg }
// SetBgColor sets the current background color
func (c *DropMenu) SetBgColor(bg termbox.Attribute) {
c.bg = bg
// IsBordered returns the bordered flag
func (c *DropMenu) IsBordered() bool { return c.bordered }
// SetBordered sets the bordered flag
func (c *DropMenu) SetBordered(b bool) {
c.bordered = b
// IsDone returns whether the user has answered the modal
func (c *DropMenu) IsDone() bool { return c.menu.isDone }
// SetDone sets whether the modal has completed it's purpose
func (c *DropMenu) SetDone(b bool) {
c.menu.isDone = b
// IsTabSkipped returns whether this modal has it's tabskip flag set
func (c *DropMenu) IsTabSkipped() bool {
return c.tabSkip
// SetTabSkip sets the tabskip flag for this control
func (c *DropMenu) SetTabSkip(b bool) {
c.tabSkip = b
// ShowMenu tells the menu to draw the options
func (c *DropMenu) ShowMenu() {
c.showMenu = true
c.menuSelected = true
// HideMenu tells the menu to hide the options
func (c *DropMenu) HideMenu() {
c.showMenu = false
c.menuSelected = false
// HandleEvent handles the termbox event and returns whether it was consumed
func (c *DropMenu) HandleEvent(event termbox.Event) bool {
moveUp := (event.Key == termbox.KeyArrowUp || (c.menu.vimMode && event.Ch == 'k'))
moveDown := (event.Key == termbox.KeyArrowDown || (c.menu.vimMode && event.Ch == 'j'))
if c.menuSelected {
selIdx := c.menu.GetSelectedIndex()
if (moveUp && selIdx == 0) || (moveDown && selIdx == (len(c.menu.options)-1)) {
c.menuSelected = false
} else {
if c.menu.HandleEvent(event) {
if c.menu.IsDone() {
return true
} else {
return true
return false
// Draw draws the menu
func (c *DropMenu) Draw() {
// The title
ttlFg, ttlBg := c.fg, c.bg
if !c.menuSelected {
ttlFg, ttlBg = c.cursorFg, c.cursorBg
ttlTxt := c.title
if c.showMenu {
ttlTxt = ttlTxt + "-Showing Menu"
DrawStringAtPoint(AlignText(c.title, c.width, AlignLeft), c.x, c.y, ttlFg, ttlBg)
if c.showMenu {