
213 lines
5.6 KiB

package termboxUtil
import (
// ConfirmModal is a modal with yes/no (or similar) buttons
type ConfirmModal struct {
id string
title string
text string
x, y, width, height int
showHelp bool
cursor int
bg, fg termbox.Attribute
isDone bool
accepted bool
value string
isVisible bool
bordered bool
tabSkip bool
active bool
// CreateConfirmModal Creates a confirmation modal with the specified attributes
func CreateConfirmModal(title string, x, y, width, height int, fg, bg termbox.Attribute) *ConfirmModal {
i := ConfirmModal{title: title, x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height, fg: fg, bg: bg}
if i.title == "" && i.text == "" {
i.title = "Confirm?"
i.showHelp = true
return &i
// SetActiveFlag sets this control's active flag
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetActiveFlag(b bool) {
i.active = b
// IsActive returns whether this control is active
func (i *ConfirmModal) IsActive() bool { return i.active }
// GetID returns this control's ID
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetID() string { return i.id }
// SetID sets this control's ID
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetID(newID string) {
i.id = newID
// GetTitle returns the current title of the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetTitle() string { return i.title }
// SetTitle sets the current title of the modal to s
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetTitle(s string) {
i.title = s
// GetText returns the current text of the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetText() string { return i.text }
// SetText sets the text of the modal to s
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetText(s string) {
i.text = s
// GetX returns the current x coordinate of the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetX() int { return i.x }
// SetX sets the current x coordinate of the modal to x
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetX(x int) {
i.x = x
// GetY returns the current y coordinate of the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetY() int { return i.y }
// SetY sets the current y coordinate of the modal to y
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetY(y int) {
i.y = y
// GetWidth returns the current width of the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetWidth() int { return i.width }
// SetWidth sets the current modal width to width
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetWidth(width int) {
i.width = width
// GetHeight returns the current height of the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetHeight() int { return i.height }
// SetHeight set the height of the modal to height
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetHeight(height int) {
i.height = height
// HelpIsShown returns true or false if the help is displayed
func (i *ConfirmModal) HelpIsShown() bool { return i.showHelp }
// ShowHelp sets whether or not to display the help text
func (i *ConfirmModal) ShowHelp(b bool) {
i.showHelp = b
// GetFgColor returns the foreground color
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetFgColor() termbox.Attribute { return i.fg }
// SetFgColor sets the foreground color
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetFgColor(fg termbox.Attribute) {
i.fg = fg
// GetBgColor returns the background color
func (i *ConfirmModal) GetBgColor() termbox.Attribute { return i.bg }
// SetBgColor sets the current background color
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetBgColor(bg termbox.Attribute) {
i.bg = bg
// IsDone returns whether the user has answered the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) IsDone() bool { return i.isDone }
// SetDone sets whether the modal has completed it's purpose
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetDone(b bool) {
i.isDone = b
// Show sets the visibility flag of the modal to true
func (i *ConfirmModal) Show() {
i.isVisible = true
// Hide sets the visibility flag of the modal to false
func (i *ConfirmModal) Hide() {
i.isVisible = false
// IsAccepted returns whether the user accepted the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) IsAccepted() bool { return i.accepted }
// Clear clears all of the non-positional parameters of the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) Clear() {
i.title = ""
i.text = ""
i.accepted = false
i.isDone = false
// IsBordered returns whether this modal is bordered or not
func (i *ConfirmModal) IsBordered() bool {
return i.bordered
// SetBordered sets whether we render a border around the frame
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetBordered(b bool) {
i.bordered = b
// IsTabSkipped returns whether this modal has it's tabskip flag set
func (i *ConfirmModal) IsTabSkipped() bool {
return i.tabSkip
// SetTabSkip sets the tabskip flag for this control
func (i *ConfirmModal) SetTabSkip(b bool) {
i.tabSkip = b
// HandleEvent handles the termbox event and returns whether it was consumed
func (i *ConfirmModal) HandleEvent(event termbox.Event) bool {
if i.active {
if event.Ch == 'Y' || event.Ch == 'y' {
i.accepted = true
i.isDone = true
return true
} else if event.Ch == 'N' || event.Ch == 'n' {
i.accepted = false
i.isDone = true
return true
return false
// Draw draws the modal
func (i *ConfirmModal) Draw() {
// First blank out the area we'll be putting the modal
FillWithChar(' ', i.x, i.y, i.x+i.width, i.y+i.height, i.fg, i.bg)
// Now draw the border
DrawBorder(i.x, i.y, i.x+i.width, i.y+i.height, i.fg, i.bg)
nextY := i.y + 1
// The title
if i.title != "" {
DrawStringAtPoint(i.title, i.x+1, nextY, i.fg, i.bg)
FillWithChar('-', i.x+1, nextY, i.x+i.width-1, nextY, i.fg, i.bg)
if i.text != "" {
DrawStringAtPoint(i.text, i.x+1, nextY, i.fg, i.bg)
nextY += 2
if i.showHelp {
helpString := " (Y/y) Confirm. (N/n) Reject. "
helpX := (i.x + i.width) - len(helpString) - 1
DrawStringAtPoint(helpString, helpX, nextY, i.fg, i.bg)