function B(els, attrs) { // Turn 'this' into an array of passed in elements. function B(els) { if(typeof els === "string") { els = this.brb.create(els); } for(var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { this[i] = els[i]; } this.length = els.length; // return this; } // Map a function to all elements in 'this' = function(callback) { var results = [], i = 0; for(;i 1 ? m[0] : m; }; // Update css for each element in 'this' B.prototype.css = function(css_opt_var, css_opt_val) { if(typeof css_opt_var !== "string") { for(css_var in css_opt_var) { this.forEach(function(el){[css_var]=css_opt_var[css_var];}); } return this; } else { if(typeof css_opt_val !== "undefined") { return this.forEach(function(el){[css_opt_var]=css_opt_val;}); } else { return this.mapOne(function(el){return[css_opt_var];}); } } }; // Update the innerText for each element in 'this' B.prototype.html = function(text) { if(typeof text !== "undefined") { return this.forEach(function(el){el.innerHTML=text;}); } else { return this.mapOne(function(el){return el.innerHTML;}); } }; // Check if the first element has the requested class B.prototype.hasClass = function(cls) { return this.mapOne(function(el){ return (' ' + el.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cls + ' ') > -1; }); } // Add a class to each element in 'this' B.prototype.addClass = function(classes) { var className = ""; if(typeof classes !== "string") { for(var i=0;i-1){ cs = cs.slice(0,i).concat(cs.slice(++i)); } el.className=cs.join(" "); }); }; // Set an attribute for each element in 'this' B.prototype.attr = function(attr,val){ if(typeof val!=="undefined"){ if(this[0].tagName=="INPUT" && attr.toUpperCase()=="VALUE") { // If we're setting the 'VALUE' then it's actually .value return this.forEach(function(el){ el.value=val; }); } else { // Otherwise use .setAttribute return this.forEach(function(el){ el.setAttribute(attr,val); }); } } else { // And getting the value if(this[0].tagName=="INPUT" && attr.toUpperCase()=="VALUE") { return this.mapOne(function(el){ return el.value; }); } else { return this.mapOne(function(el){ return el.getAttribute(attr); }); } } }; // Actually set a value on each element (can be done with attr too.) B.prototype.val = function(new_val) { if(typeof new_val!=="undefined"){ return this.forEach(function(el){ el.value = new_val; }); } else { // Just retrieve the value for the first element return this.mapOne(function(el) { return el.value; }); } } // Append an element to the DOM after each element in 'this' B.prototype.append = function(els) { this.forEach(function(parEl, i) { els.forEach(function(childEl) { if(i>0) { childEl=childEl.cloneNode(true); } parEl.appendChild(childEl); }); }); }; // Prepend an element to the DOM before each element in 'this' B.prototype.prepend = function(els) { return this.forEach(function(parEl, i) { for(var j = els.length-1; j>-1; j--) { childEl=(i>0)?els[j].cloneNode(true):els[j]; parEl.insertBefore(childEl, parEl.firstChild); } }); }; // Remove all elements in 'this' from the DOM B.prototype.remove = function() { return this.forEach(function(el){ return el.parentNode.removeChild(el); }); }; // Find children that match selector B.prototype.children = function(selector) { var results = []; this.forEach(function(el) { var sub_r = el.querySelectorAll(selector); for(var i = 0; i < sub_r.length; i++) { results.push(sub_r[i]); } }); return results; } B.prototype.firstChild = function(selector) { return this.children(selector)[0]; } // Add an event listener to each element in 'this' B.prototype.on = (function(){ // Browser compatibility... if(document.addEventListener) { return function(evt,fn) { return this.forEach(function(el){ el.addEventListener(evt, fn, false); }); }; } else if(document.attachEvent) { return function(evt,fn) { return this.forEach(function(el){ el.attachEvent("on"+evt,fn); }); }; } else { return function(evt, fn) { return this.forEach(function(el){ el["on"+evt]=fn; }); }; } }()); // Disable event listeners on elements in 'this' = (function(){ // Browser compatibility... if(document.removeEventListener) { return function(evt, fn) { return this.forEach(function(el) { el.removeEventListener(evt, fn, false); }); }; } else if(document.detachEvent) { return function(evt, fn) { return this.forEach(function(el) { el.detachEvent("on"+evt, fn); }); }; } else { return function(evt, fn) { return this.forEach(function(el){ el["on"+evt]=null; }); }; } }()); // The actual framework object, yay! var brb = { // Get an element get: function(selector) { var els; if(typeof selector === "string") { els = document.querySelectorAll(selector); } else if(selector.length) { els = selector; } else { els = [selector]; } return new B(els); }, // Create a new element create: function(tagName, attrs) { var el = new B([document.createElement(tagName)]); // Set attributes on new element if(attrs) { if(attrs.className) { // Classes el.addClass(attrs.className); delete attrs.classname; } if(attrs.text) { // Text el.text(attrs.text); delete attrs.text; } for(var key in attrs) { // All other Attributes if(attrs.hasOwnProperty(key)) { el.attr(key, attrs[key]); } } } return el; } }; if(els.match) { var match_tags = els.match(/<([^>\s\/]*)\s?\/?>/); } if(match_tags && match_tags.length > 0) { // It's a 'create tag' command return brb.create(match_tags[1], attrs); } else { // Just search for matches return brb.get(els); } }; // And there is our minimalist framework. Who needs jquery?