package util import ( "fmt" "" "io/ioutil" "strings" ) type Config struct { // The JSON object of what was read LoadedJson jason.Object Options jason.Object FeatureTPHome bool FeatureTPVisit bool FeatureDayNight bool Users []*User LoggedInUsers []*User Whitelist []string Ops []string } var c *Config var StopServer = false var message_manager *MessageManager func LoadConfig(mm *MessageManager) { message_manager = mm c = new(Config) // Load the whitelist whitelist_rd, err := ioutil.ReadFile("whitelist.json") // We have to make it an object to read it... whitelist_rd = append(append([]byte("{\"whitelist\":"), whitelist_rd...), '}') if err == nil { j, _ := jason.NewObjectFromBytes(whitelist_rd) jo, _ := j.GetObjectArray("whitelist") for _, wl_u := range jo { n, _ := wl_u.GetString("name") fmt.Print("> Whitelisted User ", n, "\n") c.Whitelist = append(c.Whitelist, n) } } // Load the Op list oplist_rd, err := ioutil.ReadFile("ops.json") // We have to make it an object to read it... oplist_rd = append(append([]byte("{\"ops\":"), oplist_rd...), '}') if err == nil { j, _ := jason.NewObjectFromBytes(oplist_rd) jo, _ := j.GetObjectArray("ops") for _, ol_u := range jo { n, _ := ol_u.GetString("name") fmt.Print("> Opped User ", n, "\n") c.Ops = append(c.Ops, n) } } config_str, err := ioutil.ReadFile("mc_man.config") if err == nil { j, _ := jason.NewObjectFromBytes(config_str) o, _ := j.GetObjectArray("options") // Add the "Stop" listener fmt.Println("> Activating 'stop' listener") AddListener(func(i *Message) bool { if i.User.IsOp && i.Text == "!stop\n" { mm.Output("stop") StopServer = true return true } return false }) for _, option := range o { opt_name, _ := option.GetString("name") opt_enabled, _ := option.GetBoolean("enabled") if opt_name == "home" { c.FeatureTPHome = opt_enabled if opt_enabled { fmt.Println("> Activating 'home' listeners") // Add !set home listener AddListener(func(i *Message) bool { if i.User.Name != "" && i.Text == "!set home\n" { AddTempListener(func(inp *Message) bool { listen_for := "Teleported " + i.User.Name + " to " if inp.User.Name == "" && strings.Contains(inp.Text, listen_for) { // Found the text r := strings.Split(inp.Text, listen_for) if len(r) > 0 { p_str := r[1] p_str = strings.Replace(p_str, ",", "", -1) p_str = strings.Replace(p_str, "\n", "", -1) SetHome(i.User.Name, p_str) mm.Tell(i.User.Name, "Set your home to "+p_str, "blue") return true } } return false }) mm.Output("tp " + i.User.Name + " ~ ~ ~") return true } return false }) // Add !home listener AddListener(func(i *Message) bool { if i.User.Name != "" && i.Text == "!home\n" { home_str, found := GetHome(i.User.Name) if found { mm.Output("tp " + i.User.Name + " " + home_str) } else { mm.Tell(i.User.Name, "I don't know where your home is. Set it to your current position by typing '!set home'", "red") } } return false }) } } else if opt_name == "visit" { c.FeatureTPVisit = opt_enabled if opt_enabled { fmt.Println("> Activating 'visit' listeners") // Add !set porch listener AddListener(func(i *Message) bool { if i.User.Name != "" && i.Text == "!set porch\n" { AddTempListener(func(inp *Message) bool { listen_for := "Teleported " + i.User.Name + " to " if inp.User.Name == "" && strings.Contains(inp.Text, listen_for) { // Found the text r := strings.Split(inp.Text, listen_for) if len(r) > 0 { p_str := r[1] p_str = strings.Replace(p_str, ",", "", -1) SetPorch(i.User.Name, p_str) mm.Tell(i.User.Name, "Set your porch to "+p_str, "blue") return true } } return false }) mm.Output("tp " + i.User.Name + " ~ ~ ~") return true } return false }) // Add !visit listener AddListener(func(i *Message) bool { if i.User.Name != "" && strings.HasPrefix(i.Text, "!visit ") { // Find the user we're trying to visit r := strings.Split(strings.Replace(i.Text, "\n", "", -1), "!visit ") if len(r) > 0 { username := r[1] porch_str, found := GetPorch(username) if found { mm.Output("tp " + i.User.Name + " " + porch_str) } else { mm.Tell(i.User.Name, "I don't know where "+username+"'s porch is. They can set it to their current position by typing '!set porch'", "red") } } } return false }) } } else if opt_name == "daynight" { c.FeatureDayNight = opt_enabled if opt_enabled { fmt.Println("> Activating 'time' listeners") // Add !time day listener AddListener(func(i *Message) bool { if i.User.Name != "" && i.Text == "!time day\n" { // TODO: Start vote mm.Output("time set day") mm.Tell("@a", "Day Time time initiated by "+i.User.Name, "yellow") return true } return false }) // Add !time night listener AddListener(func(i *Message) bool { if i.User.Name != "" && i.Text == "!time night\n" { // TODO: Start vote mm.Output("time set night") mm.Tell("@a", "Night Time time initiated by "+i.User.Name, "blue") return true } return false }) } } // Add login listener AddListener(func(i *Message) bool { if i.User.Name == "" && strings.Contains(i.Text, " logged in with entity id ") { // TODO: User Logged in Function // Find the user that just logged in r := strings.Split(i.Text, "]: ") find := "" if len(r) > 0 { find = r[1] r := strings.Split(find, "[/") if len(r) > 0 { find = r[0] // find should be the user name now LoginUser(*FindUser(find, true)) return true } } } return false }) // Add logout listener AddListener(func(i *Message) bool { if i.User.Name == "" && strings.Contains(i.Text, " lost connection: ") { // Find the user that just logged out r := strings.Split(i.Text, "]: ") find := "" if len(r) > 0 { find = r[1] r := strings.Split(find, " lost connection: ") if len(r) > 0 { find = r[0] // find should be the user name now LogoutUser(*FindUser(find, false)) return true } } } return false }) // Add !help listener AddListener(func(i *Message) bool { if i.User.Name != "" && i.Text == "!help\n" { mm.Tell(i.User.Name, "-=( mc_man Manager Help )=-", "blue") numFeatures := 0 if c.FeatureTPHome == true { numFeatures++ mm.Tell(i.User.Name, "!set home -- Set your 'home' to your current position.", "white") mm.Tell(i.User.Name, "!home -- Request a teleport to your 'home' position.", "white") } if c.FeatureTPVisit == true { numFeatures++ mm.Tell(i.User.Name, "!set porch -- Set your 'porch' to your current position.", "white") mm.Tell(i.User.Name, "!visit -- Request a teleport to 's 'porch' position.", "white") } if c.FeatureDayNight == true { numFeatures++ mm.Tell(i.User.Name, "!time day -- Ask the server to time the time to 'day'.", "white") mm.Tell(i.User.Name, "!time night -- Ask the server to time the time to 'night'.", "white") } if numFeatures == 0 { mm.Tell(i.User.Name, "mc_man currently has no user features loaded.", "white") } mm.Tell(i.User.Name, "-=========================-", "blue") return true } return false }) } c.Users = make([]*User, 0, 10) u, _ := j.GetObjectArray("users") for _, user := range u { user_name, err := user.GetString("name") if err == nil && user_name != "" { user_home, _ := user.GetString("home") user_porch, _ := user.GetString("porch") us := NewUser(user_name) for _, un := range c.Ops { if un == user_name { us.IsOp = true } } us.Home = user_home us.Porch = user_porch c.Users = append(c.Users, us) } } fmt.Printf("> Loaded %d Users\n", len(c.Users)) } } func LoginUser(u User) { for _, user := range c.LoggedInUsers { if user.Name == u.Name { // User is already logged in return } } c.LoggedInUsers = append(c.LoggedInUsers, &u) } func LogoutUser(u User) { for idx, user := range c.LoggedInUsers { if user.Name == u.Name { t := append(c.LoggedInUsers[:idx], c.LoggedInUsers[idx+1:]...) c.LoggedInUsers = make([]*User, len(t)) copy(c.LoggedInUsers, t) return } } } func AddUser(username string) { if username != "" { us := NewUser(username) fmt.Println("Adding new user: " + username) c.Users = append(c.Users, us) WriteConfig() } } func WriteConfig() { // TODO: Make mc_man aware of the world // Generate the JSON string for the config file d := "{\"options\":[" // Output options array d = d + "{\"name\":\"home\",\"enabled\":" if c.FeatureTPHome { d = d + "true" } else { d = d + "false" } d = d + "},{\"name\":\"visit\",\"enabled\":" if c.FeatureTPVisit { d = d + "true" } else { d = d + "false" } d = d + "},{\"name\":\"daynight\",\"enabled\":" if c.FeatureDayNight { d = d + "true" } else { d = d + "false" } d = d + "}],\"users\":[" // Output users array num_users := 0 for _, u := range c.Users { if num_users > 0 { d = d + "," } d = d + u.ToJSONString() num_users++ } d = d + "]}" do := []byte(d) ioutil.WriteFile("mc_man.config", do, 0664) } func SetHome(user string, loc string) { u := FindUser(user, true) if u.Index != -1 { u.Home = strings.Replace(loc, "\n", "", -1) // Replace the user in the Users array c.Users[u.Index] = u WriteConfig() } } func GetHome(user string) (string, bool) { u := FindUser(user, false) if u.Index == -1 || u.Home == "" { return "", false } return u.Home, true } func SetPorch(user string, loc string) { u := FindUser(user, true) if u.Index != -1 { u.Porch = strings.Replace(loc, "\n", "", -1) c.Users[u.Index] = u WriteConfig() } } func GetPorch(user string) (string, bool) { u := FindUser(user, false) if u.Index == -1 || u.Porch == "" { return "", false } return u.Porch, true } func FindUser(name string, create bool) *User { for _, user := range c.Users { if user.Name == name { return user } } if create && name != "" { AddUser(name) return FindUser(name, false) } return NewUser("") } func GetConfig() *Config { return c }