# HostSplitter HostSplitter is an HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that distributes requests to an arbitrary amount of sites based on the Host header. ## Motivation I commonly run into an issue developing small golang websites: I want to use the same IP address for many sites that aren't large enough to justify their own server. ## Site files HostSplitter will look for site files by default in "/etc/hostsplitter/". HostSplitter will only read files with the .json extension. A each site file should look like ```json { "hostnames": [ "ammar.io", "www.ammar.io" ], "backends": [ "" ], "secret": "puppies1234" } ``` The "secret" field is passed along with every request to that site in the ``Hostsplitter-Secret`` header. This is intended to be checked before trusting the passed along IP. ## Real IP The original requester's IP is located in the ``X-Forwarded-For`` header. ## Reloading HostSplitter provides 0 downtime reload functionality via SIGUSR1. E.g ```bash pkill -10 hostsplitter ``` ## Roadmap - SSL