
241 lines
5.8 KiB

package main
//go:generate esc -o assets.go assets templates
import (
const AppName = "gosscms"
const DbName = AppName + ".db"
type siteData struct {
Title string
Port int
SessionName string
ServerDir string
DevMode bool
type pageData struct {
Site *siteData
Title string
SubTitle string
Stylesheets []string
HeaderScripts []string
Scripts []string
FlashMessage string
FlashClass string
LoggedIn bool
Menu []menuItem
BottomMenu []menuItem
session *pageSession
TemplateData interface{}
type menuItem struct {
Label string
Location string
Icon string
type Routes map[string]http.HandlerFunc
var sessionSecret = "JCOP5e8ohkTcOzcSMe74"
var sessionStore = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(sessionSecret))
var site *siteData
var r *mux.Router
func main() {
if site.DevMode {
fmt.Println("Operating in Development Mode")
r = mux.NewRouter()
r.PathPrefix("/admin/assets").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/admin/", http.FileServer(FS(site.DevMode))))
admin := r.PathPrefix("/admin").Subrouter()
admin.HandleFunc("/", handleAdmin)
admin.HandleFunc("/dologin", handleAdminDoLogin)
admin.HandleFunc("/dologout", handleAdminDoLogout)
admin.HandleFunc("/{category}", handleAdmin)
admin.HandleFunc("/{category}/{id}", handleAdmin)
admin.HandleFunc("/{category}/{id}/{function}", handleAdmin)
http.Handle("/", r)
chain := alice.New(loggingHandler).Then(r)
fmt.Printf("Listening on port %d\n", site.Port)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(""+strconv.Itoa(site.Port), chain))
func PublicHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.ServeFile(w, r, "./public")
func loadConfig() {
site = dbGetSiteConfig()
if len(os.Args) > 1 {
for _, v := range os.Args {
key := v
val := ""
eqInd := strings.Index(v, "=")
if eqInd > 0 {
// It's a key/val argument
key = v[:eqInd]
val = v[eqInd+1:]
switch key {
case "-title":
site.Title = val
fmt.Print("Set site title: ", site.Title, "\n")
case "-port":
var tryPort int
var err error
if tryPort, err = strconv.Atoi(val); err != nil {
fmt.Print("Invalid port given: ", val, " (Must be an integer)\n")
tryPort = site.Port
// TODO: Make sure a valid port number is given
site.Port = tryPort
case "-session-name":
site.SessionName = val
case "-server-dir":
// TODO: Probably check if the given directory is valid
site.ServerDir = val
case "-help", "-h", "-?":
case "-dev":
site.DevMode = true
case "-reset-defaults":
func initialize() {
// Check if the database has been created
if !dbHasUser() {
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
fmt.Println("Create new Admin user")
fmt.Print("Email: ")
email, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
email = strings.TrimSpace(email)
var pw1, pw2 []byte
for string(pw1) != string(pw2) || string(pw1) == "" {
fmt.Print("Password: ")
pw1, _ = terminal.ReadPassword(0)
fmt.Print("Repeat Password: ")
pw2, _ = terminal.ReadPassword(0)
if string(pw1) != string(pw2) {
fmt.Println("Entered Passwords don't match!")
assertError(dbUpdateUserPassword(email, string(pw1)))
func loggingHandler(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
return handlers.LoggingHandler(os.Stdout, h)
func resetToDefaults() {
def := GetDefaultSiteConfig()
fmt.Println("Reset settings to defaults?")
fmt.Print(site.Title, " -> ", def.Title, "\n")
fmt.Print(site.Port, " -> ", def.Port, "\n")
fmt.Print(site.SessionName, " -> ", def.SessionName, "\n")
fmt.Print(site.ServerDir, " -> ", def.ServerDir, "\n")
fmt.Println("Are you sure? (y/N): ")
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
conf, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
conf = strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimSpace(conf))
if strings.HasPrefix(conf, "Y") {
if dbSaveSiteConfig(def) != nil {
errorExit("Error resetting to defaults")
fmt.Println("Reset to defaults")
func printHelp() {
help := []string{
"Game Jam Voting Help",
" -help, -h, -? Print this message",
" -dev Development mode, load assets from file system",
" -port=<port num> Set the site port",
" -session-name=<session> Set the name of the session to be used",
" -server-dir=<directory> Set the server directory",
" This designates where the database will be saved",
" and where the app will look for files if you're",
" operating in 'development' mode (-dev)",
" -title=<title> Set the site title",
" -reset-defaults Reset all configuration options to defaults",
for _, v := range help {
func done() {
func errorExit(msg string) {
func assertError(err error) {
if err != nil {
// redirect can be used only for GET redirects
func redirect(url string, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
http.Redirect(w, req, url, 303)
// outputTemplate
// Spit out a template
func outputTemplate(tmplName string, tmplData interface{}, w http.ResponseWriter) error {
n := "/templates/" + tmplName
l := template.Must(template.New("layout").Parse(FSMustString(site.DevMode, n)))
t := template.Must(l.Parse(FSMustString(site.DevMode, n)))
return t.Execute(w, tmplData)