From 766192365042cf6596b900fd0af5f4641b7e19e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Brian Buller Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2023 09:17:16 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Rework the whole library --- LICENSE | 373 ----------- | 73 +-- example_test.go | 48 -- sort.go | 66 +- sort_test.go | 335 ---------- task_test.go | 736 ---------------------- testdata/example.go | 21 - testdata/expected_todo.txt | 63 -- testdata/ouput_todo.txt | 63 -- testdata/sort_todo.txt | 28 - testdata/task_todo.txt | 78 --- testdata/tasklist_completedDate_error.txt | 6 - testdata/tasklist_createdDate_error.txt | 5 - testdata/tasklist_dueDate_error.txt | 5 - testdata/tasklist_scanner_error.txt | 2 - testdata/tasklist_todo.txt | 63 -- task.go => todo.go | 194 +++--- todo.txt | 8 - todolist.go | 300 +++++++++ todotxt.go | 237 ------- todotxt_test.go | 522 --------------- 21 files changed, 433 insertions(+), 2793 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 LICENSE delete mode 100644 example_test.go delete mode 100644 sort_test.go delete mode 100644 task_test.go delete mode 100644 testdata/example.go delete mode 100644 testdata/expected_todo.txt delete mode 100644 testdata/ouput_todo.txt delete mode 100644 testdata/sort_todo.txt delete mode 100644 testdata/task_todo.txt delete mode 100644 testdata/tasklist_completedDate_error.txt delete mode 100644 testdata/tasklist_createdDate_error.txt delete mode 100644 testdata/tasklist_dueDate_error.txt delete mode 100644 testdata/tasklist_scanner_error.txt delete mode 100644 testdata/tasklist_todo.txt rename task.go => todo.go (53%) delete mode 100644 todo.txt create mode 100644 todolist.go delete mode 100644 todotxt.go delete mode 100644 todotxt_test.go diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 14e2f77..0000000 --- a/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,373 +0,0 @@ -Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 -================================== - -1. Definitions --------------- - -1.1. "Contributor" - means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to - the creation of, or owns Covered Software. - -1.2. "Contributor Version" - means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used - by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution. - -1.3. "Contribution" - means Covered Software of a particular Contributor. - -1.4. "Covered Software" - means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached - the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code - Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case - including portions thereof. - -1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" - means - - (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described - in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or - - (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of - version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the - terms of a Secondary License. - -1.6. "Executable Form" - means any form of the work other than Source Code Form. - -1.7. "Larger Work" - means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in - a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software. - -1.8. "License" - means this document. - -1.9. "Licensable" - means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, - whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and - all of the rights conveyed by this License. - -1.10. "Modifications" - means any of the following: - - (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to, - deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered - Software; or - - (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered - Software. - -1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor - means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, - process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such - Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the - License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having - made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its - Contributor Version. - -1.12. "Secondary License" - means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU - Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General - Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those - licenses. - -1.13. "Source Code Form" - means the form of the work preferred for making modifications. - -1.14. "You" (or "Your") - means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this - License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that - controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For - purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct - or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, - whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than - fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial - ownership of such entity. - -2. License Grants and Conditions --------------------------------- - -2.1. Grants - -Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, -non-exclusive license: - -(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) - Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available, - modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its - Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or - as part of a Larger Work; and - -(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer - for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its - Contributions or its Contributor Version. - -2.2. Effective Date - -The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution -become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first -distributes such Contribution. - -2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope - -The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under -this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the -distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License. -Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a -Contributor: - -(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; - or - -(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's - modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its - Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor - Version); or - -(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of - its Contributions. - -This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, -or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with -the notice requirements in Section 3.4). - -2.4. Subsequent Licenses - -No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to -distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this -License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if -permitted under the terms of Section 3.3). - -2.5. Representation - -Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its -Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights -to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License. - -2.6. Fair Use - -This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under -applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other -equivalents. - -2.7. Conditions - -Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted -in Section 2.1. - -3. Responsibilities -------------------- - -3.1. Distribution of Source Form - -All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any -Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under -the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source -Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this -License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not -attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code -Form. - -3.2. Distribution of Executable Form - -If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then: - -(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code - Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of - the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code - Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more - than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and - -(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this - License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the - license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter - the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License. - -3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work - -You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice, -provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for -the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered -Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the -Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this -License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software -under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of -the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered -Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary -License(s). - -3.4. Notices - -You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices -(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, -or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of -the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to -the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies. - -3.5. Application of Additional Terms - -You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, -indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered -Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on -behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any -such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by -You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any -liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, -indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional -disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any -jurisdiction. - -4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation ---------------------------------------------------- - -If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this -License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to -statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with -the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) -describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must -be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered -Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute -or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a -recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it. - -5. Termination --------------- - -5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically -if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become -compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular -Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such -Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an -ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the -non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have -come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular -Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor -notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the -first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License -from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after -Your receipt of the notice. - -5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent -infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions, -counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version -directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to -You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section -2.1 of this License shall terminate. - -5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all -end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which -have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License -prior to termination shall survive termination. - -************************************************************************ -* * -* 6. Disclaimer of Warranty * -* ------------------------- * -* * -* Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" * -* basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or * -* statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the * -* Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a * -* particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the * -* quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. * -* Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You * -* (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, * -* repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an * -* essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is * -* authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. * -* * -************************************************************************ - -************************************************************************ -* * -* 7. Limitation of Liability * -* -------------------------- * -* * -* Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort * -* (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any * -* Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as * -* permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, * -* special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character * -* including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of * -* goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any * -* and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party * -* shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This * -* limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or * -* personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the * -* extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some * -* jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of * -* incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and * -* limitation may not apply to You. * -* * -************************************************************************ - -8. Litigation -------------- - -Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the -courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal -place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that -jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. -Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring -cross-claims or counter-claims. - -9. Miscellaneous ----------------- - -This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject -matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be -unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent -necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides -that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter -shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor. - -10. Versions of the License ---------------------------- - -10.1. New Versions - -Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section -10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or -publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a -distinguishing version number. - -10.2. Effect of New Versions - -You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version -of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software, -or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license -steward. - -10.3. Modified Versions - -If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to -create a new license for such software, you may create and use a -modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove -any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that -such modified license differs from this License). - -10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary -Licenses - -If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With -Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the -notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached. - -Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice -------------------------------------------- - - This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - file, You can obtain one at - -If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular -file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE -file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look -for such a notice. - -You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership. - -Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice ---------------------------------------------------------- - - This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as - defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. diff --git a/ b/ index 7ddbb72..f39a041 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -3,70 +3,17 @@ go-todotxt A Go todo.txt library. -[![GoDoc](]( [![Build Status](]( - The *todotxt* package is a Go client library for Gina Trapani's [todo.txt]( files. It allows for parsing and manipulating of task lists and tasks in the todo.txt format. -## Installation - - $ go get - -## Requirements - -go-todotxt requires Go1.1 or higher. - -## Usage - -```go - package main - - import ( - "fmt" - "" - "log" - ) - - func main() { - todotxt.IgnoreComments = false - - tasklist, err := todotxt.LoadFromFilename("todo.txt") - if err != nil { - log.Fatal(err) - } - - // tasklist now contains a slice of Tasks - fmt.Printf("Task 2, todo: %v\n", tasklist[1].Todo) - fmt.Printf("Task 3: %v\n", tasklist[2]) - fmt.Printf("Task 4, has priority: %v\n\n", tasklist[3].HasPriority()) - fmt.Print(tasklist) - - // Filter list to get only completed tasks - completedList := tasklist.Filter(func(t Task) bool { - return t.Completed - }) - fmt.Print(completedList) - - // Add a new empty Task to tasklist - task := NewTask() - tasklist.AddTask(&task) - - // Or a parsed Task from a string - parsedTask, _ := ParseTask("x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12") - tasklist.AddTask(parsed) - - // Update an existing task - task, _ := tasklist.GetTask(2) // Task pointer - task.Todo = "Do something different.." - tasklist.WriteToFilename("todo.txt") - } +## Example todo.txt +``` +(A) Call Mom @Phone +Family +(A) Schedule annual checkup +Health +(B) Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer +(C) Add cover sheets @Office +TPSReports +Plan backyard herb garden @Home +Pick up milk @GroceryStore +Research self-publishing services +Novel @Computer +x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone ``` - -## Documentation - -See [GoDoc - Documentation]( for further documentation. - -## License - -The source files are distributed under the [Mozilla Public License, version 2.0](, unless otherwise noted. -Please read the [FAQ]( if you have further questions regarding the license. diff --git a/example_test.go b/example_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index 93c3cab..0000000 --- a/example_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - * file, You can obtain one at */ - -package todotxt - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" -) - -func ExampleLoadFromFilename() { - if tasklist, err := LoadFromFilename("todo.txt"); err != nil { - log.Fatal(err) - } else { - fmt.Print(tasklist) // String representation of TaskList works as expected. - } - - // Output: - // (A) Call Mom @Phone +Family - // (A) Schedule annual checkup +Health - // (B) Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel - // (C) Add cover sheets @Office +TPSReports - // Plan backyard herb garden @Home - // Pick up milk @GroceryStore - // Research self-publishing services @Computer +Novel - // x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -} - -func ExampleTaskList_LoadFromFilename() { - var tasklist TaskList - - // This will overwrite whatever was in the tasklist before. - // Irrelevant here since the list is still empty. - if err := tasklist.LoadFromFilename("todo.txt"); err != nil { - log.Fatal(err) - } - - fmt.Println(tasklist[0].Todo) // Text part of first task (Call Mom) - fmt.Println(tasklist[2].Contexts) // Slice of contexts from third task ([Computer]) - fmt.Println(tasklist[3].Priority) // Priority of fourth task (C) - fmt.Println(tasklist[7].Completed) // Completed flag of eigth task (true) - // Output: - // Call Mom - // [Computer] - // C - // true -} diff --git a/sort.go b/sort.go index 196d562..d137aca 100644 --- a/sort.go +++ b/sort.go @@ -1,7 +1,3 @@ -/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - * file, You can obtain one at */ - package todotxt import ( @@ -22,52 +18,52 @@ const ( SORT_DUE_DATE_DESC ) -// Sort allows a TaskList to be sorted by certain predefined fields. +// Sort allows a TodoList to be sorted by certain predefined fields. // See constants SORT_* for fields and sort order. -func (tasklist *TaskList) Sort(sortFlag int) error { +func (todolist *TodoList) Sort(sortFlag int) error { switch sortFlag { case SORT_PRIORITY_ASC, SORT_PRIORITY_DESC: - tasklist.sortByPriority(sortFlag) + todolist.sortByPriority(sortFlag) case SORT_CREATED_DATE_ASC, SORT_CREATED_DATE_DESC: - tasklist.sortByCreatedDate(sortFlag) + todolist.sortByCreatedDate(sortFlag) case SORT_COMPLETED_DATE_ASC, SORT_COMPLETED_DATE_DESC: - tasklist.sortByCompletedDate(sortFlag) + todolist.sortByCompletedDate(sortFlag) case SORT_DUE_DATE_ASC, SORT_DUE_DATE_DESC: - tasklist.sortByDueDate(sortFlag) + todolist.sortByDueDate(sortFlag) default: return errors.New("unrecognized sort option") } return nil } -type tasklistSort struct { - tasklists TaskList - by func(t1, t2 *Task) bool +type todolistSort struct { + todolists TodoList + by func(t1, t2 *Todo) bool } -func (ts *tasklistSort) Len() int { - return len(ts.tasklists) +func (ts *todolistSort) Len() int { + return len(ts.todolists) } -func (ts *tasklistSort) Swap(l, r int) { - ts.tasklists[l], ts.tasklists[r] = ts.tasklists[r], ts.tasklists[l] +func (ts *todolistSort) Swap(l, r int) { + ts.todolists[l], ts.todolists[r] = ts.todolists[r], ts.todolists[l] } -func (ts *tasklistSort) Less(l, r int) bool { - return[l], &ts.tasklists[r]) +func (ts *todolistSort) Less(l, r int) bool { + return[l], &ts.todolists[r]) } -func (tasklist *TaskList) sortBy(by func(t1, t2 *Task) bool) *TaskList { - ts := &tasklistSort{ - tasklists: *tasklist, +func (todolist *TodoList) sortBy(by func(t1, t2 *Todo) bool) *TodoList { + ts := &todolistSort{ + todolists: *todolist, by: by, } sort.Sort(ts) - return tasklist + return todolist } -func (tasklist *TaskList) sortByPriority(order int) *TaskList { - tasklist.sortBy(func(t1, t2 *Task) bool { +func (todolist *TodoList) sortByPriority(order int) *TodoList { + todolist.sortBy(func(t1, t2 *Todo) bool { if order == SORT_PRIORITY_ASC { // ASC if t1.HasPriority() && t2.HasPriority() { return t1.Priority < t2.Priority @@ -80,7 +76,7 @@ func (tasklist *TaskList) sortByPriority(order int) *TaskList { } return !t1.HasPriority() }) - return tasklist + return todolist } func sortByDate(asc bool, hasDate1, hasDate2 bool, date1, date2 time.Time) bool { @@ -97,23 +93,23 @@ func sortByDate(asc bool, hasDate1, hasDate2 bool, date1, date2 time.Time) bool return !hasDate2 } -func (tasklist *TaskList) sortByCreatedDate(order int) *TaskList { - tasklist.sortBy(func(t1, t2 *Task) bool { +func (todolist *TodoList) sortByCreatedDate(order int) *TodoList { + todolist.sortBy(func(t1, t2 *Todo) bool { return sortByDate(order == SORT_CREATED_DATE_ASC, t1.HasCreatedDate(), t2.HasCreatedDate(), t1.CreatedDate, t2.CreatedDate) }) - return tasklist + return todolist } -func (tasklist *TaskList) sortByCompletedDate(order int) *TaskList { - tasklist.sortBy(func(t1, t2 *Task) bool { +func (todolist *TodoList) sortByCompletedDate(order int) *TodoList { + todolist.sortBy(func(t1, t2 *Todo) bool { return sortByDate(order == SORT_COMPLETED_DATE_ASC, t1.HasCompletedDate(), t2.HasCompletedDate(), t1.CompletedDate, t2.CompletedDate) }) - return tasklist + return todolist } -func (tasklist *TaskList) sortByDueDate(order int) *TaskList { - tasklist.sortBy(func(t1, t2 *Task) bool { +func (todolist *TodoList) sortByDueDate(order int) *TodoList { + todolist.sortBy(func(t1, t2 *Todo) bool { return sortByDate(order == SORT_DUE_DATE_ASC, t1.HasDueDate(), t2.HasDueDate(), t1.DueDate, t2.DueDate) }) - return tasklist + return todolist } diff --git a/sort_test.go b/sort_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index abb5a6c..0000000 --- a/sort_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,335 +0,0 @@ -/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - * file, You can obtain one at */ - -package todotxt - -import ( - "testing" -) - -var ( - testInputSort = "testdata/sort_todo.txt" -) - -func TestTaskSortByPriority(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputSort) - taskId := 0 - - testTasklist = testTasklist[taskId : taskId+6] - - if err := testTasklist.Sort(SORT_PRIORITY_ASC); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - testExpected = "(A) 2012-01-30 Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family" - testGot = testTasklist[0].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[1] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt" - testGot = testTasklist[1].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[2] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12" - testGot = testTasklist[2].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[3] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "(D) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17" - testGot = testTasklist[3].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[4] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore" - testGot = testTasklist[4].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[5] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05" - testGot = testTasklist[5].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[6] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - if err := testTasklist.Sort(SORT_PRIORITY_DESC); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05" - testGot = testTasklist[0].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[1] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore" - testGot = testTasklist[1].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[2] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "(D) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17" - testGot = testTasklist[2].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[3] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12" - testGot = testTasklist[3].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[4] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt" - testGot = testTasklist[4].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[5] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "(A) 2012-01-30 Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family" - testGot = testTasklist[5].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[6] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } -} - -func TestTaskSortByCreatedDate(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputSort) - taskId := 6 - - testTasklist = testTasklist[taskId : taskId+5] - - if err := testTasklist.Sort(SORT_CREATED_DATE_ASC); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05" - testGot = testTasklist[0].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[1] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "(A) Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family" - testGot = testTasklist[1].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[2] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore" - testGot = testTasklist[2].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[3] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt" - testGot = testTasklist[3].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[4] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12" - testGot = testTasklist[4].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[5] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - if err := testTasklist.Sort(SORT_CREATED_DATE_DESC); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - testExpected = "x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12" - testGot = testTasklist[0].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[1] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt" - testGot = testTasklist[1].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[2] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore" - testGot = testTasklist[2].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[3] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "(A) Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family" - testGot = testTasklist[3].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[4] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05" - testGot = testTasklist[4].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[5] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } -} - -func TestTaskSortByCompletedDate(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputSort) - taskId := 11 - - testTasklist = testTasklist[taskId : taskId+6] - - if err := testTasklist.Sort(SORT_COMPLETED_DATE_ASC); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - testExpected = "x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone" - testGot = testTasklist[0].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[1] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12" - testGot = testTasklist[1].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[2] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore" - testGot = testTasklist[2].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[3] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt" - testGot = testTasklist[3].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[4] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05" - testGot = testTasklist[4].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[5] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-04 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt" - testGot = testTasklist[5].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[6] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - if err := testTasklist.Sort(SORT_COMPLETED_DATE_DESC); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-04 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt" - testGot = testTasklist[0].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[1] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05" - testGot = testTasklist[1].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[2] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt" - testGot = testTasklist[2].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[3] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore" - testGot = testTasklist[3].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[4] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12" - testGot = testTasklist[4].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[5] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone" - testGot = testTasklist[5].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[6] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } -} - -func TestTaskSortByDueDate(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputSort) - taskId := 17 - - testTasklist = testTasklist[taskId : taskId+4] - - if err := testTasklist.Sort(SORT_DUE_DATE_ASC); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt" - testGot = testTasklist[0].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[1] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05" - testGot = testTasklist[1].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[2] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12" - testGot = testTasklist[2].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[3] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17" - testGot = testTasklist[3].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[4] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - if err := testTasklist.Sort(SORT_DUE_DATE_DESC); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - testExpected = "(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17" - testGot = testTasklist[0].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[1] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12" - testGot = testTasklist[1].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[2] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05" - testGot = testTasklist[2].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[3] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt" - testGot = testTasklist[3].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[4] after Sort() to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } -} - -func TestTaskSortError(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputSort) - - if err := testTasklist.Sort(123); err == nil { - t.Errorf("Expected Sort() to fail because of unrecognized sort option, but it didn't!") - } else if err.Error() != "unrecognized sort option" { - t.Error(err) - } -} diff --git a/task_test.go b/task_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3a225f9..0000000 --- a/task_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,736 +0,0 @@ -/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - * file, You can obtain one at */ - -package todotxt - -import ( - "testing" - "time" -) - -var ( - testInputTask = "testdata/task_todo.txt" -) - -func TestNewTask(t *testing.T) { - task := NewTask() - - testExpected = 0 - testGot = task.Id - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected new Task to have default Id [%d], but got [%d]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "" - testGot = task.Original - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected new Task to be empty, but got [%s]", testGot) - } - - testExpected = "" - testGot = task.Todo - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected new Task to be empty, but got [%s]", testGot) - } - - testExpected = false - testGot = task.HasPriority() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected new Task to have no priority, but got [%v]", testGot) - } - - testExpected = 0 - testGot = len(task.Projects) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected new Task to have %d projects, but got [%d]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = 0 - testGot = len(task.Contexts) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected new Task to have %d contexts, but got [%d]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = 0 - testGot = len(task.AdditionalTags) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected new Task to have %d additional tags, but got [%d]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = true - testGot = task.HasCreatedDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected new Task to have a created date, but got [%v]", testGot) - } - - testExpected = false - testGot = task.HasCompletedDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected new Task to not have a completed date, but got [%v]", testGot) - } - - testExpected = false - testGot = task.HasDueDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected new Task to not have a due date, but got [%v]", testGot) - } - - testExpected = false - testGot = task.Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected new Task to not be completed, but got [%v]", testGot) - } -} - -func TestParseTask(t *testing.T) { - task, err := ParseTask("x (C) 2014-01-01 @Go due:2014-01-12 Create golang library documentation +go-todotxt ") - if err != nil { - t.Error(err) - } - - testExpected = "x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12" - testGot = task.Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = 0 - testGot = task.Id - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to have default Id [%d], but got [%d]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "x (C) 2014-01-01 @Go due:2014-01-12 Create golang library documentation +go-todotxt" - testGot = task.Original - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = "Create golang library documentation" - testGot = task.Todo - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = true - testGot = task.HasPriority() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to have no priority, but got [%v]", testGot) - } - - testExpected = "C" - testGot = task.Priority - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to have priority [%v], but got [%v]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = 1 - testGot = len(task.Projects) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to have %d projects, but got [%d]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = 1 - testGot = len(task.Contexts) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to have %d contexts, but got [%d]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = 0 - testGot = len(task.AdditionalTags) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to have %d additional tags, but got [%d]", testExpected, testGot) - } - - testExpected = true - testGot = task.HasCreatedDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to have a created date, but got [%v]", testGot) - } - - testExpected = false - testGot = task.HasCompletedDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to not have a completed date, but got [%v]", testGot) - } - - testExpected = true - testGot = task.HasDueDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to have a due date, but got [%v]", testGot) - } - - testExpected = true - testGot = task.Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to be completed, but got [%v]", testGot) - } -} - -func TestTaskId(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTask) - - taskId := 1 - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Id - if testGot != taskId { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have Id [%d], but got [%d]", taskId, taskId, testGot) - } - - taskId = 5 - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Id - if testGot != taskId { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have Id [%d], but got [%d]", taskId, taskId, testGot) - } - - taskId = 27 - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Id - if testGot != taskId { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have Id [%d], but got [%d]", taskId, taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTaskString(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTask) - taskId := 1 - - testExpected = "2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore" - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].String() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%s], but got [%s]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = "x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone" - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].String() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%s], but got [%s]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = "(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17" - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%s], but got [%s]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt" - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%s], but got [%s]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = "x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt" - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Task() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%s], but got [%s]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTaskPriority(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTask) - taskId := 6 - - testExpected = "B" - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Priority - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have priority '%s', but got '%s'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = "C" - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Priority - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have priority '%s', but got '%s'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = "B" - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Priority - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have priority '%s', but got '%s'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - if testTasklist[taskId-1].HasPriority() { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have no priority, but got '%s'", taskId, testTasklist[4].Priority) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTaskCreatedDate(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTask) - taskId := 10 - - testExpected, err := time.Parse(DateLayout, "2012-01-30") - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].CreatedDate - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have created date '%s', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected, err = time.Parse(DateLayout, "2013-02-22") - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].CreatedDate - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have created date '%s', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected, err = time.Parse(DateLayout, "2014-01-01") - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].CreatedDate - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have created date '%s', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected, err = time.Parse(DateLayout, "2013-12-30") - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].CreatedDate - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have created date '%s', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected, err = time.Parse(DateLayout, "2014-01-01") - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].CreatedDate - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have created date '%s', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - if testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCreatedDate() { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have no created date, but got '%v'", taskId, testTasklist[4].CreatedDate) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTaskContexts(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTask) - taskId := 16 - - testExpected = []string{"Call", "Phone"} - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Contexts - if !compareSlices(testGot.([]string), testExpected.([]string)) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have contexts '%v', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = []string{"Office"} - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Contexts - if !compareSlices(testGot.([]string), testExpected.([]string)) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have contexts '%v', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = []string{"Electricity", "Home", "Of_Super-Importance", "Television"} - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Contexts - if !compareSlices(testGot.([]string), testExpected.([]string)) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have contexts '%v', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = []string{} - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Contexts - if !compareSlices(testGot.([]string), testExpected.([]string)) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have no contexts, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTasksProjects(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTask) - taskId := 20 - - testExpected = []string{"Gardening", "Improving", "Planning", "Relaxing-Work"} - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Projects - if !compareSlices(testGot.([]string), testExpected.([]string)) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have projects '%v', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = []string{"Novel"} - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Projects - if !compareSlices(testGot.([]string), testExpected.([]string)) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have projects '%v', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = []string{} - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Projects - if !compareSlices(testGot.([]string), testExpected.([]string)) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have no projects, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTaskDueDate(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTask) - taskId := 23 - - testExpected, err := time.Parse(DateLayout, "2014-02-17") - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].DueDate - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have due date '%s', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - if testTasklist[taskId-1].HasDueDate() { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have no due date, but got '%v'", taskId, testTasklist[taskId-1].DueDate) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTaskAddonTags(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTask) - taskId := 25 - - testExpected = map[string]string{"Level": "5", "private": "false"} - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].AdditionalTags - if len(testGot.(map[string]string)) != 2 || - !compareMaps(testGot.(map[string]string), testExpected.(map[string]string)) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have addon tags '%v', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = map[string]string{"Importance": "Very!"} - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].AdditionalTags - if len(testGot.(map[string]string)) != 1 || - !compareMaps(testGot.(map[string]string), testExpected.(map[string]string)) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have projects '%v', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = map[string]string{} - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].AdditionalTags - if len(testGot.(map[string]string)) != 0 || - !compareMaps(testGot.(map[string]string), testExpected.(map[string]string)) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have no additional tags, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = map[string]string{} - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].AdditionalTags - if len(testGot.(map[string]string)) != 0 || - !compareMaps(testGot.(map[string]string), testExpected.(map[string]string)) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have no additional tags, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTaskCompleted(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTask) - taskId := 29 - - testExpected = true - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = true - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = true - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = false - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] not to be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected = false - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] not to be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTaskCompletedDate(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTask) - taskId := 34 - - if testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCompletedDate() { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to not have a completed date, but got '%v'", taskId, testTasklist[taskId-1].CompletedDate) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected, err := time.Parse(DateLayout, "2014-01-03") - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].CompletedDate - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have completed date '%s', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - if testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCompletedDate() { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to not have a completed date, but got '%v'", taskId, testTasklist[taskId-1].CompletedDate) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected, err = time.Parse(DateLayout, "2014-01-02") - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].CompletedDate - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have completed date '%s', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testExpected, err = time.Parse(DateLayout, "2014-01-03") - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].CompletedDate - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have completed date '%s', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - if testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCompletedDate() { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to not have a completed date, but got '%v'", taskId, testTasklist[taskId-1].CompletedDate) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTaskIsOverdue(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTask) - taskId := 40 - - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].IsOverdue() - if !testGot.(bool) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be overdue, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].IsOverdue() - if testGot.(bool) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] not to be overdue, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testTasklist[taskId-1].DueDate = time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 1) - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Due() - if testGot.(time.Duration).Hours() < 23 || - testGot.(time.Duration).Hours() > 25 { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be due in 24 hours, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].IsOverdue() - if !testGot.(bool) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be overdue, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testTasklist[taskId-1].DueDate = time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -3) - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Due() - if testGot.(time.Duration).Hours() < 71 || - testGot.(time.Duration).Hours() > 73 { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be due since 72 hours, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].IsOverdue() - if testGot.(bool) { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] not to be overdue, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTaskComplete(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTask) - taskId := 44 - - // first 4 tasks should all match the same tests - for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { - testExpected = false - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] not to be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCompletedDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] not to have a completed date, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testTasklist[taskId-1].Complete() - testExpected = true - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCompletedDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have a completed date, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testExpected = time.Now().Format(DateLayout) - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].CompletedDate.Format(DateLayout) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have a completed date of '%v', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - } - - testExpected = true - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCompletedDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have a completed date, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testTasklist[taskId-1].Complete() - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed // should be unchanged - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCompletedDate() // should be unchanged - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have a completed date, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testExpected = "2012-01-01" // should be unchanged - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].CompletedDate.Format(DateLayout) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have a completed date of '%v', but got '%v'", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTaskReopen(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTask) - taskId := 49 - - // the first 2 tasks should match the same tests - for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { - testExpected = true - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testExpected = false - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCompletedDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have a completed date, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testTasklist[taskId-1].Reopen() - testExpected = false - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to not be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCompletedDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to not have a completed date, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ - } - - // the next 3 tasks should all match the same tests - for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { - testExpected = true - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCompletedDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have a completed date, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testTasklist[taskId-1].Reopen() - testExpected = false - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to not be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCompletedDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to not have a completed date, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ - } - - testExpected = false - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCompletedDate() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have a completed date, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testTasklist[taskId-1].Reopen() - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Completed // should be unchanged - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be completed, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].HasCompletedDate() // should be unchanged - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to have a completed date, but got '%v'", taskId, testGot) - } - taskId++ -} - -func compareSlices(list1 []string, list2 []string) bool { - if len(list1) != len(list2) { - return false - } - - for i := range list1 { - if list1[i] != list2[i] { - return false - } - } - - return true -} - -func compareMaps(map1 map[string]string, map2 map[string]string) bool { - if len(map1) != len(map2) { - return false - } - - compare := func(map1 map[string]string, map2 map[string]string) bool { - for key, value := range map1 { - if value2, found := map2[key]; !found { - return false - } else if value != value2 { - return false - } - } - return true - } - - return compare(map1, map2) && compare(map2, map1) -} diff --git a/testdata/example.go b/testdata/example.go deleted file mode 100644 index 20ddfdc..0000000 --- a/testdata/example.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -package main - -import ( - "fmt" - "" - "log" -) - -func main() { - todotxt.IgnoreComments = false - - tasklist, err := todotxt.LoadFromFilename("../todo.txt") - if err != nil { - log.Fatal(err) - } - - fmt.Printf("Task 2, todo: %v\n", tasklist[1].Todo) - fmt.Printf("Task 3: %v\n", tasklist[2]) - fmt.Printf("Task 4, has priority: %v\n\n", tasklist[3].HasPriority()) - fmt.Print(tasklist) -} diff --git a/testdata/expected_todo.txt b/testdata/expected_todo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 09dc6b1..0000000 --- a/testdata/expected_todo.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -Plan backyard herb garden @Home +Gardening +Improving +Planning -(A) 2012-01-30 Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -(C) Add cover sheets @Office +TPSReports -(A) 2012-01-30 Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family -(C) Add cover sheets @Office +TPSReports -Turn off TV @Electricity @Home @Of_Super-Importance @Television Importance:Very! -Research self-publishing services +Novel due:2014-01-01 -Plan backyard herb garden @Home +Gardening +Improving +Planning +Relaxing-Work -Research self-publishing services +Novel due:2014-01-01 -Turn off TV @Electricity @Home @Television Importance:Very! -(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17 -Turn off TV @Electricity @Home @Television Importance:Very! -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -(A) 2012-01-30 Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family -x Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -xylophone lesson -X 2012-01-01 Make resolutions -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x 2014-01-04 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-02 -(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17 -Research self-publishing services +Novel due:2014-01-01 -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -(D) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17 -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -(A) 2012-01-30 Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -(A) Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-04 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 diff --git a/testdata/ouput_todo.txt b/testdata/ouput_todo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index bee9a39..0000000 --- a/testdata/ouput_todo.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -(C) 2013-12-01 Go home! @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2011-11-11 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -Plan backyard herb garden @Home +Gardening +Improving +Planning -(A) 2012-01-30 Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -(C) Add cover sheets @Office +TPSReports -(A) 2012-01-30 Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family -(C) Add cover sheets @Office +TPSReports -Turn off TV @Electricity @Home @Of_Super-Importance @Television Importance:Very! -Research self-publishing services +Novel due:2014-01-01 -Plan backyard herb garden @Home +Gardening +Improving +Planning +Relaxing-Work -Research self-publishing services +Novel due:2014-01-01 -Turn off TV @Electricity @Home @Television Importance:Very! -(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17 -Turn off TV @Electricity @Home @Television Importance:Very! -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -(A) 2012-01-30 Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family -x Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -xylophone lesson -X 2012-01-01 Make resolutions -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x 2014-01-04 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-02 -(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17 -Research self-publishing services +Novel due:2014-01-01 -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -(D) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17 -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -(A) 2012-01-30 Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -(A) Call Mom @Call @Phone +Family -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-04 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 diff --git a/testdata/sort_todo.txt b/testdata/sort_todo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ddf6c28..0000000 --- a/testdata/sort_todo.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -# Sort Priority test case -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -(D) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17 -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -(A) 2012-01-30 @Phone Call Mom @Call +Family - -# Sort CreatedDate test case -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -(A) @Phone Call Mom @Call +Family -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 - -# Sort CompletedDate test case -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-04 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore - -# Sort DueDate test case -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer due:2014-02-17 Level:5 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 due:2014-01-05 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go due:2014-01-12 +go-todotxt diff --git a/testdata/task_todo.txt b/testdata/task_todo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f5deec3..0000000 --- a/testdata/task_todo.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -# String test cases -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt - -# Priority test cases -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -+Gardening Plan backyard herb garden +Planning @Home +Improving - -# CreatedDate test cases -(A) 2012-01-30 @Phone Call Mom @Call +Family -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -(C) Add cover sheets @Office +TPSReports - -# Contexts test cases -(A) 2012-01-30 @Phone Call Mom @Call +Family -(C) Add cover sheets @Office +TPSReports -@Home Turn off TV @Electricity @Television @Electricity @Of_Super-Importance Importance:Very! -Research self-publishing services +Novel +Novel +Novel due:2014-01-01 - -# Projects test cases -+Gardening Plan backyard herb garden +Planning @Home +Improving +Relaxing-Work -Research self-publishing services +Novel +Novel +Novel due:2014-01-01 -@Home Turn off TV @Electricity @Television @Electricity Importance:Very! - -# DueDate test cases -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer due:2014-02-17 Level:5 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt - -# AdditionalTags test cases -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17 -@Home Turn off TV @Electricity @Television @Electricity Importance:Very! -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -(A) 2012-01-30 @Phone Call Mom @Call +Family - -# Completed test cases -x Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -xylophone lesson -X 2012-01-01 Make resolutions - -# CompletedDate test cases -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore - -# Overdue test cases -x 2014-01-04 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-02 -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer due:2027-07-17 Level:5 -Research self-publishing services +Novel +Novel +Novel due:2014-01-01 -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt - -# Complete test cases -Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -(A) @Phone Call Mom @Call +Family -2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -(B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2012-01-01 More Go! - -# Reopen test cases -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -(B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt - diff --git a/testdata/tasklist_completedDate_error.txt b/testdata/tasklist_completedDate_error.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a38182a..0000000 --- a/testdata/tasklist_completedDate_error.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-25-04 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt diff --git a/testdata/tasklist_createdDate_error.txt b/testdata/tasklist_createdDate_error.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 3eaf786..0000000 --- a/testdata/tasklist_createdDate_error.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -(B) 2013-13-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt diff --git a/testdata/tasklist_dueDate_error.txt b/testdata/tasklist_dueDate_error.txt deleted file mode 100644 index af435d1..0000000 --- a/testdata/tasklist_dueDate_error.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 diff --git a/testdata/tasklist_scanner_error.txt b/testdata/tasklist_scanner_error.txt deleted file mode 100644 index afe04f8..0000000 --- a/testdata/tasklist_scanner_error.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 (B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxtx 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-32x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 - diff --git a/testdata/tasklist_todo.txt b/testdata/tasklist_todo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 804c225..0000000 --- a/testdata/tasklist_todo.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -+Gardening Plan backyard herb garden +Planning @Home +Improving -(A) 2012-01-30 @Phone Call Mom @Call +Family -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -(C) Add cover sheets @Office +TPSReports -(A) 2012-01-30 @Phone Call Mom @Call +Family -(C) Add cover sheets @Office +TPSReports -@Home Turn off TV @Electricity @Television @Electricity @Of_Super-Importance Importance:Very! -Research self-publishing services +Novel +Novel +Novel due:2014-01-01 -+Gardening Plan backyard herb garden +Planning @Home +Improving +Relaxing-Work -Research self-publishing services +Novel +Novel +Novel due:2014-01-01 -@Home Turn off TV @Electricity @Television @Electricity Importance:Very! -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer due:2014-02-17 Level:5 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17 -@Home Turn off TV @Electricity @Television @Electricity Importance:Very! -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -(A) 2012-01-30 @Phone Call Mom @Call +Family -x Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -xylophone lesson -X 2012-01-01 Make resolutions -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x 2014-01-04 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-02 -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer due:2014-02-17 Level:5 -Research self-publishing services +Novel +Novel +Novel due:2014-01-01 -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -(D) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer Level:5 due:2014-02-17 -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -(A) 2012-01-30 @Phone Call Mom @Call +Family -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -(A) @Phone Call Mom @Call +Family -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone -x 2014-01-03 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-05 -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-04 2014-01-01 Create some more golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -2013-02-22 Pick up milk @GroceryStore -(B) 2013-12-01 private:false Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer due:2014-02-17 Level:5 -x 2014-01-02 (B) 2013-12-30 Create golang library test cases @Go +go-todotxt -x 2014-01-03 due:2014-01-05 Create golang library @Go +go-todotxt -x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go due:2014-01-12 +go-todotxt diff --git a/task.go b/todo.go similarity index 53% rename from task.go rename to todo.go index c76fa56..8a39763 100644 --- a/task.go +++ b/todo.go @@ -1,7 +1,3 @@ -/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - * file, You can obtain one at */ - package todotxt import ( @@ -26,11 +22,11 @@ var ( projectRx = regexp.MustCompile(`(^|\s+)\+(\S+)`) // Match projects: '+Project...' or '... +Project ...') ) -// Task represents a todo.txt task entry. -type Task struct { - Id int // Internal task id. - Original string // Original raw task text. - Todo string // Todo part of task text. +// Todo represents a todo.txt task entry. +type Todo struct { + Id int // Internal todo id. + Original string // Original raw todo text. + Todo string // Todo part of todo text. Priority string Projects []string Contexts []string @@ -41,7 +37,7 @@ type Task struct { Completed bool } -// String returns a complete task string in todo.txt format. +// String returns a complete todo string in todo.txt format. // // Contexts, Projects and additional tags are alphabetically sorted, // and appendend at the end in the following order: @@ -50,102 +46,102 @@ type Task struct { // For example: // // "(A) 2013-07-23 Call Dad @Home @Phone +Family due:2013-07-31 customTag1:Important!" -func (task Task) String() string { +func (todo Todo) String() string { var text string - if task.Completed { + if todo.Completed { text += "x " - if task.HasCompletedDate() { - text += fmt.Sprintf("%s ", task.CompletedDate.Format(DateLayout)) + if todo.HasCompletedDate() { + text += fmt.Sprintf("%s ", todo.CompletedDate.Format(DateLayout)) } } - if task.HasPriority() { - text += fmt.Sprintf("(%s) ", task.Priority) + if todo.HasPriority() { + text += fmt.Sprintf("(%s) ", todo.Priority) } - if task.HasCreatedDate() { - text += fmt.Sprintf("%s ", task.CreatedDate.Format(DateLayout)) + if todo.HasCreatedDate() { + text += fmt.Sprintf("%s ", todo.CreatedDate.Format(DateLayout)) } - text += task.Todo + text += todo.Todo - if len(task.Contexts) > 0 { - sort.Strings(task.Contexts) - for _, context := range task.Contexts { + if len(todo.Contexts) > 0 { + sort.Strings(todo.Contexts) + for _, context := range todo.Contexts { text += fmt.Sprintf(" @%s", context) } } - if len(task.Projects) > 0 { - sort.Strings(task.Projects) - for _, project := range task.Projects { + if len(todo.Projects) > 0 { + sort.Strings(todo.Projects) + for _, project := range todo.Projects { text += fmt.Sprintf(" +%s", project) } } - if len(task.AdditionalTags) > 0 { + if len(todo.AdditionalTags) > 0 { // Sort map alphabetically by keys - keys := make([]string, 0, len(task.AdditionalTags)) - for key := range task.AdditionalTags { + keys := make([]string, 0, len(todo.AdditionalTags)) + for key := range todo.AdditionalTags { keys = append(keys, key) } sort.Strings(keys) for _, key := range keys { - text += fmt.Sprintf(" %s:%s", key, task.AdditionalTags[key]) + text += fmt.Sprintf(" %s:%s", key, todo.AdditionalTags[key]) } } - if task.HasDueDate() { - text += fmt.Sprintf(" due:%s", task.DueDate.Format(DateLayout)) + if todo.HasDueDate() { + text += fmt.Sprintf(" due:%s", todo.DueDate.Format(DateLayout)) } return text } -// NewTask creates a new empty Task with default values. (CreatedDate is set to Now()) -func NewTask() Task { - task := Task{} - task.CreatedDate = time.Now() - return task +// NewTodo creates a new empty Todo with default values. (CreatedDate is set to Now()) +func NewTodo() Todo { + todo := Todo{} + todo.CreatedDate = time.Now() + return todo } -// ParseTask parses the input text string into a Task struct. -func ParseTask(text string) (*Task, error) { +// ParseTodo parses the input text string into a Todo struct. +func ParseTodo(text string) (*Todo, error) { var err error - task := Task{} - task.Original = strings.Trim(text, "\t\n\r ") - task.Todo = task.Original + todo := Todo{} + todo.Original = strings.Trim(text, "\t\n\r ") + todo.Todo = todo.Original // Check for completed - if completedRx.MatchString(task.Original) { - task.Completed = true + if completedRx.MatchString(todo.Original) { + todo.Completed = true // Check for completed date - if completedDateRx.MatchString(task.Original) { - if date, err := time.Parse(DateLayout, completedDateRx.FindStringSubmatch(task.Original)[1]); err == nil { - task.CompletedDate = date + if completedDateRx.MatchString(todo.Original) { + if date, err := time.Parse(DateLayout, completedDateRx.FindStringSubmatch(todo.Original)[1]); err == nil { + todo.CompletedDate = date } else { return nil, err } } // Remove from Todo text - task.Todo = completedDateRx.ReplaceAllString(task.Todo, "") // Strip CompletedDate first, otherwise it wouldn't match anymore (^x date...) - task.Todo = completedRx.ReplaceAllString(task.Todo, "") // Strip 'x ' + todo.Todo = completedDateRx.ReplaceAllString(todo.Todo, "") // Strip CompletedDate first, otherwise it wouldn't match anymore (^x date...) + todo.Todo = completedRx.ReplaceAllString(todo.Todo, "") // Strip 'x ' } // Check for priority - if priorityRx.MatchString(task.Original) { - task.Priority = priorityRx.FindStringSubmatch(task.Original)[2] - task.Todo = priorityRx.ReplaceAllString(task.Todo, "") // Remove from Todo text + if priorityRx.MatchString(todo.Original) { + todo.Priority = priorityRx.FindStringSubmatch(todo.Original)[2] + todo.Todo = priorityRx.ReplaceAllString(todo.Todo, "") // Remove from Todo text } // Check for created date - if createdDateRx.MatchString(task.Original) { - if date, err := time.Parse(DateLayout, createdDateRx.FindStringSubmatch(task.Original)[2]); err == nil { - task.CreatedDate = date - task.Todo = createdDateRx.ReplaceAllString(task.Todo, "") // Remove from Todo text + if createdDateRx.MatchString(todo.Original) { + if date, err := time.Parse(DateLayout, createdDateRx.FindStringSubmatch(todo.Original)[2]); err == nil { + todo.CreatedDate = date + todo.Todo = createdDateRx.ReplaceAllString(todo.Todo, "") // Remove from Todo text } else { return nil, err } @@ -153,7 +149,7 @@ func ParseTask(text string) (*Task, error) { // function for collecting projects/contexts as slices from text getSlice := func(rx *regexp.Regexp) []string { - matches := rx.FindAllStringSubmatch(task.Original, -1) + matches := rx.FindAllStringSubmatch(todo.Original, -1) slice := make([]string, 0, len(matches)) seen := make(map[string]bool, len(matches)) for _, match := range matches { @@ -168,26 +164,26 @@ func ParseTask(text string) (*Task, error) { } // Check for contexts - if contextRx.MatchString(task.Original) { - task.Contexts = getSlice(contextRx) - task.Todo = contextRx.ReplaceAllString(task.Todo, "") // Remove from Todo text + if contextRx.MatchString(todo.Original) { + todo.Contexts = getSlice(contextRx) + todo.Todo = contextRx.ReplaceAllString(todo.Todo, "") // Remove from Todo text } // Check for projects - if projectRx.MatchString(task.Original) { - task.Projects = getSlice(projectRx) - task.Todo = projectRx.ReplaceAllString(task.Todo, "") // Remove from Todo text + if projectRx.MatchString(todo.Original) { + todo.Projects = getSlice(projectRx) + todo.Todo = projectRx.ReplaceAllString(todo.Todo, "") // Remove from Todo text } // Check for additional tags - if addonTagRx.MatchString(task.Original) { - matches := addonTagRx.FindAllStringSubmatch(task.Original, -1) + if addonTagRx.MatchString(todo.Original) { + matches := addonTagRx.FindAllStringSubmatch(todo.Original, -1) tags := make(map[string]string, len(matches)) for _, match := range matches { key, value := match[2], match[3] if key == "due" { // due date is a known addon tag, it has its own struct field if date, err := time.Parse(DateLayout, value); err == nil { - task.DueDate = date + todo.DueDate = date } else { return nil, err } @@ -195,57 +191,51 @@ func ParseTask(text string) (*Task, error) { tags[key] = value } } - task.AdditionalTags = tags - task.Todo = addonTagRx.ReplaceAllString(task.Todo, "") // Remove from Todo text + todo.AdditionalTags = tags + todo.Todo = addonTagRx.ReplaceAllString(todo.Todo, "") // Remove from Todo text } // Trim any remaining whitespaces from Todo text - task.Todo = strings.Trim(task.Todo, "\t\n\r\f ") + todo.Todo = strings.Trim(todo.Todo, "\t\n\r\f ") - return &task, err -} - -// Task returns a complete task string in todo.txt format. -// See *Task.String() for further information. -func (task *Task) Task() string { - return task.String() + return &todo, err } // HasPriority returns true if the task has a priority. -func (task *Task) HasPriority() bool { - return task.Priority != "" +func (todo *Todo) HasPriority() bool { + return todo.Priority != "" } // HasCreatedDate returns true if the task has a created date. -func (task *Task) HasCreatedDate() bool { - return !task.CreatedDate.IsZero() +func (todo *Todo) HasCreatedDate() bool { + return !todo.CreatedDate.IsZero() } // HasDueDate returns true if the task has a due date. -func (task *Task) HasDueDate() bool { - return !task.DueDate.IsZero() +func (todo *Todo) HasDueDate() bool { + return !todo.DueDate.IsZero() } // HasCompletedDate returns true if the task has a completed date. -func (task *Task) HasCompletedDate() bool { - return !task.CompletedDate.IsZero() && task.Completed +func (todo *Todo) HasCompletedDate() bool { + return !todo.CompletedDate.IsZero() && todo.Completed } // Complete sets Task.Completed to 'true' if the task was not already completed. // Also sets Task.CompletedDate to time.Now() -func (task *Task) Complete() { - if !task.Completed { - task.Completed = true - task.CompletedDate = time.Now() +func (todo *Todo) Complete() { + if !todo.Completed { + todo.Completed = true + todo.CompletedDate = time.Now() } } // Reopen sets Task.Completed to 'false' if the task was completed. // Also resets Task.CompletedDate. -func (task *Task) Reopen() { - if task.Completed { - task.Completed = false - task.CompletedDate = time.Date(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // time.IsZero() value +func (todo *Todo) Reopen() { + if todo.Completed { + todo.Completed = false + todo.CompletedDate = time.Date(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // time.IsZero() value } } @@ -253,9 +243,9 @@ func (task *Task) Reopen() { // // This function does not take the Completed flag into consideration. // You should check Task.Completed first if needed. -func (task *Task) IsOverdue() bool { - if task.HasDueDate() { - return task.DueDate.Before(time.Now()) +func (todo *Todo) IsOverdue() bool { + if todo.HasDueDate() { + return todo.DueDate.Before(time.Now()) } return false } @@ -265,15 +255,15 @@ func (task *Task) IsOverdue() bool { // // Just as with IsOverdue(), this function does also not take the Completed flag into consideration. // You should check Task.Completed first if needed. -func (task *Task) Due() time.Duration { - if task.IsOverdue() { - return time.Now().Sub(task.DueDate) +func (todo *Todo) Due() time.Duration { + if todo.IsOverdue() { + return time.Now().Sub(todo.DueDate) } - return task.DueDate.Sub(time.Now()) + return todo.DueDate.Sub(time.Now()) } -func (task *Task) HasContext(ctx string) bool { - for _, c := range task.Contexts { +func (todo *Todo) HasContext(ctx string) bool { + for _, c := range todo.Contexts { if c == ctx { return true } @@ -281,8 +271,8 @@ func (task *Task) HasContext(ctx string) bool { return false } -func (task *Task) HasProject(proj string) bool { - for _, p := range task.Projects { +func (todo *Todo) HasProject(proj string) bool { + for _, p := range todo.Projects { if p == proj { return true } diff --git a/todo.txt b/todo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7836996..0000000 --- a/todo.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -(A) Call Mom @Phone +Family -(A) Schedule annual checkup +Health -(B) Outline chapter 5 +Novel @Computer -(C) Add cover sheets @Office +TPSReports -Plan backyard herb garden @Home -Pick up milk @GroceryStore -Research self-publishing services +Novel @Computer -x Download Todo.txt mobile app @Phone diff --git a/todolist.go b/todolist.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c308a02 --- /dev/null +++ b/todolist.go @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +package todotxt + +import ( + "bufio" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io/ioutil" + "os" + "strings" +) + +type TodoList struct { + todos []*Todo + sortFlag int +} + +// Newtodolist creates a new empty todolist. +func NewTodoList() *TodoList { return &TodoList{} } +func (todolist *TodoList) Size() int { return len(todolist.todos) } +func (todolist *TodoList) GetTaskSlice() []*Todo { return todolist.todos } + +func (todolist *TodoList) Contains(t *Todo) bool { + for _, tsk := range todolist.todos { + if tsk == t { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +func (todolist *TodoList) GetTasksWithContext(context string) *TodoList { + return todolist.Filter(func(t *Todo) bool { + return t.HasContext(context) + }) +} + +func (todolist *TodoList) GetTasksWithProject(project string) *TodoList { + return todolist.Filter(func(t *Todo) bool { + return t.HasProject(project) + }) +} + +func (todolist *TodoList) GetContexts() []string { + var ret []string + added := make(map[string]bool) + for _, tsk := range todolist.todos { + for _, c := range tsk.Contexts { + if !added[c] { + ret = append(ret, c) + added[c] = true + } + } + } + sort.String(ret) + return ret +} +func (todolist *TodoList) GetProjects() []string { + var ret []string + added := make(map[string]bool) + for _, tsk := range todolist.todos { + for _, p := range tsk.Projects { + if !added[p] { + ret = append(ret, p) + added[p] = true + } + } + } + sort.Strings(ret) + return ret +} +func (todolist *TodoList) GetTagKVList() []string { + var ret []string + added := make(map[string]bool) + for _, tsk := range todolist.todos { + for k, v := range tsk.AdditionalTags { + tag := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", k, v) + if !added[tag] { + ret = append(ret, tag) + added[tag] = true + } + } + } + sort.Strings(ret) + return ret +} +func (todolist *TodoList) GetTagKeys() []string { + var ret []string + added := make(map[string]bool) + for _, tsk := range todolist.todos { + for k := range tsk.AdditionalTags { + if !added[k] { + ret = append(ret, k) + added[k] = true + } + } + } + sort.Strings(ret) + return ret +} +func (todolist *TodoList) GetTagValuesForKey(key string) []string { + var ret []string + added := make(map[string]bool) + for _, tsk := range todolist.todos { + if v, ok := tsk.AdditionalTags[key]; ok && !added[v] { + ret = append(ret, v) + added[v] = true + } + } + sort.Strings(ret) + return ret +} + +func (todolist *TodoList) GetIncompleteTasks() *TodoList { + t := *NewTodoList() + for _, v := range todolist.todos { + if !v.Complete { + t.todos = append(t.todos, v) + } + } + return &t +} + +// String returns a complete list of tasks in todo.txt format. +func (todolist *TodoList) String() string { + var ret string + for _, todo := range todolist.todos { + ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", todo.String()) + } + return ret +} + +// AddTodo prepends a Todo to the current TodoList and takes care to set the Todo.Id correctly +func (todolist *TodoList) AddTodo(todo *Todo) { + todolist.todos = append(todolist.todos, todo) + todolist.refresh() +} + +// AddTimers adds all passed in timers to the list, sorts the list, then updates the Timer.Id values. +func (todolist *TodoList) AddTodos(todos []*Todo) { + todolist.todos = append(todolist.todos, todos...) + todolist.Sort(SORT_START_DATE_ASC) +} +func (todolist *TodoList) Combine(other *TodoList) { todolist.AddTodo(other.todos) } + +// GetTodo returns the Todo with the given todo 'id' from the TodoList. +// Returns an error if Todo could not be found. +func (todolist *TodoList) GetTodo(id int) (*Todo, error) { + for i := range todolist.todos { + if todolist.todos[i].Id == id { + return todolist.todos[i], nil + } + } + return nil, errors.New("todo not found") +} + +// RemoveTodoById removes any Todo with the given Todo 'id' from the TodoList. +// Returns an error if no Todo was removed +func (todolist *TodoList) RemoveTodoById(id int) error { + found := false + var remIdx int + var t *Todo + for remIdx, t = range todolist.todos { + if t.Id == id { + found = true + break + } + } + if !found { + return errors.New("todo not found") + } + todolist.todos = append(todolist.todos[:remIdx], todolist.todos[remIdx+1:]...) + todolist.refresh() + return nil +} + +// RemoveTodo removes any Todo from the TodoList with the same String representation as the given Todo. +// Returns an error if no Todo was removed. +func (todolist *TodoList) RemoveTodo(todo Todo) error { + found := false + var remIdx int + var t *Todo + for remIdx, t = range todolist.todos { + if t.String() == todo.String() { + found = true + break + } + } + if !found { + return errors.New("todo not found") + } + todolist.todos = append(todolist.todos[:remIdx], todolist.todos[remIdx+1:]...) + todolist.refresh() + return nil +} + +// ArchiveTodoToFile removes the todo from the active list and concatenates it to +// the passed in filename +// Return an err if any part of that fails +func (todolist *TodoList) ArchiveTodoToFile(todo Todo, filename string) error { + if err := todolist.RemoveTodo(todo); err != nil { + return err + } + f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0600) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer f.Close() + _, err = f.WriteString(todo.String() + "\n") + return err +} + +// Filter filters the current TodoList for the given predicate (a function that takes a todo as input and returns a +// bool), and returns a new TodoList. The original TodoList is not modified. +func (todolist *TodoList) Filter(predicate func(*Todo) bool) *TodoList { + var newList TodoList + for _, t := range todolist.todos { + if predicate(t) { + newList.todos = append(newList.todos, t) + } + } + return &newList +} + +// LoadFromFile loads a TodoList from *os.File. +// Note: This will clear the current TodoList and overwrite it's contents with whatever is in *os.File. +func (todolist *TodoList) LoadFromFile(file *os.File) error { + todolist.todos = []*Todo{} // Empty todolist + todoId := 1 + scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) + for scanner.Scan() { + text := strings.Trim(scanner.Text(), "\t\n\r") // Read Line + // Ignore blank lines + if text == "" { + continue + } + todo, err := ParseTodo(text) + if err != nil { + return err + } + todo.Id = todoId + todoId++ + todolist.todos = append(todolist.todos, todo) + } + if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { + return err + } + todolist.refresh() + return nil +} + +// WriteToFile writes a TodoList to *os.File +func (todolist *TodoList) WriteToFile(file *os.File) error { + writer := bufio.NewWriter(file) + _, err := writer.WriteString(todolist.String()) + writer.Flush() + return err +} + +// LoadFromFilename loads a TodoList from the filename. +func (todolist *TodoList) LoadFromFilename(filename string) error { + file, err := os.Open(filename) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer file.Close() + return todolist.LoadFromFile(file) +} + +// WriteToFilename writes a TodoList to the specified file (most likely called "todo.txt"). +func (todolist *TodoList) WriteToFilename(filename string) error { + return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(todolist.String()), 0640) +} + +// LoadFromFile loads and returns a TodoList from *os.File. +func LoadFromFile(file *os.File) (*TodoList, error) { + todolist := TodoList{} + if err := todolist.LoadFromFile(file); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &todolist, nil +} + +// WriteToFile writes a TodoList to *os.File. +func WriteToFile(todolist *TodoList, file *os.File) error { + return todolist.WriteToFile(file) +} + +// LoadFromFilename loads and returns a TodoList from a file (most likely called "todo.txt") +func LoadFromFilename(filename string) (*TodoList, error) { + todolist := TodoList{} + if err := todolist.LoadFromFilename(filename); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &todolist, nil +} + +// WriteToFilename write a TodoList to the specified file (most likely called "todo.txt") +func WriteToFilename(todolist *TodoList, filename string) error { + return todolist.WriteToFilename(filename) +} diff --git a/todotxt.go b/todotxt.go deleted file mode 100644 index cd7a46d..0000000 --- a/todotxt.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,237 +0,0 @@ -/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - * file, You can obtain one at */ - -// Package todotxt is a Go client library for Gina Trapani's todo.txt files. -// It allows for parsing and manipulating of task lists and tasks in the todo.txt format. -// -// Source code and project home: -package todotxt - -import ( - "bufio" - "errors" - "fmt" - "io/ioutil" - "os" - "strings" -) - -// TaskList represents a list of todo.txt task entries. -// It is usually loaded from a whole todo.txt file. -type TaskList []Task - -// IgnoreComments can be set to 'true', to ignore lines that start with # -// The todo.txt format does not define comments. -var ( - // IgnoreComments is used to switch ignoring of comments (lines starting with "#"). - // If this is set to 'false', then lines starting with "#" will be parsed as tasks. - IgnoreComments = false -) - -// NewTaskList creates a new empty TaskList. -func NewTaskList() TaskList { - tasklist := TaskList{} - return tasklist -} - -// String returns a complete list of tasks in todo.txt format. -func (tasklist TaskList) String() (text string) { - for _, task := range tasklist { - text += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", task.String()) - } - return text -} - -// AddTask appends a Task to the current TaskList and takes care to set the Task.Id correctly, modifying the Task by the given pointer! -func (tasklist *TaskList) AddTask(task *Task) { - task.Id = 0 - for _, t := range *tasklist { - if t.Id > task.Id { - task.Id = t.Id - } - } - task.Id += 1 - - *tasklist = append(*tasklist, *task) -} - -// GetTask returns a Task by given task 'id' from the TaskList. The returned Task pointer can be used to update the Task inside the TaskList. -// Returns an error if Task could not be found. -func (tasklist *TaskList) GetTask(id int) (*Task, error) { - for i := range *tasklist { - if ([]Task(*tasklist))[i].Id == id { - return &([]Task(*tasklist))[i], nil - } - } - return nil, errors.New("task not found") -} - -// RemoveTaskById removes any Task with given Task 'id' from the TaskList. -// Returns an error if no Task was removed. -func (tasklist *TaskList) RemoveTaskById(id int) error { - var newList TaskList - - found := false - for _, t := range *tasklist { - if t.Id != id { - newList = append(newList, t) - } else { - found = true - } - } - if !found { - return errors.New("task not found") - } - - *tasklist = newList - return nil -} - -// RemoveTask removes any Task from the TaskList with the same String representation as the given Task. -// Returns an error if no Task was removed. -func (tasklist *TaskList) RemoveTask(task Task) error { - var newList TaskList - - found := false - for _, t := range *tasklist { - if t.String() != task.String() { - newList = append(newList, t) - } else { - found = true - } - } - if !found { - return errors.New("task not found") - } - - *tasklist = newList - return nil -} - -// Filter filters the current TaskList for the given predicate (a function that takes a task as input and returns a bool), -// and returns a new TaskList. The original TaskList is not modified. -func (tasklist *TaskList) Filter(predicate func(Task) bool) *TaskList { - var newList TaskList - for _, t := range *tasklist { - if predicate(t) { - newList = append(newList, t) - } - } - return &newList -} - -// LoadFromFile loads a TaskList from *os.File. -// -// Using *os.File instead of a filename allows to also use os.Stdin. -// -// Note: This will clear the current TaskList and overwrite it's contents with whatever is in *os.File. -func (tasklist *TaskList) LoadFromFile(file *os.File) error { - *tasklist = []Task{} // Empty tasklist - - taskId := 1 - scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) - for scanner.Scan() { - text := strings.Trim(scanner.Text(), "\t\n\r ") // Read line - - // Ignore blank or comment lines - if text == "" || (IgnoreComments && strings.HasPrefix(text, "#")) { - continue - } - - task, err := ParseTask(text) - if err != nil { - return err - } - task.Id = taskId - - *tasklist = append(*tasklist, *task) - taskId++ - } - if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { - return err - } - - return nil -} - -// WriteToFile writes a TaskList to *os.File. -// -// Using *os.File instead of a filename allows to also use os.Stdout. -func (tasklist *TaskList) WriteToFile(file *os.File) error { - writer := bufio.NewWriter(file) - _, err := writer.WriteString(tasklist.String()) - writer.Flush() - return err -} - -// LoadFromFilename loads a TaskList from a file (most likely called "todo.txt"). -// -// Note: This will clear the current TaskList and overwrite it's contents with whatever is in the file. -func (tasklist *TaskList) LoadFromFilename(filename string) error { - file, err := os.Open(filename) - if err != nil { - return err - } - defer file.Close() - - return tasklist.LoadFromFile(file) -} - -// WriteToFilename writes a TaskList to the specified file (most likely called "todo.txt"). -func (tasklist *TaskList) WriteToFilename(filename string) error { - return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(tasklist.String()), 0640) -} - -func (tasklist *TaskList) ArchiveTaskToFile(task Task, filename string) error { - if err := tasklist.RemoveTask(task); err != nil { - return err - } - f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0600) - if err != nil { - return err - } - defer f.Close() - _, err = f.WriteString(task.String() + "\n") - return err -} - -func (tasklist *TaskList) GetTaskSlice() []*Task { - var res []*Task - for _, t := range *tasklist { - res = append(res, &t) - } - return res -} - -// LoadFromFile loads and returns a TaskList from *os.File. -// -// Using *os.File instead of a filename allows to also use os.Stdin. -func LoadFromFile(file *os.File) (TaskList, error) { - tasklist := TaskList{} - if err := tasklist.LoadFromFile(file); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return tasklist, nil -} - -// WriteToFile writes a TaskList to *os.File. -// -// Using *os.File instead of a filename allows to also use os.Stdout. -func WriteToFile(tasklist *TaskList, file *os.File) error { - return tasklist.WriteToFile(file) -} - -// LoadFromFilename loads and returns a TaskList from a file (most likely called "todo.txt"). -func LoadFromFilename(filename string) (TaskList, error) { - tasklist := TaskList{} - if err := tasklist.LoadFromFilename(filename); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return tasklist, nil -} - -// WriteToFilename writes a TaskList to the specified file (most likely called "todo.txt"). -func WriteToFilename(tasklist *TaskList, filename string) error { - return tasklist.WriteToFilename(filename) -} diff --git a/todotxt_test.go b/todotxt_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index 84d2456..0000000 --- a/todotxt_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,522 +0,0 @@ -/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - * file, You can obtain one at */ - -package todotxt - -import ( - "io/ioutil" - "os" - "testing" - "time" -) - -var ( - testInputTasklist = "testdata/tasklist_todo.txt" - testInputTasklistCreatedDateError = "testdata/tasklist_createdDate_error.txt" - testInputTasklistDueDateError = "testdata/tasklist_dueDate_error.txt" - testInputTasklistCompletedDateError = "testdata/tasklist_completedDate_error.txt" - testInputTasklistScannerError = "testdata/tasklist_scanner_error.txt" - testOutput = "testdata/ouput_todo.txt" - testExpectedOutput = "testdata/expected_todo.txt" - testTasklist TaskList - testExpected interface{} - testGot interface{} -) - -func TestLoadFromFile(t *testing.T) { - file, err := os.Open(testInputTasklist) - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - defer file.Close() - - if testTasklist, err := LoadFromFile(file); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } else { - data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testExpectedOutput) - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testExpected = string(data) - testGot = testTasklist.String() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - } - - if testTasklist, err := LoadFromFile(nil); testTasklist != nil || err == nil { - t.Errorf("Expected LoadFromFile to fail, but got TaskList back: [%s]", testTasklist) - } -} - -func TestLoadFromFilename(t *testing.T) { - if testTasklist, err := LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklist); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } else { - data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testExpectedOutput) - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testExpected = string(data) - testGot = testTasklist.String() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } - } - - if testTasklist, err := LoadFromFilename("some_file_that_does_not_exists.txt"); testTasklist != nil || err == nil { - t.Errorf("Expected LoadFromFilename to fail, but got TaskList back: [%s]", testTasklist) - } -} - -func TestWriteFile(t *testing.T) { - os.Remove(testOutput) - os.Create(testOutput) - var err error - - fileInput, err := os.Open(testInputTasklist) - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - defer fileInput.Close() - fileOutput, err := os.OpenFile(testOutput, os.O_RDWR, 0644) - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - defer fileInput.Close() - - if testTasklist, err = LoadFromFile(fileInput); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - if err = WriteToFile(&testTasklist, fileOutput); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - fileInput.Close() - fileOutput, err = os.Open(testOutput) - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - if testTasklist, err = LoadFromFile(fileOutput); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testExpectedOutput) - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testExpected = string(data) - testGot = testTasklist.String() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } -} - -func TestTaskListWriteFile(t *testing.T) { - os.Remove(testOutput) - os.Create(testOutput) - testTasklist := TaskList{} - - fileInput, err := os.Open(testInputTasklist) - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - defer fileInput.Close() - fileOutput, err := os.OpenFile(testOutput, os.O_RDWR, 0644) - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - defer fileInput.Close() - - if err := testTasklist.LoadFromFile(fileInput); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - if err := testTasklist.WriteToFile(fileOutput); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - fileInput.Close() - fileOutput, err = os.Open(testOutput) - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - if err := testTasklist.LoadFromFile(fileOutput); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testExpectedOutput) - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testExpected = string(data) - testGot = testTasklist.String() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } -} - -func TestWriteFilename(t *testing.T) { - os.Remove(testOutput) - var err error - - if testTasklist, err = LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklist); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - if err = WriteToFilename(&testTasklist, testOutput); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - if testTasklist, err = LoadFromFilename(testOutput); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testExpectedOutput) - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testExpected = string(data) - testGot = testTasklist.String() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } -} - -func TestTaskListWriteFilename(t *testing.T) { - os.Remove(testOutput) - testTasklist := TaskList{} - - if err := testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklist); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - if err := testTasklist.WriteToFilename(testOutput); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - if err := testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testOutput); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testExpectedOutput) - if err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testExpected = string(data) - testGot = testTasklist.String() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to be [%s], but got [%s]", testExpected, testGot) - } -} - -func TestNewTaskList(t *testing.T) { - testTasklist := NewTaskList() - - testExpected = 0 - testGot = len(testTasklist) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to contain %d tasks, but got %d", testExpected, testGot) - } -} - -func TestTaskListCount(t *testing.T) { - if err := testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklist); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - testExpected = 63 - testGot = len(testTasklist) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to contain %d tasks, but got %d", testExpected, testGot) - } -} - -func TestTaskListAddTask(t *testing.T) { - if err := testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklist); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - // add new empty task - task := NewTask() - testTasklist.AddTask(&task) - - testExpected = 64 - testGot = len(testTasklist) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to contain %d tasks, but got %d", testExpected, testGot) - } - - taskId := 64 - testExpected = time.Now().Format(DateLayout) + " " // tasks created by NewTask() have their created date set - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].String() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%s], but got [%s]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - testExpected = 64 - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Id - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%d], but got [%d]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - // add parsed task - parsed, err := ParseTask("x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12") - if err != nil { - t.Error(err) - } - testTasklist.AddTask(parsed) - - testExpected = "x (C) 2014-01-01 Create golang library documentation @Go +go-todotxt due:2014-01-12" - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].String() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%s], but got [%s]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - testExpected = 65 - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Id - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%d], but got [%d]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - // add selfmade task - createdDate := time.Now() - testTasklist.AddTask(&Task{ - CreatedDate: createdDate, - Todo: "Go shopping..", - Contexts: []string{"GroceryStore"}, - }) - - testExpected = createdDate.Format(DateLayout) + " Go shopping.. @GroceryStore" - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].String() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%s], but got [%s]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - testExpected = 66 - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Id - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%d], but got [%d]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ - - // add task with explicit Id, AddTask() should ignore this! - testTasklist.AddTask(&Task{ - Id: 101, - }) - - testExpected = 67 - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Id - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%d], but got [%d]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTaskListGetTask(t *testing.T) { - if err := testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklist); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - taskId := 3 - task, err := testTasklist.GetTask(taskId) - if err != nil { - t.Error(err) - } - testExpected = "(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17" - testGot = task.String() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%s], but got [%s]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - testExpected = 3 - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Id - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%d], but got [%d]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - taskId++ -} - -func TestTaskListUpdateTask(t *testing.T) { - if err := testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklist); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - taskId := 3 - task, err := testTasklist.GetTask(taskId) - if err != nil { - t.Error(err) - } - testExpected = "(B) 2013-12-01 Outline chapter 5 @Computer +Novel Level:5 private:false due:2014-02-17" - testGot = task.String() - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%s], but got [%s]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - testExpected = 3 - testGot = testTasklist[taskId-1].Id - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected Task[%d] to be [%d], but got [%d]", taskId, testExpected, testGot) - } - - task.Priority = "C" - task.Todo = "Go home!" - date, err := time.Parse(DateLayout, "2011-11-11") - if err != nil { - t.Error(err) - } - task.DueDate = date - testGot := task - - os.Remove(testOutput) - if err := testTasklist.WriteToFilename(testOutput); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - if err := testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testOutput); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - testExpected, err := testTasklist.GetTask(taskId) - if err != nil { - t.Error(err) - } - if testGot.Task() != testExpected.Task() { - t.Errorf("Expected Task to be [%v]\n, but got [%v]", testExpected, testGot) - } -} - -func TestTaskListRemoveTaskById(t *testing.T) { - if err := testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklist); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - taskId := 10 - if err := testTasklist.RemoveTaskById(taskId); err != nil { - t.Error(err) - } - testExpected = 62 - testGot = len(testTasklist) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to contain %d tasks, but got %d", testExpected, testGot) - } - task, err := testTasklist.GetTask(taskId) - if err == nil || task != nil { - t.Errorf("Expected no Task to be found anymore, but got %v", task) - } - - taskId = 27 - if err := testTasklist.RemoveTaskById(taskId); err != nil { - t.Error(err) - } - testExpected = 61 - testGot = len(testTasklist) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to contain %d tasks, but got %d", testExpected, testGot) - } - task, err = testTasklist.GetTask(taskId) - if err == nil || task != nil { - t.Errorf("Expected no Task to be found anymore, but got %v", task) - } - - taskId = 99 - if err := testTasklist.RemoveTaskById(taskId); err == nil { - t.Errorf("Expected no Task to be found for removal") - } -} - -func TestTaskListRemoveTask(t *testing.T) { - if err := testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklist); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - taskId := 52 // Is "unique" in tasklist - task, err := testTasklist.GetTask(taskId) - if err != nil { - t.Error(err) - } - - if err := testTasklist.RemoveTask(*task); err != nil { - t.Error(err) - } - testExpected = 62 - testGot = len(testTasklist) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to contain %d tasks, but got %d", testExpected, testGot) - } - task, err = testTasklist.GetTask(taskId) - if err == nil || task != nil { - t.Errorf("Expected no Task to be found anymore, but got %v", task) - } - - taskId = 2 // Exists 3 times in tasklist - task, err = testTasklist.GetTask(taskId) - if err != nil { - t.Error(err) - } - - if err := testTasklist.RemoveTask(*task); err != nil { - t.Error(err) - } - testExpected = 59 - testGot = len(testTasklist) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to contain %d tasks, but got %d", testExpected, testGot) - } - task, err = testTasklist.GetTask(taskId) - if err == nil || task != nil { - t.Errorf("Expected no Task to be found anymore, but got %v", task) - } - - if err := testTasklist.RemoveTask(NewTask()); err == nil { - t.Errorf("Expected no Task to be found for removal") - } -} - -func TestTaskListFilter(t *testing.T) { - if err := testTasklist.LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklist); err != nil { - t.Fatal(err) - } - - // Filter list to get only completed tasks - completedList := testTasklist.Filter(func(t Task) bool { return t.Completed }) - testExpected = 33 - testGot = len(*completedList) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to contain %d tasks, but got %d", testExpected, testGot) - } - - // Filter list to get only tasks with a due date - dueDateList := testTasklist.Filter(func(t Task) bool { return t.HasDueDate() }) - testExpected = 26 - testGot = len(*dueDateList) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to contain %d tasks, but got %d", testExpected, testGot) - } - - // Filter list to get only tasks with "B" priority - prioBList := testTasklist.Filter(func(t Task) bool { - return t.HasPriority() && t.Priority == "B" - }) - testExpected = 17 - testGot = len(*prioBList) - if testGot != testExpected { - t.Errorf("Expected TaskList to contain %d tasks, but got %d", testExpected, testGot) - } -} - -func TestTaskListReadErrors(t *testing.T) { - if testTasklist, err := LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklistCreatedDateError); testTasklist != nil || err == nil { - t.Errorf("Expected LoadFromFilename to fail because of invalid created date, but got TaskList back: [%s]", testTasklist) - } else if err.Error() != `parsing time "2013-13-01": month out of range` { - t.Error(err) - } - - if testTasklist, err := LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklistDueDateError); testTasklist != nil || err == nil { - t.Errorf("Expected LoadFromFilename to fail because of invalid due date, but got TaskList back: [%s]", testTasklist) - } else if err.Error() != `parsing time "2014-02-32": day out of range` { - t.Error(err) - } - - if testTasklist, err := LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklistCompletedDateError); testTasklist != nil || err == nil { - t.Errorf("Expected LoadFromFilename to fail because of invalid completed date, but got TaskList back: [%s]", testTasklist) - } else if err.Error() != `parsing time "2014-25-04": month out of range` { - t.Error(err) - } - - // really silly test - if testTasklist, err := LoadFromFilename(testInputTasklistScannerError); testTasklist != nil || err == nil { - t.Errorf("Expected LoadFromFilename to fail because of invalid file, but got TaskList back: [%s]", testTasklist) - } else if err.Error() != `bufio.Scanner: token too long` { - t.Error(err) - } -}