When no active timer show summary on i3status

This commit is contained in:
Brian Buller 2021-03-09 08:20:54 -06:00
parent 6ea133d20d
commit 2b357839e9
3 changed files with 166 additions and 107 deletions

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@ -283,3 +283,20 @@ func diff(a, b time.Time) (year, month, day, hour, min, sec int) {
func BeginningOfDay() time.Time {
now := time.Now()
return time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location())
func BeginningOfWeek() time.Time {
now := time.Now()
t := time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location())
weekday := int(t.Weekday())
return t.AddDate(0, 0, -weekday)
func BeginningOfMonth() time.Time {
now := time.Now()
return time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location())

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@ -1,26 +1,113 @@
package main
import (
timertxt "git.bullercodeworks.com/brian/go-timertxt"
// If we have an active timer in timer.txt, return the most recent one
// Otherwise, check if we have a more recent completed timer in done.txt
// Return the most recent done from timer.txt or dont.txt
func (a *AppState) getMostRecentTimer() (*timertxt.Timer, error) {
wrk, err := a.TimerList.GetMostRecentTimer()
if err != nil {
// Couldn't find a timer in the 'timer.txt'... Check the 'done' file
if err = a.LoadDoneList(); err != nil {
return nil, err
work, wErr := a.TimerList.GetMostRecentTimer()
if wErr != nil && work.FinishDate.IsZero() {
return work, nil
wrk, err = a.DoneList.GetMostRecentTimer()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := a.LoadDoneList(); err != nil {
return nil, err
done, dErr := a.DoneList.GetMostRecentTimer()
if dErr != nil {
return nil, dErr
if !done.FinishDate.IsZero() && done.FinishDate.After(work.FinishDate) {
return done, nil
return work, nil
func (a *AppState) getFilteredTimerList(args []string) *timertxt.TimerList {
var includeArchive bool
var err error
start := time.Time{}
end := time.Now()
var contextFilters []string
var projectFilters []string
var allFilters []func(timertxt.Timer) bool
if len(args) > 0 {
contextFilters, args = getContextsFromSlice(args)
projectFilters, args = getProjectsFromSlice(args)
if len(args) > 0 {
if args[0] == "--a" {
includeArchive = true
args = args[1:]
return wrk, nil
if len(args) > 0 {
if start, err = parseFuzzyTime(args[0]); err != nil {
y, m, d := time.Now().Date()
start = time.Date(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Now().Location())
} else {
args = args[1:]
if len(args) > 0 {
if end, err = parseFuzzyTime(args[0]); err != nil {
y, m, d := time.Now().Date()
end = time.Date(y, m, d, 23, 59, 59, 0, time.Now().Location())
} else {
args = args[1:]
list := a.TimerList.GetTimersInRange(start, end)
if includeArchive {
if err = a.LoadDoneList(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error loading done.txt entries")
return nil
*list = append(*list, (*a.DoneList.GetTimersInRange(start, end))...)
if len(contextFilters) > 0 {
allFilters = append(allFilters, func(t timertxt.Timer) bool {
for _, v := range contextFilters {
v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "@")
if !t.HasContext(v) {
return false
return true
if len(projectFilters) > 0 {
allFilters = append(allFilters, func(t timertxt.Timer) bool {
for _, v := range projectFilters {
v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "+")
if !t.HasProject(v) {
return false
return true
doFilters := func(t timertxt.Timer) bool {
for _, v := range allFilters {
if !v(t) {
return false
// If we made it all the way down here, it matches
return true
return list.Filter(doFilters)
func (a *AppState) SetTimerFinished(id int, end time.Time) error {

View File

@ -17,33 +17,67 @@ func (a *AppState) opI3Status(args []string) int {
fmt.Print("{\"icon\":\"time\",\"state\":\"Critical\", \"text\": \"Error loading timer entry\"}")
return 0
// TODO: Get Weekly/Daily totals
var text string
if wrk.Finished {
if !wrk.Finished {
wrkDur := wrk.Duration().Round(time.Minute * 15)
hrs := int(wrkDur.Hours())
mins := int(wrkDur.Minutes()) - hrs*60
if hrs > 0 {
text = fmt.Sprintf("%dh%dm", hrs, mins)
} else {
text = fmt.Sprintf("%d", mins)
text = fmt.Sprintf("%dm", mins)
if !wrk.Finished {
// If the current time is before 7AM, after 5PM, or a weekend, use a Warning state
cTime := time.Now()
if cTime.Weekday() == time.Sunday || cTime.Weekday() == time.Saturday || cTime.Hour() < 7 || cTime.Hour() > 17 {
state = "Warning"
} else {
state = "Good"
for _, ctx := range wrk.Contexts {
text = fmt.Sprintf("%s @%s", text, ctx)
for _, prj := range wrk.Projects {
text = fmt.Sprintf("%s +%s", text, prj)
} else {
text = fmt.Sprint(wrk.Duration().Round(time.Minute))
// If the current time is before 7AM, after 5PM, or a weekend, use a Warning state
cTime := time.Now()
if cTime.Weekday() == time.Sunday || cTime.Weekday() == time.Saturday || cTime.Hour() < 7 || cTime.Hour() > 17 {
state = "Warning"
} else {
state = "Good"
text = "("
for _, ctx := range wrk.Contexts {
text = fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s ", text, ctx)
for _, ctx := range wrk.Contexts {
text = fmt.Sprintf("%s @%s", text, ctx)
for _, prj := range wrk.Projects {
text = fmt.Sprintf("%s +%s", text, prj)
for _, prj := range wrk.Projects {
text = fmt.Sprintf("%s+%s ", text, prj)
if text[len(text)-1] == ' ' {
text = text[:len(text)-1]
text = text + ")"
getListTotal := func(list *timertxt.TimerList) string {
var isActive bool
var total time.Duration
for _, v := range *list {
dur := v.FinishDate.Sub(v.StartDate)
if v.FinishDate.IsZero() {
dur = time.Now().Sub(v.StartDate)
isActive = true
total += dur
total = total.Round(GetRoundToDuration())
if isActive {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f+", DurationToDecimal(total))
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", DurationToDecimal(total))
dayList := a.getFilteredTimerList([]string{"--a", BeginningOfDay().Format("2006-01-02"), "@bcw"})
text = text + " d:" + getListTotal(dayList)
weekList := a.getFilteredTimerList([]string{"--a", BeginningOfWeek().Format("2006-01-02"), "@bcw"})
text = text + " w:" + getListTotal(weekList)
monthList := a.getFilteredTimerList([]string{"--a", BeginningOfMonth().Format("2006-01-02"), "@bcw"})
text = text + " m:" + getListTotal(monthList)
fmt.Printf("{\"icon\":\"time\",\"state\":\"%s\", \"text\": \"%s\"}", state, text)
return 0
@ -82,86 +116,7 @@ func (a *AppState) opStatus(args []string) int {
* Just output the time given the filters
func (a *AppState) opShowTime(args []string) int {
var includeArchive bool
var err error
start := time.Time{}
end := time.Now()
var contextFilters []string
var projectFilters []string
var allFilters []func(timertxt.Timer) bool
if len(args) > 0 {
contextFilters, args = getContextsFromSlice(args)
projectFilters, args = getProjectsFromSlice(args)
if len(args) > 0 {
if args[0] == "--a" {
includeArchive = true
args = args[1:]
if len(args) > 0 {
if start, err = parseFuzzyTime(args[0]); err != nil {
y, m, d := time.Now().Date()
start = time.Date(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Now().Location())
} else {
args = args[1:]
if len(args) > 0 {
if end, err = parseFuzzyTime(args[0]); err != nil {
y, m, d := time.Now().Date()
end = time.Date(y, m, d, 23, 59, 59, 0, time.Now().Location())
} else {
args = args[1:]
if includeArchive {
if err = a.LoadDoneList(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error loading done.txt entries")
return 1
list := a.TimerList.GetTimersInRange(start, end)
if includeArchive {
*list = append(*list, (*a.DoneList.GetTimersInRange(start, end))...)
if len(contextFilters) > 0 {
allFilters = append(allFilters, func(t timertxt.Timer) bool {
for _, v := range contextFilters {
v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "@")
if !t.HasContext(v) {
return false
return true
if len(projectFilters) > 0 {
allFilters = append(allFilters, func(t timertxt.Timer) bool {
for _, v := range projectFilters {
v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, "+")
if !t.HasProject(v) {
return false
return true
doFilters := func(t timertxt.Timer) bool {
for _, v := range allFilters {
if !v(t) {
return false
// If we made it all the way down here, it matches
return true
list = list.Filter(doFilters)
list := a.getFilteredTimerList(args)
var isActive bool
var total time.Duration
for _, v := range *list {