
298 lines
8.4 KiB

package main
import (
calendar ""
type Event struct {
//Attachments []EventAttachment // Google Drive files
Attendees []EventAttendee
CalendarId string
ColorId string
Created string
Creator *EventAttendee
Description string
End *calendar.EventDateTime
EndTimeUnspecified bool
Etag string
//ExtendedProperties []EventExtendedProperties
GuestsCanInviteOthers bool
GuestsCanModify bool
GuestsCanSeeOtherGuests bool
HangoutLink string
HtmlLink string
ICalUID string
Id string
Kind string
Location string
Locked bool
Organizer *EventAttendee
OriginalStartTime *calendar.EventDateTime
PrivateCopy bool
Recurrence []string
RecurringEventId string
//Reminders *EventReminders
Sequence int64
//Source *EventSource
Start *calendar.EventDateTime
Status string
Summary string
Transparency string
Updated string
Visibility string
// The instance id is the id by which the user can refer to this event
InstanceId int
func (e *Event) IsAllDayEvent() bool {
_, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, e.Start.DateTime)
return err != nil
func (e *Event) GetColorizedDateTimeString() string {
if e.IsAllDayEvent() {
return color.New(color.FgGreen).Sprint("[== All Day ==]")
tmString := e.GetStartTimeString() + " - " + e.GetEndTimeString()
if time.Until(e.GetStartTime()) < 0 && time.Until(e.GetEndTime()) < 0 {
// Event is in the past
return color.New(color.FgGreen).Sprint("[" + tmString + "]")
} else if time.Until(e.GetStartTime()) < 0 && time.Until(e.GetEndTime()) > 0 {
// Event is NOW
return color.New(color.FgRed).Add(color.Bold).Sprint("[" + tmString + "]")
} else if time.Until(e.GetStartTime()) < time.Hour {
// Event is in less than an hour
return color.New(color.FgYellow).Add(color.Bold).Sprint("[" + tmString + "]")
return "[" + tmString + "]"
func (e *Event) ToCLIString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n", e.Summary, e.GetStartTime())
func (e *Event) GetStartTimeString() string {
tm, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, e.Start.DateTime)
if err != nil {
return "--:--"
return tm.Local().Format("15:04")
func (e *Event) GetStartTime() time.Time {
tm, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, e.Start.DateTime)
return tm.Local()
func (e *Event) GetEndTimeString() string {
tm, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, e.End.DateTime)
if err != nil {
return "00:00"
return tm.Local().Format("15:04")
func (e *Event) GetEndTime() time.Time {
tm, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, e.End.DateTime)
return tm.Local()
func GoogleEventToLocalWithId(e *calendar.Event, cId string) *Event {
ret := GoogleEventToLocal(e)
ret.CalendarId = cId
return ret
func GoogleEventToLocal(e *calendar.Event) *Event {
return &Event{
//Attachments []EventAttachment // Google Drive files
Attendees: GoogleAttendeeSliceToLocal(e.Attendees),
ColorId: e.ColorId,
Created: e.Created,
Creator: GoogleCreatorToLocal(e.Creator),
Description: e.Description,
End: e.End,
EndTimeUnspecified: e.EndTimeUnspecified,
Etag: e.Etag,
//ExtendedProperties []EventExtendedProperties
//GuestsCanInviteOthers: *e.GuestsCanInviteOthers,
GuestsCanModify: e.GuestsCanModify,
//GuestsCanSeeOtherGuests: *e.GuestsCanSeeOtherGuests,
HangoutLink: e.HangoutLink,
HtmlLink: e.HtmlLink,
Id: e.Id,
Kind: e.Kind,
Location: e.Location,
Locked: e.Locked,
Organizer: GoogleOrganizerToLocal(e.Organizer),
OriginalStartTime: e.OriginalStartTime,
PrivateCopy: e.PrivateCopy,
Recurrence: e.Recurrence,
RecurringEventId: e.RecurringEventId,
//Reminders *EventReminders
Sequence: e.Sequence,
//Source *EventSource
Start: e.Start,
Status: e.Status,
Summary: e.Summary,
Transparency: e.Transparency,
Updated: e.Updated,
Visibility: e.Visibility,
func LocalEventToGoogle(e *Event) *calendar.Event {
return &calendar.Event{
//Attachments []EventAttachment // Google Drive files
//Attendees: GoogleAttendeeSliceToLocal(e.Attendees),
ColorId: e.ColorId,
Created: e.Created,
Creator: LocalCreatorToGoogle(e.Creator),
Description: e.Description,
End: e.End,
EndTimeUnspecified: e.EndTimeUnspecified,
Etag: e.Etag,
//ExtendedProperties []EventExtendedProperties
//GuestsCanInviteOthers: *e.GuestsCanInviteOthers,
GuestsCanModify: e.GuestsCanModify,
//GuestsCanSeeOtherGuests: *e.GuestsCanSeeOtherGuests,
HangoutLink: e.HangoutLink,
HtmlLink: e.HtmlLink,
Id: e.Id,
Kind: e.Kind,
Location: e.Location,
Locked: e.Locked,
Organizer: LocalOrganizerToGoogle(e.Organizer),
OriginalStartTime: e.OriginalStartTime,
PrivateCopy: e.PrivateCopy,
Recurrence: e.Recurrence,
RecurringEventId: e.RecurringEventId,
//Reminders *EventReminders
Sequence: e.Sequence,
//Source *EventSource
Start: e.Start,
Status: e.Status,
Summary: e.Summary,
Transparency: e.Transparency,
Updated: e.Updated,
Visibility: e.Visibility,
type EventAttendee struct {
AdditionalGuests int64
Comment string
DisplayName string
Email string
Id string
Optional bool
Organizer bool
Resource bool
ResponseStatus string
Self bool
EventCreator bool
EventOrganizer bool
func GoogleAttendeeSliceToLocal(a []*calendar.EventAttendee) []EventAttendee {
var ret []EventAttendee
for _, e := range a {
ret = append(ret, *GoogleAttendeeToLocal(e))
return ret
func LocalAttendeeSliceToGoogle(a []EventAttendee) []*calendar.EventAttendee {
var ret []*calendar.EventAttendee
for _, e := range a {
ret = append(ret, LocalAttendeeToGoogle(&e))
return ret
func GoogleAttendeeToLocal(a *calendar.EventAttendee) *EventAttendee {
return &EventAttendee{
AdditionalGuests: a.AdditionalGuests,
Comment: a.Comment,
DisplayName: a.DisplayName,
Email: a.Email,
Id: a.Id,
Optional: a.Optional,
Organizer: a.Organizer,
Resource: a.Resource,
ResponseStatus: a.ResponseStatus,
Self: a.Self,
func LocalAttendeeToGoogle(a *EventAttendee) *calendar.EventAttendee {
return &calendar.EventAttendee{
AdditionalGuests: a.AdditionalGuests,
Comment: a.Comment,
DisplayName: a.DisplayName,
Email: a.Email,
Id: a.Id,
Optional: a.Optional,
Organizer: a.Organizer,
Resource: a.Resource,
ResponseStatus: a.ResponseStatus,
Self: a.Self,
func GoogleOrganizerToLocal(a *calendar.EventOrganizer) *EventAttendee {
return &EventAttendee{
DisplayName: a.DisplayName,
Email: a.Email,
Id: a.Id,
Self: a.Self,
EventOrganizer: true,
func LocalOrganizerToGoogle(a *EventAttendee) *calendar.EventOrganizer {
return &calendar.EventOrganizer{
DisplayName: a.DisplayName,
Email: a.Email,
Id: a.Id,
Self: a.Self,
func GoogleCreatorToLocal(a *calendar.EventCreator) *EventAttendee {
return &EventAttendee{
DisplayName: a.DisplayName,
Email: a.Email,
Id: a.Id,
Self: a.Self,
EventCreator: true,
func LocalCreatorToGoogle(a *EventAttendee) *calendar.EventCreator {
return &calendar.EventCreator{
DisplayName: a.DisplayName,
Email: a.Email,
Id: a.Id,
Self: a.Self,
type ByStartTime []Event
func (a ByStartTime) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a ByStartTime) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a ByStartTime) Less(i, j int) bool {
st1, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, a[i].Start.DateTime)
st2, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, a[j].Start.DateTime)
return st2.After(st1)