
397 lines
10 KiB

import 'package:forth/forth.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
final throwsEmptyStack = throwsA(isA<Exception>().having((e) => e.toString(), 'message', 'Exception: Stack empty'));
final throwsInvalidDefinition =
throwsA(isA<Exception>().having((e) => e.toString(), 'message', 'Exception: Invalid definition'));
void main() {
group('Forth: parsing and numbers - ', parsingAndNumbers);
group('Forth: addition - ', addition);
group('Forth: subtraction - ', subtraction);
group('Forth: multiplication - ', multiplication);
group('Forth: division - ', division);
group('Forth: combined arithmetic - ', combinedArithmetic);
group('Forth: dup - ', dup);
group('Forth: drop - ', drop);
group('Forth: swap - ', swap);
group('Forth: over - ', over);
group('Forth: user-defined words - ', userDefinedWords);
group('Forth: case-insensitivity - ', caseInsensitivity);
void parsingAndNumbers() {
test('numbers just get pushed onto the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 2 3 4 5');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
}, skip: false);
test('pushes negative numbers onto the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('-1 -2 -3 -4 -5');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[-1, -2, -3, -4, -5]));
}, skip: false);
void addition() {
test('can add two numbers', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 2 +');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[3]));
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is nothing on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('+'),
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is only one value on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('1 +'),
}, skip: false);
void subtraction() {
test('can subtract two numbers', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('3 4 -');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[-1]));
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is nothing on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('-'),
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is only one value on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('1 -'),
}, skip: false);
void multiplication() {
test('can multiply two numbers', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('2 4 *');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[8]));
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is nothing on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('*'),
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is only one value on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('1 *'),
}, skip: false);
void division() {
test('can divide two numbers', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('12 3 /');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[4]));
}, skip: false);
test('performs integer division', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('8 3 /');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[2]));
}, skip: false);
test('errors if dividing by zero', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('4 0 /'),
throwsA(isA<Exception>().having((e) => e.toString(), 'message', 'Exception: Division by zero')),
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is nothing on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('/'),
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is only one value on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('1 /'),
}, skip: false);
void combinedArithmetic() {
test('addition and subtraction', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 2 + 4 -');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[-1]));
}, skip: false);
test('multiplication and division', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('2 4 * 3 /');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[2]));
}, skip: false);
void dup() {
test('copies a value on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 dup');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 1]));
}, skip: false);
test('copies the top value on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 2 dup');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 2, 2]));
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is nothing on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('dup'),
}, skip: false);
void drop() {
test('removes the top value on the stack if it is the only one', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 drop');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[]));
}, skip: false);
test('removes the top value on the stack if it is not the only one', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 2 drop');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1]));
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is nothing on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('drop'),
}, skip: false);
void swap() {
test('swaps the top two values on the stack if they are the only ones', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 2 swap');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[2, 1]));
}, skip: false);
test('swaps the top two values on the stack if they are not the only ones', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 2 3 swap');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 3, 2]));
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is nothing on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('swap'),
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is only one value on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('1 swap'),
}, skip: false);
void over() {
test('copies the second element if there are only two', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 2 over');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 2, 1]));
}, skip: false);
test('copies the second element if there are more than two', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 2 3 over');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 2, 3, 2]));
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is nothing on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('over'),
}, skip: false);
test('errors if there is only one value on the stack', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('1 over'),
}, skip: false);
void userDefinedWords() {
test('can consist of built-in words', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate(': dup-twice dup dup ;');
forth.evaluate('1 dup-twice');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 1, 1]));
}, skip: false);
test('execute in the right order', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate(': countup 1 2 3 ;');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 2, 3]));
}, skip: true);
test('can override other user-defined words', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate(': foo dup ;');
forth.evaluate(': foo dup dup ;');
forth.evaluate('1 foo');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 1, 1]));
}, skip: true);
test('can override built-in words', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate(': swap dup ;');
forth.evaluate('1 swap');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 1]));
}, skip: true);
test('can override built-in operators', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate(': + * ;');
forth.evaluate('3 4 +');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[12]));
}, skip: true);
test('can use different words with the same name', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate(': foo 5 ;');
forth.evaluate(': bar foo ;');
forth.evaluate(': foo 6 ;');
forth.evaluate('bar foo');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[5, 6]));
}, skip: true);
test('can define word that uses word with the same name', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate(': foo 10 ;');
forth.evaluate(': foo foo 1 + ;');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[11]));
}, skip: true);
test('cannot redefine non-negative numbers', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate(': 1 2 ;'),
}, skip: true);
test('cannot redefine negative numbers', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate(': -1 2 ;'),
}, skip: true);
test('errors if executing a non-existent word', () {
var forth = Forth();
() => forth.evaluate('foo'),
throwsA(isA<Exception>().having((e) => e.toString(), 'message', 'Exception: Unknown command')),
}, skip: true);
test('only defines locally', () {
var first = Forth();
var second = Forth();
first.evaluate(': + - ;');
first.evaluate('1 1 +');
second.evaluate('1 1 +');
[first.stack, second.stack],
}, skip: true);
void caseInsensitivity() {
test('DUP is case-insensitive', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 DUP Dup dup');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 1, 1, 1]));
}, skip: true);
test('DROP is case-insensitive', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 2 3 4 DROP Drop drop');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1]));
}, skip: true);
test('SWAP is case-insensitive', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 2 SWAP 3 Swap 4 swap');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[2, 3, 4, 1]));
}, skip: true);
test('OVER is case-insensitive', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate('1 2 OVER Over over');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 2, 1, 2, 1]));
}, skip: true);
test('user-defined words are case-insensitive', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate(': foo dup ;');
forth.evaluate('1 FOO Foo foo');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 1, 1, 1]));
}, skip: true);
test('definitions are case-insensitive', () {
var forth = Forth();
forth.evaluate(': SWAP DUP Dup dup ;');
forth.evaluate('1 swap');
expect(forth.stack, equals(<int>[1, 1, 1, 1]));
}, skip: true);