import XCTest // Apple Swift version 2.0 class HelloWorldTest: XCTestCase { func testNoName(){ let expected = "Hello, World!" XCTAssertEqual(HelloWorld.hello(), expected, "When given no name, we should greet the world!") } func testSampleName(){ let expected = "Hello, Alice!" XCTAssertEqual(HelloWorld.hello("Alice"), expected, "When given 'Alice' we should greet Alice!") } func testOtherSampleName(){ let expected = "Hello, Bob!" XCTAssertEqual(HelloWorld.hello("Bob"), expected, "When given 'Bob' we should greet Bob!") } func testNoStrangeName(){ let expected = "Hello, !" XCTAssertEqual(HelloWorld.hello(""), expected, "When given an empty string, it is strange, but should have a space and punctuation") } }