---- # Quick Start Guide This guide picks-up where [Running the Tests (in Kotlin)](http://exercism.io/languages/kotlin/tests) left off. If you haven't reviewed those instructions, do so now. Need more information? A **step-by-step tutorial** is available in this directory at TUTORIAL.md or you can read the [HTML version](https://github.com/exercism/kotlin/blob/master/exercises/hello-world/TUTORIAL.md). The following instructions work equally well on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. ## Solve "Hello World" Try writing a solution that passes one test at a time, running Gradle each time: ``` $ gradle test ``` ## Iterate through the tests After your first test passes, remove the `@Ignore` from the next test, and iterate on your solution, testing after each change. ## All the tests pass? Submit your solution! With a working solution that we've reviewed, we're ready to submit it to exercism.io. ``` $ exercism submit src/main/kotlin/HelloWorld.kt ``` ## Next Steps From here, there are a number of paths you can take. 1. Move on to the next exercise 2. Review (and comment on) others' submissions to this exercise 3. Submit another iteration 4. Contribute to Exercism We sincerely hope you learn and enjoy being part of this community. If at any time you need assistance do not hesitate to ask for help: http://exercism.io/languages/kotlin/help Cheers!