package summultiples import "testing" var test35 = []struct { limit int sum int }{ {1, 0}, {4, 3}, {10, 23}, {1000, 233168}, } var varTests = []struct { divisors []int limit int sum int }{ {[]int{7, 13, 17}, 20, 51}, {[]int{43, 47}, 10000, 2203160}, {[]int{5, 10, 12}, 10000, 13331672}, {[]int{1, 1}, 10000, 49995000}, {[]int{}, 10000, 0}, } func Test35(t *testing.T) { sum35 := MultipleSummer(3, 5) for _, test := range test35 { s := sum35(test.limit) if s != test.sum { t.Fatalf("Sum to %d returned %d, want %d.", test.limit, s, test.sum) } } } func TestVar(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range varTests { sv := MultipleSummer(test.divisors...) s := sv(test.limit) if s != test.sum { t.Fatalf("Sum of multiples of %v to %d returned %d, want %d.", test.divisors, test.limit, s, test.sum) } } } func Benchmark35(b *testing.B) { sum35 := MultipleSummer(3, 5) b.ResetTimer() // bench just the sum function for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { for _, test := range test35 { sum35(test.limit) } } } func BenchmarkVar(b *testing.B) { // bench combined time to bind sum function and call it. for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { for _, test := range varTests { MultipleSummer(test.divisors...)(test.limit) } } }