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2017-08-15 15:04:10 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
use Test;
use lib my $dir = $?FILE.IO.dirname; #`[Look for the module inside the same directory as this test file.]
use JSON::Fast;
my $exercise = 'HelloWorld'; #`[The name of this exercise.]
my $version = v2; #`[The version we will be matching against the exercise.]
my $module = %*ENV<EXERCISM> ?? 'Example' !! $exercise; #`[%*ENV<EXERCISM> is for tests not directly for the exercise, don't worry about these :)]
plan 3; #`[This is how many tests we expect to run.]
#`[Check that the module can be use-d.]
use-ok $module or bail-out;
require ::($module);
#`[If the exercise is updated, we want to make sure other people testing
your code don't think you've made a mistake if things have changed!]
if ::($exercise).^ver !~~ $version {
warn "\nExercise version mismatch. Further tests may fail!"
~ "\n$exercise is $(::($exercise).^ver.gist). "
~ "Test is $($version.gist).\n";
bail-out 'Example version must match test version.' if %*ENV<EXERCISM>;
#`[Import '&hello' from 'HelloWorld']
require ::($module) <&hello>;
my $c-data;
#`[Go through the cases (hiding at the bottom of this file)
and check that &hello gives us the correct response.]
is &::('hello')(), |.<expected description> for @($c-data<cases>);
#`[Ignore this for your exercise! Tells Exercism folks when exercise cases become out of date.]
if (my $c-data-file = "$dir/../../problem-specifications/exercises/{$dir.IO.resolve.basename}/canonical-data.json".IO.resolve) ~~ :f {
is-deeply $c-data, EVAL('use JSON::Fast; from-json($c-data-file.slurp);'), 'canonical-data';
} else { flunk 'canonical-data' }
} else { skip }
done-testing; #`[There are no more tests after this :)]
#`['INIT' is a phaser, it makes sure that the test data is available before everything else
starts running (otherwise we'd have to shove the test data into the middle of the file!)]
$c-data := from-json q:to/END/;
"exercise": "hello-world",
"version": "1.0.0",
"cases": [
"description": "Say Hi!",
"property": "hello",
"expected": "Hello, World!"