package main import ( "fmt" "" "" ) type Command struct { key string description string } type AboutScreen int func drawCommandsAtPoint(commands []Command, x int, y int, style Style) { x_pos, y_pos := x, y for index, cmd := range commands { termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(fmt.Sprintf("%6s", cmd.key), x_pos, y_pos, style.default_fg, style.default_bg) termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(cmd.description, x_pos+8, y_pos, style.default_fg, style.default_bg) y_pos++ if index > 2 && index%2 == 1 { y_pos++ } } } func (screen *AboutScreen) handleKeyEvent(event termbox.Event) int { return BROWSER_SCREEN_INDEX } func (screen *AboutScreen) performLayout() {} func (screen *AboutScreen) drawScreen(style Style) { default_fg := style.default_fg default_bg := style.default_bg width, height := termbox.Size() template := [...]string{ " _______ _______ ___ _______ _______ ______ _______ _ _ _______ _______ ______ ", "| _ || || | | || _ || _ | | || | _ | || || || _ | ", "| |_| || _ || | |_ _|| |_| || | || | _ || || || || _____|| ___|| | || ", "| || | | || | | | | || |_||_ | | | || || |_____ | |___ | |_||_ ", "| _ | | |_| || |___ | | | _ | | __ || |_| || ||_____ || ___|| __ |", "| |_| || || || | | |_| || | | || || _ | _____| || |___ | | | |", "|_______||_______||_______||___| |_______||___| |_||_______||__| |__||_______||_______||___| |_|", } first_line := template[0] start_x := (width - len(first_line)) / 2 start_y := ((height - 2*len(template)) / 2) - 2 x_pos := start_x y_pos := start_y if height <= 20 { title := "BoltBrowser" start_y = 0 y_pos = 0 termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(title, (width-len(title))/2, start_y, style.title_fg, style.title_bg) } else { if height < 25 { start_y = 0 y_pos = 0 } for _, line := range template { x_pos = start_x for _, runeValue := range line { bg := default_bg displayRune := ' ' if runeValue != ' ' { //bg = termbox.Attribute(125) displayRune = runeValue termbox.SetCell(x_pos, y_pos, displayRune, default_fg, bg) } x_pos++ } y_pos++ } } commands1 := [...]Command{ {"h,←", "close parent"}, {"j,↓", "down"}, {"k,↑", "up"}, {"l,→", "open item"}, {"g", "goto top"}, {"G", "goto bottom"}, {"ctrl+f", "jump down"}, {"ctrl+b", "jump up"}, } commands2 := [...]Command{ {"p,P", "create pair/at parent"}, {"b,B", "create bucket/at parent"}, {"e", "edit value of pair"}, {"r", "rename pair/bucket"}, {"d", "delete item"}, {"?", "this screen"}, {"q", "quit program"}, } x_pos = start_x + 20 y_pos++ drawCommandsAtPoint(commands1[:], x_pos, y_pos+1, style) drawCommandsAtPoint(commands2[:], x_pos+20, y_pos+1, style) exit_txt := "Press any key to return to browser" termbox_util.DrawStringAtPoint(exit_txt, (width-len(exit_txt))/2, height-1, style.title_fg, style.title_bg) }