V3 is in the works

This commit is contained in:
Brian Buller 2022-04-20 16:22:43 -05:00
parent 7cc06eeddc
commit 492e3b9547
11 changed files with 458 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ boltbrowser:
go build -o build/boltbrowser
run: ./build/boltbrowser
cd build && ./boltbrowser
cd build && ./boltbrowser test.db
go install

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
return errors.New("No database given.")
viper.Set("dbs", args)
viper.Set("dbidx", 0)
if err := ui.NewUi().Start(); err != nil {
return err
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ func Execute() {
func init() {
rootCmd.Flags().BoolP("readonly", "ro", false, "Open database in read only mode")
rootCmd.Flags().BoolP("readonly", "r", false, "Open database in read only mode")
viper.BindPFlag("readonly", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("readonly"))
rootCmd.Flags().Bool("no-value", false, "Do not output values in the left pane")
viper.BindPFlag("no-value", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("no-value"))
@ -48,7 +49,3 @@ func init() {
viper.BindPFlag("timeout", rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("timeout"))
viper.Set("version", AppVersion)
func printUsage() {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
module git.bullercodeworks.com/brian/boltbrowser
replace git.bullercodeworks.com/brian/wandle => /home/brbuller/Development/go/src/git.bullercodeworks.com/brian/wandle
replace git.bullercodeworks.com/brian/widdles => /home/brbuller/Development/go/src/git.bullercodeworks.com/brian/widdles
require (
git.bullercodeworks.com/brian/wandle v1.0.1
git.bullercodeworks.com/brian/widdles v1.1.0

View File

@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ type BoltDB struct {
buckets []BoltBucket
func NewBoltDB(db *bolt.DB) *BoltDB {
b := &BoltDB{db: db}
return b
func (bd *BoltDB) RefreshDatabase() {
// Reload the database from the file
bd.buckets = []BoltBucket{}
@ -47,6 +53,8 @@ func (bd *BoltDB) RefreshDatabase() {
func (bd *BoltDB) GetBuckets() []BoltBucket { return bd.buckets }
func (bd *BoltDB) GetGenericFromPath(path []string) (*BoltBucket, *BoltPair, error) {
// Check if 'path' leads to a pair
p, err := bd.GetPairFromPath(path)
@ -592,3 +600,11 @@ func (bd *BoltDB) AddBucketFromBoltBucket(path []string, bb *BoltBucket) error {
return nil
func (bd BoltDB) Lines() []string {
var ret []string
for i := range bd.buckets {
ret = append(ret, bd.buckets[i].Lines()...)
return ret

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package models
import (
@ -92,3 +93,26 @@ func (b *BoltBucket) GetPair(k string) (*BoltPair, error) {
return nil, errors.New("Pair Not Found")
func (b BoltBucket) Lines() []string {
var ret []string
bktPrefix := strings.Repeat(" ", len(b.GetPath())*2)
wrk := "+ "
if b.expanded {
wrk = "- "
wrk = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", bktPrefix, wrk, b.name)
ret = append(ret, wrk)
if b.expanded {
for i := range b.buckets {
ret = append(ret, b.buckets[i].Lines()...)
for _, bp := range b.pairs {
prPrefix := strings.Repeat(" ", len(bp.GetPath())*2)
ret = append(ret, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", prPrefix, bp.String()))
return ret
func (b BoltBucket) IsExpanded() bool { return b.expanded }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package models
import "fmt"
BoltPair is just a struct representation of a Pair in the Bolt DB
@ -15,3 +17,7 @@ GetPath Returns the path of the BoltPair
func (p *BoltPair) GetPath() []string {
return append(p.parent.GetPath(), p.key)
func (p BoltPair) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", p.key, p.val)

ui/bolt_tree_pane.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
package ui
import (
type BoltTreePane struct {
x, y int
width int
height int
scrollRow int
active bool
buffer []string
currentPath []string
currentPathIdx int
filter string
db *models.BoltDB
message string
func NewBoltTreePane(x, y, w, h int) *BoltTreePane {
return &BoltTreePane{
x: x, y: y,
width: w, height: h,
func (w *BoltTreePane) Init() wandle.Cmd {
if w.db != nil {
w.buffer = w.db.Lines()
return nil
func (w *BoltTreePane) Update(msg wandle.Msg) wandle.Cmd {
if len(w.currentPath) == 0 {
w.currentPath = w.db.GetNextVisiblePath(nil, w.filter)
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case termbox.Event:
return w.handleTermboxEvent(msg)
return nil
func (w *BoltTreePane) handleTermboxEvent(msg termbox.Event) wandle.Cmd {
switch msg.Type {
case termbox.EventKey:
w.message = "Key Pressed: " + wandle.KeyToString(msg)
if msg.Ch == 'g' {
// Jump to Beginning
w.currentPath = w.db.GetNextVisiblePath(nil, w.filter)
return func() wandle.Msg { return nil }
} else if msg.Ch == 'G' {
// Jump to End
w.currentPath = w.db.GetPrevVisiblePath(nil, w.filter)
return func() wandle.Msg { return nil }
} else if msg.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlF {
w.jumpCursorDown(w.height / 2)
return func() wandle.Msg { return nil }
} else if msg.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlB {
w.jumpCursorDown(w.height / 2)
return func() wandle.Msg { return nil }
} else if msg.Ch == 'j' || msg.Key == termbox.KeyArrowDown {
return func() wandle.Msg { return nil }
} else if msg.Ch == 'k' || msg.Key == termbox.KeyArrowUp {
return func() wandle.Msg { return nil }
} else if msg.Ch == 'p' {
return func() wandle.Msg { return nil }
} else if msg.Ch == 'P' {
return func() wandle.Msg { return nil }
} else if msg.Ch == 'b' {
return func() wandle.Msg { return nil }
} else if msg.Ch == 'B' {
return func() wandle.Msg { return nil }
} else if msg.Ch == 'l' || msg.Key == termbox.KeyArrowRight || msg.Key == termbox.KeyEnter {
b, p, _ := w.db.GetGenericFromPath(w.currentPath)
// Select the current item
if b != nil {
} else if p != nil {
// Edit the pair
return func() wandle.Msg { return nil }
} else if msg.Ch == 'h' || msg.Key == termbox.KeyArrowLeft {
b, _, e := w.db.GetGenericFromPath(w.currentPath)
if e == nil && b != nil && b.IsExpanded() {
} else {
if len(w.currentPath) > 1 {
parent, err := w.db.GetBucketFromPath(w.currentPath[:len(w.currentPath)-1])
if err == nil {
w.currentPath = parent.GetPath()
} else {
return func() wandle.Msg { return nil }
return nil
func (w *BoltTreePane) View(style wandle.Style) {
treeOffset := 0
maxCursor := w.height * 2 / 3
if w.scrollRow > maxCursor {
treeOffset = w.scrollRow - maxCursor
if len(w.buffer) > 0 {
for k, v := range w.buffer[treeOffset:] {
wandle.Print(w.x, (w.y + k - 1), style, v)
wd, h := termbox.Size()
wandle.Print(wd, h-1, style, w.message)
func (w *BoltTreePane) IsActive() bool { return w.active }
func (w *BoltTreePane) SetActive(b bool) { w.active = b }
func (w *BoltTreePane) Focusable() bool { return true }
func (w *BoltTreePane) SetX(x int) { w.x = x }
func (w *BoltTreePane) SetY(y int) { w.y = y }
func (w *BoltTreePane) GetX() int { return w.x }
func (w *BoltTreePane) GetY() int { return w.y }
func (w *BoltTreePane) SetHeight(h int) { w.height = h }
func (w *BoltTreePane) GetHeight() int { return w.height }
func (w *BoltTreePane) SetWidth(wdt int) { w.height = wdt }
func (w *BoltTreePane) GetWidth() int { return w.width }
func (w *BoltTreePane) SetDB(db *models.BoltDB) {
w.db = db
func (w *BoltTreePane) RefreshBuffer() {
buckets := w.db.GetBuckets()
for i := range buckets {
w.buffer = append(w.buffer, buckets[i].Lines()...)
func (w *BoltTreePane) jumpCursorDown(distance int) {
paths, err := w.db.BuildVisiblePathSlice(w.filter)
if err != nil {
findPath := w.currentPath
for idx, pth := range paths {
startJump := true
for i := range pth {
if len(w.currentPath) > i && pth[i] != w.currentPath[i] {
startJump = false
if startJump {
if distance == 0 {
w.currentPath = paths[len(paths)-1-idx]
isCurPath := true
for i := range w.currentPath {
if w.currentPath[i] != findPath[i] {
isCurPath = false
if isCurPath {
w.currentPath = w.db.GetNextVisiblePath(nil, w.filter)
func (w *BoltTreePane) jumpCursorUp(distance int) {
paths, err := w.db.BuildVisiblePathSlice(w.filter)
if err != nil {
findPath := w.currentPath
for idx, pth := range paths {
startJump := true
for i := range pth {
if len(w.currentPath) > i && pth[i] != w.currentPath[i] {
startJump = false
if startJump {
if distance == 0 {
w.currentPath = paths[idx]
isCurPath := true
for i := range w.currentPath {
if w.currentPath[i] != findPath[i] {
isCurPath = false
if isCurPath {
w.currentPath = w.db.GetNextVisiblePath(nil, w.filter)
func (w *BoltTreePane) moveCursorUp() {
p := w.db.GetPrevVisiblePath(w.currentPath, w.filter)
if p != nil {
w.currentPath = p
func (w *BoltTreePane) moveCursorDown() {
p := w.db.GetNextVisiblePath(w.currentPath, w.filter)
if p != nil {
w.currentPath = p
func (w *BoltTreePane) comparePaths(p1, p2 []string) bool {
return strings.Join(p1, " → ") == strings.Join(p2, " → ")

View File

@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ func (s *aboutScreen) handleAboutMsg(msg AboutMsg) wandle.Cmd {
func (s *aboutScreen) handleTermboxEvent(msg termbox.Event) wandle.Cmd {
if msg.Type == termbox.EventKey {
return wandle.SwitchScreenCmd(s.ui.browseScreen)
return nil

View File

@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
package ui
import (
bolt "go.etcd.io/bbolt"
const (
//BS_CmdGotoAbout = BrowseId | iota
BS_CmdRefresh = BrowseId | iota
type BrowseMsg struct {
@ -21,24 +28,45 @@ type BrowseMsg struct {
type browseScreen struct {
ui *Ui
dbPath string
db *models.BoltDB
menu *widdles.TopMenu
status *widdles.Text
statusTimeout time.Duration
statusTime time.Time
status *widdles.Text
treePane *BoltTreePane
rightPane ViewPort
func NewBrowseScreen(u *Ui) *browseScreen {
w, h := termbox.Size()
return &browseScreen{
ui: u,
menu: widdles.NewTopMenu(0, 0, w),
status: widdles.NewText("", 0, h),
func NewBrowseScreen(u *Ui) *browseScreen { return &browseScreen{ui: u} }
func (s *browseScreen) Init() wandle.Cmd {
return nil
w, h := termbox.Size()
dbs := viper.GetStringSlice("dbs")
dbidx := viper.GetInt("dbidx")
if len(dbs) <= dbidx {
return wandle.Quit
s.dbPath = dbs[dbidx]
s.treePane = NewBoltTreePane(0, 3, w/2, h-2)
s.status = widdles.NewText("Press '?' for help", 0, (h - 1), w, 1)
return func() wandle.Msg {
timeout, err := time.ParseDuration(viper.GetString("version"))
if err != nil {
timeout = time.Second
db, err := bolt.Open(s.dbPath, 0600, &bolt.Options{Timeout: timeout})
if err == bolt.ErrTimeout {
return func() wandle.Msg { return BrowseMsg{source: BS_CmdDBTimeout} }
s.db = models.NewBoltDB(db)
if viper.GetBool("readonly") {
s.resizeWindow(w, h)
return nil
func (s *browseScreen) Update(msg wandle.Msg) wandle.Cmd {
@ -58,18 +86,96 @@ func (s *browseScreen) handleBrowseMsg(msg BrowseMsg) wandle.Cmd {
func (s *browseScreen) handleTermboxEvent(msg termbox.Event) wandle.Cmd {
if (msg.Type == termbox.EventKey && msg.Key == termbox.KeyEsc) || s.menu.IsActive() {
return s.menu.Update(msg)
switch msg.Type {
case termbox.EventKey:
if cmd := s.treePane.Update(msg); cmd != nil {
return cmd
if msg.Ch == '?' {
return wandle.SwitchScreenCmd(NewAboutScreen(s.ui))
} else if msg.Ch == 'q' || msg.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlC {
return wandle.Quit
} else if msg.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlN {
// Next File
idx := viper.GetInt("dbidx") + 1
if idx >= len(viper.GetStringSlice("dbs")) {
s.setStatus("Already at last file", time.Second)
} else {
viper.Set("dbidx", idx)
return wandle.SwitchScreenCmd(NewBrowseScreen(s.ui))
} else if msg.Key == termbox.KeyCtrlP {
// Previous File
idx := viper.GetInt("dbidx") - 1
if idx < 0 {
s.setStatus("Already at first file", time.Second)
} else {
viper.Set("dbidx", idx)
return wandle.SwitchScreenCmd(NewBrowseScreen(s.ui))
case termbox.EventResize:
s.resizeWindow(msg.Width, msg.Height)
return nil
func (s *browseScreen) View(style wandle.Style) {
func (s *browseScreen) resizeWindow(w, h int) {
lw := w
if lw > 80 {
lw = lw / 2
// Re-build Tree pane
// Re-build Right Pane buffer
s.rightPane = ViewPort{
x: lw + 1,
width: w - lw,
height: h - 2,
func (s *browseScreen) View(style wandle.Style) {
w, h := termbox.Size()
if w > 80 {
x := s.rightPane.GetX() - 1
termbox.SetCell(x, 1, '╦', style.Foreground, style.Background)
wandle.Fill('║', x, 2, x, h-1, style)
func (s *browseScreen) drawHeader(style wandle.Style) {
width, _ := termbox.Size()
headerStringLen := func(fileName string) int {
return len("boltbrowser") + len(fileName) + 1
headerFileName := s.dbPath
if headerStringLen(headerFileName) > width {
headerFileName = filepath.Base(headerFileName)
headerString := "boltbrowser" + ": " + headerFileName
count := ((width - len(headerString)) / 2) + 1
if count < 0 {
count = 0
spaces := strings.Repeat(" ", count)
wandle.Print(0, 0, style, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", spaces, headerString, spaces))
wandle.Fill('═', 0, 1, width, 1, style)
func (s *browseScreen) setStatus(status string, timeout time.Duration) {
if timeout > 0 {
go func() {
if s.status.GetText() == status {
s.status.SetText("Press '?' for help")

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
package ui
import (
const (
@ -12,7 +11,6 @@ const (
type Ui struct {
config Config
wandle *wandle.Program
browseScreen *browseScreen
@ -21,10 +19,12 @@ type Ui struct {
func NewUi() *Ui {
u := new(Ui)
u.browseScreen = NewBrowseScreen(u)
u.config = Config{
sep: string(os.PathSeparator),
u.wandle = wandle.NewProgram(u.browseScreen)
//u.wandle = wandle.NewProgram(NewAboutScreen(u))
termbox.RGBToAttribute(uint8(0), uint8(255), uint8(0)),
termbox.RGBToAttribute(uint8(0), uint8(0), uint8(0)),
return u

ui/viewport.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package ui
import "git.bullercodeworks.com/brian/wandle"
ViewPort helps keep track of what's being displayed on the screen
It matches the widdle interface:
type ViewPort struct {
x, y int
width int
height int
scrollRow int
active bool
firstRow int
buffer []string
func (w *ViewPort) Init() wandle.Cmd {
return nil
func (w *ViewPort) Update(wandle.Msg) wandle.Cmd {
return nil
func (w *ViewPort) View(style wandle.Style) {}
func (w *ViewPort) IsActive() bool { return w.active }
func (w *ViewPort) SetActive(b bool) { w.active = b }
func (w *ViewPort) Focusable() bool { return true }
func (w *ViewPort) SetX(x int) { w.x = x }
func (w *ViewPort) SetY(y int) { w.y = y }
func (w *ViewPort) GetX() int { return w.x }
func (w *ViewPort) GetY() int { return w.y }
func (w *ViewPort) GetHeight() int { return w.height }
func (w *ViewPort) GetWidth() int { return w.width }
func (w *ViewPort) SetBuffer(buffer []string) { w.buffer = buffer }