package main import ( "errors" "flag" "fmt" "os" "strconv" ) const ( flagBalance = "balance" flagCreate = "create" flagSend = "send" flagLedger = "ledger" flagCreateWallet = "createwallet" flagListAddresses = "listaddresses" ) type CLI struct{} // Run parses command line arguments and processes commands func (cli *CLI) Run() { cli.validateArgs() // Valid CLI flags getBalanceCmd := flag.NewFlagSet(flagBalance, flag.ExitOnError) createBlockchainCmd := flag.NewFlagSet(flagCreate, flag.ExitOnError) createWalletCmd := flag.NewFlagSet(flagCreateWallet, flag.ExitOnError) listAddressesCmd := flag.NewFlagSet(flagListAddresses, flag.ExitOnError) sendCmd := flag.NewFlagSet(flagSend, flag.ExitOnError) printChainCmd := flag.NewFlagSet(flagLedger, flag.ExitOnError) getBalanceAddress := getBalanceCmd.String("address", "", "The address to get the balance of") createBlockchainAddress := createBlockchainCmd.String("address", "", "The address to send the genesis block reward to") sendFrom := sendCmd.String("from", "", "Source wallet address") sendTo := sendCmd.String("to", "", "Destination wallet address") sendAmount := sendCmd.Int("amount", 0, "Amount to send") switch os.Args[1] { case flagBalance: if err := getBalanceCmd.Parse(os.Args[2:]); err != nil { exitWithError(err) } case flagCreate: if err := createBlockchainCmd.Parse(os.Args[2:]); err != nil { exitWithError(err) } case flagLedger: if err := printChainCmd.Parse(os.Args[2:]); err != nil { exitWithError(err) } case flagSend: if err := sendCmd.Parse(os.Args[2:]); err != nil { exitWithError(err) } case flagCreateWallet: if err := createWalletCmd.Parse(os.Args[2:]); err != nil { exitWithError(err) } case flagListAddresses: if err := listAddressesCmd.Parse(os.Args[2:]); err != nil { exitWithError(err) } default: cli.printUsage() os.Exit(1) } if getBalanceCmd.Parsed() { if *getBalanceAddress == "" { getBalanceCmd.Usage() os.Exit(1) } cli.getBalance(*getBalanceAddress) } if createBlockchainCmd.Parsed() { if *createBlockchainAddress == "" { createBlockchainCmd.Usage() os.Exit(1) } cli.createBlockchain(*createBlockchainAddress) } if printChainCmd.Parsed() { cli.printChain() } if sendCmd.Parsed() { if *sendFrom == "" || *sendTo == "" || *sendAmount <= 0 { sendCmd.Usage() os.Exit(1) } cli.send(*sendFrom, *sendTo, *sendAmount) } if createWalletCmd.Parsed() { cli.createWallet() } if listAddressesCmd.Parsed() { cli.listAddresses() } } // createBlockchain creates a new blockchain with a genesis block func (cli *CLI) createBlockchain(address string) { if !ValidateAddress(address) { exitWithError(errors.New("Address is not valid")) } bc := CreateBlockchain(address) bc.db.Close() fmt.Println("Done!") } // createWallet creates a wallet and outputs the new address func (cli *CLI) createWallet() { wallets, _ := NewWallets() address := wallets.CreateWallet() wallets.SaveToFile() fmt.Printf("Your new address: %s\n", address) } // getBalance retrieves the transaction balance for an address func (cli *CLI) getBalance(address string) { if !ValidateAddress(address) { exitWithError(errors.New("Invalid Address")) } bc := NewBlockchain() defer bc.db.Close() balance := 0 pubKeyHash := Base58Decode([]byte(address)) pubKeyHash = pubKeyHash[1 : len(pubKeyHash)-4] UTXOs := bc.FindUTXO(pubKeyHash) for _, out := range UTXOs { balance += out.Value } fmt.Printf("Balance of '%s': %d\n", address, balance) } // listAddresses outputs all addresses from the wallets file func (cli *CLI) listAddresses() { wallets, err := NewWallets() if err != nil { exitWithError(err) } addresses := wallets.GetAddresses() for _, address := range addresses { fmt.Println(address) } } // printChain outputs the entire ledger func (cli *CLI) printChain() { bc := NewBlockchain() defer bc.db.Close() bci := bc.Iterator() for { block := bci.Next() fmt.Printf("Prev. hash: %x\n", block.PrevBlockHash) fmt.Printf("Hash: %x\n", block.Hash) pow := NewProofOfWork(block) fmt.Printf("PoW: %s\n", strconv.FormatBool(pow.Validate())) fmt.Println() if len(block.PrevBlockHash) == 0 { break } } } // send Triggers a transaction exchange func (cli *CLI) send(from, to string, amount int) { bc := NewBlockchain() defer bc.db.Close() tx := NewUTXOTransaction(from, to, amount, bc) bc.MineBlock([]*Transaction{tx}) fmt.Println("Success!") } // printUsage prints the usage of the cli app func (cli *CLI) printUsage() { fmt.Println("Usage:") fmt.Println("\t" + flagBalance + " -address ADDRESS\tGet balance of ADDRESS") fmt.Println("\t" + flagCreate + " -address ADDRESS\tCreate a blockchain and send genesis block reward to ADDRESS") fmt.Println("\t" + flagLedger + "\t\t\tprint all the blocks of the blockchain") fmt.Println("\t" + flagSend + " -from FROM -to TO -amount AMOUNT\tSend AMOUNT of coins from FROM address to TO address") fmt.Println("\t" + flagCreateWallet + "\t\t\tGenerates a new key-pair and saves it into the wallet store") fmt.Println("\t" + flagListAddresses + "\t\t\tList all addresses from the wallet store") } // validateArgs just makes sure that we've got a couple arguments func (cli *CLI) validateArgs() { if len(os.Args) < 2 { cli.printUsage() os.Exit(1) } } func exitWithError(err error) { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) }