anvil = $a; } public function index() { $func_name = $this->default_function; if(isset($this->anvil->request->uri_array[0])) { if($this->anvil->request->uri_array[0] == $this->anvil->active_controller) { if(isset($this->anvil->request->uri_array[1])) { $func_name = $this->anvil->request->uri_array[1]; } } else if(!empty($this->anvil->request->uri_array[0])) { $func_name = $this->anvil->request->uri_array[0]; } } if(method_exists($this, $func_name)) { return $this->$func_name(); } else { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); echo "Page Not Found"; exit; } } public function load_helpers($helper=NULL) { $this->load_helper($helper); } public function load_helper($helper=NULL) { // All helpers end with '_helper' if(is_array($helper)) { foreach($helper as $k=>$m) { $helper[$k]=$m."_helper"; } } else { $helper.="_helper"; } $this->_load_files($helper, "helpers"); } public function load_models($model=NULL) { $this->load_model($model); } public function load_model($model=NULL) { // All models end with '_model' if(is_array($model)) { foreach($model as $k=>$m) { $model[$k]=$m."_model"; } } else { $model.="_model"; } $this->_load_files($model, "models"); } public function load_libraries($library=NULL) { $this->load_library($library); } public function load_library($library=NULL) { // All libraries end with '_library' if(is_array($library)) { foreach($library as $k=>$l) { $library[$k]=$l."_library"; } } else { $library.="_library"; } $this->_load_files($library, "libraries"); } public function load_views($views=NULL, $vars=array()) { $this->load_view($views,$vars); } public function load_view($views=NULL, $vars=array()) { // No restrictions on view names $this->_load_files($views, "views", true, $vars); } // Runs through a potential array of files // Checks for existence, then _load_file public function _load_files($a=null, $func=null, $multi=false, $vars=array()) { if(isset($a) && isset($func)) { if(is_array($a)) { foreach($a as $aa) { $f = APP_ROOT."/".$func."/".$aa.".php"; $this->_load_file($f, ($multi===true), $vars); } } else { $f = APP_ROOT."/".$func."/".$a.".php"; $this->_load_file($f, ($multi===true), $vars); } } } // Checks if the file exists and includes it public function _load_file($filename=NULL,$multi=false,$vars=null) { if(isset($vars)&&is_array($vars)) { extract($vars); } if(isset($filename) && file_exists($filename)) { if($multi) { include($filename); } else { require_once($filename); } } } }