package main import ( "fmt" "strings" h "" ) func main() { inp := h.StdinToStringSlice()[0] fishStr := strings.Split(inp, ",") part1(fishStr) part2(fishStr) } func part1(fishStr []string) { var fish []int for i := range fishStr { fish = append(fish, h.Atoi(fishStr[i])) } for i := 0; i < 80; i++ { var newFish int for l := range fish { if fish[l] == 0 { fish[l] = 6 newFish++ } else { fish[l]-- } } for ; newFish > 0; newFish-- { fish = append(fish, 8) } } fmt.Println() fmt.Println("# Part 1") fmt.Println(len(fish), "fish") fmt.Println() } // For 256 days there are too many to do it the same way. Instead we track the number of fish per cycle func part2(fishStr []string) { var fish []int for i := range fishStr { fish = append(fish, h.Atoi(fishStr[i])) } fishMap := make(map[int]int) for i := 0; i < 9; i++ { fishMap[i] = 0 } for i := range fish { fishMap[fish[i]]++ } for i := 0; i < 256; i++ { zeros := fishMap[0] fishMap[0] = fishMap[1] fishMap[1] = fishMap[2] fishMap[2] = fishMap[3] fishMap[3] = fishMap[4] fishMap[4] = fishMap[5] fishMap[5] = fishMap[6] fishMap[6] = fishMap[7] + zeros fishMap[7] = fishMap[8] fishMap[8] = zeros } fmt.Println() fmt.Println("# Part2") total := 0 for k := range fishMap { total += fishMap[k] } fmt.Println(total, "fish") } func printStatus(fish map[int]int) { var total int for i := 0; i < 8; i++ { fmt.Printf("[%d: %d] ", i, fish[i]) total += fish[i] } fmt.Println("Total:", total) }