Advent of Code

--- Day 24: Immune System Simulator 20XX ---

   After a weird buzzing noise, you appear back at the man's cottage. He seems
   relieved to see his friend, but quickly notices that the little reindeer
   caught some kind of cold while out exploring.

   The portly man explains that this reindeer's immune system isn't similar to
   regular reindeer immune systems:

   The immune system and the infection each have an army made up of several
   groups; each group consists of one or more identical units. The armies
   repeatedly fight until only one army has units remaining.

   Units within a group all have the same hit points (amount of damage a unit
   can take before it is destroyed), attack damage (the amount of damage each
   unit deals), an attack type, an initiative (higher initiative units attack
   first and win ties), and sometimes weaknesses or immunities. Here is an
   example group:

 18 units each with 729 hit points (weak to fire; immune to cold, slashing)
 with an attack that does 8 radiation damage at initiative 10

   Each group also has an effective power: the number of units in that group
   multiplied by their attack damage. The above group has an effective power of
   18 * 8 = 144. Groups never have zero or negative units; instead, the group
   is removed from combat.

   Each fight consists of two phases: target selection and attacking.

   During the target selection phase, each group attempts to choose one target.
   In decreasing order of effective power, groups choose their targets; in a
   tie, the group with the higher initiative chooses first. The attacking group
   chooses to target the group in the enemy army to which it would deal the
   most damage (after accounting for weaknesses and immunities, but not
   accounting for whether the defending group has enough units to actually
   receive all of that damage).

   If an attacking group is considering two defending groups to which it would
   deal equal damage, it chooses to target the defending group with the largest
   effective power; if there is still a tie, it chooses the defending group
   with the highest initiative. If it cannot deal any defending groups damage,
   it does not choose a target. Defending groups can only be chosen as a target
   by one attacking group.

   At the end of the target selection phase, each group has selected zero or
   one groups to attack, and each group is being attacked by zero or one

   During the attacking phase, each group deals damage to the target it
   selected, if any. Groups attack in decreasing order of initiative,
   regardless of whether they are part of the infection or the immune system.
   (If a group contains no units, it cannot attack.)

   The damage an attacking group deals to a defending group depends on the
   attacking group's attack type and the defending group's immunities and
   weaknesses. By default, an attacking group would deal damage equal to its
   effective power to the defending group. However, if the defending group is
   immune to the attacking group's attack type, the defending group instead
   takes no damage; if the defending group is weak to the attacking group's
   attack type, the defending group instead takes double damage.

   The defending group only loses whole units from damage; damage is always
   dealt in such a way that it kills the most units possible, and any remaining
   damage to a unit that does not immediately kill it is ignored. For example,
   if a defending group contains 10 units with 10 hit points each and receives
   75 damage, it loses exactly 7 units and is left with 3 units at full health.

   After the fight is over, if both armies still contain units, a new fight
   begins; combat only ends once one army has lost all of its units.

   For example, consider the following armies:

 Immune System: 17 units each with 5390 hit points (weak to radiation,
 bludgeoning) with an attack that does 4507 fire damage at initiative 2 989
 units each with 1274 hit points (immune to fire; weak to bludgeoning,
 slashing) with an attack that does 25 slashing damage at initiative 3

 Infection: 801 units each with 4706 hit points (weak to radiation) with an
 attack that does 116 bludgeoning damage at initiative 1 4485 units each with
 2961 hit points (immune to radiation; weak to fire, cold) with an attack that
 does 12 slashing damage at initiative 4

   If these armies were to enter combat, the following fights, including
   details during the target selection and attacking phases, would take place:

 Immune System: Group 1 contains 17 units Group 2 contains 989 units Infection:
 Group 1 contains 801 units Group 2 contains 4485 units

 Infection group 1 would deal defending group 1 185832 damage Infection group 1
 would deal defending group 2 185832 damage Infection group 2 would deal
 defending group 2 107640 damage Immune System group 1 would deal defending
 group 1 76619 damage Immune System group 1 would deal defending group 2 153238
 damage Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 1 24725 damage

 Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 84 units Immune System
 group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 4 units Immune System group 1
 attacks defending group 2, killing 51 units Infection group 1 attacks
 defending group 1, killing 17 units

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 905 units Infection: Group 1 contains 797
 units Group 2 contains 4434 units

 Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 184904 damage Immune System
 group 2 would deal defending group 1 22625 damage Immune System group 2 would
 deal defending group 2 22625 damage

 Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 4 units Infection
 group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 144 units

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 761 units Infection: Group 1 contains 793
 units Group 2 contains 4434 units

 Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 183976 damage Immune System
 group 2 would deal defending group 1 19025 damage Immune System group 2 would
 deal defending group 2 19025 damage

 Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 4 units Infection
 group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 143 units

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 618 units Infection: Group 1 contains 789
 units Group 2 contains 4434 units

 Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 183048 damage Immune System
 group 2 would deal defending group 1 15450 damage Immune System group 2 would
 deal defending group 2 15450 damage

 Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 3 units Infection
 group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 143 units

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 475 units Infection: Group 1 contains 786
 units Group 2 contains 4434 units

 Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 182352 damage Immune System
 group 2 would deal defending group 1 11875 damage Immune System group 2 would
 deal defending group 2 11875 damage

 Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 2 units Infection
 group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 142 units

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 333 units Infection: Group 1 contains 784
 units Group 2 contains 4434 units

 Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 181888 damage Immune System
 group 2 would deal defending group 1 8325 damage Immune System group 2 would
 deal defending group 2 8325 damage

 Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 1 unit Infection
 group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 142 units

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 191 units Infection: Group 1 contains 783
 units Group 2 contains 4434 units

 Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 181656 damage Immune System
 group 2 would deal defending group 1 4775 damage Immune System group 2 would
 deal defending group 2 4775 damage

 Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 1 unit Infection
 group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 142 units

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 49 units Infection: Group 1 contains 782 units
 Group 2 contains 4434 units

 Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 181424 damage Immune System
 group 2 would deal defending group 1 1225 damage Immune System group 2 would
 deal defending group 2 1225 damage

 Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 0 units Infection
 group 1 attacks defending group 2, killing 49 units

 Immune System: No groups remain. Infection: Group 1 contains 782 units Group 2
 contains 4434 units

   In the example above, the winning army ends up with 782 + 4434 = 5216 units.

   You scan the reindeer's condition (your puzzle input); the white-bearded man
   looks nervous. As it stands now, how many units would the winning army have?

   Your puzzle answer was 16747.

--- Part Two ---

   Things aren't looking good for the reindeer. The man asks whether more milk
   and cookies would help you think.

   If only you could give the reindeer's immune system a boost, you might be
   able to change the outcome of the combat.

   A boost is an integer increase in immune system units' attack damage. For
   example, if you were to boost the above example's immune system's units by
   1570, the armies would instead look like this:

 Immune System: 17 units each with 5390 hit points (weak to radiation,
 bludgeoning) with an attack that does 6077 fire damage at initiative 2 989
 units each with 1274 hit points (immune to fire; weak to bludgeoning,
 slashing) with an attack that does 1595 slashing damage at initiative 3

 Infection: 801 units each with 4706 hit points (weak to radiation) with an
 attack that does 116 bludgeoning damage at initiative 1 4485 units each with
 2961 hit points (immune to radiation; weak to fire, cold) with an attack that
 does 12 slashing damage at initiative 4

   With this boost, the combat proceeds differently:

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 989 units Group 1 contains 17 units Infection:
 Group 1 contains 801 units Group 2 contains 4485 units

 Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 185832 damage Infection group 1
 would deal defending group 1 185832 damage Infection group 2 would deal
 defending group 1 53820 damage Immune System group 2 would deal defending
 group 1 1577455 damage Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2
 1577455 damage Immune System group 1 would deal defending group 2 206618

 Infection group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 9 units Immune System
 group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 335 units Immune System group 1
 attacks defending group 2, killing 32 units Infection group 1 attacks
 defending group 2, killing 84 units

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 905 units Group 1 contains 8 units Infection:
 Group 1 contains 466 units Group 2 contains 4453 units

 Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 108112 damage Infection group 1
 would deal defending group 1 108112 damage Infection group 2 would deal
 defending group 1 53436 damage Immune System group 2 would deal defending
 group 1 1443475 damage Immune System group 2 would deal defending group 2
 1443475 damage Immune System group 1 would deal defending group 2 97232 damage

 Infection group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 8 units Immune System
 group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 306 units Infection group 1 attacks
 defending group 2, killing 29 units

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 876 units Infection: Group 2 contains 4453
 units Group 1 contains 160 units

 Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 106872 damage Immune System
 group 2 would deal defending group 2 1397220 damage Immune System group 2
 would deal defending group 1 1397220 damage

 Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 83 units Immune System
 group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 427 units

   After a few fights...

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 64 units Infection: Group 2 contains 214 units
 Group 1 contains 19 units

 Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 5136 damage Immune System group
 2 would deal defending group 2 102080 damage Immune System group 2 would deal
 defending group 1 102080 damage

 Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 4 units Immune System
 group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 32 units

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 60 units Infection: Group 1 contains 19 units
 Group 2 contains 182 units

 Infection group 1 would deal defending group 2 4408 damage Immune System group
 2 would deal defending group 1 95700 damage Immune System group 2 would deal
 defending group 2 95700 damage

 Immune System group 2 attacks defending group 1, killing 19 units

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 60 units Infection: Group 2 contains 182 units

 Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 4368 damage Immune System group
 2 would deal defending group 2 95700 damage

 Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 3 units Immune System
 group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 30 units

   After a few more fights...

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 51 units Infection: Group 2 contains 40 units

 Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 960 damage Immune System group
 2 would deal defending group 2 81345 damage

 Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 0 units Immune System
 group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 27 units

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 51 units Infection: Group 2 contains 13 units

 Infection group 2 would deal defending group 2 312 damage Immune System group
 2 would deal defending group 2 81345 damage

 Infection group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 0 units Immune System
 group 2 attacks defending group 2, killing 13 units

 Immune System: Group 2 contains 51 units Infection: No groups remain.

   This boost would allow the immune system's armies to win! It would be left
   with 51 units.

   You don't even know how you could boost the reindeer's immune system or what
   effect it might have, so you need to be cautious and find the smallest boost
   that would allow the immune system to win.

   How many units does the immune system have left after getting the smallest
   boost it needs to win?

   Your puzzle answer was 5923.

   Both parts of this puzzle are complete! They provide two gold stars: **

   At this point, you should return to your Advent calendar and try another

   If you still want to see it, you can get your puzzle input.


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