# Advent of Code --- Day 22: Reactor Reboot --- Operating at these extreme ocean depths has overloaded the submarine's reactor; it needs to be rebooted. The reactor core is made up of a large 3-dimensional grid made up entirely of cubes, one cube per integer 3-dimensional coordinate (x,y,z). Each cube can be either on or off; at the start of the reboot process, they are all off. (Could it be an old model of a reactor you've seen before?) To reboot the reactor, you just need to set all of the cubes to either on or off by following a list of reboot steps (your puzzle input). Each step specifies a cuboid (the set of all cubes that have coordinates which fall within ranges for x, y, and z) and whether to turn all of the cubes in that cuboid on or off. For example, given these reboot steps: on x=10..12,y=10..12,z=10..12 on x=11..13,y=11..13,z=11..13 off x=9..11,y=9..11,z=9..11 on x=10..10,y=10..10,z=10..10 The first step (on x=10..12,y=10..12,z=10..12) turns on a 3x3x3 cuboid consisting of 27 cubes: • 10,10,10 • 10,10,11 • 10,10,12 • 10,11,10 • 10,11,11 • 10,11,12 • 10,12,10 • 10,12,11 • 10,12,12 • 11,10,10 • 11,10,11 • 11,10,12 • 11,11,10 • 11,11,11 • 11,11,12 • 11,12,10 • 11,12,11 • 11,12,12 • 12,10,10 • 12,10,11 • 12,10,12 • 12,11,10 • 12,11,11 • 12,11,12 • 12,12,10 • 12,12,11 • 12,12,12 The second step (on x=11..13,y=11..13,z=11..13) turns on a 3x3x3 cuboid that overlaps with the first. As a result, only 19 additional cubes turn on; the rest are already on from the previous step: • 11,11,13 • 11,12,13 • 11,13,11 • 11,13,12 • 11,13,13 • 12,11,13 • 12,12,13 • 12,13,11 • 12,13,12 • 12,13,13 • 13,11,11 • 13,11,12 • 13,11,13 • 13,12,11 • 13,12,12 • 13,12,13 • 13,13,11 • 13,13,12 • 13,13,13 The third step (off x=9..11,y=9..11,z=9..11) turns off a 3x3x3 cuboid that overlaps partially with some cubes that are on, ultimately turning off 8 cubes: • 10,10,10 • 10,10,11 • 10,11,10 • 10,11,11 • 11,10,10 • 11,10,11 • 11,11,10 • 11,11,11 The final step (on x=10..10,y=10..10,z=10..10) turns on a single cube, 10,10,10. After this last step, 39 cubes are on. The initialization procedure only uses cubes that have x, y, and z positions of at least -50 and at most 50. For now, ignore cubes outside this region. Here is a larger example: on x=-20..26,y=-36..17,z=-47..7 on x=-20..33,y=-21..23,z=-26..28 on x=-22..28,y=-29..23,z=-38..16 on x=-46..7,y=-6..46,z=-50..-1 on x=-49..1,y=-3..46,z=-24..28 on x=2..47,y=-22..22,z=-23..27 on x=-27..23,y=-28..26,z=-21..29 on x=-39..5,y=-6..47,z=-3..44 on x=-30..21,y=-8..43,z=-13..34 on x=-22..26,y=-27..20,z=-29..19 off x=-48..-32,y=26..41,z=-47..-37 on x=-12..35,y=6..50,z=-50..-2 off x=-48..-32,y=-32..-16,z=-15..-5 on x=-18..26,y=-33..15,z=-7..46 off x=-40..-22,y=-38..-28,z=23..41 on x=-16..35,y=-41..10,z=-47..6 off x=-32..-23,y=11..30,z=-14..3 on x=-49..-5,y=-3..45,z=-29..18 off x=18..30,y=-20..-8,z=-3..13 on x=-41..9,y=-7..43,z=-33..15 on x=-54112..-39298,y=-85059..-49293,z=-27449..7877 on x=967..23432,y=45373..81175,z=27513..53682 The last two steps are fully outside the initialization procedure area; all other steps are fully within it. After executing these steps in the initialization procedure region, 590784 cubes are on. Execute the reboot steps. Afterward, considering only cubes in the region x=-50..50,y=-50..50,z=-50..50, how many cubes are on? Your puzzle answer was 547648. --- Part Two --- Now that the initialization procedure is complete, you can reboot the reactor. Starting with all cubes off, run all of the reboot steps for all cubes in the reactor. Consider the following reboot steps: on x=-5..47,y=-31..22,z=-19..33 on x=-44..5,y=-27..21,z=-14..35 on x=-49..-1,y=-11..42,z=-10..38 on x=-20..34,y=-40..6,z=-44..1 off x=26..39,y=40..50,z=-2..11 on x=-41..5,y=-41..6,z=-36..8 off x=-43..-33,y=-45..-28,z=7..25 on x=-33..15,y=-32..19,z=-34..11 off x=35..47,y=-46..-34,z=-11..5 on x=-14..36,y=-6..44,z=-16..29 on x=-57795..-6158,y=29564..72030,z=20435..90618 on x=36731..105352,y=-21140..28532,z=16094..90401 on x=30999..107136,y=-53464..15513,z=8553..71215 on x=13528..83982,y=-99403..-27377,z=-24141..23996 on x=-72682..-12347,y=18159..111354,z=7391..80950 on x=-1060..80757,y=-65301..-20884,z=-103788..-16709 on x=-83015..-9461,y=-72160..-8347,z=-81239..-26856 on x=-52752..22273,y=-49450..9096,z=54442..119054 on x=-29982..40483,y=-108474..-28371,z=-24328..38471 on x=-4958..62750,y=40422..118853,z=-7672..65583 on x=55694..108686,y=-43367..46958,z=-26781..48729 on x=-98497..-18186,y=-63569..3412,z=1232..88485 on x=-726..56291,y=-62629..13224,z=18033..85226 on x=-110886..-34664,y=-81338..-8658,z=8914..63723 on x=-55829..24974,y=-16897..54165,z=-121762..-28058 on x=-65152..-11147,y=22489..91432,z=-58782..1780 on x=-120100..-32970,y=-46592..27473,z=-11695..61039 on x=-18631..37533,y=-124565..-50804,z=-35667..28308 on x=-57817..18248,y=49321..117703,z=5745..55881 on x=14781..98692,y=-1341..70827,z=15753..70151 on x=-34419..55919,y=-19626..40991,z=39015..114138 on x=-60785..11593,y=-56135..2999,z=-95368..-26915 on x=-32178..58085,y=17647..101866,z=-91405..-8878 on x=-53655..12091,y=50097..105568,z=-75335..-4862 on x=-111166..-40997,y=-71714..2688,z=5609..50954 on x=-16602..70118,y=-98693..-44401,z=5197..76897 on x=16383..101554,y=4615..83635,z=-44907..18747 off x=-95822..-15171,y=-19987..48940,z=10804..104439 on x=-89813..-14614,y=16069..88491,z=-3297..45228 on x=41075..99376,y=-20427..49978,z=-52012..13762 on x=-21330..50085,y=-17944..62733,z=-112280..-30197 on x=-16478..35915,y=36008..118594,z=-7885..47086 off x=-98156..-27851,y=-49952..43171,z=-99005..-8456 off x=2032..69770,y=-71013..4824,z=7471..94418 on x=43670..120875,y=-42068..12382,z=-24787..38892 off x=37514..111226,y=-45862..25743,z=-16714..54663 off x=25699..97951,y=-30668..59918,z=-15349..69697 off x=-44271..17935,y=-9516..60759,z=49131..112598 on x=-61695..-5813,y=40978..94975,z=8655..80240 off x=-101086..-9439,y=-7088..67543,z=33935..83858 off x=18020..114017,y=-48931..32606,z=21474..89843 off x=-77139..10506,y=-89994..-18797,z=-80..59318 off x=8476..79288,y=-75520..11602,z=-96624..-24783 on x=-47488..-1262,y=24338..100707,z=16292..72967 off x=-84341..13987,y=2429..92914,z=-90671..-1318 off x=-37810..49457,y=-71013..-7894,z=-105357..-13188 off x=-27365..46395,y=31009..98017,z=15428..76570 off x=-70369..-16548,y=22648..78696,z=-1892..86821 on x=-53470..21291,y=-120233..-33476,z=-44150..38147 off x=-93533..-4276,y=-16170..68771,z=-104985..-24507 After running the above reboot steps, 2758514936282235 cubes are on. (Just for fun, 474140 of those are also in the initialization procedure region.) Starting again with all cubes off, execute all reboot steps. Afterward, considering all cubes, how many cubes are on? Your puzzle answer was 1206644425246111. Both parts of this puzzle are complete! They provide two gold stars: ** At this point, all that is left is for you to admire your Advent calendar. If you still want to see it, you can get your puzzle input. References Visible links . https://adventofcode.com/ . https://adventofcode.com/2021/about . https://adventofcode.com/2021/events . https://adventofcode.com/2021/settings . https://adventofcode.com/2021/auth/logout . Advent of Code Supporter https://adventofcode.com/2021/support . https://adventofcode.com/2021 . https://adventofcode.com/2021 . https://adventofcode.com/2021/support . https://adventofcode.com/2021/sponsors . https://adventofcode.com/2021/leaderboard . https://adventofcode.com/2021/stats . https://adventofcode.com/2021/sponsors . https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/17 . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuboid . https://adventofcode.com/2021 . https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/22/input