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+.OOO.#.#O....O.#...OO#.##...#...O.#...OO..###..OO.#.O....O..OO#..O..O....O#.#.O####..O....O..O#O.... +.OO.OO#......#....#..##O#O...OO....#....O......OO..OOO.....##.......O#.#.O.#O......O..#.#O..O.O..#.. diff --git a/2023/day14/main.go b/2023/day14/main.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25f232a --- /dev/null +++ b/2023/day14/main.go @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +package main + +import ( + "fmt" + + h "git.bullercodeworks.com/brian/adventofcode/helpers" +) + +func main() { + inp := h.StdinToStringSlice() + part1(inp) + fmt.Println() + part2(inp) +} + +func part1(input []string) { + m := h.StringSliceToCoordByteMap(input) + fmt.Println("# Part 1") + tiltNorth(&m) + fmt.Println(calcLoad(&m)) +} + +func part2(input []string) { + target := 1_000_000_000 + mapCache := make(map[string]int) + m := h.StringSliceToCoordByteMap(input) + var i = 0 + var ignoreCache bool + for ; i <= target; i++ { + tiltNorth(&m) + tiltWest(&m) + tiltSouth(&m) + tiltEast(&m) + if !ignoreCache { + if v, ok := mapCache[m.String()]; ok && i > 200 { + target = i + (target-v)%(i-v) - 1 + ignoreCache = true + } + mapCache[m.String()] = i + } + } + fmt.Println("# Part 2") + fmt.Println(calcLoad(&m)) +} + +func c(x, y int) h.Coordinate { return h.Coordinate{X: x, Y: y} } + +// m.FindAll returns a slice sorted Left->Right, Top->Bottom +func tiltNorth(m *h.CoordByteMap) { + rocks := m.FindAll('O') + for i := range rocks { + if rocks[i].Y == m.TLY { + continue + } + mv := h.Coordinate{X: rocks[i].X, Y: rocks[i].Y} + for m.Get(mv.North()) == '.' { + mv.MoveNorth() + } + if !mv.Equals(rocks[i]) { + m.Put(rocks[i], '.') + m.Put(mv, 'O') + } + } +} +func tiltEast(m *h.CoordByteMap) { + rocks := m.FindAll('O') + for i, j := 0, len(rocks)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 { + rocks[i], rocks[j] = rocks[j], rocks[i] + } + for i := range rocks { + if rocks[i].X == m.BRX { + continue + } + mv := h.Coordinate{X: rocks[i].X, Y: rocks[i].Y} + for m.Get(mv.East()) == '.' { + mv.MoveEast() + } + if !mv.Equals(rocks[i]) { + m.Put(rocks[i], '.') + m.Put(mv, 'O') + } + } +} +func tiltSouth(m *h.CoordByteMap) { + rocks := m.FindAll('O') + for i, j := 0, len(rocks)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 { + rocks[i], rocks[j] = rocks[j], rocks[i] + } + for i := range rocks { + if rocks[i].Y == m.BRY { + continue + } + mv := h.Coordinate{X: rocks[i].X, Y: rocks[i].Y} + for m.Get(mv.South()) == '.' { + mv.MoveSouth() + } + if !mv.Equals(rocks[i]) { + m.Put(rocks[i], '.') + m.Put(mv, 'O') + } + } +} +func tiltWest(m *h.CoordByteMap) { + rocks := m.FindAll('O') + for i := range rocks { + if rocks[i].X == m.TLX { + continue + } + mv := h.Coordinate{X: rocks[i].X, Y: rocks[i].Y} + for m.Get(mv.West()) == '.' { + mv.MoveWest() + } + if !mv.Equals(rocks[i]) { + m.Put(rocks[i], '.') + m.Put(mv, 'O') + } + } +} + +func calcLoad(m *h.CoordByteMap) int { + var res int + bot := m.BRY + rocks := m.FindAll('O') + for i := range rocks { + res += (bot - rocks[i].Y) + 1 + } + return res +} diff --git a/2023/day14/problem b/2023/day14/problem new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11d119e --- /dev/null +++ b/2023/day14/problem @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ + [1]Advent of Code + + • [2][About] + • [3][Events] + • [4][Shop] + • [5][Settings] + • [6][Log Out] + + br0xen [7](AoC++) 28* + +    $year=[8]2023; + + • [9][Calendar] + • [10][AoC++] + • [11][Sponsors] + • [12][Leaderboard] + • [13][Stats] + + Our [14]sponsors help make Advent of Code possible: + [15]Jane Street - Will our next great idea come from you? We hire smart, + humble people who love to solve problems, build systems, and test + theories. Our success is driven by our people and we never stop improving. + +--- Day 14: Parabolic Reflector Dish --- + + You reach the place where all of the mirrors were pointing: a massive + [16]parabolic reflector dish attached to the side of another large + mountain. + + The dish is made up of many small mirrors, but while the mirrors + themselves are roughly in the shape of a parabolic reflector dish, each + individual mirror seems to be pointing in slightly the wrong direction. If + the dish is meant to focus light, all it's doing right now is sending it + in a vague direction. + + This system must be what provides the energy for the lava! If you focus + the reflector dish, maybe you can go where it's pointing and use the light + to fix the lava production. + + Upon closer inspection, the individual mirrors each appear to be connected + via an elaborate system of ropes and pulleys to a large metal platform + below the dish. The platform is covered in large rocks of various shapes. + Depending on their position, the weight of the rocks deforms the platform, + and the shape of the platform controls which ropes move and ultimately the + focus of the dish. + + In short: if you move the rocks, you can focus the dish. The platform even + has a control panel on the side that lets you tilt it in one of four + directions! The rounded rocks (O) will roll when the platform is tilted, + while the cube-shaped rocks (#) will stay in place. You note the positions + of all of the empty spaces (.) and rocks (your puzzle input). For example: + + O....#.... + O.OO#....# + .....##... + OO.#O....O + .O.....O#. + O.#..O.#.# + ..O..#O..O + .......O.. + #....###.. + #OO..#.... + + Start by tilting the lever so all of the rocks will slide north as far as + they will go: + + OOOO.#.O.. + OO..#....# + OO..O##..O + O..#.OO... + ........#. + ..#....#.# + ..O..#.O.O + ..O....... + #....###.. + #....#.... + + You notice that the support beams along the north side of the platform are + damaged; to ensure the platform doesn't collapse, you should calculate the + total load on the north support beams. + + The amount of load caused by a single rounded rock (O) is equal to the + number of rows from the rock to the south edge of the platform, including + the row the rock is on. (Cube-shaped rocks (#) don't contribute to load.) + So, the amount of load caused by each rock in each row is as follows: + + OOOO.#.O.. 10 + OO..#....# 9 + OO..O##..O 8 + O..#.OO... 7 + ........#. 6 + ..#....#.# 5 + ..O..#.O.O 4 + ..O....... 3 + #....###.. 2 + #....#.... 1 + + The total load is the sum of the load caused by all of the rounded rocks. + In this example, the total load is 136. + + Tilt the platform so that the rounded rocks all roll north. Afterward, + what is the total load on the north support beams? + + Your puzzle answer was 108813. + +--- Part Two --- + + The parabolic reflector dish deforms, but not in a way that focuses the + beam. To do that, you'll need to move the rocks to the edges of the + platform. Fortunately, a button on the side of the control panel labeled + "spin cycle" attempts to do just that! + + Each cycle tilts the platform four times so that the rounded rocks roll + north, then west, then south, then east. After each tilt, the rounded + rocks roll as far as they can before the platform tilts in the next + direction. After one cycle, the platform will have finished rolling the + rounded rocks in those four directions in that order. + + Here's what happens in the example above after each of the first few + cycles: + + After 1 cycle: + .....#.... + ....#...O# + ...OO##... + .OO#...... + .....OOO#. + .O#...O#.# + ....O#.... + ......OOOO + #...O###.. + #..OO#.... + + After 2 cycles: + .....#.... + ....#...O# + .....##... + ..O#...... + .....OOO#. + .O#...O#.# + ....O#...O + .......OOO + #..OO###.. + #.OOO#...O + + After 3 cycles: + .....#.... + ....#...O# + .....##... + ..O#...... + .....OOO#. + .O#...O#.# + ....O#...O + .......OOO + #...O###.O + #.OOO#...O + + This process should work if you leave it running long enough, but you're + still worried about the north support beams. To make sure they'll survive + for a while, you need to calculate the total load on the north support + beams after 1000000000 cycles. + + In the above example, after 1000000000 cycles, the total load on the north + support beams is 64. + + Run the spin cycle for 1000000000 cycles. Afterward, what is the total + load on the north support beams? + + Your puzzle answer was 104533. + + Both parts of this puzzle are complete! They provide two gold stars: ** + + At this point, you should [17]return to your Advent calendar and try + another puzzle. + + If you still want to see it, you can [18]get your puzzle input. + + You can also [Shareon [19]Twitter [20]Mastodon] this puzzle. + +References + + Visible links + 1. https://adventofcode.com/ + 2. https://adventofcode.com/2023/about + 3. https://adventofcode.com/2023/events + 4. https://teespring.com/stores/advent-of-code + 5. https://adventofcode.com/2023/settings + 6. https://adventofcode.com/2023/auth/logout + 7. Advent of Code Supporter + https://adventofcode.com/2023/support + 8. https://adventofcode.com/2023 + 9. https://adventofcode.com/2023 + 10. https://adventofcode.com/2023/support + 11. https://adventofcode.com/2023/sponsors + 12. https://adventofcode.com/2023/leaderboard + 13. https://adventofcode.com/2023/stats + 14. https://adventofcode.com/2023/sponsors + 15. https://www.janestreet.com/ + 16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parabolic_reflector + 17. https://adventofcode.com/2023 + 18. https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/14/input + 19. https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=I%27ve+completed+%22Parabolic+Reflector+Dish%22+%2D+Day+14+%2D+Advent+of+Code+2023&url=https%3A%2F%2Fadventofcode%2Ecom%2F2023%2Fday%2F14&related=ericwastl&hashtags=AdventOfCode + 20. javascript:void(0); diff --git a/2023/day14/testinput b/2023/day14/testinput new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a24dce --- /dev/null +++ b/2023/day14/testinput @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +O....#.... +O.OO#....# +.....##... +OO.#O....O +.O.....O#. +O.#..O.#.# +..O..#O..O +.......O.. +#....###.. +#OO..#.... diff --git a/helpers/coordinateByteMap.go b/helpers/coordinateByteMap.go index 71148aa..3af8844 100644 --- a/helpers/coordinateByteMap.go +++ b/helpers/coordinateByteMap.go @@ -42,6 +42,44 @@ func StringSliceToCoordByteMap(input []string) CoordByteMap { return ret } +func (m *CoordByteMap) GetPos(x, y int) byte { + return m.Get(Coordinate{X: x, Y: y}) +} + +func (m *CoordByteMap) Get(pos Coordinate) byte { + if v, ok := m.Field[pos]; ok { + return v + } + return 0 +} + +func (m *CoordByteMap) Opt(pos Coordinate, def byte) byte { + if v, ok := m.Field[pos]; ok { + return v + } + return def +} + +func (m *CoordByteMap) Put(pos Coordinate, val byte) { + if pos.X < m.TLX { + m.TLX = pos.X + } + if pos.Y < m.TLY { + m.TLY = pos.Y + } + if pos.X > m.BRX { + m.BRX = pos.X + } + if pos.Y > m.BRY { + m.BRY = pos.Y + } + m.Field[pos] = val +} + +func (m *CoordByteMap) Delete(pos Coordinate) { + delete(m.Field, pos) +} + func (m *CoordByteMap) Height() int { return m.BRY - m.TLY } @@ -223,39 +261,6 @@ func (m *CoordByteMap) Count(b byte) int { return ret } -func (m *CoordByteMap) Get(pos Coordinate) byte { - if v, ok := m.Field[pos]; ok { - return v - } - return 0 -} - -func (m *CoordByteMap) Opt(pos Coordinate, def byte) byte { - if v, ok := m.Field[pos]; ok { - return v - } - return def -} - -func (m *CoordByteMap) Put(pos Coordinate, val byte) { - if pos.X < m.TLX { - m.TLX = pos.X - } - if pos.Y < m.TLY { - m.TLY = pos.Y - } - if pos.X > m.BRX { - m.BRX = pos.X - } - if pos.Y > m.BRY { - m.BRY = pos.Y - } - m.Field[pos] = val -} -func (m *CoordByteMap) Delete(pos Coordinate) { - delete(m.Field, pos) -} - func (m *CoordByteMap) GrowNorth(size int, val byte) { tlY := m.TLY - 1 for x := m.TLX; x <= m.BRX; x++ {