phonemesVocals phonemesConsonants syllablesPre syllablesStart syllablesMiddle syllablesEnd syllablesPost
Wildcard | Example | Description |
$[INT]P | $P, $25P | Use a random Pre syllable. The optional integer value denotes the per cent chance of adding the syllable. |
$[INT]s | $s, $25s | Use a random Start syllable. |
$[INT]m | $m, $25m | Use a random Middle syllable. |
$[INT]e | $e, $25e | Use a random End syllable. |
$[INT]p | $p, $25p | Use a random Post syllable. |
$[INT]v | $v, $25v | Use a random vocal. |
$[INT]c | $c, $25c | Use a random consonant. |
$[INT]? | $?, $25? | Use a random phoneme (vocal or consonant). |
%INT | %50, %25 | Frequency marker. Denotes the per cent chance for the rule to be accepted if it's picked. If the rule is not accepted, another roll is made to choose a name generation rule. It's used to reduce the frequency a given rule is chosen with. This marker may only appear at the beginning of a rule. |
name "king" { syllablesStart = "Alexander, Augustus, Casimir, Henry, John, Louis, Sigismund," "Stanislao, Stephen, Wenceslaus" syllablesMiddle = "I, II, III, IV, V" syllablesEnd = "Bathory, Herman, Jogaila, Lambert, of_Bohemia, of_France," "of_Hungary, of_Masovia, of_Poland, of_Valois, of_Varna, Probus," "Spindleshanks, Tanglefoot, the_Bearded, the_Black, the_Bold, the_Brave," "the_Chaste, the_Curly, the_Elbow-high, the_Exile, the_Great," "the_Jagiellonian, the_Just, the_Old, the_Pious, the_Restorer, the_Saxon," "the_Strong, the_Wheelwright, the_White, Vasa, Wrymouth" rules = "%50$s, $s_$m, $s_$50m_$e" }
Alexander IV Alexander Sigismund Stanislao V Stanislao Henry I of Poland Augustus V Stanislao I the Pious Sigismund IV the Brave John the Great Henry the Old John the Bold Stanislao II the Saxon Wenceslaus of France John Probus Louis V Wenceslaus Lambert Stanislao Spindleshanks Henry Herman Alexander the Old Louis V the Curly Wenceslaus II Augustus IV Alexander V Augustus Probus